What is Trifecta+ Fertilizer & How Do I Use It?

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well hello everyone and welcome to another episode here on the Emma garner Channel so what I'm going to be doing today is answering two of the most commonly asked questions here on the emigrant or Channel and that is from this bag right here a lot of you probably know what I'm talking about and I I'm glad that a lot of you know what I'm talking about here this is trifecta plus and that ties into the two commonly asked questions is Luke what is trifecta plus and how do I use it so in this episode I'm going to talk about what it is and how to use it so about four years ago before I started the immigrant our channel I was growing tomatoes and I was growing some other vegetables and I was really unhappy with how the fertilizers that I was using we're not giving me the results that I was hoping for and they were kind of just yeah and you know what I'm talking about where the results are in but you see other people's gardens you're like wow that's really great and then you see other people's gardens like that is impossible how do I get that and that is because a lot of the fertilizers are missing crucial components they have something that's great but they are missing something that's that's like also equally as great and so I set out to do something that I really thought was kind of important for my garden because I believe that growing food is the most important thing we need to be doing nowadays and so I set out to basically make a fertilizer that would fit my needs and that was something that also built the soil as well as fed my plants because there was a fertilizer here that I would be using that would feed my plants my plants go gangbusters and then it would crash and burn because the soil itself was not being built up and then there was times where I would have a nutrient deficiency and I would be using this other that was really slow acting and I would find that the plants just could not take up the nutrients enough to get out of this stunted state and they would be really stunted their entire year and here in Michigan that's so crucial to have a really successful start and a really successful finish and so throughout that entire growing season you have to be doing things right otherwise you're going to have a less than impressive harvest and so what I did was is I just combining stuff I just started combining and testing and and doing things that I thought would be really crucial on the fast-acting side and the slow acting side and so or the slow release side and so over the course of four years I have produced now what has been coming to be called trifecta plus it is hands-down the best fertilizer I have ever used and so many people you ask them I mean they're probably people that are willing to vouch for me right on this video in the comment section just check there are so many people that say this is the best fertilizer I have ever used and I don't like to call it a fertilizer because of the fact that fertilizer holds a stigma so what I like to call it is the ultimate soil supercharger and that I have it right on the bag because that is what I love to call it because it honestly is what trifecta plus has is micronutrients to fill all those micronutrient needs are not being covered by the by the macronutrient companies that just put out the the NPK so what I've done is I've combined the micronutrients and a combination of several of those different mixes of trace minerals and then I've also mixed in a very good formula of fast-acting stuff like blood meal and feather meal and stuff like that that is very plant available that's going to give you those boosts right away the next thing that I've done is I've also added the beneficial fungi and the beneficial bacteria because it's going to give your soil that extra life that is found in soil but it's going to give you more of it so soil is comprised of the micronutrients the beneficial bacteria and the beneficial fungi and that ties in to what I was saying earlier about about feeding the soil because I talked about here all the time how the soil is so crucial to having a healthy plant and the healthier the soil the healthier the plant they kind of go together and so what trifecta plus does is it gives you all the things you need to feed the soil all the while feeding the plant which is something that I've never seen done and it really does make a huge difference because of the fact that when you first use trifecta plus you're going to see immediate results that are really impressive but it's not going to crash and burn and need to be reapplied because what happens is that those slow release fertilizers they take a while for the microorganisms to break them down and make them plant available and so while the fast-acting or the fast-acting nutrients are working there they're magic in the background there's also nutrients that are kind of working their way up to being plant available and so all season long you have nutrients that are plan available all the while those micronutrients and things are feeding the bacteria that are growing and colonizing in your soil and it also has stuff like rock gypsum which breaks up clay soil makes it looser so that micronutrients have more have more space to thrive and grow and the the microf are the beneficial fungi like michael raisa they can come in they can colonize those roots and increase your root base and what that does is it also helps with watering you'll find that you actually have to water less when you're using trifecta plus because once the micro raisa colonize the roots it actually enhances the the root mass of your of your plant which allows more water absorption it allows for better nutrient uptake and it also supports the plant so it's not as fasted to top over it makes a stronger healthier plant in the end now what I want to talk about is the bags here the bags themselves are a BPA free bag I've gone the extra mile to pack them in a BPA free bag so that there's no chemicals leaching in as a trifecta they are basically bags that people pack coffee beans in and the next thing is that it's resealable because I cannot tell you how many times I've opened up a bag of fertilizer not used at all and then put it back in the garage I want to have a dump out because there's no sealing zipper so I have ones that have zippers on them and then I also have basically very clear instructions because I cannot tell you how many times I've bought a fertilizer I'm like okay so do I just use the same amount for everything and so basically I have some pretty I mean they're not it's not we're in peace it's not the longest novel you've ever you've ever read but it's basically broken down into three sections it's going to be easy for you to gauge how much to use per plant or based on the plant you're you're growing so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually bring you all in close and I'm going to plant because I've had this question a lot as well you know how do I use trifecta plus and it can be used with existing plants I've got some beautiful fruit bushes here and I've also got some tomato plants here that I need to get one in this pot here because it's my special tomato that I'm growing out for seed so I need to get that in a pot as well but before I start I wanted to talk about really quick the the reason why I'm using a fruit tree and a tomato plant and it's because I want to express uncovering three different little topics here one is that you can fertilize an existing plant you can fertilize when you're planting and then the third thing is that you can fertilize both fruit and vegetable and you can also use it on shrubs and stuff as well because what a lot of people come up with is well what type of my coryza should I be using for vegetables because some fertilizers have micro raisa but they don't have both endo and octo micro raisa and anyone that's really familiar with mycorrhizae fungi and that is that only one type of micro riser can can colonize shrubs and trees and perennials and the other type of micro raisa can colonize the tomatoes the lettuce the annuals so I've added both in there so that it really is an all-purpose fertilizer that anything can benefit from alright so here we go we're going to simply rip we have heat sealed these so they won't spill in transit that's what's really nice about that but then you have a zipper that you can just open up here access your trifecta check that out beautiful stuff very beautiful and oh man it smells so earthy I just wish you could smell it okay so what we're going to do is we're going to plant this tomato fir first and I'm going to show you how I like to plant so I like to prepare my hole here I like to dig it nice and deep and what I like to do is I like to take my trifecta so we're going to look on the back here and the amount that we use for tomatoes and corn basically heavy feeders heavy feeders require one pound per 15 square feet or 1/4 cup each plant and that is going to give you enough nutrients to literally last you all season it won't hurt if you add it again if you want to top dress later on in the season you feel it's necessary go for it it's organic it's not going to hurt I've started seedlings with this stuff it's unbelievable and so what we're going i'm eeen obviously when i start seedlings it's a little more diluted it's not full strength but still what we're going to do is just throw in a quarter cup there we go quarter cup then we're going to do is we're just going to mix this up here alright just mix it in with the planting hole right where the roots are going to be that way the roots are coming in contact with everything that they're needing they're going to come in contact with the bacteria they're gonna come in contact with the mycorrhizae and they're going to come in contact with the nutrients as well that are fast-acting so they're going to get that boost while still creating that some biotic relationship and you don't need to worry about you don't need to worry about the the fertilizer leaching out because of the fact that it is organic it's not going to it's not it's not water-soluble there are some water soluble components to trifecta plus but for the most part it's not going to run out it's not going you're not gonna have to worry about the the waterways being polluted by by runoff it's going to stay right in the soil right next to the plant where it belongs give that a little tamp down and then I'm just going to give that a little stake up because it probably look like it needs it so that is done I'm just gonna give that a quick water in and pretty much that's that's it I mean that's honestly you don't have to do anything else and it's good for the entire season if you want you can come come by later and give it a little top dressing if you wish it's not going to hurt it like I said so this is done so basically planting you can also I thought I mentioned really quick you can also if you want like for instance to to plant lettuce let's say you're planting lettuce from seed you can actually imagine this as a clean slate you can actually take and you can spread the suggested amount for you know for something like let's say cucumbers I would probably recommend lettuce fitting in the cucumbers that's one pound per 25 square feet and and so you're going to just kind of spread that one pound over over that given space and you're going to plant your seeds right in the soil and that way they're coming in contact with it as well so you can start your seeds right in the soil you don't have to do it at transplanting so if you're planning something like radishes it's better to plant outside just sprinkle it in that in the space where you're planting all right next we're going to talk about fertilizing an existing plant here and we're going to just sprinkle the trifecta right around the base of the plant all around the base of the plant it's not going to burn the leaves it's not going to harm anything if it gets on there and then what you want to do is you want to take a rake and rough it in not not a rake but like a little a little hand one of those little hand rake things or or a shovel or even a fork I've seen people rake it in with you just want to rough it in to the soil so that it doesn't just run away from the plant because you wanted to stick right next to those roots so just give it a quick rough-in and be careful of the top roots on the top of the soil but just work it into the about the top inch of soil there and then what you're going to want to do is then you're going to water very thoroughly and that's going to actually take the nutrients and they're going to work down into the soil over time so there you go I hope you all enjoyed since we didn't use it all we're just going to take the convenient little zipper here zip it back up and no more spilling yay so yeah definitely recommend checking it out my gardenerd.com slash store you can find it there we sell it in two and three pound bags it last you a very long time I'm telling you what and until next episode I will talk to y'all later this is Luke from the O my gardener Channel remember to grow big or go home and I'll catch you all later see ya bye
Channel: MIgardener
Views: 173,192
Rating: 4.8927612 out of 5
Keywords: fertilizing, trifecta+, tomato fertilizer, pepper fertilizer, mico, organic, migardener.com, migardener, fertilizer for seedlings, soil health, azomite, all purpose fertilizer, fruit tree fertilizer, organic fertilizer, micronutrients, vegetable fertilizer, garden, bone meal, best fertilizer, Premiere_Elements_10, miccorhyzea, fertilizer, endo and ecto, blood meal, trifecta, compost tea, Gardening (Interest), Vegetable (Food), Compost (Material)
Id: g4dqRbyAimc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2015
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