3 Ways To Make Easy Side Money From Your Garden

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[Music] [Laughter] what is going out of run welcome to another very exciting episode right here on the my gardener Channel super excited about this episode because it's gonna be a little bit different than our normal episodes but it's one you all have been asking for and it's how do I make money with my garden well know for the longest time we have never made this a priority of ours and it still is not a priority but in recent months we've been able to make a little bit of money and I figured it'd be good times just film this episode because I know there are a lot of people that are looking to make money doing what they love now I'm not referring to making a living with your garden there's a lot of channels out there one being I mean if you're looking at doing urban farming my favorite channel of all time would be urban farmer Curtis Stone and recommend checking out his channel she's a great guy hey chill out blue jays are out so in this episode I'm just gonna show you how to make a little side money because in our garden we primarily grow for ourselves friends family and our soup kitchen we believe in supporting community and so we try to do that as much as possible but even then after all of that is said and done we have a lot of produce that we can sell one crop we were able to make a fair amount of money this year planting is lettuce lettuce is a terrific crop to grow for for it's sellable value because a lot of restaurants locally are looking now for those those locally grown crops lettuce is something that is in high demand because of salads garnishes burgers sandwiches mean you name it it's got lettuce on it and a lot of these restaurants if you're living in an area that is becoming more health-conscious it's it's kind of on the up and up it's trying to be trendy the trend now is locally grown it's locally sourced and it is health-conscious so salads are something that a lot of more people a lot more people are looking to you know are looking to eat and looking to incorporate in their menus whereas it's also very difficult to source them in areas like where we live because there's not a lot of people growing them so restaurants are forced to go with a company like Gordon food services or other restaurant supply companies that just kind of give you whatever they're harvesting it's usually been shipped hundreds of miles it's usually not locally grown at all and it also is usually really expensive because it's a perishable item so we've been able to actually grow this spring mix here we throw in just a very of different lettuces and we've been able to get about six dollars a pound for our lettuce that is a terrific price for this area and normally I mean the market prices use about 450 to $5 but because we're giving them a premium we're cutting it same-day and delivering it to them when they need it it's really great because we were able to make a little money on the side so that's just one way that we've been able to make some money with our garden let's go to the second way we've been able to make a little money all right so the second way we make some money as it's starting to rain pretty pretty hard now so we're gonna make this quick is with herbs herbs are a great moneymaker because of the fact that they are perishable and they are expensive cilantro here where we live is about a dollar fifty a bunch and we're talking a small bunch so we're talking about maybe about this much or so it's close to a buck fifty at our local grocery store now obviously restaurants are buying this in bulk but it's very expensive and it's very perishable because it can't be you know it can't be flash-frozen it can't be it's not good dehydrated it has to be used fresh so restaurants a lot of Mexican restaurants will will buy this stuff fresh we actually have a Mexican restaurant just down the road that we've been selling a bunch of of this for about fifty cents per bunch and that's I mean that's a real good amount you know that's a real good price for for this much and you know when we when we harvest our our cilantro we like to give them first dibs on on the quality so we'll pick a bunch we'll let them kind of pick through there the stuff that they like the best and then the rest will just use fresh or will donate to local soup kitchen but we pretty much grew this block we harvest a little bit for us but we pretty much grew this block solely for retail because Chile for resale because I mean it just grows so easily and we had the space anyways we figured why not plant a crop that we can make a little make a little money on and this is a great one so this is a good dollar this is a good dollar item that you can make a quick buck on but also basil let's go talk about basil basil is one that every restaurant seems to use whether it's an Italian restaurant or whether it's just a deli that's putting it on their sandwiches or whether it's I mean we've had boutique drink companies that want to add them to like their lemonade's and things like that so we have sold so much of this basil it is a great moneymaker and one that really has been an asset to us because if you cut it back and it regrows it grows all season long it's so easy to take care of and the the caveat here is that you can grow varieties that are not sold at your local your local restaurant distribution company or even your local grocery store prime example we have our dwarf Greek basil we have our spicy globe basil we have our our purple ruffles basil we have we have lemon basil lime basil Thai basil great for Thai restaurants really hard to source high dollar item folks we're making on our on our basil here we're selling we have about 12 plants we're making about $10 a week selling our basil and that's just like stuff we have on the side when we want to sell it we sell it if we don't have any we tell them we don't have any and it's that simple you really don't you're not being contracted to source this stuff on a weekly basis there's a lot of restaurants that will do that so they have regular inventory but I simply said hey I'll call you at the beginning of the week if we have some to sell and you want to buy some great if not that's fine too and that's one of the real nice things about being a home gardener is its flexible and if you can find a restaurant that's flexible with you it's a total win-win situation so that's been a great moneymaker for us and has definitely really helped to to give us a little cash on the side which is which is always nice and finally the last moneymaker in our garden has been edible flowers this is one that is so commonly overlooked because it is an extremely high dollar item extremely perishable item at that so we have been selling two different types of edible flowers the first one you can all probably guess what that one is very common edible flower I got one right here squash blossoms these are commonly stuffed or fried or used as garnishes very very high-dollar item another thing that we've been selling very very frequently our nasturtium flowers mr. sheean flowers are extremely peppery they're great uses garnishes they're delicious and you know and you can sell these pretty readily to restaurants the caveat with that is you have to have a high you know a high dollar menu restaurant most mom-and-pop restaurants won't even know that these are edible or even consider putting them on their menu we're very blessed to about 30 minutes away have a gastropub one that is very well known throughout the country and it's it's been really nice for us to build ourselves some of those edible flowers to them because they put them on their menu they typically keep things really seasonal so when they do have them seasonal they're forced to source locally and since hardly anyone grows them locally we've pretty much said hey would you ever would you ever have any interest in getting buying some of these and putting them on your menu and they said absolutely we already do we just have a hard time sourcing them so if you can provide them we'll buy them and that's been real nice because those I mean just even a few flowers is gonna be about a buck for a cluster of probably 10 or 15 flowers so those are kind of those those real special items they're usually also candied which is another thing people can deal Ike borage flowers and put those on desserts and salads and things like that we're not growing in a barrage this year but last year we grew some and it produces unbelievably and you can make a lot of money doing that the next thing - I was gonna mention is make sure to make sure it's a win-win situation don't go in there with the mindset of I'm gonna make a quick buck and I'm gonna get as much you know much dollar I'm gonna get as many dollars out of what I'm growing as possible talk to them first and say hey we'll be a win for you so that it's a win for me you know don't you have to understand the food industry they make about 15 to 20 percent margins if they're really lucky on their food 15 and 20 percent margins is there low it's really low it's about 15 cents 15 to 20 cents on every dollar is is actual profit for the for the business that's very very low so I would encourage you to just talk to them first and see what would be comfortable for them work out a price because not every places is the same what the prices we're getting are not the prices you'll be getting so just some ways that we've been able to make money here on the on the on the homestead with our garden but now I want to talk about two other ways you can make money that are obviously pretty pretty self-explanatory but ways that you can definitely make some money all right the next way you can make some money with your garden is by selling compost compost is an awesome resource and is one that a lot of gardeners and many gardeners actually buy because they don't have a great way of either producing compost or maybe they live on a small lot where composting is not allowed and compost is something that we need to grow our plants and many gardeners pay top dollar between twenty and thirty dollars a yard so if you're someone that's producing a lot of compost more than you need sell it there's nothing wrong with putting an ad up on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace or offer up I don't know I mean there's a lot of different places to sell stuff and you can put compost up there no one's going to I mean no one will judge you for selling something people sell far weirder things and compost is like I said something that is everyone's you necessity when it comes to growing plants so make sure to think about that if you're someone that lives out in the country that produces a lot of manures through your animals and food scraps and yard waste and animal feed and tons of stuff like that can be broken down that can then be turned into compost and and resold and it's a great it's a great moneymaker I mean 20 to 30 dollars a yard this right here is about a yard and a half now again I'm using all of this on my garden but this is not that big of an undertaking to produce this this took about two months time and and if I you know if I sold just this and someone took me two months time if ice this for $30 which I easily could without a doubt I can easily sell this for $30 that's like 15 dollars a month extra money on the side so again just you you use your brain and get creative with different ways to make money this is a certainly not on the realm of possibility for some people I know especially those living in the country and the final way is with starts now obviously I don't have any start started but we've done this in the past we've done this even recently we sell starts because we grow so many more seedlings than we actually plants in our garden because it's smart to have some backups but when you don't need those backups there's a lot of other people that do and they're willing to pay top dollar for them starts are a great way and probably one of the most common ways people make money with their garden because the fact that you can sell a tomato seedling for two bucks you can sell a pack of four lettuce ceilings for for a couple bucks and people will buy them now I'm not saying you have to do this but it's certainly a great way that if you're starting stuff you're buying seed starting materials you can help cover some of the cost of seed starting and help offset the cost of your garden or even put a little money back in your pocket so these are great ways to make a little money with your garden and like I said there's probably a lot more other ways as well but it's just something that you can that you can take and and utilize and if you did use it great if not I hope you at least enjoy this video if you did make sure to give this video a huge thumbs up it really helps me out and also let me know in the comments box below other types of videos you'd like to see I'd really be curious about some things that you'd like to see because the gardens starting to wind down and so content is it's getting harder to harder to find those beautiful nuggets but I'm still trying for you because every time I come out I think I could do that I could do that video for them so I'm doing this for you it definitely helps if you throw down a couple comments to help me out so as always I hope you all enjoyed I hope you learned something new this is luke from me on my gardener channel reminding you to grow big or go home we'll catch you all later see ya bye
Channel: MIgardener
Views: 74,340
Rating: 4.974051 out of 5
Keywords: urban farming, cash, profit, migardener, quick money, Premiere_Elements_2018, side money, making a living, job, day job, cash crop, quick cash, making money from home, side business, growing a garden, curtis stone
Id: JaU_4GIzsTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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