3 Tankless Water Heater Myths

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are you shopping for a new water heater thinking about dumping your old tank in favor of tankless on the build so today we're gonna talk about three misconceptions about tankless water heaters and three compelling reasons why you might want to consider one [Music] in the build show today we're talking tankless water heaters I've got three myths for you that are common out there about tankless water heaters we're gonna debunk those and I'm also gonna tell you three compelling reasons why you might want to consider one of these so let's start with myth number one you know if you were to ask the average Joe in America why buy a tankless water heater I think they're gonna tell you savings and you see that word written on the brochures from all the manufacturers but I think the savings are a myth let's take a look at this so first off on this unit they've got the Energy Guide front and center I appreciate that the government is saying for an average family this was gonna use about two hundred and twenty five dollars in propane over the course of the whole year if you divide that by twelve we're talking about just under 19 dollars a month in natural gas to fire this unit let's compare that to what the usage on a traditional tank might look like okay now I got a standard tank out of the boneyard here let's see if we can compare it's tough to wrestle into place alright now take a look at the Energy Guide on the front of this guy now this is an older model 2010 but the energy got on that one says 315 dollars a year in natural gas use for an average family so divide that by 12 we're talking about 26 25 so what's the difference in energy savings it's about 750 a month between this unit and that unit suit if you rip that out of your house and put this in instead you're definitely gonna see some savings but is that saving enough to really make a difference to your pocketbook are you really gonna notice those savings I don't know that's why I think that's myth number one myth number two instant hot water you know you often refer to these tankless hot water heaters as instant hot water heaters and it is true as the water comes into the unit and instantly is converted a hot compared to that one right there where it takes time to make hot water that water is going to be cold at the bottom and slowly we're gonna be heating the tank up if it was drained this one is instant however you don't have instant hot water at your sink whether you've got this one at the end of the line or that one at the end of the line you still need to turn on your tap and get all that cold water out if the water's been off before you're gonna get hot at your sink to get instant hot water you need one of these this is a circulation pump now there's a bunch of different styles on these this one happens to be the kind that you set to a timer and you're gonna circulate water through your hot loop potentially like a hotel all the time so when you turn on the faucet I mean you're only dumping a cup or two of water down before it gets hot but this is the way to get instant hot water not one of these in myth number three maintenance you know a lot of people say that tankless hot water heaters are maintenance-free kind of set it and forget it and really that's not true a tankless water heater is gonna need either an annual or a biannual flush depending on your use now if you have soft water meaning you have a softening system you're not gonna do this very often at all in fact maybe never but if you've got hard water like I do I'm in the city at my house I need to flush mine on a regular basis remember myth one we talked about that savings that's seven or eight dollars a month you're gonna save you better put that into a bank account because once a year you're gonna spend that on a plumber you can easily be a hundred and fifty dollars to have a plumber come in and flush your system now I've got some videos on how to do this yourself with a kit like this so you can save some money there but there is some manual maintenance where if you have a standard tank there's hardly any maintenance you need to do in a tank like that now we've talked on several myths it sounds like I'm down on tankless that's not totally true I've put a lot of tankless and in fact I have one in my house what are the compelling reasons for tankless I think there's three compelling reasons for tankless number one performance you see a lot of advertising about the luxury of a tankless hot water heater and I think that is the biggest and most compelling reason you have nearly limitless hot water at my house ten years ago before I remodeled I had a standard tank like that my wife took a long shower or bathe one of the kids and I got on the shower right afterwards I didn't variably run out of hot but now that I have tankless in my house I don't have that problem anymore there's a certain luxury that comes from that limitless hot water and I love that about it number two space considerations look at the size of that standard tank that is a beast whereas this guy tiny you can hang it in the wall you can put it just about anywhere very very small footprint and if you're in the south you can put it on the outside of your house I love doing that now I don't even have the space on the inside and I've got no venting requirements if I put it outside that is a huge win for a tankless hot water heater and the last reason why I think you go tankless is lifespan you know if you look at the boneyard here at the supply house there's water heaters of all ages out there but most of those in the boneyard look like they're about 10 to 15 years old that's really the lifespan and in fact this unit I found in the boneyard that's only maybe seven years old it looks like it was manufactured in 2010 whereas tankless units they've been around a long time this this technology's from Europe and Japan they've been around for many decades very very reliable if you maintain them a unit like this you should get at least twenty if not more like twenty five years before we given ad replaces so you've got a very long lifespan guys thanks for joining me that was a lot of fun making today's video big thanks to our sponsor more supply and their partner ream they make some great units at ream I put a lot of those in over the years stay tuned for our next video we're gonna take a deep dive next time on condensing versus non condensing exterior versus interior and I'm gonna give you some recommendations on what I think is the right unit for both a remodel and a new construction situation otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music]
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 4,003,459
Rating: 4.8032064 out of 5
Keywords: tankless water heater, tankless water heater misconceptions, bad things about tankless, why to buy a tankless, buying a tankless, installing a tankless, matt risinger, matt risinger tankless water heater, the build show, the build show with jordan smith, tank vs tankless, plumbing, water heater
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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