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after finishing medical school i settled in  florida with a plan to open a funeral home   my grandparents raised me after my dad died of a  drug overdose i also never got the chance to meet   my mother i would always see other kids cherishing  the love of their parents which made me feel   like i missed out on a normal childhood i had a  girlfriend in college but she stopped answering   my calls out of nowhere one day i was thinking of  showing up at her door to confront her but then   i met scarlett i was embalming a newly  arrived body when my doorbell rang   i punctured the lungs and attached the  drain pipes for the fluids to flow out   when the doorbell rang one more time  coming geez what's the rush coming i said so sorry to bother you like this you must be mr  miller the funeral home director a woman in her   late 20s stood in front of me with a troubled face  even though she looked worried i couldn't help but   notice her attractive features she had beautiful  blue eyes which hypnotized me at first glance   i stood there like an idiot who forgot to talk  for at least 10 to 15 seconds the woman spoke   again um mr miller uh yes yes please come in i'm  scarlet i lived with my grandma on the outskirts   she died two days ago from a sudden heart attack  our pastor told me about you so i came here   after listening to this i was sure she was going  to ask me to prepare her grandma for her funeral   however i had to wonder if her grandma died two  days earlier then why did she come now i mean   who keeps a dead body for two days and then goes  to a mortician scarlett read my mind you must be   wondering why i waited two days to come here i  have an odd situation my grandma's last wish was   a bit frivolous she wrote in her will that she  wants the upper part of her body to be cremated   and the lower part to be buried after death hence  it took time to do the required arrangements at   the hospital i have her lower body here for the  burial i was taken aback by such an uncanny wish   so far in my career i've never heard anybody doing  something like that just to be on the safe side i   demanded to speak with the lawyer mr patterson who  prepared the will without any hesitation scarlett   gave me her full cooperation the lawyer stated  everything was true and with that the burial took   place amidst all of this the attraction between  scarlet and i grew strong we hit it off with a   couple of drinks which then led to a couple of  dates before we knew it we had been dating for   five months and i knew i had to make it official  i proposed to her and she accepted right away   believe it or not we were a perfect match  happiness was flooding through our life   however there was one thing scarlett couldn't  stand it was my profession scarlett hated coming   to the morgue when i was working it was quite  obvious though not everyone could handle the smell   of death my business grew over time i decided  to hire an assistant to help me out i recruited   a young guy named jimmy who worked as a caretaker  of the funeral home jimmy was hard-working but one   night things took a different turn it was around 2  30 a.m and heavy rain poured as bolts of lightning   illuminated the night sky i woke up hearing  loud thunder and found the other side of the   bed empty scarlet wasn't there i got up to look  for her after searching the entire house i still   couldn't find her i went to check the morgue  and as i entered the morgue i could see scarlett   standing near the embalming table her back facing  me a freshly arrived body was lying on the table   i called out to her scarlet what are you doing  here she didn't move at all i called her again   scarlett is everything all right  i was about to take a step forward   when she turned around her hands were smeared in  blood she looked at me with scared eyes and said   john the corpse was bleeding there's something  wrong with it and fainted on the floor scarlett   was right though the corpse was cut in some places  and stitched up again but the stitching was so   poor that during rigor mortis blood and  liquid started to burst out from the wounds   scarlett explained to me that she went downstairs  to check to see if all the windows were closed and   that she went to check the morgue as well she said  that she found drops of blood on the floor right   under the embalming table that sight traumatized  her so much that she became numb with fear   we went upstairs to wash up and would  deal with the mess in the morning   i woke up and quickly ran down to the morgue to  take a closer look at the corpse and shockingly   found that the liver was missing i knew that  this had to be jimmy's doing who else could do it   i was stunned to see his audacity he must have  stolen organs from these corpses to sell them   illegally i had to fire him that day even though  he denied everything i had to let him go as   scarlet was too scared to be near a man with such  alarming intentions people like jimmy are very   capable of bringing trouble in the long run so i  had to kick him out the shock of that night hit   my wife real hard she fell sick and couldn't get  out of bed one day i was thinking about what to do   just when her phone rang it was mr patterson i  didn't want to wake her up so i picked up the call   i told him right away that scarlett was not  feeling well he hesitated a bit and then said   um i don't want to disturb her at this moment  but can you please tell her to call me as soon   as she wakes up i asked him if there's anything  serious to which mr patterson replied well she   didn't submit the details of the buyer yet we may  be in legal trouble mr miller excuse me but what   details are you talking about oh you don't know  when the hospital dissected her grandma's corpse   they found her liver and lungs missing scarlett  said her grandma told her to donate her organs and   promised to submit the paperwork in time i wish i  never took this case her grandma's one particular   lady why do you think that i mean who makes  such a bizarre wish two days before her death   i should have never approved that will she didn't  even sign the will properly scarlett pleaded with   me so i went ahead with it anyways please tell her  to call me soon mr patterson disconnected the call   and i stood there like a statue a sense of unknown  fear increased my heartbeat is it all connected   or grandma's missing organs that fishy will  jimmy denying the theft of that liver is it   is it all scarlet every suspicion pointed at  her i turned around to wake her up when suddenly   a metal vase hit me in the forehead everything  went black and i passed out when i opened my eyes   my head was throbbing in pain i found myself tied  to a chair in the kitchen with my blurry vision   i could see someone standing near the kitchen  stove while cooking it was scarlet old 40s music   was playing in the background and she was cooking  in a cheerful mood what what's going on scarlett   what are you oh you're awake i'm making us lunch  why am i tied up like this so that you can't do   anything reckless hon what the hell is wrong with  you nothing everything was fine until that idiot   patterson called and you just had to answer  but there's nothing to worry about anymore   i took care of everything look how peaceful he  is he's sleeping on the couch as my eyes went to   the couch i saw mr patterson's bloody body lying  there his mouth was wide open eyes were staring at   the ceiling and his head was hollow yes his skull  was cracked open brutally and there was no brain   inside i started to breathe rapidly seeing such  a vicious sight scarlet came right in front of   my face and gazed into my eyes her caring stare is  now taken over by a burning hunger the smile that   bewitched me all this time is now replaced with  a terrifying grin this is not the scarlet i know   it was you you stole that liver not jimmy  all that fear of dead bodies was fake huh   scarlett what did you do with your grandma's  organs did you sell those too all these gruesome   acts just for money money oh you're one naive man  aren't you i didn't sell those organs i ate them   i was unable to believe her words my heart  raced to the point that i thought i could   die at any moment so that's why you married  me to get unlimited access to fresh corpses   i can't believe i fell for a freaking cannibal  don't be so harsh that's not the only reason   i do love you and trust me once you try my  new recipe you'll understand scarlett walked   to the kitchen counter and picked up a plate she  then walked towards me and placed it on my lap   it was a pair of human brains sauteed  and butter she took a spoonful of that   and said come on give it a try damn  you you psycho woman stay away from me i said try it she started to shove the brains into  my mouth like an animal i vomited on the floor as   soon as it touched my tongue i kicked scarlet's  leg and she tripped hitting her head hard on the   kitchen counter she screamed in pain holding her  bloody head i dragged my chair over to the phone   luckily i had 9-1-1 on speed dial as i press the  number 9 button with my tongue darling please   just try once i promise you'll love it then we'll  have no more secrets we can be together forever   but i didn't wait anymore i am the husband of  a cannibal who got sentenced to prison for the   murder of two people after her grandmother died  she ate her lungs and liver right away but to   suppress this violent act she forged her signature  and made a fake will which stated that her upper   body was to be cremated she thought no one would  notice the missing organs but the hospital noticed   right away as they saw the poor stitching scarlett  had done she made up the entire story about organ   donation and then came to me to get rid of the  other half that's when she decided to marry me   she just wanted access to fresh organs i mean just  think about it she wouldn't have to kill anyone   and she could secretly feast on  as many human bodies as she wanted   no one would notice the missing organs and her  secret will be buried with the dead it may seem   disturbing but the world has no law stating  punishment for the consumption of human meat   she was only punished for the murders what about  the people she ate one thing i won't ever forget   is the taste of those brains she forced me to  eat i can't say i really hated the taste though i want to give a disclaimer about my  story before sharing it with the world   before doing so i would like to keep the  individuals within this story anonymous   so i will be utilizing alias names to protect the  identity of the following individuals the events   of this story may be very disturbing to some  viewers so viewer discretion is highly advised   this story happened when i was in my late 30s  i was a full-time mortician and enjoyed every   single second of my job seeing the dead carcasses  of human remains come in and out of the morgue   it was symbolic in a sense where that was the end  of the deceased person's existence in this world   it was equivalent to closing a cover of a book  that told the story of an individual's life and   then putting it away for good on a bookshelf my  wife of 16 years wasn't fond of my occupation much   to be honest i don't exactly blame her as any  spouse dealing with the same circumstances   probably underwent the same mutual feelings my  wife and i weren't exactly the wealthiest people   so we rented the basement of my best friend who  lived on the top floor with his wife and children   we were all mutual friends from high school so  that made our time living there much more bearable   than living with complete strangers i remember  meeting my wife at our high school cafeteria   from the moment i laid eyes on her i could tell  she was going to be the one we ended up dating   which eventually blossomed into  a relationship and then of course   marriage you're the best husband ever you know  that i wish i could say the same about you   i'm just joking you are the greatest wife ever  sound better of course promise you'll never leave   me you'll always be with me a promise is a promise  like i said before we've been together for 16 long   committed years but not all fairy tales conclude  with a happy ending it was a friday evening when i   was out with some friends at a local gentlemen's  club for one of my colleagues 40th birthday   i personally didn't tell my wife as i didn't  want to hear her fuss about watching other   females dance exotically behind her back so i let  her know that i was visiting some family relatives   the time was roughly 11 pm when i began drinking  beer after beer shot glass after shot glass i had   completely lost count of the amount of beers i had  consumed due to the overbearing amount of orders   me and my friend put in on the tab my surroundings  became blurry as the temperature in the room   gradually increased the longer i sat in one  spot i could legitimately feel my head throbbing   and could hear every pulse exerting the  blood from my veins to my temple a head   rush from hell then began to stir my brain up  as sweat began dripping down the side of my face   that's when my friend jake jokingly confronts  me by saying dude what would you do if your   wife ended up finding out that you were here it's  not a big deal we've been married for 16 years so   she's not going anywhere speak of the devil you  gonna answer that i remember hearing and feeling   my phone vibrate on the side of my pants pocket  answer it i can't she must know that i'm here   dude what are you talking just shut up and mind  your business dude i can buy you a lap dance   if that'll calm you down sheesh i felt like my  friend was intentionally trying to exasperate me   immensely like he was poking the bear and was  questioning the integrity of my relationship   i honestly felt like no matter who approached or  talked to me that night i was going to throw an   impromptu hissy fit from the paranoid state and  guilty conscience that manifested inside my head   that's when i couldn't bear the sight of  sitting at that club anymore nor could i   stand any interactions with the people in general  any longer i abruptly got up to leave the premises   as my friends began talking under their breath  saying did you guys see how much he was sweating   he must have been nervous as hell from his wife  huh hope he got a prenup how the hell could he   sweat so much the ac is freaking cold as hell as i  make my way out of the gentleman's club i began to   slowly tumble towards my house as i felt extremely  intoxicated i contemplated calling an uber but   just decided to walk home as the walk wasn't that  far and it gave me an opportunity to sober up   my leg that had the pocket with my phone inside it  began feeling slightly jittery from the radiation   i remember taking my phone out of my pocket  and seeing that i had at least 100 missed   calls from my wife this led me to believe that  something odd was going on as i got closer to   my house i could hear a swarm of fire trucks and  police sirens echoing throughout my neighborhood   after a couple steps closer i could then make  out that my house had been engulfed in fire   that's when i ran towards one of the  police sergeants standing nearby and yelled   that's my house please help my wife  and my best friend are in there   sir i'm going to need you to calm down our  fire department is taking care of it right now   hello sir are you okay and that's when i  blacked out about 24 hours after that incident   it was announced that my wife and my best  friend were officially pronounced dead at   the scene and had suffered third degree burns  from the fire that had burned the household down   the investigators were unfortunately unable  to identify what might have caused the fire   but they speculate that it might have been caused  by a gas leak from the furnace in our basement   but i have a confession i was the  sole reason of why that fire happened   i couldn't stand to see my wife  or my best friend alive any longer   prior to their death i remember heading home from  work early one day only to catch them having an   affair with each other it was at that point that  i could have confronted the both of them but   instead i took a different approach and texted my  wife saying i'm gonna be home late go never drink   with the boys after work is done her response was  have fun text me before you come home love you   that drove me to the point of insanity which  made me set a part of the house on fire before   sprinting to the gentleman's club to meet with  my friends i'm a little ashamed by my actions but   at the same time i felt like it was the right  thing to do as they're both in a better place   right now my conscience would have been worse  if my friend's wife and children were involved   but luckily they weren't as they were fortunately  at a close relative's house when going to both my   wife's and my best friend's funeral i honestly  had the urge to disclose to his wife how much   of a cheating and ungrateful bastard he was  but i obviously kept my mouth shut until now   despite my wife having an affair i still miss and  love her dearly as deceitful and untrustworthy   as my wife was i still found it in me to forgive  her for her perfidious acts the memories we had   shared since high school were something i still  cherished even if it was a little tarnished or   compromised from the affair i remember spreading  her lips wide open using my thumb and index finger   i even had the courtesy of peeling back open  her eyelids just so i could see more of those   beautiful eyes look at her so beautiful you  look exactly the same way when we first dated   you know that the deeper i indulge myself by  gazing into her eyes the more emotional i became   as i knew that this was going to be the last time  seeing the glistening sparkle shine in her pupils   i began to arch over her corpse and leaned over  by drawing my face about an inch over her burnt   charred face just like we used to when she  was alive that's when i stuck my tongue out   and began to french kiss her exactly the  way we used to do it when she was alive i forgive you hannah i told you  that you'll always be with me   i'm a man of my word right  a promise it's a promise this story is not for the faint-hearted if  you are then it's time to press that pause   button and turn back this is an utterly disturbing  incident that left me in shambles i'm a mortician   after medical school i joined a funeral home in  my local town the first few weeks were fine the   only issue was the after hours cleaning because  the janitor was out of town for some reason   but still i didn't complain after finishing my job  i dutifully burnt all the waste in the basement   incinerator during my medical school days i've  had so many corpse experiences that i could easily   stand any gruesome looking corpse without throwing  up or getting scared seeing a dead hand tremble   a big toe wiggle a sudden twitching of the eyes  were no big deal to me i called it the final spark   which generally occurs during the embalming stage  these little details are going to be relevant   later it was a dull wednesday afternoon and i was  working in the morgue with my new buddy samuel   he was a 511 dark-haired man who  lost the battle of life to cancer   i was puncturing the organs in the abdomen to let  the gas and fluid out when i heard footsteps in   the corridor i turned back and saw a man standing  at the door with a smile on his face and a mop in   his hand good day sir i'm jonathan the janitor  you must be the new doctor i smiled and said   nice to meet you jonathan but i'm no doctor i  don't really save lives don't know if he got   my sarcasm but he gave me a people-pleasing giggle  and said i was out for my sister's wedding it must   have been tiring for you to do all the cleaning  after such long shifts but you don't have to worry   anymore i'm back now i thanked him for showing  concern and got back to work jonathan walked away   while mopping the corridor thank goodness i didn't  have to stay after work for the cleanings anymore   once i was done i put the corpse in the freezer  and left right away jonathan cleaned everything   and locked up the funeral home before leaving  he even arrived before me so a lot of the extra   responsibilities were lifted from my shoulders one  thing i liked about jonathan was that he kept to   himself and never bothered me one day i was doing  paperwork when the owner called me he said that a   new corpse was about to arrive a close friend  of his lost his daughter recently he also told   me that i must do a perfect job so that they can  say their final goodbye to their darling daughter   i asked him the cause of her death to  which he told me that she committed suicide   the girl hung herself from the ceiling of her room  i told him that it won't be difficult to prepare   her as her body would probably be intact but the  owner interrupted me saying actually there's a   little issue i sensed the tension in his voice so  i asked um what is it he paused for a bit and said   the sudden pressure on her neck has made her  tongue stick out uh excuse me i don't know how   to put it but you have to make her look the way  she did her parents are shattered i understood   the gravity of this situation and assured him that  i will do my best the body arrived shortly after i   went through her file for more details the girl's  name was kelly and she was just 17 years old   i felt bad for her and her parents she  was lying on the table zipped up inside   a plastic bag i changed into my gloves and usual  uniform and opened the bag to take a look at her   by now you all have gotten a clear idea that death  doesn't shock me anymore but as her face showed up   a sudden gasp came out of my mouth kelly was lying  still she was looking at the ceiling with her   wide pale blue eyes her curly blonde hair still  smelled a shampoo but her mouth oh god i will   never forget that sixty percent of her tongue was  hanging out of her mouth and resting on her chest   my description does not do it justice as the  sight was way more horrible than my words   it took me some time to get my [ __ ] back  together i went to my desk and had some water   the embalming table stood behind me i finally  calmed myself down and turned around to go back   believe me or not i found kelly's head tilted in  my direction she was looking at me with a lively   stare while her tongue hung from the edge of  the table i blamed the sudden change of position   on rigor mortis and walked to the table i  then moved her face to the previous position   and began my work i opened her mouth using a  gag and started putting her tongue back inside   i had to glue her lips so that by any  sudden movement the tongue never comes   out i also glued her eyes then i washed  and cleaned her after making the incision   i sat on a chair nearby and watched her bloody  fluids draining out once the fluids drained out   i got up to inject the formaldehyde-based  chemicals to finish the embalming process while   doing so i heard jonathan's voice behind me it's  sad to see a young lady fade away isn't it doctor   even though i told him to not call me a doctor  he did anyway i replied in a low voice yes   it is how old was she 17. jeez death is cruel he  exhaled in disappointment and started mopping the   floor i finished up within a few hours and left i  bought some new paints on my way home to deck her   up the next morning that entire night i couldn't  sleep as all i could think about was kelly   i kept drawing pictures in my mind thinking how  she was when she was alive the next day at work   i discovered something very weird i found kelly's  eyes and mouth wide open not just that there were   bruises on her wrists as if she put pressure  on her hands yes i know it sounds impossible   and no i wasn't intoxicated i again glued her  mouth and eyes without thinking much about this   but at the back of my mind i felt something wasn't  right with this corpse no matter how i placed   it it kept changing its position when i wasn't  looking things took an eerie turn i was getting   highly disturbed by all this i don't believe in  ghosts so i decided to get to the bottom of this   i placed a security camera inside the morgue  to see what exactly happens here at night   i didn't tell anyone about this because everyone  would have called me crazy the next morning i   rushed to work to see last night's footage  i sat in my cabin and logged into the laptop   the first few hours i didn't see anything kelly  kept lying on the embalming table covered under   a white sheet there was no one in the room and  everything was quiet but suddenly the morgue   door opened and a man walked in i knew this man  he walked to kelly and lifted the cover in one go   what he did next disgusted me to the core he  started running his fingers on kelly's cheeks   and then leaned on her to do more obscene things  that i can't even speak of i couldn't watch   anymore i sat on the chair hiding my face and my  palms i was shocked all this time it was jonathan   he's the reason why kelly had those bruises on her  arms i rushed to the washroom and vomited thinking   how sick this man was i had no idea that behind  the people-pleasing smile lurks a necrophiliac   i wanted to beat the hell out of him for pulling  off this shameful behavior but before handing him   over to the cops i plan to catch him in the act be  it dead or alive she's just a 17 year old girl who   had already suffered enough i told jonathan i was  leaving early little did he know i was going to   come back after dinner i left the window in my  office open at around 9 00 pm i sneaked inside   from there and waited for the culprit to come back  after 10 to 15 minutes i heard the main door open   footsteps appeared in the hallway i quickly  turned on the laptop to watch his every move   jonathan entered the morgue and took off the  cover from the embalming table kelly was lying   on the table like before he leaned onto her face  and just then the security camera malfunctioned   glitches appeared on the screen and it turned  black before i could act on it i heard a spine   chilling scream outside i bolted out of the  office and started to run towards the morgue   as i reached near the door i found it locked  jonathan was screaming in excruciating pain i   could hear a commotion going on inside the morgue  like he was struggling for his life the lights of   the entire funeral home started to flicker like  crazy and heavy wind came from the rattling   windows i tried my best to open the door but i  couldn't this continued for a few more minutes   and then everything became dead silent the morgue  door opened on its own after that i rushed inside   to see broken glasses dispersed on the floor and  equipment scattered here and there it was a mess   my eyes went to the left corner of  the room and i froze on the ground   jonathan was lying on the floor dead his jaw was  broken as if a strong force smashed it in one go   blood was coming out of his mouth like a  fountain and above all that he had no tongue   i slowly walked close to the table to take a look  at kelly she was lying still like she always did   her eyes and mouth were wide open again  but this time i found something more   inside her mouth rested a chunk of a bloody  human tongue that wasn't hers i called the cops   and provided them with the footage that i could  gather but jonathan's death remained unsolved   after all no law in this universe is capable  to punish a corpse with murder charges   if you ask me i strongly feel like he got  what he deserved and kelly took her revenge
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 798,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated horror stories, horror stories, animated, horror, stories, mcdonald's horror story, creepy stories, animation, horror stories animated, horror story, animated stories, horror narration, scary stories, scary story, disturbing, disturbing horror stories, creepy, creep, terrifying horror stories, stalker, morgue, morgue horror stories, onlyfans horror stories, instagram, Facebook, scary animated story, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation, scary, mortuary
Id: hkTLo7AIRjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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