3 ways to pick up an adventure (ADV) motorcycle offroad

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oh no i've fallen and i can't get up so [Music] [Music] all right this is a great example of a more realistic environment where you might just need to pick up your motorcycle and the method the method that most let me start over with that all right so this is a very realistic environment where you might drop your motorcycle it's not on a solid surface it's in loose dirt it's on an incline street tires now how the heck do we get out of this thing the traditional solo lift that nor most people teach is to stand like this and then try to lift the motorcycle this really isn't a great spot to do that because i have a lot of sand and if lift the bike i don't know where it's going to go or how to turn around my favorite lift is a deadlift that lifts it like this but the problem is i'm slipping and that makes it really difficult and it's too far down no matter what i do i'm always trying to watch my back i don't want to hurt my back at all in this case i really have two options i can lift it here up or i can spin the bike around and then try to lift it downhill in this case even if i lift the bike here which i can do if i get up underneath it and i push my body into the bike and you'll see what i'm doing here is i'm walking my arms all the way out so i'm not using my upper body at all i just reach all the way down i grab the frame rail as far low as possible and over on this side i try to come down not grabbing the hot engine and then i press my chest into the seat once i get my chest into the seat i can push forward at this point i can walk towards the bike and i can stand it up now the reason that this method works is with all this soft ground i need to create more surface area staying down on my knees allows me to do that and that way i can push into the bike i'm not lifting it i'm pushing the bike now the other way to do this on this bike in this situation would be to rotate and spin the bike that way the bike's only half fallen and that might be a much easier way to do this even though i can ride the bike up the hill now that it's falling and on street tires i'm never getting out of here the more realistic way the way i would probably get this bike down the hill is i would go ahead and just move the back of the bike up the hill now what i'm doing here is i'm not using body muscle strength my whole thing everything i teach is about being efficient in our movements and the amount of energy so what i'm doing is each time i i plant my feet i get a nice anchor i grab a hold my arms are almost extended and i throw my body back this way i'm using the motion to get the bike turned rather than burning a bunch of energy to do that same thing when it's time to come down the hill i can grab the front wheel i can grab the frame in this case just grabbing the frame is a much easier way to do this before i get the by the motorcycle pointed all the way downhill i'm going to use the hill to my advantage it's leaning just slightly uphill when i get to this side i use that same method where i'm down on my knees get down underneath the frame and push my body into the motorcycle until it's upright once the bike is upright now it's easy enough to get it to go downhill all right oh here's a really common place for riders to fall down when you start getting into these big loose river rock type of grates another great example to not use the traditional butt to seat lift the reason i wouldn't use a butt to seat lift here is that i'm always and i cannot say this enough always trying to protect my back and use the less energy as little as energy as possible when this motorcycle falls down unlike many of those street bikes we lay flat both wheels are off the ground and to successfully do the butt to seat i need to put my butt into the seat well when i do that i'm squatted down too far and my low back is bent that's going to cause me injury i need to face the motorcycle this is the most common lift that i use for off-road and it's the one that well it just takes less energy it's the one i use it's easy it's what i call a dead lift and it's very similar to if you're doing a deadlift in a gym i'll grab the front right bar i'll grab the back rail and what i'm going to do is i'm going to step up and forward across the motorcycle now my left knee is plow is pushing into that seat notice as i push it automatically starts to put those wheels or those tires back on the ground and this is really kind of a two stage one wheels to the ground stage two lift the motorcycle my back leg is extended out behind me what that does is ensure that my low back isn't bent as much or i'm not there's not as much curve in there it keeps it straight so i'm less likely to injure the back also as i push forward with the knee i'm using my weight to push into the motorcycle i'm not lifting i'm pushing the back leg can find ground and that can leverage against almost like a tripod on a camera one's forward one's back and as i slowly move forward each one braces the other and reduces the energy one hand on the front throttle in this case one on the back rail my body is across the motorcycle i'm not above the motorcycle and from here i can move up and across if you look carefully you'll see i'm straight across my my entire body is straight right now my arms are extended i'm not using my arms at all for the lift and then i can just walk into the bike until i find where it's balanced definitely my most common lift my favorite lift it's easy it protects you and on top of that it allows me to have let's see if we have a good balance point there all right okay that's kind of cool what it also allows me to do is make sure i'm facing the motorcycles so anything else that happens if i'm in the mud i'm not throwing it over i have good control of the motorcycle if i was still wearing all my gear at this point i could easily just mount the motorcycle and be started and be on my way just for good nature let's go and do this one more time so you can see up close what i'm trying to do find a grab rail or grab the frame underneath grab the run the front hand grip my knee goes into the seat and my body goes over the motorcycle when i push forward with my legs it's those fully extended arms that are just clamping onto the motorcycle i'm not using my upper body when i get the very top i either push my body into it or i can lift it the last little bit but primarily this is all lower body during the lift also when i go across the motorcycle my back leg is extended that's what's protecting my low back always always protect your back um [Music] this is an ideal opportunity to show you how to do a what i would normally consider a light bike lift but it works very well with the adventure bikes in this scenario this uses all the same all the same key points that i did on the other left keeping your back straight using your legs having straight arms with light bikes we often will pick the bike up out farther in this case what i'll do is i'm going to use the handlebar and when i pull the handlebar and i turn the handlebar to the right that puts this out farther from the bike it provides me more leverage the farther away from the bike i am the more leverage i have this really isn't ideal i can't get underneath it so i can't put the knee lift i definitely can't do the butt lift i mean i'm way out of position for that so the best lift in this scenario is to grab underneath the handlebar and what i do is i cut my hand under one side and then what i do is i go straight up and well correction and then go straight up i go up and diagonal across the bike so as i lift i leverage the bike and as i lift i push my body into the bike so it comes off the ground pretty simple lift hey everybody i'm about one week from jumping on the plane to go to nepal i am gonna bring all of my my gear with me and i'm hoping to find some good lessons that i can share with all of you i won't have a chance to do a lot of editing or upload a video while i'm there but i will give updates and pictures on instagram and on facebook if you don't follow me on those platforms feel free to join me those of you that are joining me in depaul i can't wait to see you it's been so long we started planning this all the way before covid it's about time this happens if you're interested in doing an international motorcycle adventure training tour with me i still have openings for south africa in may and june of 2022. remember these are small group events we have four staff members three of them on bikes only 10 riders includes training international border crossings we're going to botswana we're going to zambia we're going to start off in south africa if you're interested in that check out bretax.com if not and you're just here to enjoy the channel make sure you're thankful to all of those patreon supporters who keep this channel alive their support is what keeps this equipment running make sure you hit like hit subscribe share it with your friends i'll see you on the next video
Channel: Bret Tkacs
Views: 51,619
Rating: 4.9554691 out of 5
Keywords: Brett, adventure, adv motorcycle, mototrek, instruction, teaching, ktm, BMW, honda, yamaha, suzuki, husky, R1200gs, r1250gs, f800gs, f850gs, 1090, 1190, 1290, 790, klr5 650, dr650, xt650, t700, tenere 700, vstrom, dl1000, rawhyde, tkacs, takas, tacks, pssor, puget sound safety, learn to ride, advcamp, tips for riding, adventure r, 890 adventure, Africa twin, at10, at11, DCT, R1150gs
Id: C4NFXz8Y73c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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