Choose Your Starter Pokemon by Only Knowing Its Height

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we randomize our starters but have to pick which one we want by only knowing the height of the Pokemon so you could go for someone tall thinking it's crowd on but it's actually just a lowland executive toward his neck after we each choose six Pokemon we're gonna battle each other you beautiful specimen you seven foot five in the NBA even though you're in the UK are you ready to pick your Pokemon starters based on their height you butter me up already I'm ready I am bro all right oh that is gonna be so interesting big doesn't always mean good you always mean bad from right to left you have four foot eleven okay good height one foot eight inches oh great height and then you have 14 foot nine inches terrible height awful not that one I think that the one for eight inches is a strong boy so I'm gonna take that one are you positive why are you asking me again yeah all right your Pokemon is cherum wow the 14 foot one was Kyogre good job I thought it was just a really long Atkins here we go Dylan let's see what we oh okay okay here's the thing though because I'm gonna feel like big big boy and then I'm gonna end up with like Tropius because of his long neck well we'll see if you have a five foot seven inches three foot three inches or three foot seven inches okay two small boys and then kind of a like mediocre height I'm gonna go with the the five foot one I'm thinking maybe exit drill or something I said five sevens mediocre why I'm five nine listen we love we love those short things out there not humans all right all right baby oh my God are you kidding you're gonna get it starting off at seven foot three inches three foot eleven and the one after that 23 feet they say that nothing is good over seven foot but I think that's a lie so I'll take the 23 please upset the other one was Dragonite though so to be fair you still were gonna get a good mod so you've got quite the selection Dylan I'm gonna be honest these might all be exactly the same height you'll just have to you know use the Vibes and stuff we have uh two foot seven and then we have two foot nothing oh they're all small Lads okay and then we have uh one foot four which one would you like I like even so we're just gonna go with the two foot and just hope it's like a pre Evo of a starter or something you got yourself in a lackhead buddy you know what I love a light to buyer but I always suck with him I can never keep them alive at Nuzlocke so oh he can ice punch her Rayquaza though so I'll take it you're planning already wow shut up this video is right brought to you by a game I put well over 100 hours in Rage at a legend no joke I'm leveled 55 in this game I've grinded story The Dungeons PVP and more and you know that hypothetical question where if you could bring any four people to dinner who would it be well here are four Rey Champions I would definitely invite to dinner number one is easily Deacon Armstrong he may not be a legendary champion but he's better than most legendaries next up will be astrolon I mean just look at this guy he's so freaking cool and he's great in Arena number three is Ross and scarhide who I got in a fusion event and he has done absolute wonders for me lastly we have cupidus without you I wouldn't be able to go through the spider dead and right now is Rey's four year anniversary so there's a lot of goodies to get excited about especially a brand new Fusion event that features anniversary themed Legendary Champions right now use promo code four years ready to give four skill tombs four energy refill 400 Energy and 400 000 silver for all new players scan my QR code include my link in the description to get some in-game bonuses you Kellen the Epic Champion four energy refills four magic potions and four XP Brews download raid today and I'll see you in the game all right Pat you had a really good one all right oh my God that good yeah okay thinking thinking Standing Tall at Vinnie's height at one foot four inches next up four foot seven inches and then last two foot four inches I want to go no no there's nothing good at two foot not a single thing is good or two foot so I'm gonna go right for the smallest one I'm going for the one foot you picked a grubbing and the two foot was marshadow I was wrong let's see what your options are oh oh oh good bad very good all right I'm cool with that a three foot seven incher a three foot eleven incher and then myself six eleven you can't go wrong if you're Pat six eleven I choose you oh I should have said it was me it's Reggie Draco wow he's a big boy yeah you could have been like six foot eleven like Lou I'm like I should have done that all right let's see Pat can you bring it on home okay all right up front kind of around you six foot seven nice next up round me three foot seven and then lastly an exact one foot tall oh I mean off screen you did tell me that the bad choices are six foot seven so I'll take that one not a bad one you got a slow King so definitely not bad oh the tiny lad was Jirachi I don't like Jirachi the Hoenn in me wants to jump to the screen right now and strangle you alright Dylan your options are oh wow and uh how do you feel about that oh wow and and the last one you read me is the worst one good to know wait okay I'm gonna randomize it I'm just gonna randomize the order okay the randomized order five foot three inches four eleven and one flat this is hard because I feel like you still put the the worst one last I'm gonna go with the tallest lad this time I'm going with five three you are right I didn't change them and that is a slow Pro so we're like we're best we're matching we have a twinsie patches let's see what you got oh all decent choices all right all pretty tall boys too up front seven foot three inches nice next up five foot seven and lastly five foot three the shortest of them all I really feel like I should go for the seventh nothing is weak if it's seven three have you seen like the World's Strongest Man they're all like seven foot true but these are creatures I picked the big one you got Obama Snow Yeah that's that's pathetic all right here is your option oh oh good boy oh anyway uh you've got some fantastic options here let me just say that one foot 4 inches two foot four inches and three foot four eleven oh okay oh nice there's no way you know for once I'm going with the smallest one one foot four good choice You've Won yourself a psychic child it's a ralt oh God God of War and Gallade Absolutely I'll take that all right Pat your last chance to redeem yourself oh my God there's one Pokemon I genuinely just didn't see because of how little it was okay okay I want that one you have you sure no Standing Tall at four inches standing short at ten foot six inches and lastly standing at eight foot two inches oh this was so big I feel like the small one could really come through but there's nothing good that small I want the 10-incher temp four I want you on the biggest one I want the yeah yeah no congratulations you finally chose you have you have Reshiram yes okay great your options Dylan ah wow that thing is huge I didn't realize it was that big I mean okay so you have you just unlocked the memory yeah five seven for the 17th time today and for the 13th time today five three and then nine ten five seven or five three which one would you like Dylan now I'm curious if you're doing reverse psychology here I'm not smart enough or not for the memes of the episode on the fact that we've gotten five seven so many times on going five seven five seven wow you've got yourself a Heatran that's pretty good oh that is pretty good all right we're gonna build these small and Tall Lads and have a battle and now our feature presentation whoa your team is so good wow yeah you have a good team and then the cherum hey I'll have you know that Sarah's an absolute go all right shut up who did you lead with you got a pretty good team you got a couple of legendaries yourself I love Miley then the Revolutionary Army against a Celestial Dragon what a lead we did not plan this that's so funny there's no way you stay in so yeah clearly I'm gonna switch I don't know now you might stay in after that no I'm not gonna I'm not gonna so I'm not gonna stay in I'm not gonna I'm not gonna switch stay in I should have just used electric are you kidding me I PL I knew that this would happen yes I told you I wasn't gonna stay in true you didn't lie to be fair it's just a cheeky way to do it you brought it hi dough yes I did okay this is definitely gonna kill come on ass kill yes good and I did have ice punch I honestly I took the bait and I I got fished on up but it's okay you know it is fine well it's fine because like I said I have a yachty berry uh yeah I still would have done immense damage I don't know about that no that's not fair I can't hurt her you're 100 switching no doubt my mind yeah yeah I mean obviously yeah you wouldn't keep kaido in against Nico Robin there's no real no no I wouldn't I would not do that that's crazy no why did you do that [Music] you took that decently well you wanna know why what are you do you have what do you have I have multi-scale hmm so I was gonna live any hits anyway wow a multi-scale Rayquaza and you're complaining about your team well this is not good for me I don't know believe that white beard he doesn't deserve to have the name white beards what even is this is this a water type am I allowed to look things up how do you not know what this is well no one has ever used gallerian Slowbro okay you switched I figured look it's the twinsies I'm all right with this packet tank it take it nice some decent damage now what will he do next also I have a handicap I have to do this battle with a cow in my lap right now that's not a handicap that's an advantage serious give me a Power Buffet oh oh Jess that's incredible hey that's some pretty and the drop too bro the good thing is I know how speed and I killed what are you gonna kill with fire Ember I know he's gonna score some water at me yeah that's scary oh no he's gonna use it okay I'm still gonna live this I hate this battle I hate everything about this battle that's going so well for me I should have slacked off to be honest this is insane this is brilliant the multi-scale request messed up everything that messed up absolutely everything well you know you can never predict well you wanted the round abilities this is your fault it is my fault honestly that's fine I still come I stomach to come back here yeah cool a little bit just a bit that's funny that you have Ace because I also have Ace okay your Ace might be better than my Ace my ass can beat up your Ace any day I couldn't save it no it's going down goodbye Obama Snow Obama Snow probably has ice shards so you would out speed and it would still kill at six HP your Rick weighs out speeds this out speeds I'll have so many tricks up my sleeve you can you have to figure something out here Dylan because I've got I've got Tricks on tricks they call me Daniel the magic man no no no no it's because the magic I do because I do I do a lot of magic all the time totally I am not going to switch wow that was pathetic I thought it would do a lot more than that to be fine it's neutral he trains a beast well what if I don't oh lefties come on yay [Applause] I'm gonna throw my cat at you don't do it don't do it oh he didn't do it you didn't do it he didn't do it I don't know why I use Stone Edge I'm gonna be honest I should have I should have blue blood twice I don't know why you did that either but okay looks okay it's fine it's fine it's totally fine how fast is he trying this thing's fast isn't it yeah no I have to go on a kaido I wanted to do something fun you don't have to no he's not fast I was a joke he's not fast at all oh Dylan you and your jokes you're so funny I know you're gonna earthquake me no I'm not I had to do that I should have earthquake they should have done I should have scale shot it because they only got a speedball I'm so good at this game yes you're so good at this all right I'm down to two Pokemon it's not looking too good no it's looking fine because he's gonna do the reverse sweep oh this is where the anime protagon is coming to play okay well he's not the protagonist so I don't want to take an earthquake no you don't because I'm gonna correct you right now wow look at that damage okay well I'm not gonna doubt you this no I don't yes sir all right well that's that's good I've knocked out two of your legendaries I still have one in my back burner oh oh oh I have a plan I have a I have a devious plan who's on interesting plan you've never seen tactics like this before yeah I hope I hit five times too I hope I keep hitting oh looks like I broke three hits Dylan I hate everything looks like I'll go through his Dylan it all comes down to this oh Shanks oh no it's not a dragon think about your next play because it will be your last outrage I mean I'm gonna attack this easy come on oh that did so much though yeah oh I hope I hit five times Dylan oh no is he gonna is it gonna hit three times no no wait let's go I won Leo I won
Channel: UnitedGamer
Views: 262,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon starter, choose your pokemon, choose your pokemon by only knowing his height, Choose your starter by only knowing its height
Id: j-NjDHBQPfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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