3 Scary TRUE Horror Stories from Reddit

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number one my second year of college was a difficult year I wish I could say that it was due to organic chemistry or boyfriend drama or anything other than what actually happened I started out my year in a great dorm I loved my hall mates my room and the fact that a dining hall was less than a hundred feet away obviously I spent a lot of time there and I got to know the staff I had worked in a restaurant for two years before going to school and I could identify with the struggles that came with being a food service worker especially because I was at a notoriously snobby school so I could sympathize with the staff having to deal with rich kids and their entitled [ __ ] most of the staff were lovely people but one in particular seemed to take a real interest in me he was a young white man not much older than myself named Matt he always went out of his way to talk to me and ask me questions about myself and how school was going one evening I was doing homework in the dining hall around closing hours Matt sat with me and we chatted for a bit he said he was off work and heading to his car to smoke a bowl before he went home and asked me if I wanted to join I had only smoked a few times before but I enjoyed it and he seemed harmless enough so I agreed I was still very much a sheltered child and to me he didn't seem like a bad guy so he couldn't be right we lit up in his car in the parking lot behind the dining hall and I got a glimpse of the real Matt he ranted about how his ex-girlfriend had recently dumped him he called her a [ __ ] and a [ __ ] and told me unnecessary details about their apparently kinky sex life the Virgin in me was incredibly uncomfortable only made worse by the paranoia brought on by the weed he also went on about how he hated the students at my university especially the girls saying they treated him as less than human I was completely speechless and when I didn't respond he tried to apologize for going off saying that I was different and that he wanted to get to know me better I remember blurting out that I needed to go and I got the hell out of Dodge he got out too and shouted after me to come back and I thought he might chase me but he didn't and I got back to my room safely I avoided that dining hall like the plague for the next week and I didn't see him again until the one night that still haunts me to this day around midnight I was walking back to my dorm alone from a function at the Christian Center which was only about two blocks away I know walking by myself was stupid but the buses weren't running and I felt bad about asking someone to walk with me because there were some steep inclines between the center and my dorm I was walking along an empty residential street that was just around the corner from my dorm when I noticed a black SUV that was creeping along behind me it was going so slow that it was hard not to notice at first I tried not to panic but it quickly clicked that it was the same car as Matt's I started to run when it sped up ahead of me and a man in a ski mask jumped out I just knew that it was Matt from here things happened very fast I tried to run the other way but he grabbed me from behind and was struggling to get my wrists into handcuffs while simultaneously pulling me towards his car I was screaming at the top of my lungs and fighting like hell we fought each other for a few minutes like that before he dropped the handcuffs and I was able to slam my heel into his foot I think those two things Sam my relentless struggling shook his confidence because he ran back to his car and sped off freaked out I ran back to my room constantly looking back behind me to see if he was after me thankfully he didn't follow and I was able to call the police I was very lucky that night not only because I got away but also because he was caught shortly after i called 9-1-1 he was arrested and when the police searched his car they found handcuffs duct tape and a knife during interrogation he confessed that he was better and depressed over his breakup and he wanted to make someone feel pain like he feels it nearly a year later after a painful testimony from me he was convicted to 40 years in prison with a 32 year suspension for abduction and intent to defile number two I have included photos were appropriate because otherwise the descriptions of everything go on and on when I was 11 my family of six decided to make the move from suburbia to a lovely rural bungalow I have three sisters age 9 12 and 18 at the time we were all excited for the privacy and isolation of our new home for once in our lives we would have no neighbors and a large yard to play in our home had large picture windows giving us a beautiful view of the farmland around us my parents disliked curtains because there were no neighbors and they collect dust so we all figured what's the point the summer there was so much fun every morning I would get up and take my dog for a walk around the woods in our backyard I absolutely adored the feeling of being alone and was enjoying the freedom of all of our new space fall eventually rolled around and I continued my routine of walking my dog both in the morning and after school I remember one morning while walking my dog I began feeling uncomfortable I was alone in the woods there was no one else around but I still felt as though I was being watched I had shivers down my back the entire walk and for an eleven-year-old I just felt really strange my dog was acting weird too I kept trying to go further into the woods but she kept trying to pull me towards our shed the shed rested at the very back of our yard on the edge of the woods where the trees then out quite a bit I didn't like how I was feeling so I picked up my dog and brought her back to the house and went on with my day days went by and I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched especially when I was in my bedroom with a huge window in it that overlooked our backyard the view of the woods that I have previously loved was beginning to scare me I assumed it was just because it was fall and the forest started looking kind of gloomy I started having nightmares about waking up in the middle of the night and seeing the figure of a man in our backyard weird things kept happening around our house we all suddenly noticed that we were eating things like bread a lot quicker every morning half a loaf of bread would be gone and my parents attributed this to their hungry growing children one evening I woke up and I heard noises coming from our family kitchen which was just down the hall from my bedroom it sounded like someone had come home and I assumed it was my oldest sister the only thing that was strange was that her footsteps sounded a lot heavier than usual the noise stopped very quickly and I was able to fall back asleep in the morning my mum asked me and my two sisters the nine and twelve year old ones if we woke up last night to make food we all said no and then asked if it was our older sister my mom told me that she stayed at her friend's house last night and then thought it was probably the dog making noise I was terrified I knew I heard unfamiliar footsteps that night I had a lot of trouble sleeping I still felt like someone was watching me eventually I fell asleep but I woke up at around 2:30 a.m. I heard noises in the house again it was the same footsteps I had heard before I stayed in my bed and I felt paralyzed I rolled over and I faced the window hoping that if someone came into my room they would think I was asleep the noises stopped and I closed my eyes as hard as I could I told myself that I was just imagining things and that monsters aren't real about an hour must have gone by and I eventually opened my eyes when I looked out of the window I swear to God I could see a man standing in our backyard watching our house this photo contains a cheesy edit of where I saw him I was terrified enough that I didn't move at all and eventually fell asleep again I was so relieved to wake up alive that morning but was still terrified of our backyard I ran into the kitchen to tell my mum what I saw and I refused to walk the dog I'm not quite sure if she really believed me at the time or thought I was having night terrors loosin Asians which I did have quite often when I was younger I went to school that morning I was anxious all day the last thing I wanted to do was go home when I did get home I saw police vehicles surrounding the house they had the dogs with them and they were searching our yard they told us the man who were broken into another house and beaten the couple living there was suspected of being on our property he stole their wallets photos and other small items of value the biggest thing he stole was their car which had been ditched about ten kilometres from our home while searching our property they found all of the items from the previous break-in hidden around our yard while searching our property they found all of the items from his previous break-in hidden around our yard they also discovered that he had been hiding in our shed since his previous break-in they said he had done this at the previous home prior to breaking in he would spend time watching the house and observing the residents routine until he knew it well enough to start coming inside the house they said he had a long history of premeditated violence including child abuse and believed he was planning on eventually harming us in the shed they found wrappers empty cans of food and scraps they told us he was definitely coming into our house for food during the night from the shed he had a perfect view of our home and could see when we all went to bed although they searched our house and property with the dogs they didn't find him after that day I realized that if you feel like you're being watched you probably are number three I was just 18 then attending my friend Laura's wild birthday party at her house where the booze flowed freely I had a policy of only drinking what I personally pour out of a bottle or from an unopened can I was normally very careful towards the middle of the party I was introduced to Eric a friend of a friend after a few jokes he said I could really use some coffee then he proceeded to reach into his bag and pulled out a sachet of instant coffee and a jar of Nutella I was intrigued he went into the kitchen and came back with a steaming mug I swear to God the smell of Nutella coffee was heavenly so heavenly that I forgot to be careful he watched me for a moment and then insisted that I take it I didn't take much convincing I thanked him and I drank the coffee happily 20 minutes later I started feeling really sleepy it was odd since caffeine tends to get me super hyper and gives me insomnia I shouldn't have been sleepy Eric was still chatting with me but I was finding it harder and harder to focus I made a move for the bathroom and he stood up to help me I stumbled into Laura as we made our way out of the living room just at that moment I had this gut instinct that I needed to throw myself on Laura I was barely coherent at this point but I focused all of my attention on wrapping my arms around my friend I can't even remember what happened for the rest of the night in the morning I found myself sleeping on Laura's bed while she was sleeping next to me apparently I had clung on to her so tightly and Erik sought to untangle me she sensed that something was up and decided not to let him take me away after a while Erik left the party several people then told her that he had a history of preying on girls and that they were glad that he was gone Laura basically spent the rest of the party sitting on the couch with me hugging her and snoring away and then she dragged me up to bed I'm really lucky to have a friend like her and girls never ever drink anything at a party that you didn't pour yourself even delicious and Nutella coffee hi guys so lazy here and thank you very much for listening I hope you enjoyed these stories from reddit users and if you'd like to hear more then you can go over to top 15s channel where a few other horror narrators and I have collaborated and we've made a two-hour long video I think it's around 2 hours at least but yeah you can check that out by going to the link in the description below follow it and you'll find your way to that video and I had a real blast making it so make sure to check it out if you feel so inclined anywho make sure to subscribe and join the lazy Legion if you haven't already and you will hear from me again very very soon stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 583,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary, creepy, true, real, best, new, most, love, romance, top 5, top 10, 3 Scary TRUE Horror Stories from Reddit, horror, audiobook, Halloween, 4chan, crazy, blood, dead, death, internet, deep web, obama, fails, drunk, disturbing, caught on tape, ghost, ghosts, unexplainable, ever taken, photos, lyrics, song, music, minecraft, fnaf, freddys, evil, how to, why, creepypasta, epic, favorite, nightmare, before bed, haunted, Zombie, Hits
Id: meF5if9kHYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2015
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