20 Crops You Can Still Grow In August!

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what is going on everyone welcome to another very exciting episode right here on the mi Gardener Channel I got a jam-packed one for you today because in this episode we're gonna be talking about 20 plants that you can still plant in August that's right 20 plants so for all of you that think that your gardens are either just ramping up into production or maybe you have your gardens getting a little bit battered by heat and summers beginning to wind down for you and you're not really sure what that next transitional phase is regardless if you are just getting into your main growing season or just leaving your main growing season August is a time when I want you guys to focus on fall you guys all asked me Luke what can I plant for fall or should I be planting for fall now is the time you want to plant for fall mid-august is the prime time to get most of your crops in because we're beginning a cooling trend this means that the plants that I'm going to outline in this video as we just rifle through there's 20 of them are going to be slow to mature they're gonna be a little bit longer to mature than they normally would in the spring but these are crops that are still going to have enough time to come to fruition they're still gonna produce food for your family and they're gonna cover those bare spots and get your garden looking great again even when a lot of your crops are starting to kind of dwindle down a lot of our tomatoes are just coming into full production we're not worried about them kind of fading out yet but when it comes to like our potatoes and our onions and our garlic and stuff like that we've pulled a lot of those out the onions and the potatoes they're coming out really soon too so we need that next transitional phase and as gardeners I cannot encourage you guys enough to always look and plan a couple weeks in advance get your stuff ready to go and hopefully this video is gonna help you out because you should never have a bear bed you should always be growing something that way you are growing food for your family and your soils being covered with beautiful plants the first crop that you can grow in August are beets beets are fantastic crop that I would encourage you guys to grow and succession plant succession planting is the best way to get a prolonged harvest so you're not overwhelmed with everything all at once about three weeks ago we planted our first succession of beets for our fall harvest these are going to be the first to ripen and be ready to be ready to pull in about four or five more weeks these are the Detroit dark red beets I love the Detroit dark red because they can handle the heat but they can also handle the cold this is something that going into fall I feel a nice cool breeze blow by me it's about 72 degrees it's just an absolutely amazing day but our nights get into the mid to low 50s right now and that is a great temperature to grow a lot of your cool weather crops but also that the daytime temperatures do definitely get into the 80s still so these crops are going to tolerate those high temperatures they're not going to go to see it on you and they're still gonna love those cool night temperatures as well we're here with our second crop that we like to plant in August which are beans beans will germinate better in the warm soil of August and they'll grow better in the cooler temperatures of late August and September beans are something that mature super quick in about fifty to sixty days whether it's a bush bean or a pole bean and that makes it an incredible crop to grow for a fall harvest so don't just think that beans are something you need to grow in the spring because if you've ever tried fall beans they actually do way better so there's crop number two all right crops three four five and six are cabbage kale Swiss chard and broccoli these are for crops that I cannot stress enough are perfect crops to grow in August these are crops that you can get started now and rather than maturing into hot weather they're actually going to be maturing into cool weather now these cold weather crops do great because they can handle really cold weather of mid to you know mid to late October which is when we typically start getting our first Frost's and they can tolerate those temperatures but rather than going into warm weather and getting shocked and prematurely bolting like in the case of broccoli a lot of times people get tiny little broccoli heads you're gonna get much larger broccoli heads because they're maturing much more slowly same thing with cabbage you're gonna get about 25 to 30 percent larger heads by growing them in fall because rather than the cabbage forming a head prematurely it's gonna have a lot of time to build up lots of foliage and the more foliage you have the bigger the heads are gonna be same thing with kale it's actually gonna taste better because kale gets sweeter as the temperatures get cooler Swiss chard same exact thing the leaves just get more tender and sweeter as you get as you get later into the year so one of the things I always stress is planting these four crops for sure in August because that way they're up and growing and they're growing into some nice cool weather alright crops 7 & 8 are zucchini cucumbers I absolutely love these two crops because they're fast to mature and they're ones that most people would never try to grow in a fall garden however I'll give you some reasons why I love to grow them in August this is because if you look at our cross behind us we have both cucumbers and zucchini in this bed we have cucumbers running along the trellis and we have zucchinis over here these are both crops that mature in about sixty to sixty-five days they grow extremely quickly but they don't like super-high hot temperatures like most people think they do these are summer crops yes however they're not hot summer crops these are more of like an early summer crop believe it or not zucchini when it's exposed to anything higher than 85 degrees shuts down production you don't get much fruit production it also gets stressed and gets powdery mildew from the high heat and high humidity and also it gets hides pests pressure from things like squash vine borers and squash bugs so if you can grow them if you can start your seeds in early August get them growing and maturing as the weather gets cooler rather than rather than them being exposed to high 80s low 90s temperatures you're growing them in a much more ideal temperature of mid - you know kind of low to mid 70s which is much more conducive for fruit production there's a lot less pests and there's also much less stress from heat and humidity because when the cool temperatures come the humidity leaves as well so try growing these I would highly recommend it and stick to a zucchini which is a summer squash and stick to a pickling cucumber which is a much faster maturing cucumber than some of your larger some your larger more longer maturing cucumbers the ninth crop that we can grow in August are bunching onions these are a great crop to grow because they don't need the long growing season like bulbing onions do they're cold hardy so they can grow into your first frost or even your first freeze and do just fine and also they're much quicker to mature but bulbing onions typically take about 100 to 110 days to mature whereas bungee onions you can start harvesting them at 50 to 60 days it's a great crop to grow and something that's going to grow well into fall and even early winter believe it or not so bunching onions number nine all right now we're in this part of the garden where we planted our 10th 11th and 12th crops that we love to plant in August and that is carrots rutabaga and turnips we love to plant carrots rutabaga and turnips because these are three root vegetables that don't take a very long time to mature they can handle the warm summer temperatures like your broccoli and your cabbage can but they're also cool other crops that do very well in colder temperatures of autumn so these are crops they're going to take around sixty to sixty-five days to mature but their crops that are going to produce it actually tastes better and get sweeter as the weather gets colder and here we're actually gonna plant our thirteenth favorite crop to grow in August and that is peas I absolutely love planting peas because they do not do well in hot temperatures but much like beans they sprout better in warm soil so what we're going to do is we're gonna plant these right now we're gonna get them up and growing and as they grow they're actually gonna grow into a cooling trend meaning they're gonna have a lot more time to mature they're gonna do much better into fall and erection get a much longer season here in Michigan we love to plant peas for a fall harvest because in spring and they typically get really bitter and hard and the plants dry up and pretty much burn up in the heat in early to mid June so we really don't get that long of a growing season where is with fall and we plant them now in early August we'll pretty much get a harvest from basically September all the way through October so we'll get essentially two months of of a harvest rather than a couple weeks so these are great one to grow in August the 14th crop that we love to grow our radishes now radishes are considered a cool to cold another crop so we can't plant them right now it's still too warm radishes don't like anything in the 70s at all so we need to do is plant them in late August we'll plant them around August 20th to August 25th that way they're in the ground ready to germinate and come like the first or second of September they're gonna be up and growing they mature in about 30 to 40 days which is great they're a super fast to mature crop and they're also gonna be growing in September you're gonna get them in the ground in August but they're gonna start maturing in September when your night temp temperatures are in the high 40s and your daytime temperatures are in the low to mid 50s maybe 60s at most nothing high temperatures over no high temperatures over like 70 degrees or they're gonna start going to seed so it's a perfect crop to grow in late August the 15th and 16th that we love to grow in August our spinach and these are very similar to radishes in that they don't like the high temperatures so we're not gonna plant them now now if you do grow in containers it's a wonderful crop to grow right now because you can actually move them out of the Sun during the heat of the day and move them out once the heat of the day is over so they're still getting sunlight they're still growing and they're gonna grow great for you in August now for those of you like us that are growing in raised beds and pretty stationary the way we grow we need to plant them either later in August or use something like shade cloth we don't use a whole lot of shade cloth in our garden so we typically plant our lettuce in like late August they'll be up and growing and these are a very long season grow so these are gonna grow well through September into October and we're gonna harvest cut and come again lettuce pretty much until October once we get into October in early October that's when we will plant our fall and winter harvest of lettuce and spinach these are crops that we'll cover with with plastic and will actually grow well into December and January believe it or not so these are an awesome crop to grow for a quick turnaround fall crop they're just gonna give you a lot of food in a very little time the 17th crop that we love to grow is kohlrabi this actually fits into the same category as your cabbages kales broccolis and Swiss chard these are crops that do take a little bit longer to mature but they can handle those cooler temperatures of October so even if they're longer to grow they're still going to mature and have plenty of time to grow and mature for you and they're an amazing crop to grow because they get sweeter kohlrabi just has an amazing crisp texture and they do better in cool weather and the bulbs would get larger much like they do with cabbage and broccoli when you're growing them in cool weather rather than in spring growing into warm weather so give kohlrabi a try it's one that not a lot of people give a fair chance to in the fall but if you can give them sixty to sixty-five days they're gonna do great teeth cropping we love to grow in August is dill it's a fast maturing crop that matures in about sixty to sixty-five days but it also grows in cooler weather so it doesn't bolt as fast when dill goes to see it it produces a ton of these seed heads which attract flies which I don't like in the garden and it also makes dill seed which spreads like weeds and then comes up in all my beds in later years so I love growing dill in August because it's growing cooler temperatures meaning it produces more of the dill leaves dill leaves will use in anything from - salad - potato salad - fish - making pickles with it's just a great all-around herb and I really love to use it so we'll grow it in August so we get more of those leaves and less of the flowers the next crop that grows super well in August is purslane we love purslane because it grows everywhere in our garden it pretty much sprouts wild for us but you can get seed the red they're readily available online and they're a crop that produces so much growth I love purslane because it produces in not only hot weather but also cold weather not only that but it produces omega-3 fatty acids it is a delicious citrusy green we'll throw it and smoothies as well as salads we'll saute it up add it to pastas it is just a great green the Chinese called the memory herb because it helps with brain function obviously with omega-3 fatty acids but it also helps heart and vascular health so it's a great plant to grow it's super versatile and that's why it's number 19 on the crop so we love to grow in August and in case you have a hard time identifying wild purslane or you don't have any growing you can buy the seeds over at MI Gardner comm we have some available over there for purchase only 99 cents a pack so you can't beat it and we made it the 20th crop that you can grow in August is amaranth I love amarant so much because it's such a versatile crop it produces grains which are a gluten free gluten free grain substitute but also produces leaves that we personally eat just like spinach when harvested young you won't even know a difference throw them in salads or saute them up they're rich in vitamin K vitamin E and vitamin B as well as iron it's a super nutrient rich green much more heat tolerant than spinach so you can grow them now and then grow them well into October just like you could with spinach but also you're gonna get a grain if it does go to seed you're gonna get a grain that you can store and use which is rich in protein which is rich in iron and fiber great for your body and it's gluten free so if you have a gluten free gluten tolerance or if you have celiac it's a wonderful option for you guys as well so there you go there is 20 crops that you can grow in August I hope you guys enjoyed I hope you learned something new if you did make sure throw a like up there share this video with your other gardening buddies catch you all on the next episode girl bigger go home everyone bye
Channel: MIgardener
Views: 342,097
Rating: 4.9603362 out of 5
Keywords: grow, crops, autumn garden, Premiere_Elements_2018, late summer garden, tip, garden tip, august, organic, Migardener, beginning garden, start from seed, gardening, fall gardening, what to plant
Id: 538cfJRPqqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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