Rustic Tiny Home Built To Homestead - Clever Use Of Antiqued Building Materials

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[Music] I fear the most when I'm alone I think of you cos when you're gone I remember the feelings hidden in the door I never left my feelings show [Music] I'm Kelly and I'm Derek and this is our tiny house tiny house big sky parked here at Park Delta Bay and Isleton so the name tiny house big sky came from the fact that we are eventually moving this house probably in the next year to Montana to family property there we hope to make our permanent home the plan is to do farming and hopefully some sort of crop that we can be there in the summer when it's beautiful and summer spring summer and fall and maybe head down here or Mexico or wherever we want to go in the winter I think if we were traveling we would likely do a smaller RV and/or Porto behind we've we've actually got a retro canned ham at the the ranch we're moving to that we want to rebuild and and use that as our traveling rig the tiny house is as you can see it's very large and heavy it's heavy and it costs a lot to tow it it's not easy to tow it if you want to move it around I built a tight a smaller tiny house yeah there's definitely we had to get rid of some things but it does hold I'm quite a bit of clothes I think everything that we need to hang up is hanging up so that's nice and then our kind of down here so it's nice to have shoes storage and hanging areas so and then this is our soon-to-be washer/dryer combo area right now we just have our coats hanging up the decision to wait is more of just a financial saving up for for the best unit we can get because we've heard kind of pros and cons to the combo unit so we want to get you know the best one we can it costs money so we have a laundry facility here on site so that's that's nice I mean we do have to kind of cart our clothes all the way over there but for now it works there are times when I wish we had a spot here to do it but it'll happen soon something else to mention is this is our heat recovery ventilator and it kind of draws air in and out and lets the house kind of breathe and keep fresh air inside so this is something that we're very happy with that to have that this is our kind of indoor utility kind of closet it has the water heater we have a water pump in here too when we're if we're ever off-grid to kind of keep the water pressure up but yeah that's just kind of utility we keep our cleaners down there and stuff like that our hot water heater is precision temp yeah we're pretty happy with it it's the one generation back from the newest one so it can be a little finicky sometimes we have to have a certain amount of water flow for it to trigger so sometimes we have to kind of run the sink in the shower at the same time just to get the right temperature so yeah but I know precision temp is kind of working out the bugs in there newer models so citizen on-demand yeah tried to tweak it a little bit here and there he's frustrated about it this is our shower and we went with the horse trough tub it's nice to have because you can it's pretty much a soaker tub so you can really get down low and soak in it and it's lightweight so that's nice too we did kind of an exposed copper plumbing I'm just to kind of go with the look of the house and this is actually a waterproof flooring that we put up just I wanted like a stone or tile look without the weight and it's actually worked out really well I think it's indestructible very easy to clean and then we kind of have an EPA I think it's called wood surround for it that's nice and then we even have this is a fun little feature mat of our makeshift makeshift rain hunt we think it's kind of fun yeah yeah we kind of like that look so and then this is I would say one of my favorite parts of the house is our kind of vanity area we have an antique Bowl kind of mounted on this dresser we kind of had to modify the top drawer Derek did for it to fit but it's nice because the drawers are still functioning and can still store stuff in him yeah everything was found separately this bowl was just a bowl and I found it and we had to get it kind of professionally drilled so that the drain could kind of fit or for the drain so yeah and then I found this at Value Village it's kind of like a goodwill up in Washington so we could find there and yeah the faucets separate too so yeah five bucks good deal yeah and then this we've actually found at the dump I don't know why anyone was going to throw that away but so that was a find we definitely have this in the house in general a lot of reclaimed pieces so that was really important to us this was also I found it a thrift store I kind of painted it up to look bold so the name of the color it's from Ben Moore it's called lucerne they have been more it kind of has like gay like an antique line that they have so I we kind of picked from those those colors I knew I kind of wanted blue to go with the blue and the sink and the blue and the floor and I think it kind of has a nice pop of color I wanted like an accent wall in the house somewhere but in a tiny house you have to be careful with the dark colors obviously so this was kind of a good wall to use for that so this floor it's actually linoleum because once again we were kind of worried about our tongue weight out here in general she has linoleum it's from it's from the UK I believe and it's from atro floors yeah so they have a ton of cool prints that you can choose from yeah well it's also indestructible which is nice easy to clean we actually have for our toilet over here the airhead composting toilet which is not as popular as say the nature's head or the separate we've been very happy with it a lot of people are kind of up and down about the composting toilet but it was I think it was an easy transition for us the one thing that we've modified on it is the liquids tank in the front what's filling up so quickly that it kind of became a hassle to take it out all the time so airhead actually makes a tank that has a fitting on the bottom of it so that you can plumb it into your beer gray water line and that's been we've made a lot of modifications in the house but this is kind of like the best one so so yeah so tiny house big sky like we mentioned is in relation to us eventually going to Montana being with Derek's family and this is a picture of their horse ranch that we'll be living at so it's just kind of a reminder about where we're headed and what we have to look forward to and the window you know it's it's nice to have it kind of a view from the toilet I think when we're out at the horse ranch well obviously have more privacy and can keep the windows open it's also our egress window for downstairs so and then the beans which are also over on the other side of the house we got up in Washington where we built the house kind of just privately through a guy who does his own milling so the beams the cedar beams turned out pretty great I think so Derek's setting up the ladder for us you go check out the loft the ladder is this is the second version we kind of just had a makeshift one and then Derek made it a nicer ladder so to get up into the guest loft which we kind of decided to have because we did leave you know Derek's children behind in Seattle only want them to have a place to stay when they come visit and really just anybody coming to visit we want them to have kind of a comfortable private space to hang out in our up in our guest loft that we have for visitors coming in this is like a bed futon thing which is nice sometimes I work up here so I'll put it up into a couch and kind of do my work up here has a nice feeling up here cuz you've got kind of windows above and to the sides and this is obviously really nice kind of gives it almost like a tree house feeling we think we actually slept up here for a little bit while we were finishing the other loft so slept up here a few times this is a vintage find it's actually from our neighbor down the row she was getting rid of it and I felt like it really fit our house so it's also nice for storage linens and stuff like that kind of go in here this is also a new addition to the tiny house the lights up here don't dim so we needed kind of just a softer light for up here so I found this cool little gem in Lodi at a antique store Derek's daughter came to visit and she did her homework up here and she said it was just kind of a very nice place a productive place so it's good to have and you don't have space from each other sometimes so here we are in the kitchen dining area and we started out we didn't have a table here we had always planned on doing something but this table is kind of our prototype I want to build something out of walnut or something more fancy this is built out of a cheap project panel from Lowe's that you know cost about 30 bucks and actually we're very happy with it it turned out pretty nice but it folds down and then the panel flips out and and you know creates a pretty good sized space we actually sat four of us here just a few nights ago with when my parents were visiting and surprisingly we all fit so when we have the table set up we have a couple of things going on we have stuff stashed everywhere in the house in a tiny house you have to get creative on storage so to fold the table out over here behind Kelly we actually have a stick that's kind of just jammed in the trim and I can show you that in a minute this guy and the table the hardware here for the table came off an Ikea table that they have so this was our prototype to see if it would work and it did so the stick goes in there the IKEA arm table arm folds it up and we actually sat one person here one here one there and one there and we were able to fit four people in there so it was pretty great this hardware at the table at IKEA was about 30 bucks and I bought it just for the hardware I didn't even I didn't use any of the wood this is our dog Ella one thing you get used to in a tiny house with pets is sometimes they're in the way then when this just folds down put this back and that folds down so we have more room if the cat weren't there to be in the way so this is Louise and she has made the tiny house feel much tinier we got her as a kitten and she's kind of crazy right now she's very mellow so let's hope she stays that way we left this as a shelf because I think we're going to do kind of a dog Murphy bed right here so we can flip this up and get the bed out of the way when we don't want it so the chairs for the table are hidden behind the refrigerator or on the side of the refrigerator so we can pull those out and then we have the fourth seat is the Ottoman here on the couch that just flips open so when the tables extended it sits right about here perfect spot for it to be able to eat pizza or play board games or whatever so back to the kitchen about 60 to 70 percent of our house is reclaimed the butcher block countertop we found in two pieces at a second pan building material store and we got back here and it was about a foot too short so I had some walnut laying around we ended up putting walnut inlays in the countertop to stretch it out you can see we've got this old dresser the dressers from probably the mid-1800s it was a find of Kelly's on Craigslist and we were able to modify it to fit the sink behind it and that kind of thing we actually the top is used at the base of our ladder for the guest loft we were able to reuse that the top had this initial curve so I replicated that with the countertop and kind of made everything tie together this one is just a face but this one where we store our vitamins and medicines and that kind of thing so you can see we modified it to fit just right so we actually have I think these ones are full full storage we keep our coffee and linens down here and then this one's all our cleaning supplies this whole system worked out great I wasn't convinced Kelly really likes to do all the reclaimed stuff and as a contractor I was always saying yeah it takes extra time and you know it seems like a lot of hassle but I think using the reclaimed stuff really made a lot of the or gave our house a lot of the character that that it has today so it's totally totally worth it as long as you're not having to pay somebody to do it for you so the faucet was a leftover from a job that I had in in Seattle and I thought it'd be perfect in here and I think it works pretty well the sink we found also at a second secondhand Building salvage it's a kerlick and Kelly thought she'd be able to clean it up a little more it did not clean up as well as we liked and honestly that's probably one of the very few regrets we have on her build wish we would have gotten a different sink once it's in there it's kind of in there you know it's gonna be a struggle to find one that fits just perfectly to the cutout and and that kind of thing but it might be something we try and do in the future keep our eyes peeled for something well a lot of the things in here reclaimed the three of the base cabinets are not this base cabinet and this and the one on the end are both are all three new cabinets that we painted an antiqued this one opens up and it's pretty much your standard cabinet we did have to modify all these cabinets on this row for the wheel well of the tiny house at one thing when you're building you got to remember that that's going to be there it does kind of dictate where things go and and that kind of thing for example our refrigerator had to go where it went because we needed to push it all the way back and the wheel well was in the way so so under here we keep our board games and that's kind of an interesting I can show you the board games set up here we used to have a stack probably about this tall of board games and now we have a stack this tall and we've added quite a few games since we set up the system and it it works fantastic so one thing we've noticed in the tiny house is we definitely find different ways to get rid of the extra packaging and storage and that kind of thing so one of the things we're like so we do board game nights here at the park and we'll get people together in the community room and yeah it's pretty fun we end up bringing all the games but personally they're easy to haul around okay so working backwards here in the kitchen our lighting actually came from well this light up here came from my family's ranch in Montana and it was in an old cabin my mom found it and it was a little smashed up and and that kind of thing so we ended up rewiring it and shortly after we got this from her we were in Arizona doing some work and came across this one in an antique store and they matched so well that we thought okay so that's been kind of a I think a lot of people really enjoy the lights that you know the fixtures that we have here so that's kind of one of our favorite things here and I love that this one came from the family property and you know was in this old cabin that this winter the roof collapsed in it so we're lucky we got it so in order to move the tiny house we have to pull all the pictures off the wall that kind of thing the lights themselves we put well we have a cup hooks here we put another one over here and a couple on either side and we end up bunging them together so they're kind of pulled to the middle but bungeed to the walls so they aren't swinging back and forth and otherwise that would probably be pretty messy so moving back in on this side of the kitchen we have Kelly really likes her these are hazel Atlas plates and bowls and these are Pyrex and so she liked her her cute stuff I should be letting her explain this this is her purview here but so we wanted to open cabinets to be able to display that the storage on top was just kind of a bonus for the little bit of we've tried to keep the knickknacks to a minimum they keep creeping in and then we have to thin them out again and you know but you know there's stuff from our wedding up here and things like that that have sentimental value another one of our favorite items is this dish rack which unfortunately IKEA doesn't make sorry folks you might have to look on eBay but it just flips down that hangs on the side we put a drying rack or a drying towel underneath it and your plates just sit right in there and it works pretty awesome and folds up and goes out of the way so continuing in the kitchen we have next to the drying rack we have utensils storage which is just s hooks to hang our most commonly used stuff kind of moving down to the cabinets this is silverware etc and then pots and pans with pull outs down below the storage down here seems to be pretty good as far as space we have things in here that we actually very rarely if ever use so we we kind of continually are emptying things out hey we haven't used this in a while we do have a cooler for our Suvi that we use that I'd like to put down here but that means we have to get rid of more stuff so we'll see if it happens in the future but otherwise it it holds quite a bit we've found that we don't need all the kitchen gadgets that we used to have we get Bob just fine without them so I was a big fan of kitchen gadgets and now it's like it's okay I don't need that so continuing back we have this is the bar up here so wine and smaller liquor bottles will fit up there but nothing too big so keeps us on track spiced and storage up here more glasses etc in this this is kind of the random cabinet where the overflow the rangehood is one of the few things in the house that runs on 12 volt so our houses are V certified so we have 12 volt systems for all the RV appliances that are that's separate from the 120 volt system so the range hood the furnace the water heater all run off of that off of that system just because that's what the state of Washington wanted in our RV system the stove was a fantastic find it was we searched for two months in five states on Craigslist for a white stuff all Kelly wanted was a white stove and all we could find was black stoves or avocado green stoves or brown stoves yellow there were a couple yellow ones so it was the day before I was going to order a brand new stove we figured okay we might as well get a brand new top-of-the-line stove and this came up on Craigslist half an hour from our house for 200 bucks and it's at least 50 years old maybe more the oven had never been used it was pristine and the there's a little bit of surface rust on the on the face here but otherwise it was in perfect condition I called the guy and I said hey I'll take it right now so that was a fantastic find we feel very lucky and a lot of people who come in and see the house this is one of their favorite things in the house we have more pots and pans storage down below fits quite a bit of stuff you know like I said we have definitely thinned down the gadgets and things like that so what we try and keep it organized and everything has its place this has our propane detector mounted in the door this is necessary for RV certification and for safety if there's a propane leak in the house this alarm will go off we actually have it why so that it will shut off the propane tanks the flow from the propane tanks if the alarm goes off so that way you know just an extra extra safety feature of the house and then this is kind of the junk drawer so in this corner here we have our Nespresso coffee maker which is fantastic got that for Christmas and we really love it and all the pods go in here and store we like this because it was very compact you know we kind of like coffee a little bit so being from Seattle the devices on the wall here that we kind of stacked this is our battery monitor this this is showing us what percentage our batteries are charged to the only 12-volt power we use is the range hood the igniter on the furnace and the water heater so these stay at a hundred percent pretty much all the time eventually we'd like to put us out solar power in and then we'll be using more of our battery power and using that more often so then we have an echo be smart thermostat which definitely took some experimentation to get it to work this requires a twenty to twenty-four volt system our systems 12 volt the it requires 24 volt AC our systems 24 volt DC so there's little pieces and parts that I had to get from the local RadioShack type store to make it work but eventually it did it did work for us so and we can control it with our phone and/or tell our Amazon echo to turn the heat up which seems kind of lazy since it's only 10 feet away and this is the panel which shows our power for like this as our water heater electric is on we have tank heaters that we act that I actually wired into this and then we have holding tanks for grey water and fresh water that are monitored by this so we can see what capacity they're at we actually haven't used either so honestly I couldn't tell you if it even works so our refrigerator we wanted a residential refrigerator because we had heard that the propane RV style can be temperamental and are very expensive to repair if they if they get damaged or have any issues and so we went with a residential it's 18 cubic foot built by Summit we got it online like a Jay Madison comm I think it was about $1,200 when we got it it had a tiny bit of damage on the back here and so we called them and they took 200 bucks off so thousand bucks and I could maybe show you where the damage is is if you look really close but it's got tons of storage nice huge fridge the refrigerator has been fantastic as far as the amount of storage we are you know food storage we need we've got a full freezer underneath it's all drawers so it works great we skip the icemaker because they actually can be problematic also the refrigerator is Energy Star rated so it uses very very little power we've been been very very happy with it and our magnet collection from wherever we've been so it's it's one of those things where you can just add things as you go and so then we have our pantry area where we keep all our dry goods pretty self-explanatory extra storage down below keep in mind that the wheel wells run from one end to the other so the the front of the wheel well is here that's why the refrigerators here is that's as far back as we could push it without having to go to the other end of the house so all the bottoms here there's a little bit of wheel well that that gets in the way from doing full depth moving forward we've got the RV furnace it's just a forced air furnace built for rvs I think it's it's like 1900 beats or 19 thousand BTUs propane and 12-volt little 12-volt igniter and it run all winter here we probably used about $50 worth of propane each month and that was our cooking hot water and heat yeah it's it's a great price for a heating bill 50 bucks is hard to beat and it is hooked up to the the echo be smart thermostat which like I said it was kind of a project but it it turned out pretty cool so we decided to do the stairs in this fashion because well a we wanted we knew we wanted stairs just because they're easier to move up and down on then then a ladder like a lot of people our tiny-house journey kind of started with watching shows on the eye wire HD TV and that kind of thing and you definitely saw these types of stairs on there with all the storage underneath it just seems to be a great use of space you have to have that stair system and really we wanted to maximize storage as much as possible and you don't need a whole lot of structure for the stairs so you're able to do things like the little cubbies that that allow you a lot of storage that was some of the other things in the stairs we have sized searched out in size tubs that fit perfectly in the spaces this is a pet food container that works great as a trashcan you know that kind of thing this is actually where we store the pet food is in these little tubs that fit perfectly under here so and then this is storage of household you know we have some paint in there touch-up paint and that kind of thing in the base there so head upstairs so this this stained glass we found also reclaimed it was all broken up when I found it I thought I could fix it by myself until I looked into it and discovered repairing stained glass is pretty tricky so I took it to a to a guy to fix it and it was a lot of money to fix it but it's a pretty special piece for the house a butterfly is pretty significant to me long story short it kind of represents my mom who passed away about three years ago so it's nice and prominent in the house and I can kind of look at it and think of her so we also got the both octagon windows reclaimed off from Craigslist as well kind of a steal for those and then this bed frame is you know mainly for just decor there's no functionality to it but I kind of thought this wall needed something special on it because it's kind of something you see right when you walk in also found this bed frame at a a thrift store and it was just kind of black and cast iron and I had gross globes on it so I painted it up and beat it up to make it look old and then found these little birds to put on top so and then it I think you know it works well to have a plant kind of hanging on it the cat likes to climb on it sit in the plant and then kind of climb up and over into the loft instead of just going up the stairs she takes this way so this is up in our what we call the master loft it's about 12 feet long so it's a lot of space for us up here pretty cozy we have storage on either side typical like IKEA cubbies Derrick stuffs over there my stuff's over here we've got a couple like bedside lights mounted to the wall here first kind of nighttime kind of before bed lights let's see we have kind of our more personal pictures up here of Derek and I and from our wedding that's from our first dance let's see and then of course a huge skylight up here it's really nice to kind of watch the trees change and watch the stars in the moon at night you definitely know when the Sun's up in the morning so eventually we might make a shade for this when it gets a little warmer but it does open which is nice a quick way to kind of cool down the loft is by opening that up so that's pretty nice some pretty crazy how cool it can make the loft feel yeah and so you know a decent amount of storage I even though I did a ton of downsizing probably three to four repair downs of all my clothes and stuff still have quite a bit so I think I have some more work to do on that these windows open these are just fixed yeah I mean in the summer we normally kind of open everything up except we have a an air conditioner like a window unit that we put in the other loft so when that's on we close everything up but so yeah we kind of sort of put a fan at the base of the stairs to kind of pull that cool air into the loft when we have the air conditioner on yeah it keeps it cool I mean I can't get kind of hot up here I would say yeah another kind of purpose of the storage over here is just for like the privacy when we do have guests we have a little curtain that kind of temporary curtain that we can put up for privacy so it's kind of nice too yeah oh and the ceiling is kind of cool we think you had Derek had some leftover like tongue-and-groove from a job that we just stained a bunch of different colors and kind of made that barnwood look they I think it turned out pretty awesome on the ceiling so so our mattress is from Tufton needle who I believe at this point got bought out by Beautyrest but it's the mint mattress and it has been awesome for us really love it think it's the most comfortable thing ever we do have kind of slats underneath to keep the circulation going underneath the mattress because I think that could be an issue if you have your mattress just right on the floor it can damage the mattress and kind of be a place for moisture to collect so I think that's important so the latter we built we had a temporary one just built out of regular two by fours and I didn't like it very much I actually want to build one out of like walnut and oak and you know make it fancy with 10 and mortise and tenon joints and that kind of thing but this was our upgrade for the time being built out of Redwood and it just comes off and hangs up out of the way these were like $10 towel bars from Hobby Lobby of it worked out pretty well so the our living room it's all kind of one big room but our living room consists basically of our couch and we have a TV over here or a projector screen that we pull down so the couch we initially had a different couch here that we purchased from some friends of ours and it was nice it had lots of storage but it wasn't as comfortable as we would have liked and we actually wanted to add more sleeping room in here on our house we can actually sleep six people in it now which is kind of crazy I don't know if we would ever sleep six people in here but we have that option if we want the other thing we thought of is if our family came to visit and they didn't want to deal with the stairs to the loft or the ladder to the loft there is a main floor bed that people can use and and not have to deal with that so so we just built this new couch which replaced our old one Kelly did all the sewing and it has two Ottomans that pull out turn into kind of a chaise lounge type or sectional type and then it also folds down into a bed and there's tons of storage inside the whole base is all storage so and we have lots of opening windows here so we get good airflow that was kind of important to me I wanted things to just stay fresh in the house and be able to cool it off quickly and just enjoy the outdoors not just see the outdoors with all the windows but actually be able to you know get the fresh air so our projector system we started out with a TV that was just mounted over on the side here we decided we wanted something that we could kind of put away so we went with a projector system this projector came from Amazon it was like 50 bucks super inexpensive it's not real high-end pretty basic basic unit but it does what we need the more expensive ones are brighter and that kind of thing so we could get away without having to maybe turn off as many lights when we watch TV that kind of thing so the projector itself mounts here we have cable HDMI cable that runs down and all our video runs off of whoops this is an Apple lightning adapter two HDMI and we found so we are our internet here is actually all cellular based so we have to use our verizon plan to stream our TV and we found our Roku which we initially used burned up our data in like three days done you know which was pretty frustrating the nice thing about this adapter here is most of the phone companies don't count streaming video off of your phone against your data cap so when you plug it into this it mirrors your phone onto the projector doesn't count against your data it doesn't slow down it works awesome and we use Verizon for that we actually purchased a third phone line so we could just have a dedicated plugged in it becomes kind of our remote control and media center so once we have our phone hooked up over here and and that kind of thing the projector sits up here turns on nice and easy we have a screen on this side that fits that was probably the hardest thing to find was a small enough projector screen they're all huge because most people when they're looking for a projector they want a big screen but we found one that fit kind of up in the framing of the loft here so it was nice and discreet and so the screens there we have a sound bar down below and great sound and the video it's pretty good for 50 bucks I'd like to get a better projector at some point but this definitely does the trick it is HD but it's not quite as bright as it could be for like daytime viewing and that kind of thing so the the other projectors would more expensive projectors would definitely be brighter and easier to use during the day so the couch I mentioned prior that this was something that we built to replace our old one I've actually gotten into building tiny house furniture more as we live here in the park than there's twelve tiny houses a lot of the neighbors were like oh this isn't quite working for me so i built a convertible bed that's kind of a Murphy bed on wheels for one of the neighbors that worked out fantastic and benches and all kinds of different things for different people who are looking for storage and you know convertibility and their furniture so this this couch was for us which was kind of nice to work on our own and be able to figure out a way to make it work all right well this is our porch area and we kind of decided to do a porch just because we already had the loft hanging the extended so kind of just figured build down and make porch it's as you know what tiny houses it's nice to kind of have extra space outside the store we found also at a salvage yard kind of left it weathered obviously the dog wants to go in this way della yeah so I think it's a pretty special part of the exterior kept the paint's original I'd kind of obviously a new doorknob and lock just for safety purposes this light was also a good find and it's made out of kind of old wine barrels so it adds a nice touch to it yeah just gotta have a few nice nice touches on the porch just to give it a some character so we spend a lot of time out here when the weather is nice it's been a pretty wet winter in California and so we didn't get to stay out here as much as we would have liked but the outdoor space is fantastic for getting out of the I wouldn't say cramped quarters of the tiny house but just just you know a of scenery we spent a month in Arizona and that was the first time I had spent any time in the winter away from Seattle and realized that about a weekend that I had been doing winners completely wrong and I should spend all my winters where it's a little more dry and a little less wet so just to note we've got reclaimed cedar siding as well that I spent many many hours planing to be the right thickness just so we didn't go over our width restriction of eight six in the long run State Patrol didn't measure it which was kind of a bummer for me because I did spend so long sitting it down but it was nice to reuse some some old siding and I think cleaned up pretty well with the the that we put on it so we just finished painting the house about a month ago maybe a little less and it only took us two gallons of paint to paint the outside so we were able to get some really top quality paint to paint it and yeah so it was nice that it wasn't a very expensive project for us hey thanks for watching our video we hope you enjoyed the tour of our house we love living in our tiny house and we think you will probably love living in a tiny house too once you pull the trigger if you want to keep up with us you can follow us on Instagram or Facebook at tiny house big sky and we hope to see videos of your tiny house soon so if anybody out there needs help design planning their house build questions etc we are offering consulting for any questions you might have if we can't answer it we'll help you find somebody who can and you can do that at or your tiny calm that's fo r y OU you are ti NY comm and the links are down below [Music]
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 240,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny.home, tiny house, tiny house on wheels, tiny home on wheels, antique, antiqing, vintage collectibles, tiny home life, repurposed materials
Id: 1dPqay2LYYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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