3 Reasons Why You SHOULDN’T Become a Full-Stack Developer (and what you should study instead)

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hey what's up everyone this is mark here with devslopes.com and in this video i'm going to tell you why you should not become a full stack developer if you are a beginner this thing keeps happening to me every single day i do live streams i interact with students people learning to code and they all say mark i want to become a full stack developer where can i do that but i don't really think they know what that means so first let's talk about what a full stack developer is i'm going to make it really simple for you it's only one explanation a full stack developer is somebody who builds the front end of an application that's the user interface okay that could be an iphone app it could be an android app or it could be a website okay a front end web app or mobile app and then the full stack developer also builds the back end and let's be specific about what the back end is the back end is simply building the apis okay the restful apis so your front-end can communicate with them uh and then any code related with that in addition to interfacing with the database storing the actual data on a server that's what back in development does so it's it's two different spectrums here's the problem people think that they're gonna make more money as a full stack developer and so they need to learn full stack development but that's not how it works nobody let me repeat this nobody hires junior full stack developers nobody if you're brand new and becoming a programmer don't become a full stack developer because no one's going to hire you for that you may say well mark it's good though it's good to learn the back end right well yeah but not before you know the front end it's not going to help you at all and it's bad because all of these boot camps are teaching full stack development they teach you front and web development and then they go and teach you ruby on rails or they teach you python and django and you you spend all this money on this very expensive boot camp learning things that you're not going to use for your first job yes it's cool to know those things but you're not going to get a job for that here's the reason why big companies they have back-end developers and front-end developers they have two different types of developers doing the jobs very few companies even hire full-stack developers and the ones that do are startups that are very very small teams very lean i'm talking about limited limited funding you know maybe a hundred thousand dollars in funding versus a startup that might have three million dollars in funding okay and if there's only one person on the team or two then you might become a full stack developer because you're sprinting and racing to build the front end and the back end because you guys don't have enough money to pay all the bills for more developers so you're doing it all that's very uncommon and you'll never do that as a brand new person now i will say if your goal is to become a freelancer become your own boss then be being a full stack developer is very advantageous it's going to help you out a lot because now you can build everything you can build the front and and the back end and you get paid for it all uh which is cool you don't have to outsource the other side of the other side of the project but but you can't learn the back end without understanding the front-end anyway so i also want to talk about back-end development a lot of developers come to me saying hey mark i want to learn back and development that's i don't care about the user interface that's all i want to do and i have to tell them i'm sorry you got to learn the front end first nobody hires junior developers for the back and they just don't why is that it's because you're working with important data the code that you write is so critical as a backend developer you could destroy people's records you could look at their records there's security there's so many things to consider they're not going to hire a junior backend developer almost every developer who goes into the back end they always start in the front end so here's what i recommend that you do you learn front and first that could be iphone development that could be android development that could be web development learn those first get a job doing those things first do not spend a moment of time learning back in development unless you know you have some extra time you're mastering this stuff maybe and you just you want to build yourself like a node server for your project unless you're doing something like that don't spend any time on the back end you need to get that job fast and you may say well mark that's not true i talk to recruiters and the recruiters and the jobs they say we need someone with html css javascript and node and php and mysql and sql and oracle and all these things and of course we all know those job postings are bonkers you're not going to do any of that stuff at all you're going to focus either on the front end or the back end so that's why you should if you're brand new you should get full stack out of your mind do not learn ruby on rails do not learn python and django i know the bootcamps are teaching it but it's a complete waste of time because you're not going to get a job doing those things you're just not also if you go on to uh indeed and check out salaries okay check this out a full stack developer makes a hundred and eleven thousand dollars a year that's pretty good right if you can get the job that's probably mid level but check this out a back end developer makes 127 000 a year wait a minute if i just focus on the back end and don't do any front and stuff i make more money yeah nobody hires full stack developers like not really like the the startups do with the limited funding big companies they want people to be disciplined in one thing so yeah you're gonna make more money and do less work as a back end developer of course you can't get that job without having experience on the front end or having had some experience in programming okay this is why it's so critical that you you don't divert your time and focus on what you're learning so many students come to me say i'm learning html css and javascript and react but then you know i'm also learning node or ruby on rails i'm like stop you can't take all this stuff in at the same time and it's not even necessary master the front end i promise you this will help you out this will help you get a job much more quickly once you have that first job sure go to town master whatever back-end framework you want if you're a javascript developer master node you'll you'll move real fast building apis i'm a full stack developer lots of ctos are people who run the show at the company most of them are full stack developers they don't they don't get paid for the full stack they get paid being a cto why is that because they're helping everyone on the team on every aspect of the team you will never do that on a job for most jobs so don't focus on on full stack focus on the front end get your first job and then learn the back end and now if you're a freelancer or you want to be your own boss you still got to learn the front and first get your mo get your first projects doing front end and then when you've mastered that then start learning the back and you can do the whole thing okay so being a full stack developer is not all that it's cracked up to be and if you do get a job doing that you'll do more work and get paid less and that doesn't sound that great to me does that sound good to you doesn't sound good to me you heard it here first learn front-end development first this is mark devslopes.com see you next time
Channel: Devslopes
Views: 406,838
Rating: 4.8330956 out of 5
Keywords: full stack developer, learning to code, how to get a job as a developer, developer, programming tips, python programming, backend development, frontend development, programming languages, javascript, coding tutorials, programming tutorials, programming
Id: vgEVfaDmfTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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