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dawn of the infinite is the new Mega dungeon coming to World of Warcraft in patch 10.1.5 it hosts a total of 8 bosses and can only be completed on Mythic difficulty currently with the dungeon being split in half for season 3 of dragonflight which I'll have guides for so make sure to come back for those the first boss you'll find is chronica she will often cast and stomp forming withering sand pools under players that inflict heavy Arcane damage and reduce players haste by 25 and movement speed by 15 so avoid standing in these chronica will Target players and leap to their location one by one with Eon chatter inflicting massive damage to players in the targeted area and firing out Eon fragments dealing damage to players struck and knocking them back this leap will also spawn Eon residue inside the location that a player will have to soak otherwise it will explode in a residue blast dealing huge damage to all players and leaving a nasty dot on them tanks and healers will need to keep an eye out for chronoshir knocking the tank away and causing a shared timeline increasing the target's damage taken by 600 for one minute this debuff cannot be dispelled and until the massive healing absorbed from the lifespan Shear is healed through so be prepared to save healing cooldowns for here rinse and repeat until you take out the boss moving on to the second boss we have the manifested time waste around this boss are fields of decaying and accelerating time that continuously tick around the boss in segments decaying time inflicts Arcane damage to players every three seconds and reduces players damage taken by 20 accelerating time inflicts Arcane damage every one second and increases movement speed by 30 the boss will apply Chrono faded to players that inflicts more Arcane damage to players for 30 seconds and needs dispelling once dispelled it will release a ripple of bronze magic dealing huge damage to players passing through it so you'll need to run through it as quick as possible do note that this wave travels extraordinarily slow if the player dropping the puddle was affected by decaying time so healers will want to wait until the player is positioned in these segments fragments of time will emit pockets of time which radiate outwards from the boss inflicting damage upon impact and applying a DOT for 6 seconds this dot can stack to avoid these at all costs these pop kids are also affected by decaying and accelerating time so try and Dodge them inside the decaying time pools tanks will want to watch out for the timeway's unwind ability inflicting Arcane damage in a frontal cone twice if the tank is Afflicted with decaying time the second tick is noticeably delayed so tanks will want to position themselves in the darker triangles for this ability as well as a tank you'll also want to make sure you are always in melee range of the boss otherwise it will start to cast radiant inflicting Arcane damage that increases by 15 for each cast after defeating the manifested time weight the next boss you'll face is the blight of galachron this boss is a three-stage encounter starting with an ooze that seeps toxic corruption on the ground through blight seep draining the creature's energy occasionally the bright will afflict players with corrosion causing a corrosive expulsion that deals damage to anyone within three yards of their impact and stunning them corrosion will inflict nature damage and reduce The Afflicted Target's haste by 5 this debuff Stacks every 3 seconds until the player reaches 10 stacks and gets mine controlled to remove this debuff you're want to pass it to your tank ready for blight Reclamation the blight shoots out a frontal cone inflicting big physical damage and pulling the tank in also reclaiming the corrosion removing the Affliction from your tank after taking enough damage the blight then transfers to a new host anzon becomes active and has access to all of blight's abilities but will also cast necrotic wins pulling players into the blight seat while sending out volleys of tornadoes these tornadoes knock players back and inflict nature damage if struck so be sure to avoid them the Final Phase spawns Loz kaleth and dazak which share a health pool via Essence connection again they gain access to the previous abilities but laws will root a player with necro Frost reducing their haste by 20 until the ice is destroyed around them so players will want to hard Swap and burst this down Daz like channels a frontal incinerating blight breath so Dodge this but do note that it also damages the necro Frost he also casts blight spit dealing damage to random players next we move on to the infamous iridocron the first thing to know with this fight is defeating iridocron is not the goal of this fight instead we must break his home concentration so that our partner chromie can attack during the fight eridicron is trying to kill chromie so he must protect her as she protects us the boss will Target a player with Extinction Blast One shotting anyone within the Impact Zone unless you are under chromy's timeline protection this bubble reduces incoming damage to players by 97 but will exhaust chromie after the channel ends to overcome her exhaustion players must protect her from stonecracker barrage this attack follows Extinction blast and fires barrages of stone at chromie for two seconds this damage is split amongst chromie and any player's hit so you'll all want to be inside the targeted Zone tanks will need to position themselves in the front swirly to prevent the rest of the group and cry me from being Afflicted with stonecrack dealing big damage every one second for 15 seconds and this affects Stacks tanks do make sure that you run back into the first Zone after the first barrage pushes you back iridocron will shield himself with Earth surge while the shield holds he pulses out AOE damage to your group every six seconds and these waves also increase the damage of the next wave by 25 and this stack so the AIM of the game is to take out the shield as soon as possible while channeling he will also be sending out erupting pillars that you'll need to dodge that also deal large damage and knock players back if struck after destroying the shield iridocron will slam his wings down with pulverizing exhalation dealing heavy nature damage to anybody caught in the huge frontal or Circle under him at this time his wing slam also causes pulverizing Creations to spawn under players these creations will spam car stoneball inflicting a bleed on players so stack them up CC them and burst them down during the fight the boss overwhelms the tank with crushing Onslaught increasing the physical damage taken by the player by 75 percent for three seconds and this does stack tanks will need to be wary of this debuff getting too high finally at 100 confidence eridicron unleashes a cataclysmic obliteration here he will concentrate on finishing his cast to unleash a one shot to the party but if players reduce his energy to zero before the cast finishes through damage his energy backfires and staggers him and to help with this chromiecast timeline Transcendence allowing players to see their future pretend increasing our damage haste cooldown recovery and resource regeneration massively so that we can stop eriticron after scaring off a redicron will fly with chromie to the next boss here the infinite keeper tanks will have to deal with the boss's Titanic blow dealing huge physical damage in a frontal cone and leaving consecrated ground on the floor that deals fatal ticking damage so make sure to avoid this and tanks don't fill up the room tier will also face random players and hit them with infinite Annihilation exactly the same as a tank frontal but dealing less damage and again leaving some consecrated ground the boss will also cast dividing strike dealing huge Arcane damage divided among players struck within a targeted area and if less than two players are struck the boss will gain infinite empowerment increasing all his Damage Done by 33 for the rest of the fight and this affects Stacks here you want your whole party to stand within this so tyr will inflict two players with spark of tear dealing Arcane damage every two seconds to players within 4 yards healers need to dispel this but beware that upon removal it would deal party-wide damage so don't get too hasty with the dispels finally at Zero Energy tier will siphon ovestone gaining a Radiant Barrier and causing a hastening eruption while the Radiant Barrier holds inflicts AOE damage every two seconds so players will need to burst down this Shield ASAP during the hastening eruption volleys of time Essence can be collected to increase haste and movement speed by 15 stacking up to three times to help you delete the shield however time capsules that reach the oathstone will add to tears radium barrier so make sure to intercept these before they reach the middle upon defeating tier you'll have to navigate The Gauntlet and avoid getting hit by any of the frontals or swirlies otherwise you'll have to restart now we can choose what boss we encounter next for the sake of this guide we'll be dealing with the time loss Battlefield here the fight will change depending on your faction this is a relatively simple fight with not too many mechanics but if you are horde anduin will cast mortal strike on your tank reducing the player's healing received by 50 he'll also aim a frontal Shockwave at the tank regularly so other players should be sure to dodge this outside of this anderwin will summon three ads whenever every cast for The Alliance your group should swap to these ads and clear them down ASAP to continue on with the fight these ads are CC able so help to reduce the outgoing damage here by kicking and stunning note that healers can dispel the fireable dot that conjurers apply to anduin will pursue a random player with Bladestorm so your party should make sure to stay away from him during this course as he travels around the battlefield and finally he will cast Battle Cry dealing AOE nature damage to your party so be prepared with defensives if needed the fight is pretty much the same for the alliance players except for obvious reasons you'll now be fighting The Horde grommash will also cast Bladestorm on a random player Dodge this whenever he is channeling it again he applies more to wins reducing the Tank's healing received by 50 but he applies this through decapitate gromesh's version of Shockwave is named Death Wish unleashing multiple strikes in a frontal cone at the tank he will also deal AOE damage to your group through war cry dealing nature damage to All Enemies similarly to anduin he will summon three adds through for The Horde cleave these down ASAP and heal is to spell them simulate that the warlocks apply and finally every time grommash loses 10 Health he will gain a stacking 5 damage buff through rage Now we move on to the alternate form of chromie Mochi the chief is a tank blast and a frontal cone so make sure to face her away from the group and DPS spread out outside of this she'll cast more problems summoning clones of herself that channel a dragon's breath before her clones finish casting the spell they will destabilize leaving only the real mortgage to unleash a wide cone attack so you'll need to find her quick here and position yourself behind her so you don't receive a sand Buffet debuff this applies a doctor players dealing ticking damage every one second Mochi is the only one not wearing a hat so quickly scour the room and then hide behind her morchee also creates traps at random locations with time traps triggering these traps will cause a Time stasis rooting players for 30 seconds or trapping creatures until the next familiar faces cast this car summons copies of your party that fixate on the corresponding player which you'll need to drag through a Time trap otherwise it'll probably kill you rinse and repeat this fight until you take her out the last boss in dawn of the infinite you may have seen before Chrono Lord dios this is a two-phase encounter where the main aim is to take out the ads as soon as possible in Phase One these infinite timekeepers will create portals that summon reinforcements that we must take out apart from this they'll spam costs infinite bolt dealing Arcane damage to a random player and they'll also apply a dispellable magic dot in chronal Burn dealing damage to a player for 15 seconds but this decreases in frequency over time upon defeating these timekeepers the rift these stabilizers inflicting 15 Max Health damage to dios over 4 seconds take out these timekeepers as quickly as you can so that you're not overwhelmed when more spawn as at the same time you'll be dealing with dios who will conjure Infinity orbs which fall to the ground and upon arrival will explode in an Infinity Nova dealing huge damage to players and increasing their damage taken from future novas by 300 for three seconds and this does that do note that these orbs will fall slower when players are stood underneath them so if you do need to stagger the debuff then just assign players to stand underneath them dios will come a frontal breath on tanks inflicting the Arcane damage and slowing their haste and movement speed by 20 this effect does stack but also affects enemy units so tanks should try and aim these at the summoned adds too upon defeating all of the keepers the boss will now enter stage 2 at 20 Health here deals has three abilities that he will repeatedly cast until the end of the fight infinite corruption is the new one that blasts knows dormu with bronze magic sending Arcane artillery throughout the arena so make sure to dodge these swirlies and these will scar the ground for two minutes dealing nature damage the players stood within it try not to fill up the room here he summons even more Infinity orbs that you can stagger by standing underneath them to better deal with the infinity Nova debuff and finally deals continues to cast his temporal breath run to attack and during this phase nordstromu is freed and we also receive a haste buff so this stage of the fight is actually pretty free but that's all you need to know for the bosses inside the dawn of the infinite Mega dungeon so that wraps up this guide if you did enjoy this guide then please drop a like down below and also subscribe to your boy and until next time I'll catch catch you guys later
Channel: VesperalTV
Views: 11,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, warcraft, mythic, keystone, chest, druid, moonkin, feral, hunter, dragonflight, wowhead, evoker, shaman, enhancement, warrior, mythic plus, mythic +, m+, outlaw, rogue, meta, tier list, embers of neltharion, brackenhide hollow, dungeon guide, m+ guide, mythic plus guide, season 2 dragonflight, neltharus, uldaman guide, uldaman legacy of tyr guide, halls of infusion guide, freehold guide, underrot guide, world of warcraft, neltharions lair guide, dawn of the infinite guide, megadungeon guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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