01- ASI 2018 - “Evening Session” - John Bradshaw

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hello and welcome to ASI 2018 we're coming to you live from Orlando Florida from the Rose and Shingle Creek Resort Hotel Convention Center here in beautiful sunny Florida but we've had every day we've been here a big thunderstorm and just before we went live here at the rain literally just poured here but there's a nice covered walkway between the Convention Center and the hotel rooms to praise the Lord for that but thank you for joining us as you do each year for ASI and we have someone really special they want to go to this evening a live feed don't we yes is not a si without mr. Danny Shelton our president and CEO and of course his wife Yvonne Lewis Shelton and Danny just had open-heart surgery he could not be here but don't just gave us the sunshine and I believe we have Danny on a live feed right now they're in Southern Illinois in Thomasville and we want to go to him now thank you Greg and Jill Yvonne you know this is the first time since 1985 that I haven't physically been to an ASI convention I know but you know what we're gonna be watching it yes absolutely I know people who've been watching it for 25 years or so I've never been on this end of it wasn't my choice praise God we're here and we're able we're here at our home actually and in southern Illinois right by 3abn so we're gonna be watching this program I just want to praise the Lord for what a miraculous God that he is right he's such an awesome guy this is day 13 after your surgery Danny as most of you know had open-heart surgery and this is day 13 and we thank you so much for your prayers because we know that thousands of people around the world have been trained we really they really have not and I'm so thankful for that too actually they let me on this quadruple bypass yes they let me out after four days so we've been home and I'm kind of getting bored want to do other things I'm doing a little bit of writing and doing some things and plenty of exercise what I told him is is I said how many steps do I need to get in the hospital they said well whatever you can I said well tell me what the record is I want to beat it oh my playing basketball on Tuesday night you know then I said well at least I can compete you know this other way oh we would absolutely be there if we could but we feel like we are there with you in spirit and we will be watching as well absolutely so once again thank you so much for all to all of you for your love and your prayers and financial support at 3abn and ASI all right back to you Greg and Jill what a great report for mr. Danny and dr. Yvonne that's right he looks wonderful and we just join you in spirit they're in southern Illinois and thank you at home for your prayers for him in his recovery and for the beginning of this ASL shrine I love they aside we get to come together and see what God is doing even through people's lives businesspeople laypeople church people joining hands together to help finish the work and tonight's speaker is Pastor John Bradshaw and we love Pastor Bradshaw at 3abn he has a heart for God and he's a powerful preacher of the word so I know you're going to be blessed tonight that's right so you like music we know you do so let's join song service here on the stage at ASI Orlando Florida amen I'd invite you to stand with me as we sing our opening hymn hymn number 371 lift him up him number 371 we'll be singing the first second and third verses together leave him hard to see that beats you rapido to ever since in [Music] No we can the Brie the broken darkness through the a cry shall see [Music] [Music] now we bleed you flee from babies [Music] mean abortion [Music] side to his feet [Music] oh Jesus salvation [Music] [Applause] it is [Music] me the shave and creepy state mighty [Music] to flee from [Music] good evening you may be seated welcome to ASI it's so good to be here this evening ASI 2018 Andy who thought we'd ever see such a day exactly Ellen White thought we should have been home a long time ago oh yeah err this but here we are tonight Andy why do you come to ASI anyway well you know the Apostle Paul who I think wrote Hebrews admonished us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together particularly as we see the Day approaching and I believe that the day is approaching so I'm here to Fache it with you all as we see the Day approaching and we have a theme this year and the theme is business unusual what does that mean to you well it's interesting when we met together as a retreat to plan for the theme I was not really catching it and as it dawned on me it occurred to me that there are a couple of things that we want to hopefully impart to you before you leave one of which is business unusual includes examining ourselves is there something that we need to do ourselves to be ready and to be willing to serve the Lord is there something that we need to do ourselves to understand better and number two having done that to go forth and serve the Lord and witness to the best of our abilities so I believe this will be business unusual thank you Andy friends tonight we want that you should leave this place under the influence of the Holy Spirit we've been praying that God would bless this convention with the power of the Holy Spirit the program committee has worked hard and long to prepare the event but unless our hearts are ready unless we are willing to open our hearts to the presence of the Holy Spirit we could leave this convention the same way that we came in so tonight as we open our convention we've asked Frank Fournier former president of ASI joining us here tonight thank you Frank for coming we've asked Frank to pray for us that we would be under the complete influence of the Holy Spirit as we are here together this weekend Frank shall we bow our heads Heavenly Father such a blessing to be here it's a blessing to see as many people as are here now we know there's more coming father you've blessed us always in these convocations it's always been a blessing to come to ASI so now we can only ask for a double portion of the blessing that we've received in the past so that not only do we get a blessing we want to be a blessing we want to leave this place better than when we came we want isn't it time Heavenly Father that the Holy Spirit should be poured out upon us we're looking to you we ask you in this few days that we have together that our focus would be on you and that you would fill us with your spirit thank you for hearing our prayer and blessing us in Jesus name Amen amen thank you Frank thank you Andy tonight we're going to share just a little bit about some of the things that will be happening here at Convention get you a little quaint with some of the things and I've asked these three ladies to join me here to help me this evening with some of this so Naomi Naomi Jackson is our vice president for logistics they only tell us a little bit about some of the things that will be happening here at the convention this year sure well first off I know that our hotel rooms can sing really comfy but we want to encourage you to come and fellowship come to the meetings take the time to go to the exhibit hall there are so many fantastic ministries and mission minded businesses that are here as well and they are there to connect with you if you pull out your program guide your convention guide you can find out all about about where the different ministries are located in the exhibit hall and connect with them and figure out where your seminar is gonna be so we just would encourage you to stay connected throughout this weekend now Naomi you know the exhibit all experience is a little bit unique in that it's a little bit of a dangerous place you know because you could walk through that exhibit hall and you could get invited to participate in mission with some of the people that are waiting there to talk with you so please take advantage of the exhibit hall and allow God to work on your heart as you walk up and down the aisles and as you see these ministries and as you talk to these people just let the Lord engage you in some sort of form of mission as well so we've got seminars happening right we've got a great slate of seminars we have please take your program guides with you do not leave those behind you'll be looking at those we want you to choose the seminar that's right for you we've had a lot of work going to choosing these seminars so we're glad that they're here tonight and we're looking forward to that now one of the other things that's happening at this convention is we have Christie here with us tonight now Christie is a new face at ASI and that she has been with us for how many months now about six months about six months and how many of you have seen some of the ASI social media post raise your hand have you seen an ASI social media post praise the Lord thank you to Christie okay this is not thank you to me it's thank you to Christie Christie has been providing for us the social media presence and communication area now Christie you're going to be here during the whole convention right yes and you're gonna be walking around and what Christie is looking for is opportunities for stories yes you will see me walking around the exhibit halls the children's program area I will be a familiar face hopefully by the end of this convention I'll be coming up to you asking for your stories if I don't come up to you and you have a story grab me I love that so so we are so thankful to have Christian board and I have her here at the convention she'll be sharing social media posts during the convention keeping our family that's not here up-to-date and maybe you can go and see your story there so Thank You Christy so much one of the other things that we're doing this year is we're continuing our endeavor to connect with the young professionals Rinella tell us just a little bit about what's happening with the young professionals yes it's really exciting this year we really wanted to engage with the young people that come to ASI in a more intentional way and so we have a few opportunities for you if you're a young person here this weekend the first one of course is on Friday pretty much all day we will be having a young professionals conference in San like level two and we have some really powerful speakers networking opportunities really great programming if you are in a if you're a business professional if you're wanting to start a ministry if you're an office worker a teacher if you're just a young professional in the church we really want you to come and be there another thing is that tomorrow night we're gonna have a meet and greet after the programming at nine o'clock and every morning starting tomorrow morning we will be having a morning exercise with f5 at 6:00 to 6:30 for all the crazy morning early burn just for young professionals actually no the the morning exercise is for anyone and everyone so any fitness level meet out front of the lobby of this hotel 6 a.m. you'll see Sheehan and his bright red f5 shirt also if you want more details on everything I just shared go to the ASI Facebook page because we'll be making regular posts about it and we've already posted about it so hopefully you guys will be there if you're a young professional and morning exercises for everyone so hope you're all there thank you so much for sharing with us about ASI tonight god bless you as we continue this convention we want to take care of just a couple of items right now of introduction it's our privilege tonight to be able to introduce to you a couple of folks that you may or may not know and alex bryant is the secretary for the North American division and he's here tonight standing in for elder Jackson you know it's elder Jackson's 50th wedding anniversary this weekend and he has taken the opportunity to take his his bride on some time off he normally doesn't do that but you know 50 years you got to do something special right so we're glad he has done that I've asked elder Bryant to help us we're introducing tonight our new secretary treasurer for ASI a few months ago the North American division in partnership and cooperation with the ASI leadership underwent a process to try to find a new ASI secretary treasurer and ASI director for the North American division after much prayer and conversation and looking around and considering many names we came down the Lord led us to one particular name his name is Philip baptise and we're very very happy to welcome Philip and his wife to the North American division family and to the ASI family that is for sure that is a real privilege to have Philip on board Philip is an ordained minister in the seventy Adventist Church he has served as pastor in several congregations he served as a communication director and one or two of our conferences and he also served as assistant to the president in the East Central Africa division for four and a half years where one of his assignments was to be the ASI secretary treasurer amen and so the Lord has blessed us we believe God has led us to elder Baptiste to come and join our family and to be a part of the ASI organization and help to lead us in this next phase God is leading us and so I would like to present and introduce elder Phillip baptise as the next ASI secretary treasurer for the ASI organization an ASI director for the North American division Thank You elder Bryant Phillips say a word tonight to the audience we've baptized him this week with a little bit of fire how long have you been on the job Phillip just in Sunday so he showed up here at convention time on and I think we've been in meetings about 12 hours a day every day since then that's right but it's such an honor and a joy to be a part of this great ASI family and to engage in this awesome mission of sharing Christ in the marketplace I'm excited to work with Steve and the team and looking forward to doing all we can to hasten the soon coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen amen thank you so much Phillip we just appreciate that one other introduction we're making tonight for many of you you know that Sharon Bloomberg will be retiring after this convention and we needed to fill that position and some of you may recognize Sharon Robertson we were just kind of joking about it that in order to fill this position you need to have a certain name it should be Sharon and so Sharon Robertson is stepping back into the role she held a number of years ago and so Sharon we appreciate you coming back on board with us we're looking forward to having Sharon back with us helping us with convention planning and we wanted to make that introduction tonight as well so we're entering into a si now full time for the next few days may God bless each one of you and as you see these folks in the hall just stop and greet them and get acquainted with them we know that God is going to bless their ministry with ASI thank you I will be with the global youth leadership Congress in Kassel Germany with about 1700 leaders in youth ministry all over this globe please pray for us I will be praying for you as you with your very special theme unusual business unusual unity unusual focus unusual commitment as you focus upon how best to join hands together with all those who are focused upon total member involvement looking towards Christ soon coming everyone doing something for Jesus I want to thank ASI for the tremendous blessing you are worldwide and in North America thank you for holding firmly to God's precious biblical principles thank you for the proclamation of sharing the incredible three angels messages in everything that you do in the marketplace and elsewhere I want to also strongly appreciate the tremendous projects I believe about 42 projects that you sponsored last year thank you for what you're doing to help the mission of the church now some of you may say well pastor Wilson he looks a little bit different well that's because we are focusing upon Battle Creek Michigan where our annual Council of the Executive Committee of the General Conference will take place normally we hold it in Silver Spring Maryland but this time we're going to Battle Creek and encouraged people to certainly we will be dressing in some period costumes and those who wish to can grow a beard not of any religious significance but of highly spiritual connection in that as we go to Battle Creek our theme will be the past with a future looking back to move forward mission Ellen White has told us in the spirit of prophecy that we have nothing to fear for the future except that we forget how God has led us in the past and his teaching in our past history so pray for us as we will be in Battle Creek and as we will be focusing upon the mission of the church remembering how God has led us in the past and the same thing for ASI as you focus upon this unusual business that God has placed in your hands unusual unity and focus and commitment god bless each one of you in a very special way thank you again for what you're doing for God's church we believe in ASI let's look to the Lord as he leads us towards that wonderful soon coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ good evening ASI oh that's a live crowd I'm glad it's kind of new to see you elder Wilson with a beard I like it hey I'm glad everybody survived the rain and was able to make it here tonight I'd like to draw your attention to the ER bulletin or your handout the seminar presentations there are some exciting seminars that we are coming up with for the next two days I know for myself the seminars are one of the most exciting things that that we have coming up so we're going to be introducing number of our speakers here for the seminars tomorrow now the seminars tomorrow start at 10:45 in the morning and then at 3:30 in the afternoon so what time are you supposed to be at the seminars 10:45 and in the afternoon 3:30 all right this is really exciting so we're gonna have our speakers introduce what they're gonna be talking about tomorrow my name is Rodney boughs and I'm the president for health expo resources and a diva director for light ministry tomorrow morning at 10:45 I'm going to share a seminar it's actually a panel discussion with Vicki Griffin and Joshua Vasquez entitled sustainable health evangelism I'm so excited because we're going to look at several models that are proven to show how God's message of health and evangelism can be combined so that medical and non-medical people can be involved in gospel ministry all year long you're going to learn about how practical it is to share the love of Jesus with the world I'm Lilia Wagner and I'm director of philanthropic service for institutions by the time I was 10 years old I had been a refugee and immigrant lived on three continents and spoke four languages so I grew up with a tremendous appreciation for diversity and that appreciation grew when I got into fundraising and the field of philanthropy because our backgrounds do count when we are being generous so we're going to examine that tomorrow how our differences our roots can be used positively because philanthropy truly is a matter of inclusivity for good purposes hi I'm Joanne Davidson and I teach theology at the Andrews University Theological Seminary and tomorrow afternoon we're going to be discussing the glories of Sabbath you know 7th avenues rightly proclaimed the seventh-day Sabbath and we think it's so important we put it in our name but you know the Sabbath is a lot more than not Sunday and sometimes I get the feeling that we spend most of our times trying to decide what to do and not to do on the Sabbath and the Sabbath is much bigger than that tomorrow afternoon we're going to look at some practical ways to remind ourselves of the glorious nature of this gift of time in fact I think it's one of the great reasons that we can say God is love you know because lovers like to spend set specific times to be together my name is joy Kaufman and the session I'm leading will be a relevant health message for a global church I want to ask you all three quick interactive questions one do you truly believe that Jesus desires abundant life for all people - if there were a recipe for abundant life would you want to know it and three if you are convinced that recipe works would you be motivated to share it if you answered yes to all three then the farms do session and booth are the place to be good evening I'm dr. David DeRose I'm excited to tell you that we've got a new book coming out it's called the Methuselah factor how to live sharper leaner longer and better in 30 days or less actually that's our title for our seminar at 3:30 tomorrow I'm going to show you how to use that book as well as some existing resources that we've got a DVD miniseries and 30 free online videos to improve your own health and to be a more effective health evangelist tomorrow afternoon Danny Houghton and I will have the pleasure of speaking on religion and business we are told that during a time when church and state were united that men and women with the skill of business were welcomed as merchants where they would have been spurned as missionaries so tomorrow afternoon we're gonna talk about the coming disruption that we believe is coming from Adventism and the business world join us those are exciting oh so exciting and we have one more that wasn't our speaker wasn't be able to be here tonight and they look it's revelry know Montenegro and he's how is science confirming the biblical view of our common ancestor how did the races come out how did this all come about the scientific basis for this and that's at 10:45 so I'm looking forward to seeing you all there and I hope you enjoy all these seminars see you tomorrow good evening ASI how many of you got wet this evening I see a few hands well I'm glad to be here this evening with Lisa and with Josh and they're gonna tell us what's going on that's unusual at SR at Eden Valley that's right good good evening well this is Josh and I met Josh five years ago I can't believe it's been five years but I met him five years ago and Josh was had a conversion experience at youth for Jesus right here in Orlando and right after that you were baptized then what happened after that after that I was invited by Lisa to come to Eden Valley and go to their health evangelism training and part of the reason is because in your testimony you were saying that you didn't want to go back to your environment right yeah I didn't want to go back with my friends and in that whole group that I was associated with and gets stuck there so so that was August like three or something and where were you I was six three days after talking to Lisa I was on a plane to Loveland Colorado everything out and he's amazing so what happened at Eden Valley what did you learn there Eden Valley I learned health evangelism and Christ method and we did natural remedies we did massage we did hydrotherapy a bunch of things that I'm using now in my ministry and and reaching out to the community and using that in the evangelism cycle so as well as learning medical missionary work you learned how to bridge from medical missionary to evangelism and we used what method Christ method alone well I mean really wellness coaching yeah through wellness coaching okay so tell us what wellness coaching is and how you're using that in your ministry now so wellness coaching is something that any layperson can do and it's helping people achieve goals following the eight laws of health and we use it as a bridge ooh all sorts of programs we're finding that it's a perfect bridge to just about every program that the church does cooking classes depression recovery all sorts of programs that we're doing so it's it's really nice yeah you know for a lot of church members they want to do outreach but you're scared you know doing Bible studies is sometimes intimidating for people but you can we all have the health message is that right and we know what what how people should live healthy and you can if you're trained you can take what you know and go into people's homes and coach them and coaching them is different than advising them and tell us how it's different so there's two things that you need to know to be a good wellness coach and that's asking open-ended questions and that's being a good listener and so that's something that we really focus on in our training you're not telling the person what to do they're creating their own personalized plan and so it's something that is within their range something they feel comfortable with and you're just there to guide them and help them through the way yes and all of our students that we've taught and even the wellness coaching that I'm doing every single one 100% of the clients turn in to Bible study students so it's a really easy way you already have a relationship and when in every lesson or every session there's spiritual components to it so how are you using this in your church I think there are some pictures of you yes there should be some pictures somewhere we're using it through this is a depression recovery class that we did we had seven people in that class and four of them were actually doing wellness coaching we got them doing it so a good number there there's some other slides this is a cooking class that we're doing at our church here we do it downstairs in the school and we actually had a guy that the hospital said you should go to that Venice Church because they're doing things on health and as soon as he came in the door I had mentioned wellness coaching and he signed right up just like that this was a hands-on cooking class we were doing at our last church and doing Christ's method there we actually became the fastest-growing church in the North Pacific Union per capita and two years we went from forty on Sabbath to ninety yeah this is a lady we're working with now she's a church member and she was diagnosed with colon cancer we've been doing hydrotherapy with her fever treatments twice a week she's juicing she's totally vegan and she doesn't feel the tumor anymore there's no more pain it's going down so pretty soon she'll be going for a CT scan this is a young lady that was night or that is 19 and she was diagnosed with a fast growing cancer that was from her tailbone to her heart when they found it and within a month doing natural lifestyle fall in the eight laws of health and chemo she is now cancer-free a month later so praise the Lord it really sped things up and helped her go so this is this is one method that we teach Ed Eden Valley as well as how to actually do the treatment you had an experience recently with Pastor Mark Finley he came to upper Columbia Conference camp meeting and he found out that your church was the fastest growing Church and asked youhow what what did he ask you actually he wanted to know more about it and he was really impressed with the mess of that method that we're doing he saw it as a ray of light as he said and so he had us come out to living hope and train his his Bible workers there and set them on the path and now the churches that are around there are hearing about it and they are wanting to be trained as well and you're going to be doing a little bit of training yes so my wife and I we could come to the churches and we can train on a weekend and we're also training at Eden Valley as well so if you want the short clip we can come to your church if you want the extensive training that I got Eden Valley is the place to go okay and tomorrow when is your seminar tomorrow morning at yeah he's gonna be on a panel at 10:45 tomorrow on health evangelism it's sustainable so be there and learn how your church can be more effective do you know where it is it's in the Sebastian itou building at 10:45 so just around the corner when you see Sebastian it's the second room on the right all right thank you thank you so much amen you've got someone who came to Christ through ASI has come back and is contributing at ASI that's exciting to me Shawn Wickliffe is here and he's going to share a little bit about what they're doing at the fruit tree what is the fruit tree yes so the fruit tree is an operation based out of Berkeley San Francisco where we make and sell organic green smoothies at farmer's markets we started this about a year ago our goal was to figure out a way where we could support ourselves financially while doing evangelism in our community and so we settled on making and selling green smoothies initially door-to-door and it worked more or less but then we started getting into farmers markets and so now we're actually in 21 farmers markets across the Bay Area if you show some slides I can show you a little bit about what's been happening now and so again this was founded about a year ago we actually just passed over 40,000 a month in sales praise God and we're actually selling over 3,000 of these smoothies per month at this point and so there's also six workers that are supported as their full-time way of making a primary income and so God has really blessed this even just over the last 12 months amen so tell me a little bit about how much that one costs that you're holding in your hand yes so you know this is the Bay Area and so our goal is to meet people where they're at for better or worse and so this is a 32 ounce organic green smoothie it's kale spinach strawberry apple pear lemon and ginger no sugar added nothing else added it's $14 and we'll give you two dollars back if you return the glass jar Wow huh so tell us why you're there we know what you're doing tell us why you're really there what are you doing absolutely so it's really old evangelism it's all about evangelism and so we wanted to figure out a way where we could reach people where they're at and we found that a lot of people are at the farmers markets and a lot of people want to eat healthy and so I wanted to share a few things that we're doing we have so many things we're doing but just a few if you show the next slide I want to talk a little bit about what we call the fruit tree philosophy and so we all love gorilla tracks I'm assuming and so we wanted to reach people with them but we felt there's too big of a jump sometimes and so we ended up developing our own glow tracks we call this the fruit tree philosophy people ask us why do you do this or why can't you make it to my Saturday farmers markets and so we get in a lot of conversations well we put that into a tract it basically tells our testimony and then it gets into a Bible study on health and then from there we invite them to discuss our philosophy more with us aka Bible studies and so we've been really excited about this we've handed out thousands of these so far even over the last few months and so we're excited about where God has us going with that very good you know religion and business are not two separate things they're one and this is an example of how someone is using the gifts that God's given them to both be in business successfully and to reach souls for the kingdom we should be excited to see more of that going on as well amen amen and so there's two specific testimonies I wanted to share with you if you go to the next slide because it's more than just handing out tracts handing out tracts is amazing but it's really about reaching souls for Christ as well and so I want to tell you a little bit about chore Keane she is someone that graduated from UC Berkeley she has a Buddhist agnostic background and so she needed something to do for work and so we basically gave her a job at the Fruit Tree we actually are now able to give people jobs we're actually recruiting now as well and so she started working with us she was an avid nester Christian started interacting with a lot of people working with us well long story short she gave her life to Christ after a few months and about a month ago I had the honor to baptize her at our local church amen amen amen one other testimony I want to share the next person is on the next slide and his name's Nandu now some people think that to me that's not me but he looks like me sometimes and so Nandu is a Hindu or he was a Hindu and so we met him at the farmers market he's selling Indian food and so through dialogue and conversation the topic of religion came up and through that we told them what we believe in and he told us a little bit about himself and there was an invitation for Bible studies well he accepted and he started studying the Bible with us this is all in real time this just literally happened a few months ago well through that he learned over the Sabbath and then he said I'm gonna tell my boss that I will never work on Sabbath anymore and so he did that and then a few weeks later he became a Christian and then a few weeks later he was baptized as a seven day adventist in our local Humana and so this is really what this is about the fruit tree yes it's about green smoothies we want to spread the health message but we want to spread the gospel with that we want to use the health message to the right arm to reach people for the gospel amen amen you know it's exciting to see an invasion of the Devils land you know we call it the post Christian triangle but and he's being able to reach through simple means people for the gospel amen amen amen and so the last thing I want to share with you is where we're at now and what's happening next if you go to the last slide this actually talks about where we could use help and so this is actually expanding so fast by God's grace and so we need workers we actually need lots of prayer and so if you can help us with that we're also in the process of trying to secure some land so we can not only make our green smoothies on there but we can actually farm them as well and so we can have the full experience and so we're looking for donations or even investment on the business side of things for a land or even for vans right now in some of the farmers market we're packing a Honda Civic believe it or not with the farmers market tent and a cup of coolers of green smoothies and so there's a lot of exciting things that are happening but we have a booth as well and so it's booth 1024 we have a a bunch of free samples for everybody for the next few days so come by and get your free sample we're also selling these this is our large size we also have a medium and small and if you know anybody else that would be great for us to talk to we love you to connect us with very good thank you so much thank you so much see I'm gonna be working on getting that one after we get backstage yeah okay our next group should be coming out any moment and we're gonna be looking forward to hearing from them we actually have them here all the way from Spain and so come on out guys and let's tell them about what you do see if I get these these names right it should be one Soroka here on my left and further over his friend s'il vous deema and tell us guys a bit about what is logos TV local TV is an Adventist TV channel reaching 40 million people in Spain along and covering with the satellite Europe and North Africa that mean that means large bills of course but we trust in God every day working every day trusting the Lord will provide through this Christian family and now we can see the video we have a two-year video yeah if we can get the video run that'd be great jesus said that nobody puts a lamp inside a drawer instead they put it up high to provide light for everyone there are many still in need of hearing about Christ soon coming logos TV is a lay ministry focused on this task [Music] in a Catholic country the Adventists are now relevant logos TV is an Adventist channel that reaches 40 million people in Spain alone April 2017 was a milestone in the logos TV history our channel started broadcasting on a new network four times larger than an old one in addition to satellite and network with 50 antennas and a free satellite channel HISP aside that covers Europe and the north of Africa it's more than we could ever have imagined when we started Istanbul you are very pleased with the work logos TV has done so far we had never had such a powerful ministry before now this network has touched the lives of 5,000 viewers that have reached out to us and many have been transformed I am an helloooo and for five years I served as the president for ASI Europe and I can joyfully say that God has worked through this ministry there are angelical pastors that keep the SAVAK at home now while going to their churches on Sunday we wait for great things to happen congratulations on your channel so much more instructive and educational than most things shown on the other channels visible anytime anywhere in the world logos TV dot is yeah it's a privilege to take the message to so many people so we want to continue with faith and courage and please pray for us in the north of Spain the city of roll the two pastors of an evangelical church came to see the advented pastor and they said the whole church is keeping the Sabbath because we learn in our channel our TV channel and we are ready to change we decided to change and they decided to take the banner out and put a new one saying Adventist Church the whole church became Adventist yeah luthier was a Christian woman in Madrid and Lucero when when she passed by the Adventist Church she thought I hate Adventists because at her church she was told that the Adventists are bigoted people leave a list and an extremist and when she arrived home she was watching our channel and she enjoyed and she was moved by the Holy Spirit and she praised God for this channel and later she discovered that was an Adventist one man yes as you thought surprised well Adventists are not so bad so she was baptized in the Adventist Church Ellucian Madrid and her sister also the Lord sneaks right in people's TVs sometimes it's great yeah so tell us a bit about how it is that this came to be because you've told us that you are doing a TV station but TV station isn't something that happens like that yes how did we started very small nine years ago it just in a small city but a miracle happened the Lord blessed every step growing and last year in April the owner of a national network called us and told us that our Channel having had made an impact on him and he wanted make it easier for us to have a larger Network and he did it and it's working for now now more than 5,000 people reach out to us asking for more information calling with many questions and we are making an effort with programming producing programming for the secular mindset of Europe here Sylvia Dima is the production director is making a wonderful work with this yes just tell you that Carmen for example Carmen was Jehovah Witness and she was watching logos TV and she discovered the Bible doctrines and then Jehovah Witnesses usually they reject information from other churches but when nobody is watching and they enjoy our Channel many of them and and Carmen was baptized and she said I found the people of the Bible in several cities we have this same experience you can visit our booth we have a little present for you and more information is the booth 7 to 8 to help you find your way there's a satellite hanging over the booth and our motto is everything is possible to those who believe amen amen so exciting to see all around the world lay people rising up to do the work we're called to do and so be praying for them encouraging them and we hope that it inspires each person to find a way to reach people for the kingdom of Christ thank you so much I remember when I went to my first ASI convention I actually didn't have any idea what ASI even was I only went because I had a friend that was going who invited me but when I went to ASI it opened my eyes to a world that I didn't know existed to be honest I didn't know that there were all these ministries all of these people just doing these different things for the Lord and it made a strong strong impact on my life in fact I can trace my first desires to go into doing more ministry for God to to seeing that ASI and people that I met who were working with ASI working with the youth for Jesus programs and other things like that that I would have had no idea about had it not been for a ASI I sense a need in our church for a way that people can come together for a place to to belong in the church I feel like sometimes it gets portrayed like the epitome of Adventism is going to church and paying tithe and may be participating in outreach sometime but in my personal experience it's so much more than that and there are so many of us that are striving in our daily lives to do things for the Lord but but where do we fit where do we come together I mean how do we get re-inspire and networked and get the support that we need and I see that as a huge need I see that as something that if we could really form that kind of network and do this together that all of us could benefit that all of us could grow and feel like we mean something in the church like we have a purpose we have a place in the church and that God is going to really be able to use yeah not just the pastor's not just the elders but those of us in everyday life to do something for him [Music] [Music] Oh transporting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the past 40 years Weimar Institute has brought hope and healing to the world today we are home to a variety of ministries such as the New START lifestyle center and Weimar college while we share health and education and spiritual truths through mission trips our focus is on our local community there are total community involvement as we strive to meet those needs we operate from aging buildings time use and environmental issues have taken their toll new housing for staff and students is needed a multi-story housing unit is the answer to this dilemma asi support for this project will enable us to attract service-minded staff and students we want to also thank you for ASIS previous funding of our College ramp addition and for the many ways ASI enables ministries to become a spiritual home for those we serve that's Weimar College just an hour north of Sacramento here in Kay art not here in California and with me as Randy Bivens who's the chief operating officer to share with us a little bit more about how our offerings provided some assistance for that project that are there at Weimar I don't know if you saw some of the drone shots right there at the end but we're in the process of building a 20 unit staff housing complex the cost of that building is 3.7 million dollars and we're building and we have 1.2 million of it and you asked what it's gonna take about 8 months to finish and we believe that God will provide that he has before he's going to do it again and that's a critical need for us on campuses we're growing with an active nursing program and expanding college or our Academy has pretty much closed applications because we're completely full for the academic year so we're just kind of busting at the seams and we need more staff housing and we Weimar Institute has been the recipient of multiple offerings from ASI the last one the most significant offering we've ever received last year was $200,000 toward this building and we want to thank ASI for that absolutely we're happy to do it now you mentioned we expecting miracles from God because he has done it before can you share with us one experience where God has done a reamer accus thing to provide for a remark I you know it's I should write a book someone said I should write a book when I started there five years ago and you may have heard this story but retelling it doesn't doesn't hurt when I started we had a three million dollar debt and the big first board meeting they kept looking at me thinking I was going to solve that problem for them and I said well we can't even balance our budget how we gonna service a debt I said we have to give this to God if it doesn't work we might as well lock the gate and throw away the key go home within 12 hours we'd received a letter from a probate attorney granting us 25% of an eight point two million dollar state so God blessed before you even knowing how and when he would and very soon absolutely now you mentioned that you mentioned nursing there's a nursing program and that's one that we've heard a little bit about tell us what has transpired since the miracles that God has wrought in the establishing of that program when I started we were in the throes of trying to get accreditation for nursing the state of California the BR and the Board of Registered Nursing actually comes and certifies us independent of our accreditation process and I actually believe from a financial standpoint it was stupid I just thought there was no way no way we were ever going to get approved and I remember going to the last meeting down in Southern California where we were meeting the the committee that was going to grant us approval and they actually granted his approval and we dr. Seibel and I went up and spoke to the chairman of the committee and he said I know you Adventist he goes I had an uncle who was a teacher at Oakwood college God had gone before us but since then we actually started the nursing program we've now graduated our second cohort of nurses and I have to tell you that I know that there is not one other nursing program with a higher success rate than we have had in the entire world because 100% of our graduates have passed the NCLEX on their first attempt two years running praise God now I have to say as a nurse that is remarkable to have a brand new nursing program right out the gate to have that level success is not heard of in fact the state of California said that you have to keep your pass rate above 75% or you'll be on probation and I just wonder if we need our I hope our standards are not so high that we're just admitting the hot the most intelligent people but I know there have been some struggles with some students but God is blessed in fact there's there are a minimum of 75 questions on the exam and the computer knows that if you've already passed it it will stop asking questions at 75 and our last cohort of nurses that went through every single one of them at 75 questions it stopped asking they had already done so well they knew they had already passed because it wasn't asking them any more questions now I want you to share with our ASI family the experience that you shared with me because these nursing students didn't just learn book stuff they learned how to really minister and you have a great story many of these students come from us to us with already a weimar philosophy of health evangelism in fact they go through an entire 18 day new Start program they go through an entire residential depression recovery program as part of their nursing program and that's kind of amazing because those questions aren't on the NCLEX I mean that's in addition but we had we had a group of students who were on a clinical rotation in Auburn I believe was an Auburn Hospital and there was a preoperative nur a patient who was very very anxious and one of the the nursing students recognized that this was a problem and she immediately knew what to do she got two or three of her other students around and they sang a hymn to this preoperative patient who was so anxiety ridden and that calmed her down and the nursing supervisor this kind of like I've never seen this happen before she actually called the entire group into her office and she shut her door and she said I want to tell you I've never seen anything so amazing she goes you any one of you will always have a job here at this hospital we actually are our first cohort of nurses we had three hospital administrators who were willing to hire the entire class so I we have had no lack of getting these students into positions if they want a job they've got a job and California is one of the hardest markets to actually get nursing jobs in because the pay is so amazingly high but they've all gotten job positions that have wanted to be employed so the Lord is using we mark College and its programs to tell about him by their experience and their witnessing to others that's just incredible is there anything else you want to share well I just want to thank ASI in general five years running we have been the recipient of offerings and some of that offering was for the nursing program startup and I just want to thank all of you because it's often sacrificial and the nice thing about ASI is when you give an offering it actually goes in this year this year 38 different projects but they have all been vetted they've all been carefully tracked and and there's very little administrative overhead it's probably the best place to put your money and I just want to thank ASI and all of the members for continuing to contribute to all of our programs thank you very much Randy god bless weeb are now coming to the podium is Geoffrey Cobb Geoffrey Cobb runs is the founder of shelter from the storm it's a transitioning housing a complex in Gainesville Florida for men who have been released from prison and you're gonna have to catch us up some of us who have been with you a long time know the story but there are some who don't know the story so tell us how all of this started I started was I was incarcerated living in Miami robbed and kidnap and shootout down will crooked lawyers judges police officers for 20 years so after that I got arrested and I was facing 30 to life in prison so I told the Lord if he got me out of that one he had to worry about me no more getting in trouble so it by God grace had been 21 years I've been out and cleaned amen amen now when is it that yes Amen where did you meet Jesus in that journey I met Jesus I was in Miami County Jail and the guy came in and he was like I said man you're going to church Sunday he was like man you're going the wrong day I was like man you must be getting drunk and drugged and in prison and you know they got the drugs and the prison just like on the street I said this got musty huh it's on my Saturday so after that I got mad with him I told me what my friend no more matter of fact I will finish stab him with a knife in prison I say he tried me tell my sanity I say he got it twisted and so you found out that you had it twisted twisted okay so then you met Jesus and you actually were released from prison and when you were released from prison because you were now new in the Seventh day Adventist faith you were looking for a specific kind of environment yes once you know you have been as beaten across the head with the word and by decided so when I got ready to get out I was like okay these people tell my they got the truth and the Sabbath okay something so when I got ready to get out I didn't want to go back to that lifestyle because I know if I got back in trouble it was gonna start with 30 years on up to life so I went to the prison ministry guy saying hey do y'all have a transition house and he looked at me and said no I say then he must you don't have the truth then you don't have brought the word to me and talking about is true now intercepted message we done came like family a relationship nice time for me to get out nine you telling me you don't have no place for me to go so fast forward to actually 16 years ago when Jeffrey realized that there isn't a place for Adventists to come even if they're coming out of prison then that's not good then they're going to another place and getting their support from from others and leaving the truth so you started shelter from the storm amen the Lord just put on my heart I said Lord we need a transition house the Lord said I want to use you to start one then so I was like I didn't know what I was doing you know I was like alright Lord and I was continuing to go forth in the Lord because it helped me so much going through a transition house these guys getting out of prison they being there for 15 years and they get out with fifty dollars about time they come from the prison and you know how to Greyhound bus make 50 stops before they get you to your destination they have been at them fifty dollars up so when they get to their destination they ain't got nothing so what they do is go back to what they know because I did it about four or five times so I was like okay I need to counteract that so I was saying once we have a transition how they have a place to live we provide them food we provide them a job and we have them a support group so I was saying if somebody don't want to can't do right with that then they don't want to do right so you've been operating a shelter from the storm for men for the last 16 years we've got a couple minutes I want you to share a little bit about what this year's offering is going to do because there's still a need but a different need for women are when I have North is the largest women's facility in the nation over 4,000 women and a lot of inventors working administration and they took witnessing to the women and then when the women time to go home they come up to him and say hey do you all have a place for me to go and they said they feel like they letting the girls down and I just want to share a quick story one time I was with the launch service I was doing this realtor and broke along and he said Jeff why you don't do women I say man I said man I don't have no money to get a place he said I'll tell you what you do I got a time house I'm gonna give you six months to use it free and I took in three women sure the women still in the church and one of the women she was accountant every Friday she called me said Jeff we got to talk I don't know about this cyber thing every pride I see but you signed the rules to come to the program and now you can't beat a lot of the seventh-day Adventist Church every time I go to the church when she go hey Jeff and then she said Jeff when you're gonna do a women house she said cuz I want to give by and it's a lot of women in Gainesville you know over three years because I'm not friend to deal with it so in three years I've been here and Jeff once you get a women out once you start a women house so and by three Sundays ago they interview me channel 20 our local news interview me the work that I was doing so then I start getting calls from everywhere and it just been a blessing yesterday the state Senate of Gainesville he called me said Jeff you've been a starter women huh I say yeah he said call me in a week and I want to get a donation towards the ministry a men so Lord will provide and we can help thank you very much different [Applause] in Matthew 18:19 we're told if two of you shall agree is touching anything that they ask it shall be done for them of our Father which is in heaven now regarding this Bible promise Ellen White actually makes an interesting statement she said this promise is made on condition that the United prayers of the church are offered and an answer to these prayers there may be expected a Power greater than that which comes in answer to private prayer but this is the key the power given will be proportionate to the unity of the members and their love for God and for one another I have a couple pictures I want to share with you briefly this evening the first one is from a group of young people in the Philippines meeting together to pray every morning at five o'clock you can see the picture there and as you can see there are hundreds of them gathered there to pray now why would these young people be willing to get up so early to sacrifice sleep and time to pray I believe it's because they recognize that we are living in unusual times in Earth's history and they also recognize their unusual desperate need for a closer walk with God now it's really exciting to me because what I see happening in the Philippines and other countries around the world I also see happening here the second photo that I want to show with you this evening is from this past GYC conference this last December we had over 800 people meeting together to pray every morning at 6 o'clock in the morning there were so many people they were actually overflowing into the hallways as we are beginning this ASI convention this evening I have a question for you it's obvious that business cannot continue as usual any longer but do we recognize that the unusual times in which we're living also call for unusual unity and unusual humility and these gifts we are only going to find as we come together to the foot of the cross as you know ASI believes in the power of corporate united prayer so we want to invite you to join us every morning at 7 a.m. in sebastian i for we're gonna have a short prayer devotional and then a time of prayer and as many can attest this is a special experience that you don't want to miss so i look forward to seeing you at 7 a.m. in the morning all right you have your programs in hand and in your programs is a bio for our opening speaker pastor john bradshaw so i'm not going to read the bio to you but I'll give you some things from my own experience I've known pastor Bradshaw since let's see I'm general manager now before that I was an employee I was on the board and a partner of it as written and I was actually on the committee that got to vote him in as Speaker director for it is written he is a writer he's a voice and video artist he's a husband and father now I should warn you he does have a bit of an accent okay he's he's from the deep south and I mean the really deep south he's from New Zealand as a friend I can tell you something that he would never tell you and that is that that John is entirely dedicated to serving God entirely he's committed to spreading the everlasting gospel this isn't just a job to him it's not just a good thing to do it's who he is it is absolutely who he is so after our special music tonight the next voice you'll hear will be pastor John Bradshaw [Music] last night I lay sleeping there came with dreams over food and all Jerusalem desire the to war I heard the children singing never eyes they say myth both boys all angels from heaven answer [Music] from him an answer so rules [Music] lift up your gates and see in the highest hold on to your [Music] and then methought my dreams changed the streets no longer hushed were the glad hos odds that the little children say that our son through dark with mysteries the morn was cold and she as the shadows are cross arose [Music] two rules [Music] Huck Hollinger see [Music] [Music] and once again and the scene was changed newer there seemed to be I saw the wholeness sitting beside a Titleist see the streets and the gates were open [Music] my tea and no one was denied of but the stars by night the Sun to shine Heidi it was she'll say Oh Oh Oh [Music] that [Music] so real [Music] see for the night in [Music] in [Music] [Applause] first [Music] amen amen good evening everyone welcome to rain si 2018 enjoy that little display we had earlier for all in art might be still going on I thought tonight we could be competing with the Thunder in here I could hear it earlier I think it's okay I mentioned it to somebody and that person said it's like the Holy Spirit coming down like the rain I said that's okay that's what we want well let's pray and expect God to bless us tonight shall we to bless us more tonight let's pray our Father in Heaven we come to you in the name of Jesus and we are grateful that we can we thank you that we can be in this place tonight where the focus is on salvation and seeking the lost and blessing lives and lifting people up and being involved in ministry on the front lines financially invested we are grateful we thank you for soul-winning and evangelism your great gift to the endtime Church and we pray that because we've been here tonight we would hear your voice and we would be encouraged Lord I pray knowing that you will not rely on the limitations of fallen humanity tonight and I pray your spirit would not be restricted by that but that you would speak to us and bless us we love you we thank you we praise you and we pray in Jesus name please say with me every so often you meet somebody who will admit to things that certain other people wouldn't admit to I was at a camp meeting earlier in the year and spoke with a pastor who happened to mention that he was a musician and as you do we talked a little more and I said what is it that you played or what is it you play he's he played played I said okay what was it that you played and he said I was a drummer he didn't look the type I said you were you were a drummer I mean what sort of drummer he said I was a drummer in a heavy metal band and he didn't look the type which I think on the balance is a really good thing not everybody wants you to know about some things from their past I'm not trying to suggest that would be the most shameful thing by any means but it was interesting there are some things people won't admit to many of us here are old enough to remember 1977 that's when Saturday Night Fever came out and you won't find a person at this convention who will admit to have bought the double album and some of you did many of you thank God because you walked a better path didn't but some of you did but you won't admit it there aren't many people who will admit to having worn once a powder blue polyester suit or bell-bottoms I don't think you should admit to that frankly better that you admit to being a heavy-metal drummer 1975 a craze swept the United States I just wonder how many people would admit their being part of this a businessman well he was an advertising executive to begin with his name was Gary Dahl DHL Gary Dow grew sick and tired of hearing his friends talk about the trouble they were having with their pets cats that roam the neighborhood dogs that dug in the garden dogs that shed and left hair or fur or whatever it was they left everywhere they went he said man you all should get a better pet and that's when he came up with the idea a pet you don't have to feed a pit that doesn't shed the pit that doesn't make noise in the middle of the night or anytime at all for that matter a pit that won't cost terribly much to buy and if you wanted to buy one you could buy it from him and along with a bed of straw and a cardboard box a little carry container for just three dollars and ninety five cents mr. Dahle started marketing the pet rock did you buy one out yourself one honest person here too I'm concerned for this year's convention some of y'all are sitting on your hands the pit Rock what a craze huh now he made a lot of money he end up losing a lot of money in his words wackos came out of the woodwork to sue him and he spent money on lawsuits that I think were largely frivolous he would drive to Rosarito Beach ten miles south of the border the California border into Mexico he'd load up at the rocks bring them back and and it was just like that he was selling rocks he tried to sell a few more fascinating things after that one huh one he would this is interesting he sold a tube of sand and you don't remember this because for some strange reason it wasn't successful and next to it was another tube of sand he said this is the mail tube and this is the female tube and he says this is you know you can grow your own Beach if you just put the sand together he demonstrated lightning does not always strike twice of course people bought pet rocks because what they were doing was buying into the gimmick buying into the fad a pit rock you know you like to think when you get together with other business types or entrepreneurial types that you come away with great ideas great ministry ideas maybe some good business ideas maybe some I don't know ideas to enhance your personal life Petrarch who'd have thought that would fly but the pet rock was business finished the phrase it was business yes it was it was business unusual and sometimes business unusual comes along because somebody just has a bright idea it might be motivated by making money it might simply be because you looked at something and you said wait there's a better way and you can think of many products that you think I could have thought of that or I might have thought of that but somebody looked at what you'd be looking at for years and just saw a difference business unusual sometimes business unusual is pressed upon us by the simple fact that the times they are a-changin then so a few years ago you can do your shopping without even leaving home the internet came along and what was so fascinating is that you could go online and order your groceries and your food could be delivered to your doorstep what an amazing concept when I was this big my mother used to get on our telephone which was a telephone connected to the wall with a curly cord and she would call Phyllis at the IGA downtown make her order over the phone and the man who owned the supermarket would deliver it so business unusual isn't always very unusual but we started the shop online in Amazon changed the world after Walmart changed the world business unusual you know what's odd I remember when a few years ago and the kids were younger than they are now and we explained to them we said we used to stay at this hotel it was odd that will you happen to be back there we used to stay at this hotel we would go to conventions at this hotel Oh would you yes we would and let me tell you this when we were looking for restaurants in fact this was at a town that later on we lived in so there was a point of reference and when we looked for a place to eat we would go downstairs and we go to the foyer and go to the front desk and they had a card with recommendations on it and you read it and you took down the address and then somebody either had a map or you're asked for directions and they looked at us like we had two heads not between us but two each then they looked at us and they said you didn't just google things changed business unusual it's all different now sometimes our business practices change because of great ideas or because of circumstances here we are it is 2018 I'd like to hope that nobody watches this 20 years from now and says 2018 remember that I'd like to think that doesn't happen I'd like to think we're gonna be out of here by then so we'd all like to think we're gonna be out of here by then that's what we all want to think so the question we got to ask ourselves is what are we doing to ensure that we're going to be out of here by then you see if you're producing let me try to think of something tschüss no one here is doing that if you're producing shoes and you're producing a hundred pairs of shoes a day and yet you want to take California by storm with your shoes you know you're gonna have to produce more than a hundred pairs of shoes a day something's got to change and so you know that you need an injection of cash and you need to hire more stuff you've got to buy more equipment things have got to change because if you don't do something different in the way you do your business you are gonna end up with exactly the same results am i right absolutely so here we are this many years after the church was called into existence by God and we're doing what we're doing and we're doing it how we're doing it and it would seem then that what we have done that has brought us this far if we're on a trajectory like this and I know there are some variables I will consider those with you if we're on this trajectory then the likelihood is we're going to stay on this trajectory if we just keep doing what we're doing so that in 20 years we can come back here and hear somebody say I hope we're not here in 20 years and we can all say Amen all over again ladies and gentlemen there is no way in the world we can be satisfied with the status quo we just cannot and that's not to criticize the status quo that's not to say that what we're doing is bad or wrong or foolhardy it's simply to say if we are serious getting out of here and getting home to where we belong we are gonna have to change gears we're gonna have to kick it up a notch we just must because the law says if you keep doing what you're doing how you been doing it you are damned to achieve the same results that you've been achieving so with that in mind let's consider a Bible story we'll go to the Book of Numbers and chapter 11 numbers chapter 11 we're gonna start at the beginning of the chapter that would be verse 1 in most chapters Numbers chapter 11 and verse 1 and while you're turning I'll start reading if you have a Bible open it up if you have a device turn to numbers chapter 11 and we will begin in verse 1 where the Word of God says and when the people complain now that's something that doesn't happen in church today that was yesterday there's an old-fashioned concept and when the people complained it displeased the Lord oh my brother my sister we could take an hour to talk about that when the people complained it displeased the Lord and the Lord heard it and his anger was kindled I read that and I think about me to be honest with you and I said oh my goodness Lord there has to be a better way then the complaining I do and we all thought like that and if we all gave our complaining to God and invested a fraction of the energy we invest in complaining in ministry I tell you what it would be business unusual it would be business unusual and so the Word of God says the people complained the Lord heard that he was not happy the fire of the Lord burned among them and consumed them that were in the uttermost part of the camp can you imagine if that happened today why did God do that why did God incinerate people who are complainers I shall tell you why God did that because He loves us God did that because he is good it's not because he was common kind or ruthless or hateful or spiteful God knows he wants us to get to heaven and he'll do whatever it takes to get our focus off ourselves and off our unpleasant circumstances and on to the only one who can do anything meaningful about it and fire came and this was God's Way of saying look up don't look down look to me not to yourselves look to God and not those unpleasant things that you don't like they cried to Moses Moses prayed the fire was quenched and he called the name of the place Deborah that means burning you don't even need to be a scholar to know that because the fire of the Lord burned among them that's what happened and so we come down and what do you read you read some amazing things I'm losing my monitor I don't know if that was planned or not but it was disquieting and you read in numbers chapter 11 and and and and verse will find it oh my goodness verse man the mixed multitude at least we can blame them they fell a lusting and the children of Israel caught the disease and they wept again and said who will give us flesh to eat here they were on their vegetarian diet that God had them on preparing them for the Promised Land I see a parallel I hope you do too we remember the fish which the law which we did eat in Egypt freely and then they spoke about the cucumbers and the melons and leeks and the onions and the garlic and now our soul is dried away listen to this this is one of the most staggering statements that you reading the whole Bible there is nothing at all beside this manner before our eyes can you imagine that it was their lifeline and they were saying we got nothing to eat except of course for this which is given to keep us alive isn't it remarkable some of the things that we complain about you complain about the pasta thank God you have one I mean in most cases thank God you have one you complain about your spouse you're lucky they have a man how spoiled for choice were you back in the day the things we complain about you complain about your kids huh what if you didn't have any you complain about that and he they were complaining about the greatest blessing that God was giving to them other than the gift of life and this was sustaining life they complain and God describes the manner and so on and then Moses in verse 10 hears the people weep they're complaining Moses was unhappy and he cries out to God he said why are you doing this to me why have I not found favor in your sight you are laying the burden of all of the people upon me it was Moses turn have I did I give birth to these people have I begotten him that you should say to me carry them in your bosom azar nothing no Seng Father bear at the suckling child man how am I gonna find food there are too many people it's too heavy if you deal with it with me like this kill me I pray thee out of hand if I have found favor in your sight can you imagine praying that prayer well the Lord said to Moses get seventy men in the elders of Israel people you know to be the elders of the people officers over them bring them to the tabernacle of the congregation that they may stand there with thee and I will come down and talk with you there and I will take of the spirit that is upon thee and I will put it upon them and they shall bear the burden of the people with you that you will bear it not thyself alone God promised something great was going to take place and he demonstrated to Moses that he was with Moses every step in that journey but let's drop down here they talked about the meat that God's gonna provide it for them somehow verse 24 we're narrowing in on our point here and Moses went out and told the people the words of the Lord and gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people and set them round about the tabernacle and the Lord came down in a cloud and spoke to him and took of the spirit that was upon him that is that was upon Moses and gave it to the seventy elders and it came to pass that when the spirit rested upon them they prophesied and they did not cease which is in because most every other translation of the Bible says they prophesied and that was it they were one-and-done they stopped prophesying and they prophesied so no more you can work that one out in your own time so this was a blessing there's a number of things that we could do some this let me tell you this let me tell you this church member let me kill you this Christian friend there are times when you look around and and you are going to be convinced that you have just cause to complain you are convinced that the churches go to hell because of what you see in your little corner of the world you are convinced that everybody's mad except you and when you have those thoughts it's probably good to double check you are convinced that it's not like it was in the good old days and it may well be that it's not but I want you to dim it to see what God demonstrates here in the Bible Moses hears them complaining and they are complaining and he's done with carrying the burden that he goes to God and cries out and what does God do in the midst of his distress in the midst of his discouragement God pours out his Holy Spirit in a marked way in an unusual way in a meaningful way and God is saying to Moses hey Moses I am in the middle of this thing this is still my people you don't have to like what you see you don't have to agree with everything that's going on but it's my people and if you want to transpose that to another key God would be saying to you today you may not like everything that you see but it is still my church I believe that if I didn't believe it I would leave this is still God's church and it don't matter where on the color palette you color yourself you can hear people next to you nearby you belly aching like nobody's business the sin if we simply coveted to get our noses down and our tails up and put our shoulders to the grindstone it would be business unusual we would see a flurry of so activity like we've never seen before and I want to point out something here that I think is crucial they prophesied and they either did cease or they didn't cease depending on which version of the Bible you were reading but they remain two of the men in the camp the name of the one was Eldad and the name of the other was me dad and the spirit rested upon them they were of them that were written but went not out unto the tabernacle and they prophesied back in the camp Moses called 74 summaries in 68 came these two fellows were detained or they didn't get the message or something and they prophesy back there and then a young man ran and told Moses and said el dead and me dead do prophesy in the camp we don't know what tone of voice she was using we simply know that he was reporting the facts and of all people Joshua the son of nun Moses number two one of his young men answered and said my lord Moses forbid then and Moses ever was we're gonna read in just a moment did not want to do that in fact let me read that verse I'll make this point and then I'll double back around make another one Moses said to him envious now for my sake would God that all the Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them now there's I think at least two points that we can make here number one is this if you have anything to do with the work it is not your role to limit the activity of others of course you want to provide guidance I find it interesting we're in a place here where there's a lot of people representing supporting ministries and yet you can go to some parts of the field and you define the field and you can discover that among leadership there is no love for supporting ministries you know that attitude has got to be an abomination in the sight of God it just has to be as though there's any group of leaders who can actually get the work done all by themselves it's madness what God is saying here is don't envy because there's somebody not in your direct jurisdiction who's getting on and doing the work don't do that thank God for what God is doing wherever God is getting it done wherever he's getting it done we don't need less Eldad and less me that we need more we need more people in more places who are filled with the Holy Spirit of God can you say man I know you can we need more we need more people raising up now no I don't want you to take my remarks out of context obviously what we are all part of a whole and we need to plug into that hole and understand where we fit into that hole understand that unity in the church is absolutely essential but God isn't bound by our boundaries and God wants to work in unusual ways this was unusual so unusual that Joshua said we got to put a stop to that but Moses as wise as he was said no you don't want to put a stop to that and I want you now to notice what Moses said he said would God that all the Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them you know what Moses was praying for he was praying for business unusual Moses new here we have 68 and 69 two over there who are prophesying what about the others what about the others what if God had so many people in such a powerful way that his spirit did something the likes of which we have never seen before can you imagine it listen if we go on the way we're going on with a few people active and a bunch of people who are just spectators if we go on with churches where people come merely for the performance and not to plug in and be active if we continue to educate people that church members are consumers and the I'm gonna use the word clergy the clergy because I think it fits the concept the clergy are the producers we are going to be wandering in the wilderness for another thousand years it's God's plan to pour out his spirit on everybody so that everybody takes her or his meaningful place in the front lines of the work sharing one's faith and this is what I love about the church there are places where people a clamor for office they want to be the pastor or the senior pastor or the elder or the head elder or the Deaconess or the head Deacon here so the choir leader or whatever it is and there are people some of them who get a little miffed when they don't get to be what they wants to be well here's the wonderful thing the highest you can climb in church is sharing your faith with somebody else that's the highest you can climb and you don't need anybody's permission to do that you don't need a permission you don't need a position to do that you can share your faith wherever you are at anytime day or night you have God's permission Moses said would God that he would pour out his spirit on everybody and the fact of the matter is God wants to pour out his Holy Spirit he has said if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Moses new business unusual it's not better plans although better plans are great it's not more workers on the payroll although that may be a blessing too it's not better programs although better programs never hurt nobody it is more of God's Holy Spirit coursing through the veins of the church coursing through the veins of church members it is people on fire for God whose primary urge whose number one priority is sharing Christ when they can any place they can because we know Jesus said this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations and what's the next word and then shall the income that swing and as long as we sit around like bumps on a log the work won't ever get done except my last state of course doesn't take into account that God has a plan God's gonna get the work done you know what I read someplace I read that the Holy Spirit is gonna fall down in such great measure in such great measure that many people are gonna look around and see this outpouring of the Holy Spirit and call it fanaticism can you imagine what that looks like can you imagine being part of that can you imagine you know God wants to see the church rise up and do something different that's my statement you can check the validity of that and I think that's true because I've read what you all have read in the Bible about the gospel going to Earth's remotest bounds we haven't done that yet and it's not just that God wants to see the gospel go to Earth's remotest bounds if we really believe that that's what God wanted we cranked up the printing presses and send a great controversy and a set of Bible studies it has written Bible studies to everybody in the world we just have a great big offering and then mail them out and we say that's it the gospel was gone of the world but you know that that's not exactly what God's asking we could mail them all DVDs there it is the Gospels gone to the world if we really believe that's what God was trying to get done Bible studies DVDs that's it Jesus is coming back but we know there's more to it than that I was really fascinated to read that in Nebraska about five miles from Union College scientists at the University of nebraska-lincoln produced I believe this was last year might have been this year a flash of light or a beam of light that was let me read it I wrote it down here 1 billion times brighter than the surface of the Sun wonder how they did that no no it only lasted for 30 billionths of a millionth of a second but still that's a really bright light and when we talk about like we know how vital light is first day of creation what did Jesus say let there be then Jesus is the light of the world now we know that but the plot thickens when we listen to Jesus say in Matthew chapter 5 you are the light of the world that's when the plot thickens Jesus never said you are the preacher of the world although I'll be the last one to say let's say call the preachers I'm in favor of preachers but he said you are the light of the world he didn't even say you are the Bible study of the world although we know that sharing the Word of God is sharing light it was David who wrote the entrance of your word gives a light God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a tell me a light to our path God is calling for business unusual we just can't go on doing exactly what we've done but the same way and I see when I say the same way that then cause our methods into question and our methods have got us this far it's not the message or the method it's the messenger jesus said you are the light of the world the prophet Isaiah wrote this behold the darkness shall cover the earth gross darkness the people but the Lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee and when you get down to Revelation chapter 18 and verse 1 you read that God's Spirit is poured out into his people with such amazing power that the earth is lit up with a manifestation of the glory of God that's the fourth angels message the earth lit up by God's Spirit shining out of God's people my friend I would say to you that is business unusual it seems to me of course there are plenty of people committed to that ideal but so many that are not so many that are not and this is why the shaking we'll come and tribe after tribal go out and company after company will come in and then we'll have a people that are radiant I'm not I'm not angling for that day but it's going to take place business unusual Moses was there with sixty eight of his brothers the Spirit of God was poured out two more over there in the camp not right there with Moses and the boys ah there's a problem Moses had no problem we need more of that not less we need more of God's Spirit being poured out not less we need more people being raised up by God under the unction of the Holy Spirit of God not less not less the world must see in God's people a revelation of the character of God it must you can imagine then can't you if we if we possess Christ in our hearts by faith and then we share the Word of God can you imagine that can you imagine sitting down with a Bible study and God's Spirit has yeah it's no guarantee but it makes this book irresistible when God has you and you indeed are the light of the world not just talking about it not thinking about it not hoping for it but experiencing it business unusual it has to be the missing link it has to be our doctrine is solid sorry if you don't like it it's solid sorry if you are busy finding fault with it it's you who's wrong not the church it's solid so it's not the doctrine that's the problem is it the methods that the we simply haven't come up with a new program Ian bounds said the church is looking for better methods God is looking for better man we just came back from Manila we led a team of 41 on an it is written mission trip it's fantastic three and a half thousand people were baptized that's credit to the work of the church in Manila at Central Luzon conference is fantastic I'm standing in the pool baptizing people just this last Sabbath and as they come to me I'd never seen so many pastors in a pool baptizing at one time and as they would come to me I would say to them how did you hear about God and person after person I would like to tell you everyone not everyone only 90% or so 90% of them said my friend told me my friend invited me I said did you come to the meetings yes how long you been coming to the church 10 years I said what took you so long she said well you know I just was never ready but but now I'm ready and I'm just so glad to be getting baptized today I said how did it begin she said my friend asked me my friend you know here in the United States we talked about the Philippines we talked about places like Peru as though they're aberrations well they are in as much as people are willing to share their faith of course it's not one world and one field is different and another field is different understand that but can you imagine if everybody in your church including you was praying and looking for ways 24 hours a day seven days a week to share Jesus with others would it change things man it would change things it would be business unusual unfortunately we're too often like the squid that you could about 20 million people have watched us on YouTube in a restaurant somebody gets served a bowl of food and a squid is on top of it it is a dead squid of course now I never have figured out why anybody wants to eat squid I tried octopus once and not lately and I would I would have been better off chewing on my rubber boot it was terrible stuff and so the person reaches for the soy sauce now the what is that I said it was a squid the squid is there looking squid like is sitting on the on the food and the person the diner is your to look at this little creepy to out the diner takes the soy sauce and sprinkles soy sauce on it and the squid comes to life it looks like one of these one of these boys on the cardboard on the street breakdancing it is just all over like Michael Flatley it's just it's Riverdance on the plate there's a lot of activity in that bowl but the squid is dead and I wonder if far too often we don't confuse activity and life Jesus told us you are to be the light of the world that can only happen one way as Christ pours his spirit out as we yield to that and pray Lord fill me up fill me up if we got a hundred percent of the people in church praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit business unusual yes we ought to plan bigger we ought to strategize plan get your brightest minds come up with better resources and products and think about the technology and the times of course but without the Holy Spirit of God it's just business as usual same song different verse that's all it is we are standing as close to the edge of eternity as we want the X Factor of course is God's timetable and what God is going to do but we are standing as close to the coming of Christ as we wish if you want to be filled up with the Holy Spirit of God you can be today tonight you may be and you may receive more tomorrow no matter who you are where you're from what your background what your educational level or your attainment in this world and God would use all of us every one of us in the most powerful way business unusual I think it's time and if the Holy Spirit has us if l dad and me dad rise up and we don't try and push him down and if there are more L dads and more me dads who are prophesying in the camp or wherever it is they are because they're filled with the Holy Spirit it's a new day thank God this is not a mystery thank God it's not unattainable he's not asking us to climb the highest mountain simply yield and let Christ fill us and let his Spirit empower us and let the power of hair remake us and then use us in incredible ways God will do it the work will be done you know some time ago Alexander Graham Bell had a vision I don't mean a vision a dream he said I have heard articulate speech produced by sunlight I've heard a ray of the Sun laughs and coughin sing what Alexander Graham Bell had done with the telephone he believed could be done with the photo phone he said you ought to be able to send a message with the lights and now with fiber-optics that's exactly what happens your text message goes to a receiving station let's call it that electromagnetic wave is converted to light and then along with millions of messages it travels across the Pacific Ocean let's say to China from where we are here some message is getting off along the way the process is converted at the other end and it happens in one twentieth of a second because your message is sent as light we have a wonderful message here it is the three angels messages sell it never keep it always love it share it but I tell you something when it goes forward as light the message will be accompanied by a power the likes of which we have never seen let us pray tonight that God would have us and use us and pour out his Spirit upon us and that as Jesus wished we truly would be the light of the world let us pray our Father it's too late in the history of the earth for anything else grant that we your people would be moved by your spirit grant that we would make ourselves available just keep working at us keep speaking to us work away call to us found us if you must bring us to the place where we would kneel and focus on the main not complaining about them [Music] right that's all I'm asking you to pray a prayer that saws says Lord let me be the light of the world fill me with your spirit would you raise your hand with me only God is watching you don't have to but if you would raise your hand you would be you would be acting on a prayer that says Lord fill me with your spirit Heavenly Father let it be business unusual we pray we accept we receive and we believe in Jesus name please say
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 3,139
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, John Bradshaw, ASI 2018, ASI Business Unusual
Id: zB7uFRL3adE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 15sec (7155 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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