3 THRIFT HAULS IN 1 DAY! | Thrift With Me! | Would You KEEP or SELL IT? Bargain Vintage Thrift Haul!

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today is going to be a really fun episode because we are going to be hauling three separate vintage trips I have been busy hitting the ground finding amazing treasures and I'm so excited to share them with you today [Music] first up we are headed to the beautiful Oregon coast [Music] I do a quarterly girls trip with my cousins to the Oregon coast and this time I was able to fit in quite a bit of thrifting we checked out the beautiful small town of Manzanita and they have more thrift stores than I realized because the last time I was here half of them were closed the thing about thrifting in small towns especially on the Oregon coast is you've got to know what days the vintage stores and antique stores are actually opened today was our lucky day because every single antique store and thrift store in the area was open our first stop was a thrift store and I found this mid-century modern lamp for only five dollars and I found two little baggies full of sterling silver jewelry everything was priced at between one and three dollars here are the pieces I found after I photographed them for my first Friday sale and I even found the most adorable solid Sterling Fork obviously I would never melt this down but the value alone just for the weight of the Sterling is significant I would love to know if you think that this was originally a child's Fork because it's so tiny or if you think it was for hors d'oeuvres and I also found this beautiful leopard print silk scarf that has hand rolled and stitched edges and it was 50 cents my sister who's not a big thrifter even found a really cute little wooden clock little Japanese plan enter let's do five dollars yeah you should get it that'll look good in the bedroom that would look really cute look at you thrifting good job I thought you said the Penguin Ice Bucket I was like I missed a pen when ice bucket yeah it's beautiful I didn't spot it good eye I found a beautiful pile full of old Japanese textiles and they were only ten dollars each and a beautiful floral kimono and this amazing 1980s Japanese clock go ahead and get these too my husband will love those thank you we did good today in Manzanita I cannot believe that I found all of that jewelry for so cheap at the thrift store I was in a separate room than one of my cousins and I was looking at the lamp and as she walked up behind me she overheard me say to the lamp I love you and she just looked at me and said did you just tell that lamp you loved it us thrifters are definitely our own breed aren't we now do you see why I said I love you to this lamp it is so perfect I love the shape on it I love that it's neutral and it goes with everything and I got three things from the beach trip that are in this vignette I've got a new Abacus to my little collection I've got going here this one's kind of cool because it's long and skinny and you can hang it on the wall just using this little section right here and then it could be part of a gallery wall which I just think would be really cool especially if you were a math and science family and you wanted to have some cool vintage touches in your gallery wall that weren't just art can you imagine adding this in with some really cool old science art or space art I really just like using these for staging I think they're interesting they're fun and they're useful and you can always just play with this little guy do this every time these are going to go to the tiki party stash we found another set very similar to these not that long ago when we were thrifting in Coburg Oregon it's gonna be so fun to see the difference between last year's party and this Summer's party the pricing on the jewelry was just absolutely insane I am super excited about that it is very rare to find sterling silver for one to two dollars I mean that does not happen very often every once in a while I will get lucky at an estate sale or garage sale but this was definitely a thrift store day for jewelry as I was planning out the group trip that I am hosting in 2024 to Japan which by the way is live for booking there are only currently two spots left for the early bird pricing so if you have been considering going on this trip to Japan head to leftcoasterevibles.com and there will be a direct link you can check out the pricing the itinerary and all of the details there but as I was researching and planning out that trip I started really falling in love with Japanese culture and so it was really amazing to find some really beautiful things today at the Vintage store I want to pull out all of the Fabrics so you can really see up close how beautiful they are foreign I am in love with these Japanese Fabrics this is going to be a beautiful scarf that is all hand dyed and I believe that this is silk sure feels like it I actually think I'm going to take this on my trip to Japan next year I went to the Japanese gardens in Portland and my niece Maya came with me and took some photos for the Japan trip launch and I wore this scarf for that so the timing was absolutely perfect and then I'm also going to use this as a scarf all of this is hand stitched I got this stunning kimono I'll put this on a hanger so you can see the entire thing [Music] thank you [Music] and I got these for staging and to use as table runners I thought the thickness of them is going to be great on a table and they're nice and long and speaking of a table you guys are going to find out about this beauty here at the end of the episode so we're going to go ahead and put this out on the table and see how it looks maybe I'll do a little bit of decorating here the Oregon coast was absolutely amazing we found some awesome Treasures but now I want to take you to one of my favorite vintage stores I actually used to be a dealer here I sold in this vintage mall for about four years when it was at a different location Jesse and I stopped by over the weekend I've got to show you the amazing things that I found Curiosities is now located in Tigard Oregon and it's so fun to shop some of the spaces of vendors I used to sell with and be friends with there are so many great vendors here in this Antique Mall there's a very eclectic mix so you're going to find a wide range of different areas of vintage here today was definitely my lucky day for pottery at Curiosities [Music] Jesse spotted a few authentic potosi's but unfortunately they knew what they were and so the prices were a little bit too high for us but it's always still so great to see it in person because the more you look at things in antique stores the more you learn and sometimes you're going to come across different patterns that you didn't even know existed this is my top tip for anybody wanting to learn how to be a reseller and how to identify items you've got to go to antique stores you've got to read tags and you've got to learn when I spotted this lady I let out a little squeal she is absolutely amazing I am so excited about this find this is going to be a forever keeper I'm so sorry but I'm never gonna let this lady go Jesse even found a cute little plastic Pirates hat that he's gonna add to his bookshelf in his office he's been a Pittsburgh Pirate fan since he was a little kid even when I'm buying vintage to resell I always like to enjoy it for a minute I only buy what I love so that usually means that I want to at least see it in my home and have fun with it for a few minutes before I sell it I'm hosting a girls happy hour at my house so today I'm going to take home a couple of the vases and maybe one of the candle holders and do a little setup on my kitchen island [Music] oh [Music] this beautiful lady has to be my favorite find from Curiosities today she is hand carved and she has signs on the bottom and I just think that she is absolutely beautiful if you know I love my ladies I'm currently working on my living room right now and I'm working on a DIY bookshelf for that area and she is gonna be absolutely perfect to add to that bookshelf I will go ahead and style her up here behind me so you can see how amazing she's gonna look foreign [Music] I love these candle holders but I can't decide if I like it better with them opposite each other like that or if I like it like this what do you think option one or option two or wait is there a third option puzzle there we go we got a third option here I'll option number three [Music] every time I pull out this painting that I got at a sale I get really good memories of when I found the real version of this painting in Paris it was such an exciting thing because we had already been told by the museum that she was not on display and that she was locked away somewhere in the back but then I came around a corner and there she was I like this vignette because I like mixing modernist pieces like the beautiful marble sculpture with more traditional and older Antiques and even some kind of weird Pottery I love this organic Potter here by Victoria Littlejohn and I've got quite a few different colors in here I actually was going to use some beautiful beeswax honey yellow candles just to do something a little different and make it a little more rich but didn't fit in the candle holders so that didn't happen [Music] thank you [Music] next up I had a really fun day with Michelle we went to Aurora Oregon which is where I'm going to be hosting my group Meetup lunch and wine and vintage shopping day this summer on July 19th and if you're interested in coming and joining me for that fun day antique shopping and having lunch head to left coastrevivals.com click on the events page scroll down a little ways and you will see it right there there are still around 10 tickets available so you better snag those now before they are gone I'm really excited about that day so anyways Michelle and I went to Aurora to go antique shopping and to get everything set up and coordinated with the antique stores and where we're gonna have lunch that day Aurora has at least eight vintage stores that are all walking distance to each other it's this adorable little downtown area and literally almost every single building is a vintage or antique store so we did a little bit of shopping and we found some really wonderful things [Music] please they had literally just brought this table upstairs about five minutes before I got there at three daisies vintage and my heart almost stopped there were several other Shoppers that were all eyeing it too and I just had to pull the trigger I've been looking for a rustic table forever it's for candles you know when I was little I actually learned how to make wax candles yeah I went to like a little Prairie Camp I'll have to find a picture I did I learned how to make candles wow so you just pull those out start hanging your candles we could do a candle making night I want to thank Squarespace for sponsoring today's video as many of you know I have been selling on my own Squarespace website for over nine years now and I cannot recommend it highly enough launching my own vintage shop on my own website was the best decision I ever made for Left Coast revivals Squarespace gives you everything to sell anything you can go from your big ideas to a published site quickly with beautifully designed templates they make e-commerce easy with everything you need to power your online store whether you're selling vintage like me or you're wanting to launch that blog that you have been dreaming of doing for years or whether you are in the travel industry and you're hosting group trips Squarespace makes it so easy for you to build out your website and start building your brand one of my favorite things to do is to add a new page to my website so I'm always thinking about what else would be a useful tool for my followers what do they want out of a website from me and how can I stay in touch with them there are endless beautiful templates to get you started and make it so easy and then you can build off of those templates to customize it to fit your brand and to fit your products there is no reason not to give it a shot you can start your free trial today at squarespace.com head to Squarespace space.com to start your free trial today and when you are ready to launch your own website head to squarespace.com Left Coast for 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain thanks again to Squarespace for sponsoring today's video These have to be my absolute favorite find from Aurora I am so excited to do a DIY project with these for the office right behind me I think they are going to make the most beautiful handles for hanging purses on so I'm going to pull them out and show you kind of what I'm thinking of doing with these because I would really love your advice to see if you have any other brilliant ideas for what I can do with the rest of them I've been looking for some more books for staging I love to flip through these picture books and get inspired for upcoming trips which as you know Japan is happening so I'm excited to look through those and use those for staging and then I got these three beautiful carved wood canisters I love that they've got the little handles on top they've got such great shape on them and I just think that those would be beautiful when styling anything I mean these would work on a bookshelf they'd work in a kitchen they'd work in a bathroom so versatile and simple and beautiful so these knobs came in a set I got this entire box and what I'm thinking of doing is using maybe four of them and attaching them to a piece of wood I'd prefer to find something decorative and not too plain just because I'm going for over the top and ornate in that space okay I'm using an Amazon box to show you an example and the spacing would obviously be further apart but what I'm thinking is I will attach them to some kind of a piece of decorative wood have them further apart and use them to hang our purses on when you first walk into the office look how great they're gonna look with the glasses that I just got from Abby's Artful Abode up in Washington if you have any other ideas on how I could use the rest of them and kind of incorporate them some more here in the office please let me know in the comments below so this is so cracks me up because it's something that I know so many of you would say what that's not your style Laura but I am so dang excited about this piece so for one this is actually something that is almost identical to something that one of my grandmas had growing up when I was a kid so when I saw it it brought back some really good special memories and I have something very specific that I'm gonna do with this I'm not gonna tell you what because it's part of a surprise for my office reveal but I will tell you it's going in the office and it's gonna have something to do with the lion wall I wonder if anyone knows where this photo was taken it looks like it could even be out of a magazine or a newspaper it's just a piece of paper so I don't know if that's original or if it was added in but look at all of this brass detail it's just beautiful I have been looking for one of these for over 10 years and I cannot believe that I found one that is exactly what I was hoping for patience really pays off I really wanted something that would have that old world feel to it that you get when you're traveling in Europe and you're sitting out on a Terrace with fresh fruits and vegetables and waiting for the perfect table was so so so worth it I cannot wait to decorate here in the studio and at home in our Breezeway with this beautiful beautiful old table well that fits absolutely perfect it's got about an inch or two on each side that it overhangs I need to de-wrinkle it a little bit but this is going to be really fun I like having layers so having something that is either a little bit thinner or even comes out just a little bit would be amazing what I don't want to do is cover the entire table so I love having long and narrow Runners like this and that one works perfect did it [Music] [Music] well you already know I got a thing for Critters and I have a thing for Critters on everything including bowls I got this one at an estate sale you're actually gonna see that episode coming very soon and then this is the one that I found at Curiosities and they actually look really cool together I think it would be so fun to do a whole Gallery wall just of plates and bowls was cool Critters do any of you have that in your home if you do please email me a picture I would love to see it I would love to share it with everybody so if anybody has an all Critter Gallery wall send it to hello leftcoastrevivals.com I would love to see it I hope you enjoyed today's Thrift haul we found some really great stuff these three separate days and also a reminder that I'm going to be at Charleston Antique Mall vintage Bazaar which is basically a huge flea market in their parking lot this antique mall in Las Vegas already has over a hundred vendors inside plus they're gonna have all of the Vintage for the flea market Bazaar outside I am road tripping my way to Vegas picking the entire way there and back and I hope to see some of you there and if not I will see all of you on the road trip Adventures here very soon [Music]
Channel: Laura Caldwell
Views: 106,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrift haul, vintage haul, thrift with me, thrifting, how to thrift, thrift vlog, Laura caldwell, thrifting for profit, reselling, vintage reseller, how to make money, left coast revivals
Id: bafZHu0Xqhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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