Why I Became a Frontend Developer

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[Music] [Music] all right what's up everyone let me go ahead and make sure this is situated the right way what's up everyone jossie here and in today's video i want to talk about why i chose to become a front-end developer so when i was a computer science student um i thought it was interesting i thought programming was cool and it kind of distracts you with all the different electives so like chemistry and calculus so you know in the beginning of your curriculum or beginning of your computer science like major you'll take some programming courses but depending on what path you would like to take sometimes you may end up with more like gen eds and electives in the beginning part opposed to like a lot of programming courses needless to say as i continued and progressed through my major i started realizing that i really didn't care for programming that much and sometimes found it like mundane and boring and always programming in the terminal and doing you know back-end stuff i didn't realize it was back-end type of programming i mean of course data structures and algorithms don't really have any visual user interface applied to that kind of programming but um at the time i didn't even know what front end was i think one shoulders higher than the other because i got this monitor so my clothes don't look crazy and i'm not looking crazy and i'm still looking crazy i remember when i um started my first internship and i didn't really think i wanted to pursue computer science anymore because of all those things that i mentioned i find it boring and difficult and i just didn't know what i wanted to do to be honest with you i was 19 years old at the time who does but during that internship i got exposed to software development from a full stack standpoint so since i didn't have a ton of like functional programming skill sets my job was to focus on the front end which sounds so funny to think about like front end desktop application you never really see that in a job title or like responsibility section but uh that's when i got exposed to front end and building responsive uis and that summer totally changed my outlook on software development um i really didn't even know a ton about software development it it opened up my eyes to this new world of programming because when you're a computer science major in the beginning um obviously you have youtube videos and you can watch people like myself and learn about software development but at that time i didn't do any of that kind of stuff so all i knew was like c plus plus and you know for loops and data structures and algorithms kind of of you know computation with you know those big sun computers and all this stuff that i just didn't like but as an intern i got exposed to you know building out business applications which is totally different from what you do as a compsci major before we continue i want to take a moment to thank the sponsor of this video policy genius if you have a family you need life 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policy genius experts visit policygenius.com josselyn j to shop the market and start saving today so fast forward to my second internship i did more full stack development and more functional programming because i wanted to really get good at those skill sets even though i still love the idea of designing things and turning that design to code and that's where the love for front-end development started and i think a lot of my fellow front-end software engineers and developers can attest to a similar experience maybe they were a comp sci major and enjoyed design and thought like just doing back in and full stack was kind of boring or maybe they had a design background and wanted to become more technical my third internship was actually web development focus and the interns on my team were software engineering majors so they had a lot of like front-end development experience and like design and that's when i really got passionate about this um this whole thing and i started doing freelance work with web development and started using you know bootstrap and css grid layout and all these things to make you know user interfaces responsible responsive responsible so what's important about this whole story of being a front-end developer is that i actually had to learn what i don't like first sometimes we get so you know caught up in like getting that dream job in the beginning which which is good i mean there's nothing wrong with that but those jobs that you do in the beginning that you don't necessarily like as much will actually make it easier for you to figure out what you're actually passionate about and can see yourself doing like when i was a full stack developer i did anything and everything that i could to focus on front end now don't get me wrong i did like full stack development there were aspects of it that i enjoyed like when you have a feature that needs to be built and you actually see it working and you see it working from like the api layer all the way up to the view that's such a great feeling i also kind of got annoyed with the fact that some sprints and even quarters we will be totally focused on like api development back in development basically a bunch of stuff that weren't front and focus and that was frustrating especially as you want to progress in your career you want to specialize at some point in time whether it's like you know mobile development as ios dev or android dev back in dev you know you could do full stack or front end now working as a front-end developer i'm really grateful to have you know this opportunity that was literally the best decision i could have made was that jump from full stack development to front end so if you find yourself in a similar situation don't wait like why continue to give yourself a headache doing work that you don't enjoy so i noticed that i got a lot better at like css which is cool and css seems like it's this never ending programming language there's so many things that i'm always learning and to be 100 honest with you as a comp side grad and a full stack you know or uh previously being a full stack developer you don't have the same level of respect for css that you do for like java you know c sharp javascript i don't know when that'll ever change but i will tell you when you can take any design and turn it into something that's responsive and accessible that's golden i know i've been really positive about front end development and i've been like sipping that kool-aid everything isn't perfect i mean i will say that sometimes i get tired of styling things especially as someone who doesn't have a design background sometimes i'm like i don't understand why this matters or why this has to be so perfect like really who cares which is funny because people who don't care about front-end development feel that way but in a in a totally different extreme that's the only thing that sometimes is a headache is fighting with css i also do like flexing my full stack development skill sets or computer science skill sets that i learned especially being so early in my career and i do get a chance to flick though i do get a chance to flex those skill sets every so often so that does help i definitely don't see myself as someone who's just doing css and semantic html all the time so yeah that concludes this video um once again thank you to policy genius for sponsoring this video i hope this video was helpful to any of you all who are interested in programming especially those of you all who are you know in school for computer science software development something i t related those of you all who are in boot camps those of you all who are self-taught and want to make a career change you know good luck to you all front end development is amazing and i don't see it going anywhere there are some lines being blurred though between full stack and front end for sure especially as javascript frameworks become more and more of the norm but uh yeah with all that being said thank you all for watching this video be sure to give this video a thumbs up comment down below your favorite programming language i like to interact with you all and see some of the things you all are working on in your favorite programming languages and projects that you've worked on and as always have a blessed rest of your week oh don't forget to subscribe of course and become a part of this amazing community and as always have a blessed rest of your week i said that twice i'll see you all soon peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] that much
Channel: Gyasi Linje
Views: 62,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web developer, computer science, web development, software developer, software engineering, front end developer, front end web developer, career advice, software engineering for beginners, computer science jobs, frontend developer guide 2021, javascript, programming, developer, html, css, frontend, frontend development, front-end developer, how to become a web developer, front-end development, web developer career, gyasi linje, software development, frontend developer, front end
Id: W_e4hWPPmGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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