Stop Watching Coding Tutorials in 2021

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hey what's up everybody mark wahlbeck here with devslopes and this is the video of all videos it's the video that tells you to stop watching coding tutorials here on youtube so stop youtube right now pause the video and leave just end it now in fact i'm gonna leave actually i'm not gonna leave i'm just kidding i'm gonna give you some advice on why you should stop watching youtube coding videos now i tell people to watch youtube coding videos all the time so what does that mean okay well if you're somebody who's been watching video after video after video and you feel like you're not making progress this is for you please stop and listen to this advice i have been teaching people to code for such a long time and this thing happens to a majority of people majority of students and what happens is they get sucked into this thing that we call tutorial hell or course hell or whatever you want to call it basically it's where we just keep learning endless learning and we never make progress it's like we're spinning our wheels and if that's you i'm going to give you some advice that can help you get out of that and help you actually have success so i'm going to tell you a story so i have a dog it's a big huge 85 pound german shepherd dog this dog has a major pulling problem like you take it out for a walk and it could literally take a grown adult and throw you across the lawn like it is so fast so strong kids can't walk it it's very frustrating so i'm the one that has to take the dog out for a walk all the time because no one else can handle the dog except for me you know because i work out so i take the dog for these walks and you know what i get mad i pull the dog back i'm like i'll show you whose boss is i yank on its collar and pull it back get mad at the dog you know what happens nothing the dog doesn't listen to me the dog just keeps doing its stupid thing and then i repeat the process every day i keep doing this thing where i just want the dog to change and the dog doesn't change and i keep repeating the same behavior and she keeps repeating the same behavior nothing happens so i was really sick of this really sick and tired of this happening this is what i did i would watch little snippets and videos on how to train the dog would watch these training sessions on how to quickly just train your dog and then i just run out you know take the dog out and you know hope that i could make some type of change it didn't work nothing was working i was doing the same thing and getting the same results which was absolutely nothing so i said okay i'm gonna take this serious i believe i can train this dog it's a smart dog i know i can do it other people have done it i'm gonna take it serious and i said okay here's what i need to do i need to get dog treats and i need to get different flavors of dog treats and i need to get a slip collar and all these things right i needed to get these things but you know what i did i didn't get them all i just got all i did was i grabbed some treats just one bag of treats and i didn't even get the slip collar well you know what the dog got sick of the treats so right i didn't do what i was supposed to do so then i actually went and i got the slip collar and i bought an assortment of treats and then i got out seriously this time i didn't bring anyone with me on the walk except for me and the dog we just went back and forth on the street we performed the training exercises i wasn't watching any more videos i wasn't trying to learn and then doing nothing i just went and did the things that i needed to do i did the hands-on exercise and i actually took the time to do it it wasn't casual this was not a normal walk this was a training session i said i am training the dog and guess what in one session the dog reduced polling by like 70 percent by the second session like it was like 80 gone all because i had the tools i had more progress in two days because i was focused and using the right tools than i had been in the previous you know six months of walking this dog so what is the lesson here well it made me realize that this is a lot about how it's like to learn to code we watch videos and we watch more videos and we watch more videos and then we don't feel like we're getting ahead we may even watch complex videos data structures algorithms and take things to the highest levels and we don't remember it the reason for this is because we are not built to just retain pointless information we need to learn we need to apply and then that knowledge is reinforced so i have some practical tips for you today five tips for you today stop watching youtube videos and you can follow these tips and hopefully have some change in your life here's tip number one don't spend more than one month watching courses or videos don't spend more than one month doing this what i mean is don't put a whole bunch of time into all these videos and courses and say i'm gonna build something i'm gonna code a few months down the line or when i'm ready tip number one is do not watch videos for more than a month stop right there that's your limit okay number two when you've hit that month i want you to build a project this is a project that's gonna stretch your skills something that interests you this could be a bitcoin wallet this could be a cryptocurrency you know tracker this could be building your own dating app or your own to-do app you could be building something that is just fun or exciting or game whatever whatever you've been learning build a project in that realm with that technology a project that interests you from start to finish keep in mind you're not watching courses anymore remember you stopped so now you're building the project now you can go online and find help and resources stack over overflow things like that that's fine but you're not watching videos anymore that's the rule you're now building you're building that one thing step two is you're going to go build that project what that's going to do it's going to take everything that you learn and it's going to sear it into your brain permanently that's what it's going to do when you build a project now you want to take things to the next level right what i want you to do for step three is to go do coding challenges to upgrade your skills okay coding challenges are going to bring your core programming skills up higher if you're somebody who's like you know i want to be a better programmer but i don't know how coding challenges are how you're going to do that and there's a whole bunch of things you can search you can go online search for coding challenges code wars things like that you'll find a whole bunch of things you can do to upgrade your skills where you actually do it an easy one and then a harder one and a harder one you get better and you get better you get better do coding challenges rank up your skills so build the project do coding challenges get your skills up to a core competency level you know maybe spend a good month or so doing coding challenges and here's number four take on simple freelancing projects i want you to go to and i want you to apply for 10 to 15 projects that are in your technology realm now you may be saying mark i don't have the experience this is terrifying you have got to do this if you want to have success this is going to take the things that you learn and retain through building your project and now it's going to make it a reality someone's going to pay you for your work and you're going to be forced to deliver this is going to do far more for you in learning to code and getting where you need to be than anything else you could do for those of you who are huge risk takers you could even start here after you've done your month of learning to code you could start by just jumping into a freelance project getting it over your head and then you're forced to learn you're forced to build it that'll teach you so much so fast that's for those of you who are risk takers like me that's the kind of stuff that i would do but check this out you could learn html and css just the basics remember one month of learning right one month of videos you could do freelance projects on upwork for basic projects a 50 project here 100 project there hey help make my website more mobile responsive like you can do things like that with just even a month of experience so if you spent your month learning to code you built that major project and then you spent some time maybe another month doing coding challenges you can totally do basic freelance work and that's gonna help you bring it all together it's gonna take all those skills and put it together and you're gonna have huge success keep in mind the people who are still watching videos endlessly they're not doing these things every student who has ever told me that they're stuck watching videos they don't feel like they're making progress they are not doing coding challenges they are not building projects and they are not doing freelance work i've never had somebody who's doing freelance work say oh mark i don't feel like my skills are getting up there they never say that it's because their their skills are getting up there because they're actually doing something makes sense right tip number five is just learn as needed so once you're doing the freelance work if you need to buy a course that's fine but you're you're getting it as needed you're no longer just taking courses that take courses you're no longer learning something just to learn something i know this is controversial but i believe with all the energy of my soul that learning just to learn something is a complete and pointless and waste of time it is a complete waste of time learning just to learn something don't learn to learn something learn what you need to accomplish something if you want to be stuck in endless learning and never make progress then yeah buy a bunch of courses on udemy watch a thousand youtube videos and you'll get nowhere you need to learn just for a month though you need to build a project do coding challenges to get your core skills up there your algorithm skills and then what you need to do is you just need to keep at it with freelancing and hands-on things getting paid for your work and all those types of things and then you just learn as you need that's all you need to do of course we can help you with some of those things at dev slopes we have we have a training academy where we train you and coach you for the 16 weeks we do all those things for you so you don't even have to think and if you want to get your data structures and algorithm skills up we've got the 30-day code challenge that's where you can actually do daily missions and get those coding skills up but even if it's not with us that's what you need to be doing you need to be building projects and you need to be doing coding challenges and taking on freelance work but if you feel like you're not making progress and you're watching hundreds of videos and you're not going anywhere you're not doing anything if you're not taking on freelance work follow these steps you're guaranteed success if you can get into freelance work level if you're taking on paid projects you can guarantee your success for the rest of your career now i know a lot of you are like oh i'm so scared i just can't do that i'm not ready yet i'm gonna keep learning until i'm ready let me tell you a secret you will never get there you will never get there the people who say i'm gonna wait until i'm ready they never get there they just are stuck in the cycle you're never ready when you take your first project it doesn't matter you need to take that project you need to build your project you need to take on the freelance work you just have to do it so stop watching youtube videos stop watching tutorials stop watching courses if you've spent more than one month watching videos and courses stop it stop it start working okay i'm gonna go through the list one more time don't spend more than one month on coding courses or on youtube number two build a project something you're interested in number three take coding challenges to upgrade your skills like the four take on freelancing projects that's gonna do more for your skills than anything else you could do and five then you just learn as needed you parry you cherry pick right you find the things that you need for your particular projects you don't just learn things to learn things you find the things that you need and you're going to be highly productive so that's what i think you should do if you want to have success that's what i do that's what i teach my students to do and if you find this information useful make sure to click that subscribe button and i'll make a whole bunch more of these videos and click the little bell so you can get reminded whenever a new video is uploaded this is mark here with and i'll see you next time
Channel: Devslopes
Views: 501,346
Rating: 4.6672301 out of 5
Keywords: how to get out of tutorial hell, coding tutorials, coding tutorial for beginners, learn to code 2021, coding tutorials javascript, coding tutorials python, web development tutorial 2021, how to get out of tutorial hell programming, top programming languages 2021, coding for beginners, coding tutorial 2021, coding basics for beginners, full coding tutorial, best programming language, learn programming, programming tutorial, Web development tutorial
Id: n7JhRDRK3Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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