3 Tips For Running a Successful 3D Print Farm from Home | Profitable 3D Printing Business - Mr Wumbo

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hi guys welcome to the video today i'm going to be sharing with you three important tips that will help you with 3d printing and with making a 3d printing farm uh whether you're a total noob or an expert and veteran at 3d printing my tips should help you regardless of who you are as long as you have a passion for 3d printing and a little background for me is that i have five years experience with 3d printing i sell 3d printed products on my printers back there on etsy ebay and amazon so i have a lot of experience with this and i'm excited to share with you guys three important tips to help you run a successful 3d printing business so tip number one is to stay consistent so what do i mean when i say it's good to stay consistent um you know consistency in general is just good because over time with consistency if you keep doing something day after day and learning um you're bound to improve and find success if you're starting out don't be discouraged if your 3d prints come out horrible because you know as i started out my prints were horrible it took it took time there's a there's a learning curve with everything in life and just every day you're going to get better if you practice and have that passion for 3d printing and just that energy um so as long as you stick with it you're going to get better now when it comes to an actual 3d print farm um consistency means running your machines almost 24 7. um this is because if you run your machines constantly you're going to be making extra items and you can put those aside for uh extra inventory on hand when uh when customers order your products you'll have the product ready to go instead of having to wait for it to be printed and stressing out about that you're gonna have things uh you know ready to go plus it saves you money imagine running uh eight 3d printers only once a day uh now compare that to four 3d printers running 24 7. um they're gonna get just as much done even though you have less printers so if you run your printers constantly you can save money instead of going out to buy like four more printers you can put that money into like filament or something else tip number two is to stick to one type of printer this is a mistake i see a lot of youtubers and people in general making when they start out their 3d printing farm and i've made this mistake myself so currently in my farm i have four cr6 se machines that do most of the printing i found that these printers are just my favorite because of the price point you can get one for like 350 bucks and they come with the auto leveling feature and they work really well they're just amazing machines for the price and you know this video isn't sponsored at all just my personal opinion and uh it's good to stick to one type of printer because i can't tell you how many times i've tried to get into different printers and i've received them and just returned them right away because of how dissatisfied i was they don't work out and um it's also a big hassle you know going back between the different printers um if you end up with different printers you'll constantly have to switch settings and like slicing softwares and you'll just be burdened with having to remember so many different things for so many different printers it just becomes to be it just becomes a pain to deal with and i think of it this way you can either acquire decent skills for using all different types of printers or you can become a master at using just like one type of printer and i prefer to do the lighter when it comes to fdm printing alright so tip number three is to find a good 3d printing supplier this is like the most important tip because it helps you save a lot of money i only realized this recently and when i when i buy bulk quantities like big bulk shipments of filament 10 or more i go through matter hackers because their filament is only about 16 per kilogram compared to about like 20 on up on amazon and so you're saving like four dollars a roll and if you're buying huge bulk quantities of filament you're gonna be saving a lot of money like hundreds of dollars and that's what i recommend doing because it saved me hundreds of dollars and it still is and um helps you save a lot of money and it also helps with consistency you're going to be getting the same color same brand every time and it helps your brand stay consistent so that's tip number three find a good 3d printing supplier i recommend matter hackers this isn't sponsored at all um good matter hackers for good filament and uh walmart if you're trying to buy printers cr6sc it's like 350 on walmart walmart has good prices on printers as well so i recommend checking out walmart if you're trying to go for printers and um yeah that's the final tip thanks for watching guys that's it for today but if you enjoyed i'll be making more of these videos in the future so go subscribe for sure and uh yeah i had a fun time making this video so thanks for watching
Channel: Mr Wumbo
Views: 18,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Printing, 3d, printing, tips, advice, help, ender, creality, farm, business, money, how, to, make, print, prints, talk, video, funny, creations, manufacturing, home, at, strategy, youtube, profitable
Id: QFTGep5a0LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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