3 Steps To INSTANTLY IMPROVE Your Memory! | Jim Kwik

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because people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care as we talked about where a lot of opportunities are going they're going to automation software they're going to computers and artificial intelligence so your value is the power of your mind creativity imagination strategy [Music] welcome back quick brain and your question for today how do you remember things better if you are in our community you probably know the power of having an exceptional memory and that memory is not something you have it's something that you actually do that there's no such thing as a good or bad memory but there is a trained memory in an untrained memory so you're going to like this tip regardless of your age your background your education level your gender your history your iq this is one little tip uh brain hack if you will will sensitize you and build some awareness to help to elevate your and improve your memory so we've talked about many principles to having a better memory we talk about imagination we talk about association we talk about organization we talk about attention that's a lot of alliteration with the shows um i want to talk about one more and that's your intention your intention what is your intention for learning what is your intention for remembering you know we are bombarded with an avalanche of information right each and every day and it is overwhelming right and you must intend to remember something if you are going to remember something it's as simple as that if you forgot a name now by the way say yes if this is you have you forgotten a name recently have you forgotten where you parked your car have you misplaced things that you use every single day like you're the remote control or maybe your phone have you ever lost your train of thought have you ever forgot what someone just said like maybe something i just said right and uh there's a quote from my mentor um his name is dr stephen covey many of you have read his book seven habits highly effective people he said most people do not listen with the intention to understand most people listen with the intention to reply so they're not really understanding because their their intention is they're not they're thinking about how they're going to respond and one of his habits was seek first to understand then to be understood because people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care and that's why your intention matters people could feel your intention now how are we defining intention well in in latin uh intent just is uh is your aim it is uh it is your purpose right it could be defined as a thing that you intended an aim a plan the power of intention is is really the power of a focused dedicated mind and intention is a great starting point you know it's a starting point for every goal having the intention of every dream that you have um it is the creative power that fulfills in our needs you know whether it happens to be love or relationships health money or wealth right think about it everything happens in life began with an intention some kind of intention when you decided to buy that gift when you if you decide to wiggle your fingers if you decide to text a friend if you want to remember someone's name it all starts with the intention of doing so right wayne dyer says our intention creates our reality think about that our intention creates our reality right i uh i know oprah has mentioned talk the power of intention also as well that intention is he says attention is one with cause and effect and so in tension it determines our our outcome right and she mentions in one of her quotes that if you're stuck moving forward you have to check the thought and the action that has created your your circumstances so that's the power of intention and so how do we learn how do we live less out of habit and more through intention and let's just think about that when you're focusing your mental energy on something that let's say we're able to give more of our brain power to it it's not magic at all because there's a method behind the magic you know it's our innate tool that we have this is the power of the mind being placed in a position where you are planning where you are preparing where you need to be able to perform at optimal levels right and so intention isn't a do it once and and forget about it it's not that kind of thing it's this continuous consistent use of the mind in a focused manner and when you cultivate this state and use it you can get what you want in life easier right a lot of people don't remember names let's talk about memory because they don't have an intention for remembering that name do you really have a set intention to remember what you what you read do you set intentions when you're learning something or listening to somebody to really understand it from their point of view to really focus to really organize the information to be able to do you intend to use it in the future also as well so like even if we made an intention right so so desire is one thing you could desire something and have an interest in something intention i would say is a level above that it's where you take that feeling and you're you're making a commitment you know that's something that's going to lead to a decision you know if you decided if you had an intention or remember someone's name and you truly decided right you've heard the word decision it's like incision to cut cutting off from any other possibility you're burning the bridges that you're just you're gonna do it right so it's like you have this intention uh to be able to stop doing something uh maybe you wanna stop doing something like uh eating that junk food or you wanna stop smoking right that is your intention but you can make that transformation without claiming that intention and so for me when we're thinking about cultivating this state of intention there there are three clear steps right so you could write this down or you probably easily remember this number one is you have to decide what you want and that's in your head right you have to decide what you want uh this now by the way when you're by definition the power of intention you need to know what your goal is right when you're thinking about intention the aim you know is the goal the dream so you set that intention if you don't know this you're never going to be able to utilize your power because clarity gives you power right the very easy phrase to remember is i commit myself to this i commit myself to remembering people's names i commit myself to a memory where i parked the car that could be your intention most people just par they're mindless right they park their car or they go on autopilot they're not thinking about things or they're at home and you put something somewhere but they're inten there's no intention behind uh remembering where that thing is right because they're not mindful and i'm going to do a specific episode on mindfulness so the first step is get in your head right what do you want and what do you want with clarity and so what's your intention around learning and your intention around life right the second thing i would say is from head you go into your heart all right this this is really your your why you have to get clear on your why you know now that you know what you want why why do you want it you know what is it going to give you because reasons reap results reasons reap results and honestly reasons reap rewards also as well because a lot of people know what to do here in their head but they don't do it with their hands which is the third part because they're not connected with their heart the emotions the energy of motion right so you set the intention in your head right you feel it in your heart in terms of why you must do it right simon sinek has a great book called start with why and then finally the third stage really is your hands head hard hands and that's where you work for it right once you know what you want and why you want it that serves as a great foundation it's very attractive you know but you can't have the law of attraction without the law of action right even you can see the word action in the word attraction right so you can't even make up you can't even make the word attraction without the word action literally the last six letters of attraction is the word what action right and so that gets to your hands and so what is your intention in your head and then feel the intention in your heart in terms of why you want it and then be very intentional with your hands meaning the method you're going to take place right because your intention it's it's a it's almost a guiding principle of how you want to be on how you want to learn on how you want to live on how you want to show up in the world right and i think that's really the goal is you imagine imagine your intention imagine remembering the things that you want to remember those languages something you just read something where you something that you're placing somewhere you want to be able to recall it so you don't lose it something that you want to say like maybe you have a thought but you don't want to lose this thought and but you're also listening to somebody else so imagine your intention and what do you do you see it you feel it and then you work daily for it now if you're watching on this on video if you're not you could see i i recommend you watch us on on youtube but you can certainly listen to it on itunes and spotify watch watch some of it we need to be able to see and it helps us to be able to focus and some of you who are listening learn better through watching also as well so there are few pursuits more important than living an intentional life my friend deepak chopra who we're going to have back on the podcast he talks about intentions intentions compressed into words enfold magical power and you and your memories your growth are the greatest project you're ever going to work on so take time create time make magic if you want more my team put together some resources for you and they're absolutely free just go to jim quick dot com forward slash more m-o-r-e there you get a one-hour introduction master class on speed reading if you have an intention of reading faster and remembering what you read and having better focus go there i also give you three training videos on how to remember people's names and a lot more just go to jim quick dot com forward slash more and that's really the goal live with intention you know i'll give you one last quote i talk about jim carrey in our book limitless and he talks about intention and it's our intention our intention is everything he says nothing happens on this planet without it not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention so live learn less out of habit and more out of your intent this is your brain coach jim quick i look forward to seeing you in our next episode take care my friends welcome to this week's quick brain challenge this is your hashtag quick challenge and let's do this this week today is all about challenging your memory i mean tell me about your forgetfulness do you feel absent-minded like senior moments are coming way too early or you read a page in a book at the end and what you forget what you just read or you get somebody's name what happens you forget their name memory is a multiplier when you have a trained memory you could do a remarkable things in your health in your career in your relationships and so much more so the key just like the entire series of this quick challenge is about doing little things every single day to build your brain power little things become a lot right because consistency compounds so what i want you to do before we get started is i want you to do a quick refresher if you haven't and you want to really do this the correct way i want you to re-listen to episodes 3 5 8 and 11. again episodes 3 5 8 and 11 our core foundations of the quick brain process right in order to have quicker what i call quicker recall now some of you have gone through our 10 plus week memory master class and that's extraordinary you'll be able to do this in your sleep if you're new to memory training i would refer back to these podcasts or feel free to go to quick learning.com kwiklearning.com and look at some of the advanced trainings that we provide now again when you're looking at these previous episodes we've done episodes specifically on using your body as a mental filing system we did the ten keys for optimizing your brain i showed you how to memorize those in another episode like how to give a speech without notes sound familiar we also did that episode that i referred to that i recommend you going back to on how to remember difficult information in fun ways and i tricked you into memorizing the periodic table so if you're not familiar with those methods what we talked about is we talked about the power of chain linking we talked about the power of using your body kinesthetic awareness and and filing systems we also use the power of creating a memory palace where i take you through my office and delineate 10 places and i store and teach you how to store the 10 keys for giving a speech without notes now you have to listen to those episodes because here's your challenge your challenge is this we know there's no such thing as a good or bad memory there is no such thing there's only a trained memory and an untrained memory there's no such thing as a good bad memory just a trained memory and an untrained memory regardless of your age your background your career educational your financial situation your gender your iq your personal history none of that matters what matters is if you're training it so what i'm going to ask you to do every day this week is i'm going to ask you to have somebody test your memory challenge your memory again we're doing this quick challenge because with challenge leads to change and ultimately that's what you want right and we're going to increase your mental fitness your memory fitness by testing and challenging and providing stimulus so i'm going to ask you to get well rehearsed with those at previous episodes the chain linking or the body training or the episode we did on the memory palace around your office around your home and i'm going to ask you to ask a friend or a family member or co-worker to give you ten random words keep them simple kind of like objects so they would say okay number one is coffee number two is rainbow number three is bicycle number four is bonsai tree whatever it is have them give you ten words and i want you to either use your body list or the chain linking that we did for the periodic table or your home list the memory palace if you will to memorize those words forwards and backwards now remember what we're doing here is we talked about where a lot of opportunities are going they're going to automation software they're going to computers and artificial intelligence and they're being outsourced so your value is the power of your mind right that's what they're not going to be easily be able to duplicate or to farm out if you will the power of the mind i'm going to talk about three superpowers we talk about creativity imagination strategy using one or more of these memory devices from those episodes i reference and we'll put them in the show notes at jim quick dot com forward slash notes that's jim quick.com forward slash notes the highlights of this you could always go and refer to the challenges there and also the notes even if you don't re-listen the whole episode go look at my notes from those episodes so if you don't want to spend the 10 minutes which i think you should listen to because the review and the repetition is very powerful for learning and memory space repetition but even if you don't do that what i want you to do is test yourself have a friend or family member give you 10 random words and i want you to use one of those three techniques or tools or maybe if you're already a graduate of our online programs you have a lot to choose from and test your memory and you don't don't expect to get this perfectly if you're just starting out you're not supposed to get this perfect what you're looking for is progress because that's what it is practice makes progress little by little little becomes a lot like all the challenges so what i want you to do is videotape if you're bold your friend or family are doing this and post it if you're willing to or take a picture of the list of those words and say how many you got right tag at jim quick at quick learning we'll repost some of our favorites also as well and make sure you hashtag quick challenge kwik challenge and as always as part of this to celebrate we are also going to randomly pick some of our favorites and we're gonna gift amazon gift cards and some of our favorite books from previous guests of our podcast some of those books you'll notice that you're getting them and you're being the recipient some of those books are actually signed also as well so that to make learning fun because learning doesn't have to be dull and boring you could challenge yourself and there's a level of excitement and really an opportunity for you to step up because again where in life do you need to be able to step up you're training the difficult things so that way the other areas of your life become easier because how you do anything is how you do everything welcome back quick brain your question for today is this is a very important topic that we get in our private facebook group and many of you are a part of it in our app is this question is how do you how do you reduce brain fog how do you reduce mental fatigue how do you up your level of executive function especially now in these turbulent times and we're shooting this kind of impromptu this very special episode at the biohacking conference and many of you asked for resources not only for tools and techniques but resources to help what do i use gym what did you use to help focus and have mental alertness and to be creative when you were writing your book or for example and you see this kind of star trek device here this is uh one of my uh one of my kind of people say a secret weapon if you will that i used when i was writing actually a good half of the book and so i have a very special guest this is uh rowena gates and we've been longtime friends and i appreciate you taking time from uh you know you here presenting we're both here presenting at the biohacking conference and i wanted to capture this with with the team to help bring this resource to you and we're going to talk about some some quick tips on how to reduce brain fog mental fatigue and how to up level your executive functions so you could win more today and so thanks for being on the show it's a pleasure yeah and so i you know my friends my clients have always recommended your your nano view technology and you are you know you have your phd you are one of the principals at any three which is amazing and you've been in this industry working with technology and performance for for long you have stories and so i love this because you know it's kind of i talk about superheroes a lot and two my favorite superheroes are batman and iron man they don't have any inherent superpowers they have bit by radioactive spider or anything but they have technology that allows them to level up their their learning their life to really show up and i want to talk about this technology in a little bit but because you've been in the performance phase you speak at all these amazing performance conferences that we're at right now if you're watching this on youtube which i highly recommend you can see the year that i'm talking about um you know i've ingeniously excludes and there's certain things that you and i have talked about that can help with brain fog mental fatigue up level or executive function so what are some of your top tips and then i want to get to talk about your images so my big there's two areas that i look at and one is the long-term prevention of damage so you're in top form when you sit down and have to concentrate for long periods of time and those are making sure you have an appropriate antioxidant regime not too much not too little and then the obvious ones exercise and sleep that are all things that help your brain clear up the bad stuff and feed the good stuff into the brain so it's really ready to go so those are the optimizing performance things that that help with the whole body especially important for the brain and one of what's the damage like how do people experience when we talk about oxidative stress you know i think people have a sense of what how would you do spiral well that's when the damage outweighs the ability of your body to to prevent it basically so it accumulates and the brain burns about 20 of your oxygen and it's about two percent of your weight or something like that so you're really burning a lot of oxygen so you have a lot of oxidative oxidation there and that can lead to more oxidative stress okay and you know you have oxidative stress when you start to get brain fog unlike the performance the lack of clarity and so on yeah and this is this is a topic i think that is it's pretty rampant i think people whether they're working from home or living at work and their children and us you know we're having these you know these adverse effects on performance and so what is it do people just take antioxidants or what do you recommend it's that whole lifestyle you know to optimize that side of it and it depends on their diet so everybody's so individual that it's hard to make a broad statement but it is worth paying attention to and making sure that you've got the good stuff in there you're not exposed to bad things that cause oxidative stress any fat chemicals too much sunlight um and environmental toxins yes environmental toxicities all of that and so that's the long-term pace that's just kind of setting yourself up for a good result and then in the short term there are some techniques that um that brain scientists come up with and i know you use to some extent but one is uh that technique where you set a timer for 20 or 25 minutes what's appropriate for you and then you get up you move around and you don't think about what you were concentrating on and for executives it's so easy to sit down and realize a whole hour or even two hours have gone by staring at the screen without moving and without giving your brain a chance to catch up and also giving your eyes time to rest you know there's this uh digital fatigue where we're on screens all the time or we're on zoom and that and visual fatigue leads to mental fatigue exactly and so the visual part is something in the short term you can also do to just close your eyes for a few minutes or roll them in your head or another one that's really valuable obviously is breath work and literally it doesn't have to take that long but closing your eyes resetting your breath gives your body a chance to kind of reset process what you've been working on with your brain and then clear things out and move forward and in the long run you're much farther ahead than if you just kept hammering at it meanwhile you're creating the oxidative stress that we don't have and that's the thing it's just not only what's attainable but what's sustainable over time right right something anybody could have a burst of focus or energy and work hard past the threshold but then you create you know this negative loop where it creates more adverse effects and so you're working and studying with students and you know people of ages all ages and stages for about 25 30 minutes the pomodoro technique before we start having more of that uh you know we have these cognitive demands right and then our focus our concentrations goes down so you take a break with a brain break and you're moving you're especially moving your eyes which i love because we're training our we're looking at our devices like this so we're at this distance and if you're watching this on youtube or um you know one of our social channels um and but it's not getting the flexibility right it's not looking off in the distance and you're also getting you know i want to really emphasize and highlight something you said you're not thinking about what you were doing at that time right you have this this phobia vision you know where you're very focused and alert but then you need to give your brain a little time to to rest to be able to diverge and thinking to be able to free flow to integrate what you just learned exactly and if without that it doesn't have the chance to shuffle things around store them appropriately and make them available when you need them which which could be a very creative process you know if you're lucky right and so during your brain break you're moving your body you're moving your eyes hopefully you're physically moving because you know we're sitting behind screens all the time which can be a big challenge um you're also breathing because a lot of people when they're sitting at their desk uh they're studying their their diaphragm is collapsed not getting oxygen as you mentioned your your brain is approximately two percent of your body mass but it's an energy hog it uses like uh you know 20 of the nutrients and the oxygen um you could hydrate obviously some people are just dehydrated and that'll make them mentally slow you know as as well and so those are very powerful simple things that people could do that make a huge difference in terms of your return the rewards that you need absolutely for the day yeah and also the long-term benefit to your brain you want to keep up on that oxidative damage because you don't want anything accumulating long term in an aging process and oxidative stress kind of is the aging process because um if we didn't have that there's no reason that most of the cells in our bodies would get old you know just you're constantly being damaged and you want to keep it healthy and a lot of us we need you know we're at a conference on longevity and performance people they're always reaching they're always stretching but they're not stabilizing right you can reach but you need to also recover from that also as well whether it's your athletic um your bot physical body or your neck or your mind now i know a lot of people are watching this and they've seen some pictures of me on social media where i have uh this device this technology is sitting on my desk when i'm writing uh my dog is always always there i'm by my side um yeah he likes to use this also as well but people are looking at this might be a little confused describe how would you describe this to someone who's just listening to this what do they see so you're seeing a box about the size of a printer with the long arm coming out at the end of the tube that you can greet from and there's bubbling water on top of the device it has color that's decorative okay and then inside the device there's all the magic happens in terms of the excitation of the water droplets that are going through the tube and inhaled right and i bring this up to everybody um because people ask me you know jim what are you what are some of the tools you're using to to be able to have that extra edge right you know where i feel like i'm not using certain tools i'm not the highest version of myself right and so this is called a nano game yes okay and so what i'm doing with it is i'm sending a certain amount of time and i'm actually i either have this or i have some kind of attachment to it that allows me to breathe and it's very passive and that's why i love i could be doing other things i could be reading i could be writing right and what is that what is for some when i'm using it it feels like i i don't have that mental fatigue as it's easy you know i don't suffer from the brain fog and then my executive function is extremely sharp and i can tell you that i probably wrote half of limitless with this eye and so so tell me something that the science isn't because our audience likes to geek out yeah like why is it how does it deal with those results well i have to say first it's so funny because dave ashby said the same thing with his headstrong book that it was what let him stay up and get it done years ago but the science behind it it's we're drawing on other areas of science between water science biology and biophysics and what we're doing is emitting a specific wavelength inside the device that can be transferred through the water and when it hits the water which is the mucous membrane in your nose or lungs once it hits the water environment in the body it's transferred throughout the body and it's initiating what's called exclusion zone or ordered water in the cells and the reason we do that is because all the proteins everything in the cell is immersed in water and that water is actually the source of energy for the proteins to fold they have to fold or they don't function right and the protein folding and then we simply improve the whole environment for them we kind of re-energize the water that lets the proteins do what they know to do so we don't want to override anything it just your body knows what to do it's just giving it a little extra support good and we're giving the body a little extra oxidative stress generally with our lifestyles yeah so that supports kind of you know you know i see the tool and how popular it is here at this longevity performance conference and it's and i think you know when i'm talking to people about it who've been using it for i mean i've been using personally for years they report the same kind of results and people want to see diagrams and even video of how this actually works you could set up a site for you and they put together a special offer for our audience just and i want to thank you for that because some people ask all the time again you know jim i eat your you know marine foods you recommend your sleep protocol you know but i want some more i want i want to get from yeah i've gone from here to here what are those what are those things and secret weapons that allow you to tools or technology to be able to enhance our physiology so that's pretty remarkable and it just looks i can't tell you how many clients we have that we've recommended to but they also see this and they just they just want to know what it is it's very unique yeah it's a little bit uh it's interesting it's a very unique technology there's absolutely nothing like it and it's uh you have you've done all kinds of patents on those technologies yeah and the studies on it and it's interesting because on acute eeg you could see inappropriate brain activity diminish in a stressed executive which is exactly what we've been talking about and you can see before and after and about what's the average usage in terms of maybe minutes well on this device it's about 15 or 20 minutes but you and i would use it more right right especially depending on the load that we have yeah in terms of the cognitive load and you know a lot of people are suffering from decision fatigue and you know those are costly mistakes and errors and yeah so whether in this conversation whether it happens to be knowing your limit in terms of how much time you're spending studying and working 25 30 minutes taking brain break using that time to move not only your body but your visual apparatus i'll be able to look in different directions get some indirect sunlight breathing which is which is very fundamental and it's sometimes it's interesting just to get a reminder of what you're doing when you're doing it really really well and if you also like to go go deeper i recommend you look at these different models and maybe there's one that could be supportive for you your team and your family also as well a number of clients i know and even podcast guests and have raved about this technology also as well so i want to thank you for for making this available to the world make it available to our community also as well so wherever you are watching this you take a screenshot and tag you know ping three corp and tag myself and let us know your thoughts about how you overcome burnout mental fatigue brain fog how do you improve executive function i'll share some of my favorites as always and we will actually send a copy of my book just to some people just as thank you for for participating and so thank you again for making this video and taking time on your business schedule show such a pleasure thank you thanks for being here hi quickbrain it's your brain coach i want to thank you so much for watching this video three things to do number one make sure you share this because when you teach something you get to learn it twice update your learning so you can update other people's learning as well number two make sure you subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a thing cause if you miss a video you miss a lot and finally make sure you hit that bell so you're notified and you find out we put out the latest and the greatest one extra thing if you want really close attention then text me here is my phone number three one zero two nine nine nine three six two did you remember that number three one zero two nine nine nine three shoot me a text and we'll stay in touch ask me your burning question and i wish your days before lots of life lots of love lots of laughter and always lots of learning i'll see you in our next video
Channel: Jim Kwik
Views: 58,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kwik learning, Jim Kwik, Kwik Brain, Memory, brain, reading, speed reading, mind valley, jay shetty, focus, success, improvement, motivation, habit, method, mindset, limitless, book, memory
Id: kh77GDJeeC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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