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hey horror shorties we want to give a big thank  you to honeygain for sponsoring this video   honeygain is an app that makes you money  while you go about your day-to-day routine   at work honeygain just made you  some money busy binging scary movies   once again honeygain has made you some money  sign up now and get your first five dollars   with our code horror this app runs in the  background by sharing your internet connection   it's kinda like uber or airbnb businesses use  your network to collect public web data all while   keeping your personal data secure and no honey  gain does not affect your browsing experience   now hear me out honeygain won't be  able to cover huge living costs however   over a few million users pay for their netflix or  spotify subscriptions by simply running the app   so go ahead and claim your first five dollars  now by downloading honeygain and using our promo   code horror by inviting friends to the app  you can also earn 10 of their daily earnings   maximizing your own profit download honeygain  today by clicking the link in the description below this is an urban legend that allegedly  took place around the early 2000s   back before social media sites like instagram  or snapchat were even a thing the source for   the story was shared through the victim's roommate  who claimed that the following events were in fact   true and that they occurred within the residence  he and the victim had lived at there's been a lot   of speculation whether the events of the story  were fabricated or not due to the supernatural   aspects of the proposed speculation but from the  testimonials of the victim's roommate it makes it   rather difficult to argue the legitimacy of it  it allegedly all began when a young man in his   mid-20s had moved in with one of his colleagues  from school to an old run-down apartment complex   we'll give the young man the alias george and  his roommate simon for better context george   was a young man who just recently moved out of his  parents house and into an apartment complex just   five minutes away from the college he had enrolled  in it was alleged that george was a hard-working   student as he did school full-time in the  mornings and worked full time during the evenings   that meant that a lot of his life revolved around  studying on the job while trying to make a living   for himself and maintain the childhood dream of  being an independent man he so desperately desired   george's life was unfortunately reduced to  constantly working and schooling for a solid   year or two which carried a lot of weight  on his shoulders the repetitive nature of   his lifestyle made him develop a lot of hatred  towards the world as the monotonous everyday   routine made him have an edge that most of his  colleagues didn't see prior to meeting him his   roommate simon even described george's demeanor  as bizarre and weird the longer he lived with him   here's when the story takes a bizarre turn simon  claims that the cause of george's odd behavior   wasn't from school or work he claims that it  came from a curse vhs tape that was played by   george when simon was out with his group of  friends one night the vhs tape was allegedly   discovered by simon when he came out of a local  blockbuster after renting a movie to take home   simon then saw a tape sitting on the sidewalk  in front of the store hmm what movie is this the   tape had no movie label on it just a white  strip on the edge with the words play me   simon took the tape home as he figured it could  be useful for recording a movie on his television   he then heads home and begins watching the movie  he had initially rented hey dude i'm gonna head   to bed so i'll see you at class tomorrow have  a good night dude after i finish this movie off   i'm gonna check this thing out check what out this  vhs i found it on the street and it says play me   hmm weird well i'll see you tomorrow dude have  to wake up early for class all right later dude   simon then takes out the movie from the vhs  player and pops in the play me tape as his   curiosity started distracting him throughout  the film the tape then begins to play what   ends up appearing on the tv was something simon  described as extremely bizarre and unsettling   it was a video of a man sitting on a boat in the  middle of an ocean he sat there quietly in one   spot while the fluorescent light from the moon  shined upon his silhouette according to simon   the film looked like some sort of strange stock  footage that a low budget creator had whipped up   what the hell is this crap who the hell wants  to watch someone sitting on a boat for hours   what did you say what the hell was that simon then  got up from the couch and confusingly stared at   the television trying to comprehend if the words  came from his head or the tv was that you who was   just talking to me yes perhaps you would like to  see my face uh okay that's when the man on the   boat begins to aggressively paddle towards the  tv as simon begins to slowly backpedal in fear   what the hell the man in the boat then makes  his way up close towards the screen only to show   a face that looked exactly like simon as if his  double ganger was on the other side of the screen   i need your help simon no no leave me  alone then approaches the living room   and says dude what the hell happened uh my  bad dude i must have accidentally fried it   jesus christ that's the last time you're ever  watching a scary movie several days after that   incident simon replaces the tv in the living room  and ends up heading out to hang with some friends   leaving george in the apartment complex  alone george used most of his free time   studying and working on school assignments  as he usually had the nights off on weekends   after about an hour or two of consistent rummaging  of notes george decided to finally take a break   and watch a movie from his vhs collection george  then turns off his lights and attempts to insert   his movie in the vhs player only to notice it  already being occupied with the play me tape   that's when george decided to press play using the  remote only to see the same video that simon had   seen before just a male silhouette casually  sitting on a boat in the middle of an ocean   george sat there in silence as if he anticipated  any further dialogue waiting to transpire within   the next few seconds or so as he looked further  into the television he could vaguely make out   that the figure of the man was a figure similar to  himself that's when the man in the boat said help   me george what the hell is that you talking to me  yes i need you to fill up your bathtub with water   can you do that uh why would i do such a thing  please i need your help george i need you to fill   up your bathtub and do it in the dark it's the  only way this is going to work okay that's when   george heads to the washroom using the light from  his blackberry cell phone and begins to fill the   bathtub up with water he then heads back to the  living room and says to the boat man okay boat   man i just filled the bathtub now what great job  george now throw something in the tub uh like what   anything that can float that's when george grabs  a rubber duck from his washroom cabinet and tosses   it into the bathtub he then approaches the living  room once more and says okay i did it now what   george's jaw dropped as he saw the rubber duck  floating next to the man on the boat george then   checked the bathtub using the light from his  phone only to see no trace of the rubber duck   he then heads back and repeatedly curses at the  screen saying what the hell is going on who the   hell are you how the hell did you do that george  now fully submerge yourself inside the bathtub and   why the hell would i do that for eternal happiness  silly now do it george what get in the bathtub now   george then frantically tries turning the tv off  by repeatedly pressing the power button on the   remote but the tv remained on he even went as  far as ripping off the power cord from the wall   outlet but the tv still remained on you want me to  drown huh is that what you want you sick bastard   that's when george runs into the  washroom and jumps straight into the bathtub what the hell where the hell am i somebody help  me help and that's the story of the great urban   legend of george some say the man he is today  is the man that was once trapped in the video as   his former school colleagues claimed that he had  suddenly became timid and quiet george's roommate   simon even testified to george's sudden change  mentioning how he has behaved different sense   and how he thinks the tape had something to do  with it in conjunction with the other testimonies   from george's colleagues simon's final statement  about george redd i wish george good health and   prosperity i must vouch that the man george is  today is definitely not the person i once knew before they say that burning in a heaping ball of fire  is deadlier than drowning in a pool of water   but i digress as the thought of a huge body of  water always triggers my paranoia whenever i'm   out in public ambient sounds from the ocean or  raindrops falling from the sky leave the pulse on   my temple throbbing in a meticulous manner i even  find it difficult maintaining my everyday hygiene   practices the simple use of water from the sink  or the spouting drops from my shower head always   left me curled up in a corner like an adolescent  child attempting to jump off a diving board into a   public pool the development of fear grew stronger  over the years which kept me isolated and timid   towards others as i am still left traumatized  till this very day i want to share my story with   the world and can hopefully be cleansed from this  malignant mental anguish i've been suffering from   for almost my entire adulthood who knows maybe  spreading this story will inevitably manifest   the closure i so desperately desire it all started  in tokyo japan when i was flying from my hometown   alberta canada to enjoy some nice summer weather  that the eastern side of the world had to offer   i personally didn't have a lot of friends growing  up so i would go on these solo trips alone   at the time i was running an online merchandising  company so i was quite flexible when it came to   traveling abroad or spontaneously taking vacations  whenever july or august came around the corner   i remember staying at a hotel and visiting an  array of tourist sites throughout my stay there   i even incorporated my daily routine of going to  a local gym about a minute away from my hotel i   usually worked out for an hour a day and then went  to this bath house located next door from the gym   the japanese bathhouse otherwise known as sento  was opened up to the public for communal use   from 1pm to 10 pm it would usually cost around  a thousand yen which was equivalent to 9 usd or   11 cad if you're canadian like me i would  always be greeted by this attractive lady   at the front desk named miwa she was quite  nice but at the same time a little timid as   i knew she had a history of being bullied as a  child from the last conversation i had with her   i remember meewa saying come to the bathhouse more  i'm lonely as she sips on a cup of coffee leaving   a drink mustache on her upper lip i promise i'll  come over more if you shave that mustache off   that's when a tear ran down the side of meewa's  face as if she was triggered by my words hey   i'm sorry i was just talking about the drink  residue on your face not you it's okay ned   when i was a kid people at school used to  bully me about facial hair growing on my face   meewa please forgive me i was only kidding i then  saw a polaroid camera sitting on the front desk   and decided to take a selfie of the both  of us in hopes that i could cheer mewah up   here's your towel ned please enjoy the shower i  didn't want to accidentally further upset her so   i proceeded to make my way inside the bathhouse  showering next to a bunch of greasy men standing   right beside me wasn't exactly the most ideal  service i wanted to explore being in japan   but i figured i'd try it out considering i wasn't  going to be here for long the bath house had a   wall that didn't go all the way up to the ceiling  that divided the men and women's sections apart   so you could technically hear or communicate with  the females each section consisted of several   shower heads with hot tubs readily available  behind them i remember spending the majority of my   trip sightseeing and eating out so working out and  showering at the bathhouse was a rare occurrence   one night i was in my hotel room watching  some television with the lights turned off   my bed was up against the wall which was also  facing the direction of the door and television   i would spend the next few hours watching sitcoms  and movies that the hotel offered within their   cable network the time was approximately 1am when  i heard a loud knock coming from outside my door   i found it quite strange that someone would knock  this late at night considering most of the hotel   staff wouldn't approach their guests unless they  had requested for room service who the hell could   be knocking at my door at one o'clock in the  morning i shouted who is it there was no answer   just the audible sound from the  movie playing on my television   i then saw a photograph slip  into my room from under the door   i got out of my bed and slowly approached the door  while placing one of my eyes close to the peephole   i could then make out that it was meewah from the  bathhouse surprisingly waiting outside my room   confusion was all i felt as i didn't know how  the hell she could find where i was staying at   i then opened the door only to see no sign of miwa  i remember looking at both sides of the hallway   just to make sure i wasn't hallucinating or seeing  things that's when i went back inside my room and   picked up the photo that was slipped underneath my  door there lied a photograph of meewah and myself   that was previously taken the last time i was at  the bathhouse a handwritten message on the bottom   right corner of the photograph read come to the  bathhouse more i'm lonely with a smiley face right   next to it i figured i'd shoot my shot considering  i didn't have much time left on my vacation   i began changing into some outdoor clothes  packed my bag and eventually made my way outside   again the bath house was located about a minute  away from the hotel so getting there wasn't much   of a hassle i felt a little uncomfortable  meeting up with miwa this late at night   but i carried on as i didn't mind some  late night action on my last days here   as i made my way through the entrance of the  bathhouse i could see meewah standing behind the   front counter with a sadistic smile on her face  i was a little taken back and borderline about   to split when she started waving me over by saying  ned come here i approached the front counter and   said hey miwa you slipped this photograph in  my hotel room right miwa nodded her head yes   and then i asked her okay how did you know where i  was staying at she just stared at me with a gaunt   expressionless look as if she had seen a ghost or  something i bet you were following me around town   weren't you meewa then grabbed a towel and  handed it over to me she then said take a   shower i'll meet you on the other side uh okay  i then went into the bathhouse changed out of my   clothes and proceeded to take a shower as i heard  someone entered through the other side of the wall   i didn't know if it was meewah as the wall  separated our respective sides so i began to   shout hey miwa is that you yep it's me i could  then hear her turn on the shower i didn't know   exactly what her sole purpose was of having me  come all the way here so i said hey miwa yes   why did you want me to come here i want to spend  time with you silly now can you pass me some soap   i don't know if i have any look behind you  on the floor there should be a bar of soap how did she know that i then  grabbed the bar of soap and shouted   here as i tossed it over the wall about 10 seconds  later meewa makes another strange request saying   ned can you now toss over the razor i want  to shave my mustache huh meanwhile you don't   have a mom give me the razor give me the razor  give me the razor i began to feel claustrophobic   as the room felt like it was getting smaller  and the air was gradually getting thinner   that's when i saw a razor conveniently  sitting on the floor right next to me i picked it up and unconsciously tossed it over  as i said here can you please calm down now   i could hear meewah psychotically laughing  while shaving her face in a vigorous fashion hey miwa what the hell are you doing i then  noticed the water from my shower head slowly   start to become more dense and the color gradually  turning red as if i was being showered in blood   what the hell is going on meanwhile if this  is some kind of sick prank stop that's when   another staff member opened the door to my side  of the bath house and said how the hell did you   get in here the bath house is closed but meewa  invited me over here and she's on the other side   what in the hell are you talking about kid that's  impossible the staff member then opened the door   to the female side of the bathhouse only to show  no sign of miwa i then realized that the blood i   showered with was a fixation of my imagination as  there was no sign of it on myself from my side of   the bathhouse what makes this story disturbing is  how the staff member disclosed how meewah passed   away two weeks prior to this initial incident it  was alleged that one of the bath house attendees   were preparing to open up when they noticed one  of the hot tubs completely clouded in blood miwa's   body was found fully submerged in that hot tub  with her face completely lacerated as if it had   been shredded up through a meat grinder what they  also claimed to have found was a razor floating in   that very same tub i couldn't believe what i was  hearing seeing and hearing miwa in the flesh made   me question my own sanity am i really going crazy  i could have sworn i saw her at the front desk i   i remember hearing her ask for soap and a razor i  began to eventually make my way back to the hotel   contemplating whether i should book an early  flight home or if i should ride out the remainder   of my trip as i approach the outside of my room  and open the door with my key card i can see the   same photograph that was slipped into my room  earlier except the face of miwaz was cut off i'm not sure how well known this one is  but it's one that's always tickled my fancy   the bath game sometimes known as daruma-san  is a game that dates back a long way   the game itself carries with it huge risk  but also the potential for huge reward   according to legend by conducting a  simple ritual you can summon an entity   known as daruma-san who will play a game of cat  and mouse with you the reward for winning is that   you'll be blessed with amazing fortune this  one's not for the light-hearted amongst you   though as a lot of bad things can happen to you  if you decide to play the game including death   here are the rules to play you'll  need a bathroom with a bathtub   only one person can play this game at a time but  don't worry you won't really be playing alone   step one wait until nighttime just before  bed step 2 fill up your bath with water   and turn off all the lights step 3 take  off your clothes and get into the bath   make sure your body is facing the faucet step  four close your eyes and begin to wash your hair   step five as you wash your hair repeat the phrase  daruma-san fell down fell down make sure to keep   repeating this the whole time you wash under  no circumstances should you open your eyes   step 6 if everything's gone according to plan  your head will be filled with the mental image   of a woman standing in the bathtub in this mental  image she'll slip and fall face first onto the tap   gouging out her right eye  she'll die in the process step seven yeah after this mental image  you feel a presence in the water behind you   do not turn around or open your eyes  instead ask aloud why did you fall   step 8 there'll be no answer to your question  just let it linger in the air for a moment   then with your eyes still firmly  shut step out of the bath and dry   yourself off this can be dangerous so  be careful not to slip as you get out   step 9 you can now open your eyes  head to your bedroom it's time for bed   do not turn on the bathroom lights do  not drain the bath water until morning   do not re-enter the bathroom after you leave  and make sure to close the door behind you   step 10 go to sleep the ritual is now complete  as soon as you wake up in the morning the game   will begin the ghostly figure of daruma-san will  follow you all day you can tell who she is by   her stained white clothes her long black hair  and the fact that she's missing her right eye   her left one is open and bloodshot   throughout the day you'll occasionally  feel her presence creeping up behind you   when you do quickly look over your right shoulder  when you turn to look you probably won't see her   as the day goes on though she'll get  closer and closer do not let her touch you   if you sense that she's getting too close stop shout this while swinging your arm in a  chopping motion then run you've just stalled   her and bought yourself some time put as  much distance between you and her as possible   use this tomare command sparingly though  it'll become less effective with every use   so only say when you really feel the need to   the game will only end when you manage to catch  a glimpse of daruma over your right shoulder   when you finally do see her immediately  shout guitar meaning i cut you loose   say this while swinging your arm like before   if you manage to do that before midnight  congratulations you've won the bath game   and good fortune should be yours for a time at  least should you fail to spot her by midnight and   cut her loose though then i'm afraid you've lost  the bathgame daruma will never stop following you   you can run as much as you like but you'll  always be close behind and eventually you'll   need to sleep giving her the opportunity to  catch you either in person or in your dreams   when she catches you well that's the end  don't try to play this game more than once   on the second playthrough she'll start at the  same distance you caught sight of her last time   and you won't have enough time  in the morning to get away they say that a little spark of fire is enough  to burn the world nothing could be more relevant   in my life right now the story i'm going to  tell you can be highly disturbing to some   hence viewer discretion is advised i'm studying  literature in wisconsin i believed i had an   amazing group of friends until this happened  last week we went hiking in the woods there   were five of us including myself joe sally chris  and peter it was supposed to be a boy's night out   but i had a crush on sally so i invited  her too i wanted to spend some time with   her we started the hike in the afternoon and  planned to camp near a waterfall in the woods   the landscape was so enchanting that every time  i would reach the top of the next hill and be   confronted with the sight of a new vista the  beauty of it would literally take my breath away   woods have sounds of their own sally and i were  clicking pictures just when we heard a scream   oh my god what's going on there's a snake in  my clothes get it off get it off get it off me what a dingo it's so easy to scare you man   mark why don't you tell me we brought an  extra chicken for the campfire tonight come on let's get going though everyone laughed at  sally's joke i found it a bit demeaning i was the   one who asked peter to tag along he's shy but he  too wants to make friends and hang out with them   i could tell from his face sally's joke hurt  his ego hey man don't take sally's words too   personally she didn't mean it that way come on  let's go even though peter didn't say anything   i knew underneath he did take it personally  we were walking among this dense wood with   tall trees surrounding us we decided to stick to  the hiking trails but after walking for a mile   we realized we were lost shouldn't we have  reached the waterfall by now yeah that's   exactly what i was thinking too joe can you check  the gps there's no network on my phone you check   it within a minute we all discovered that none  of us had service on our phones and the sun was   about to set it was getting dark pretty fast i  realized if we didn't find a spot to camp soon   we'll be in big trouble it'll be impossible to  make our way in these woods after the night falls   after walking for 20 more minutes we finally  camped in a favorable place everyone started   to put up their tents and i got busy making  the fire peter came and helped me in doing so   he was assembling the branches and  twigs and i was just about to light it   when we heard footsteps around us my eyes went to  the bush nearby and i saw that it was moving um   mark is it only me who thinks those bushes  are moving on their own no i can see it too   i got up and started to walk towards them  to check peter followed me with a flashlight it's fine it's fine guys check this out whoa what  is that probably an abandoned well but who built   the well right in front of a forest don't you know  the story of satiko what who it's a japanese urban   legend sarako appears as a young woman whose face  is hidden under her long black hair and she wears   a white dress that has water stains on it she  was born from an affair and possessed psychic   abilities she could wish for people's death and  they would die right at that moment people in   society started to condemn her saying she was  cursed out of fear her own father pushed her   into a well like this and left her to die in that  darkness but later she came back from that wall   and killed her father japanese people narrate her  story as the tale of broken trust and vengeance   what do you think should we call out to her maybe  she'd like to be your girlfriend peter stop it   sally he's already spooked enough leave the poor  kid alone hey i'm not a kid okay guys come on   we should be having a good time let's start the  bonfire we all came back to the campsite joe   started roasting marinated chicken and chris  played some music sally and i grabbed beers and   sat in the corner i noticed peter sitting  near the fire and drinking a beer as well   finally we were all having fun as a group after  a night of heavy drinking we all decided to go to   sleep peter and i went to take a leak we were all  pretty drunk none of us realized we were standing   close to the well while peeing i was finished so  i turned around to get back when i heard peter   saying mark mark what is that at that point i was  damn tired and i just wanted to get some sleep   what now as i followed his eyes i saw a  figure emerging behind the abandoned well   it was a woman with long black hair covering her  entire face just like that urban legend sadiko   that sally mentioned the woman was breathing in  a very weird manner suddenly she sprinted behind   the well and jumped on peter peter fell on the  ground screaming and i was about to scream too   just when joe and chris came out of the darkness  laughing their hearts out the woman then flipped   her hair back and i saw it with sally really  peter you're such an easy scare but before   i could react on this matter peter got up from  the ground and ran into those woods unexpectedly   peter where are you going hey this was just a  joke come back where did he go what the hell is   wrong with you sally enough is enough you guys  just crossed the limit this time grow up i went   to my tent and grabbed a flashlight we all started  looking for peter peter peter peter where are you   this won't do guys we need to split up in order  to find him chris you go to that side sally you   go back and wait there in case he comes back let  us know by blowing my camping whistle mark you go   to the right i'll check this way everyone be close  and don't get lost peter pete come out man peter   where are you peter peter damn it peter where the  hell are you peter come out man it was just a joke   it's really not safe wandering in these woods at  this time of night there could actually be a snake   you know peter you better come out or peter come  on man i'm sorry i'm apologizing on their behalf   please it's too dangerous out here i searched for  peter for half an hour more and finally gave up i   headed back to the campsite i was coming back with  lots of disappointment and tension in my mind when   i saw peter sitting near the campfire facing his  back at me i could hear him munching on something   quite vigorously peter where were you all this  time we were all looking for you like crazy peter   aren't you getting what i'm saying what happened  after that can never be deleted from my memory   peter was sitting in front of the bonfire and  eating his mouth was covered in blood his eyes   were extremely wide as he chomped sally's head  holding on his hand yes he was eating sally's   head while her headless body laid beside him  on the ground not just that there were two   other bodies as well joe and chris look mark  we have three big juicy chickens for dinner what have we done ah
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 743,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated horror stories, horror stories, animated, horror, stories, mcdonald's horror story, creepy stories, animation, horror stories animated, horror story, animated stories, horror narration, scary stories, scary story, disturbing, disturbing horror stories, scary, terrifying horror stories, stalker, urban legend, urban legend horror stories, onlyfans, onlyfans horror stories, instagram, Facebook, scary animated story, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation
Id: Il6VmFvAMcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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