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the time was roughly 5 p.m in the afternoon it  was the month of august and i was on my way to the   amusement park the fair was only open for a short  duration during the summer time so i made sure to   go as often as i could before the school year  began my parents were pretty lenient growing up   i didn't really have a curfew so that gave me the  flexibility of staying out as long as i wanted   despite only being a teenager the distance from my  condo to the fair was about a 10 to 15 minute walk   so commuting there was always a convenience  compared to taking public transit like the   hordes of people i saw entering the park when i  arrived at the entrance i made sure to pay my fare   and get a wristband that would enable me to go on  rides for an unlimited amount of time i remember   seeing the usual stuff roller coaster rides  food stands a ferris wheel that kind of thing   to be honest going to this specific fair could  make anyone feel extremely claustrophobic as   the overbearing amount of people in the lineups  for food rides or game attractions really made   it difficult for anyone to get anywhere i  remember shoulder bumping at least several   different guests before finally making it to the  roller coaster ride i initially wanted to go on   the lineup for this particular ride was  surprisingly not that long so i immediately joined   it behind this one girl standing in front of me i  politely tapped the girl on the shoulder and asked   excuse me have you been waiting in line for long  the girl turns around and says not that long   you come here alone uh yeah how about  you well i guess i'm not alone anymore   yeah i nervously chuckle as the girl says  i'm actually here with my boyfriend and then   looks at me as if she was looking through  me not at me so where is he she then says   i'm looking at him as the gates to  the roller coaster ride began opening guests from the lineup began rushing in  and filling every card on a first come   first serve basis while the girl says  what are you waiting for babe let's go   i began following behind her as we both  proceeded to make our way inside one of the carts   i didn't see the harm in sitting next to  her as i honestly found her pretty charming hey i'm rob what's your name my name  is melissa but you can call me mellie   well it's nice to meet you melly the girl then  leans over and kisses me on the cheek as i said   are you always this forward that's when  the roller coaster abruptly accelerates   i began to hold on for dear life as the velocity  of the ride felt like i was jetting on the   highway at a rate of 200 miles an hour as the  roller coaster began zooming up and down in a   ferocious manner i could see melissa staring  directly at me through my peripheral vision   i casually glanced at her only to realize she  was giving me the same bizarre stare she gave   me during our initial encounter at first i thought  she was just thrilled at the notion that my face   looked silly from the turbulence of the ride but  then i realized that she was staring at me with a   gaunt smile like the movement from the ride didn't  phase her in the slightest i couldn't help but   feel uncomfortable as we began approaching  the tail end of the ride i nonchalantly look   around as if i was exploring the amusement  park but in reality i was avoiding melissa   the ride finally made its way back to the initial  start point i remember waiting for the operator's   queue to unbuckle our seat belts and safely get  off the roller coaster i made sure not to make   eye contact with melissa as the operator finally  gave the green light for guest eggs at the ride that's when i got off and began speed walking  while trying to find a fair game or another   ride to go on i then made my way into the huge  ferris wheel lineup hoping to masquerade myself   within the crowd a small and soft hand began  to firmly grasp onto the gaps of my fingers   i look across my shoulder and lo and behold it  was melissa holding hands with me as if we were   in a relationship or something hey it's me again  uh hey getting a bit too comfy aren't you yes   i'm very comfortable with my boyfriend duh yeah  sure melissa then hugs me and caresses her head   against my shoulder i honestly could have shoved  her away but decided to take the high road and   go along with the whole facade time began running  slow as we steadily began inching towards the   entrance of the ferris wheel i couldn't help but  think in my head what the hell is this girl's   problem why is she holding onto my arm like  that does she really think i'm her boyfriend   after about 30 minutes of awkward silence and  continuous unwanted arm hugging we finally make   it in front of the ride and began making  our way onto one of the passenger cars   again we both sit next to each other melissa then  wraps her arm around mine i was now convinced that   she had built a relationship which was  obviously a figment of her imagination   the wheel then began to rotate as melissa leans  her head on my shoulder and says rob can i tell   you a secret uh sure melly hey can you please  stop i think you're moving a bit too fast here   but it's your fault what the hell are you talking  about i have an impulsive behavior disorder you're   kidding me every time someone calls me by my  nickname i develop an extreme compulsion where   i can't resist the urge to kiss them melissa's  eyes then wander towards the sky as if she was   embarrassed to disclose such personal information  but then why did you introduce me to that name   that's when melissa's phone begins to rain she  pulls it out and reveals a video call coming from   her mother she then answers the video call and  says hey mom hello my precious baby pumpkin how   is the amusement park treating you mom the view  is quite amazing here say hi to my boyfriend rob isn't he a handsome son of a gun at this point  i was extremely aggravated by melissa's antics   despite her having the so-called disorder i didn't  want to make the situation any more awkward than   it already was so i just went along with it  and entertained the idea that we were a couple   melissa's great you guys make for a perfect  couple so you gonna propose or what uh   what are you waiting for big guy pop the question  can we please stop this melly i mean melissa   i then realized that the ferris wheel  had finally come to a halting stop as the operator gave us the green  light to abort the ferris wheel   i use the opportunity to get the hell out of  there and speed walk as far away from melissa   and her psychotic mother as possible hey where  did my son-in-law go rob where are you going   i want to ride the ferris wheel again so  you can propose leave me the hell or i'm   calling i then turned around and glanced at the  ferris wheel from a distance i could see melissa   still sitting in the passenger car as the ferris  wheel again began to operate a feeling of relief   flowed through my body getting away from that  clingy psycho brought me immense satisfaction   i made direct eye contact with her from  where i was standing at what made this all   the more disturbing was how emotional i saw her  getting i saw tears profusely run down her face   at this point i could have bolted the scene and  left the fair but i honestly felt a little guilty   knowing that i was the sole purpose of melissa  crying a storm on the ferris wheel may may   gravitate towards staying and possibly giving  an explanation as opposed to splitting the scene   the ferris wheel then abruptly stops as the ride  finally came to an end i saw melissa at the very   top passenger car as the guest below began to  exit the ride she then began shouting you're the   worst boyfriend ever i hate you i wish i never  met you without thinking i said i'm not your   boyfriend melly that's when melissa compulsively  leans over the passenger car to kiss me no no aah i was in my bed sound asleep when i got awoken  from the light shining through the gaps of my   blinds i got up and pulled the blinds open as i  began basking in the view that the 20th floor from   my condo had to offer the view was magnificent  i could literally see the entire landscape of   my city through my windows down by the glistening  lake was a fair right next to it seeing the ferris   wheel and roller coasters from a distance boosted  my serotonin levels from excited to exhilarated   my anticipation was at an all-time high what  better thing to do other than hit up my local   amusement park on a saturday morning i thought  to myself my first instinct was to obviously   invite my girlfriend to tag along so i rang her  number with my cell phone as i heard her soft   mellow tone say hey babe like she had just  awoken herself hey what are you up to today   nothing much just studying the usual what's up  did you want to go to the amusement park later   i can't i have an exam on monday babe did  you forget about my summer classes oh yeah   that's right no worries i'll just give simon a  call okay make sure you take lots of pictures   will do good luck studying i then call my friend  simon and within a matter of seconds into the   conversation he was already up for the idea i  head to my washroom and began to do my basic   hygiene practices just before changing  into some outdoor clothes to go outside   about an hour later i caught an uber and  began making my way to the amusement park   i made sure to text my friend that i was on  my way as he replies back saying that he was   already there according to the uber app my arrival  was going to take approximately 10 minutes or so   i wasn't going to keep my friend waiting  for too long as i could see the huge roller   coaster rides and attractions appear closer  the more we drove into the park's proximities   i felt like i was a kid all over again all the  nostalgic memories as a child began hitting me   all at once the more i reminisced while staring  at my reflection in the passenger seat window   we finally arrive as i could see my friend simon  waiting by the entrance where the lines were   i got out of the uber and began approaching his  direction as we both bought a wristband each and   then started heading inside where all the carnival  games were throughout the duration of the day i   would say that we both approximately spent close  to 400 in total on carnival games only to come   out empty-handed well not exactly empty-handed  simon was able to win a small plushie but ended up   giving it to some kid as we were a little  irritated from the amount of elves we were taking   the park was about to close in an hour or  so when i spotted an odd looking machine   from the corner of my eye it looked like  a clown animatronic inside of a wooden box   i then said to my friend dude look at that game  over there what the hell is that thing we both   began approaching closer to the machine as the  words in the box were now legible enough to read   the game was called psychic clown there was a  bold print on the front of the box that read   one dollar per try two slots indicated that  the game accepted both coins or bills i was   a little intrigued by the game until the  old man standing by the hot dog stand said   hey what are you kids doing this game is out of  order uh we just wanted to try it away kid the   game is cursed i've seen too many stupid kids like  you lose your lives what are you talking about   you lose everything you hear me don't say i  didn't warn you idiots the man then walks away   as me and simon immediately scrabbled through our  pockets looking for any change that we could find   the behavior from that man left us curious but at  the same time intrigued about what he was heckling   about what the hell was his problem i don't know  to be honest i don't think i want to spend any   more money today dude i already lost about 200  bucks i have like five bucks left what do you   think we should ask it i don't know how this  thing works dude let's see if it even accepts   the money i then placed a one dollar bill in the  slot as simon impatiently presses the go button   as i looked up at the glass i could see the clown  open its eyes wide and say ask me a yes or no   question to uncover the truth and then press the  go button simon then jokingly asks psychic clown   is dean ugly and then follows up by pressing the  go button the clown then bizarrely starts to move   back and forth while simultaneously laughing  in a psychotic fashion and then says the word yes okay very funny dude i then slipped another  dollar in and rebuttal simon's antics by saying   psychic clown is simon going to be a virgin  till he's 40. the clown once more begins to   move back and forth while the strange laugh  echoes through the mouth of the animatronic   saying yes okay okay dude enough with the  jokes let's ask it more serious questions   i then take out another dollar and slip it into  the slot while asking the clown psychic clown   do i have a girlfriend again the clown  begins to laugh and then says the word no well that's a bummer the clown is wrong let me  ask this question that i know it can't possibly   get wrong i then slipped another dollar in as  simon asks psychic clown is the color of my   shirt white as the clown began to operate i knew  that if it answered this particular question wrong   then this was obviously just another lame gimmick  that the fair used to finesse its customers   the clown then said the word no yep definitely  not legit well i do have one more dollar left   dude i'm gonna catch the bus screw this clown  alright dude i'll meet you at the front simon then   begins walking towards the entrance of the park  while i slip my last dollar in the slot and ask it   psychic clown is the color of simon's shirt  red again the clown begins its psychotic laugh   and then says the word yes at this point i was 100  convinced that this whole clown machine was a scam   and that the gentleman from the hot  dog stand was trying to frighten us   i began to approach the entrance of the amusement  park as the shutdown of the carnival games   indicated that the fair was just about to wrap up  i then saw a large crowd that seemed to be rattled   by some sort of commotion going on it sounded like  the majority of people were in a frantic state   as i could hear someone in the crowd yelling help  someone called the cops as i noisily approached   the group of pedestrians i could see my friend  simon laying face-first in a puddle of blood   i then began to frantically perform cpr by  pressing on his chest as the blood from his   shirt began to seep onto my hands while yelling  no simon wake up simon please don't die on me   please simon as the ambulance rushes simon to the  hospital i could virtually see no movement or any   vital signs of human life simon was immediately  pronounced dead at the scene due to multiple stab   wounds in his chest from an alleged assailant that  fled the scene while supposedly trying to mug him   at the bus stop of the fair about a month after  the tragedy of simon my girlfriend maya breaks up   with me as she felt that being in a relationship  was greatly affecting her work studies   i couldn't understand why my world began to  suddenly crash on me after long nights of   heavy drinking my parents became concerned with me  and recommended that i see a virtual psychologist   trying to cope with the loss of my friend and  the end of my three-year relationship with my   ex-girlfriend was quite the bitter pill to  swallow as the summer was nearing the end   i decided to head to the amusement park once  again in hopes that the fair games or carnival   rides would help provide some sort of temporary  closure i then saw an attractive girl standing   by the cotton candy stand i figured i'd shoot  my shot so i approached her and said hey do you   like roller coasters uh yeah why you ask because  i can send you on a ride that you'll never forget nice pickup line can i have your number uh  sure i guess i then reached into my pocket   only to see that i had forgotten my phone at home  i awkwardly grab a one dollar bill from my wallet   and embarrassingly ask the girl to write her  number on it the girl then takes the bill and   begins writing her name and number using some  red lipstick she had gotten from her purse as   i held onto her cotton candy she then hands back  the bill and says nice meeting you nice meeting   you too uh samantha i began to walk further down  the amusement park and could see the same psychic   clown machine from a distance a trickle of sweat  began running down the side of my face as i then   realized that the machine might have had something  to do with the death of my friend or the end of my   relationship i then approached the machine and  immediately placed a one dollar bill on the slot   while asking the question are you the reason my  girlfriend broke up with me the clown then begins   to laugh and do its unsettling movement and then  says the word yes after inserting another dollar   in the bill slot i asked are you the reason my  friend got stabbed the clown then responds with yes i then began to start seeing red as the  security guard approached me from behind saying   kid the park is closing now can  you please proceed to the exit   uh sure no problem as the security guard  began hassling other people at the park   i used the opportunity to jump over the counter of  one of the vendor booths that was currently closed   and waited for at least two hours  straight before the coast was clear   i then jumped out of the booth and went towards  the direction of where the psychic clown was at   only to see the entire machine relocated on the  opposite side from where it initially was i began   to start banging my fists against the glass while  yelling i know you're alive you were right beside   the freaking hot dog stand you wouldn't think i'd  notice i knew damn well you were the reason my   friend is dead and why my girl and i are separated  i unwittingly went into my pocket and grabbed the   bill that had the written phone number from  the girl that i had just met i slipped it into   the machine only to have the bill eject into two  pieces i yelled from the top of my lungs answer me   answer me as the clown suddenly began to laugh  despite not accepting the money i had put into it   the clown then vigorously starts banging its head  on the glass as if it was suffering from some sort   of faulty error or malfunction i'm done playing  games with you i then went to go unplug the   machine from the electricity outlet only to see it  had already been unplugged the game is cursed i've   seen too many stupid kids like you lose your  lives a psychic clown do i have a girlfriend   no psychic clown is the color of simon's shirt  red yes you'll lose everything you hear me i never allow my kid to go near a claw machine  and i know what you're thinking why not   trust me when i say that claw machines  remind me of a vicious childhood memory   that still keeps me awake at night i grew up  in the outskirts and was raised by my mother   she told me my dad left her right before i was  born and since then he never tried to contact us   as a kid i used to feel bad whenever i saw other  kids going home with their dads after school   luckily i had the most loving mother who really  did her part to play both roles she took me out   almost every weekend one saturday afternoon i  was playing in the backyard when my mom called me   she told me to get ready as we're about to head  out without wasting time i got dressed we hopped   into our car and she started the engine the  fresh air touched my face as i rolled down   the passenger seat window where are we going mom  to a fair at spring lake i got excited to hear   this the entire ride i kept talking about the fun  things i was going to do once we got there when we   arrived to spring lake it was almost evening the  fairground glowed in the dark like a wonderland   kids were running in joy small crowds  were seen near almost every food stall   my mom took me to an ice cream truck and we bought  our favorite chocolate ice cream she was checking   out some kitchen tools and i was standing beside  her suddenly my eyes went to the corner behind   the ferris wheel and i saw a claw machine mom can  i play some games sure but don't go too far i'll   be here so come back when you're done my mom gave  me some coins and i ran towards the claw machine   the screams of people on the ferris wheel mixed  with the loud music of the fair created a chaotic   atmosphere the claw machine was the only spot that  stood out like a lone wolf in that entire fair   as i got to it i found out why the machine was  not in good condition and the toys inside looked   quite old and dirty no one wants a worn out  toy so maybe that's why no kids came to play   here but among those not so good looking toys a  baseball caught my eye i decided to aim for that   i inserted the first coin and the claw started  to move towards it i somehow grabbed the baseball   it was just two to three inches away from being  mine when i dropped it i got disappointed but i   had enough coins to give it another try i took  five attempts and failed each one hopelessly   when i realized i had finished all my coins  in one single game i kicked the machine out of   anger damn it there's no way mom will give me more  coins to keep trying seems like you suck at this i turned around and saw a pair of  eyes peeking out from a dark corner   i was about to freak out when an average height  man emerged from the darkness there was nothing   striking about his features but his eyes made  him look mysterious who are you just a guy   but we can be friends he kept smiling at  me from ear to ear after saying this why do   you want to be my friend because i can give you  what you want if you agree to help me in return um what do you mean i can get that baseball  for you yeah right i knew there's no way he   could get the ball because i'm really good at the  claw machine and still failed five freaking times   he blinked at me giving the same creepy smile  and approached the machine he inserted a coin   and the claw started to move  again without any difficulty   the man pulled out the baseball from the machine  and gave it to me as i said you suck at this i felt humiliated and stood there with a sad  face the man then crouched down to my level   and came extremely close now it's your turn are  you ready matthew um what do i have to do nothing   just play another claw machine for me wait  there's another claw machine at this fair   yes but not many people know about it it  has even bigger and newer toys than this one   wanna check it out i looked back and saw  people everywhere i couldn't see my mom though   what are you thinking don't you want big toys  i thought what harm can come from playing in   a claw machine also i wanted to prove to  this man that i don't suck at this game   okay let's go the man smiled and started  to walk to the other side of the fair   i followed him i kept turning back and saw the  bright lights moving away from me after walking   for a bit the man stopped i saw a spooky looking  house standing in front of me i've been to haunted   houses and many other fairs before but this one  looked different a huge clown face was put up at   the entrance and the door was inside its mouth the  man opened the door for me and said come on in i   walked inside and he closed the door behind me at  that moment i felt that there was something wrong   he walked through the long corridor decorated with  all kinds of scary props the illuminating red and   purple light made me feel like i've stepped  into another world my heart was beating faster   but still i was no easy scare i followed him and  he took me to a big room probably the main room   inside the haunted house there was something in  the middle of the room covered with a damp cloth   i was wondering what it could be just when i  heard a muffled voice what was that oh matthew   don't be afraid there's no ghosts in here all  this time i didn't notice but suddenly something   sprung in my mind how did he know my name i  never told him my name how do you know my name why don't you go ahead and see what's under that  cloth i knew this man wouldn't let me out if i   don't do as he says i slowly walked towards the  center of the room and grabbed the cloth with my   trembling hand i could hear my heart pounding in  my ears i removed the cloth in one go and a filthy   sight took place it was indeed a claw machine  but instead of toys it was completely filled with   disgusting rats they were trying hard to climb up  the glass surface but each one kept sliding down i   i want to go to my mom please let me go you could  take your baseball i don't want it don't be scared   of me why do you want to go back when your mom is  already here what the man rushed to the corner of   the room and pulled out a chair from nowhere my  mom was sitting on it tied with rope her mouth   was duct taped and i discovered the source of the  muffled sound that i heard a few moments earlier   she started sobbing terribly after seeing  me fear was flooding in her tearful eyes   please let us go i will but first you have to  successfully get the key out of the claw machine   you get the key i'll let you all leave but every  time you fail i will cut something off of your mom and that's how the nightmare began i had  no choice but to follow his exact words   i made my first attempt and i  failed out of nervousness and fear   the man took out a knife and chopped off the  thumb on my mom's right hand second chance i failed the second time as well and the psycho  chopped off two more fingers watching your mother   suffer because of your failures is the cruelest  thing life has ever done to me she cried more in   pain than in fear and i had no idea why the man  was doing this to us please enough now let us go   stop hurting her why are you doing this  trust me matthew i have my own reasons   i am but before he could finish i heard cop cars  coming in our direction who called the cops he   looked at my mom with the death stare and her  cell phone fell on the ground from her tied hands   i don't know what happened next but the  man turned off the lights all of a sudden   and it got pitch dark i heard my mom's muffled  cry one last time and everything went silent   i was so traumatized that i couldn't  stand anymore and i fainted on the   ground the cops came and rescued me but  they didn't find the man or my mother   i became a ward of the state and spent  the rest of my childhood in foster homes   i still don't know where my mom is or who the  man was but i know he'll visit me again why   because when i woke up in the hospital after that  night i found a piece of paper inside of my pocket   it read the game hasn't finished yet i don't  know how he left this message but i'm sure he   is out there watching my every move looking for  one chance to finish when he started that day you
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 526,417
Rating: 4.9204135 out of 5
Keywords: animated horror stories, horror stories, animated, horror, stories, mcdonald's horror story, creepy stories, animation, horror stories animated, horror story, animated stories, horror narration, scary stories, scary story, disturbing, disturbing horror stories, scary, terrifying horror stories, amusement park, amusement park horror stories, onlyfans horror stories, instagram, Facebook, scary animated story, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation, mcdonalds
Id: YuMcRt37Yeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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