3 Muffin Recipes COMPARED | 30 min vs 60 min vs 90 min | Sorted Food

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we are sorted a group it mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way we've got chefs we've got normal and a whole world of stuff for you to explore that everything we do starts with you [Music] our Barry and this is Jamie and today it's all about muffins [Music] my-my-my would you look at all of our muffins we have three different types on the table in front of us we're going to start with a basic one we're then gonna see if we can double the time and see what the results are from that and then we're gonna times that by 1.5 in terms of time but we're gonna add a chef as well and see how that gets us on we will compare them at the end and we'll show you the methods for all three but first Barry a white chocolate and black free muffin basic recipe not by a basic person if you're new to sorting I think it's really important my points out right now that I am NOT a baker which is why I'm keeping it really simple and making a classic muffin mix of a bit of blackberry and orange and this is what I need I've got my dry ingredients flour baking powder and sugar my wet stuff sunflower oil buttermilk eggs and vanilla extract and then my flavors blackberries oranges white chocolate and demo very sugar and we will all be using one of these to make a classic muffin mix you stick with your dry stuff into your machine turn it on give it a mix and then in with your wet stuff and give that a mix you want to mix it to this just combined otherwise you might over mix me add the other green you see me if you're making vanilla muffins then you can just stop here but we're gonna plow on look at some blackberries some orange zest some white chocolate and you wanna mix it up just so soft to combined but don't break up all those blackberries the silicon beta gets right down to the bottom you want to fill these about 3/4 away I'm trying to make a mess which I'm rubbish there add half a blackberry on top of each to finish off the few more sprinkles of white chocolate and your demo are arrived to give these their classic muffin look you have to stick in a really hot oven is that 220 as soon as they go in down to 180 and let them cook about 20 minutes they're nice risen golden [Music] classic everything you expect from a child basic yeah papania but brilliant well we'll soon see would you like me to blow your mind with some classic Jamie flavors in your mouth sure we haven't got a chance all right it's obvious Barry knows his way around a muffin but what if we took his idea of a muffin and then added some decent flavors let's go for savory muffins for my flavor mix I'm using orange pill black peppercorns time the smoky pancetta and then here's a muffin mix you might recognize dry stuff flour sugar raising agent wet stuff buttermilk oil and eggs and as well as using this big boy I'm not afraid to get my little one out as well to get started I'm going to peel three oranges and bake the peel in an oven for 20 minutes whilst they're baking off in the oven now is a perfect time to create the best smell oh hey boss they're baking in the oven it's now time to create the best smell that anyone has ever smell let's cook some bacon I can now have my baked orange peel peppercorns and thyme into my little one blend them up and then when my pancetta is nicely golden I can chop out in give that another whiz just to create the perfect smell ever and if you don't have pancetta kicking around feel free to use ordinary bacon or just cut tab also worth pointing out if you don't like the smell of this flavor mix how about adding that into a pancake batter a waffle platter or even in the middle of some flat breads shall we make some muffins now you've already watched Barry do this once but I'm going to show you how to do it properly start with your dry ingredients flour sugar raising agent and salt into the mixer give it a little mix up and then in with your wet ingredients oil eggs buttermilk give that another mix and then finally in with your flavor bring it all together and then spoon it into 12 muffin cases and if like me you have trouble controlling your portion sizes why not use something handy like an ice cream scoop to make sure every muffin is exactly the same and as a final touch a little sprinkle of Demerara sugar and some salt before they go into an oven at 220 degrees Celsius but as soon as they go in you turn the oven down to 180 degrees so they get a good initial rise but then they cook through [Music] already confusing my nose savory muffin but if you increase the time threefold and what berry good orange and olive oil muffin my muffin recipe is purely selfish this is one of my favorite cakes one of the best cakes I've ever tasted all the time is put it in muffin form it's almost identical berries you just need to get ahead by about an hour for it I'm going to use a whole orange and then all the other muffin ingredients flour raising agent sugar and a pinch of salt eggs buttermilk instead of sunflower although I'm going for olive oil finally a few fresh blackberries I'm still using the big mixer but I'm also adding on this attachment berry zested his orange Jamie dried out the peel I'm using the entire thing one whole orange into a pan of water heat it to a boil and simmer for an entire hour to the ghost blood meal I've got here's one we made earlier this orange has been bubbling away for an hour the whole thing is really soft just take out a little stalk and then the whole orange goes into your food processor with blade attachment and blitz it to a pulp and that's it it's as simple as that so it takes an hour to boil but seconds to blitz up and the rest of the recipe is pretty much the same as berries attach the silicon beta and go into the bowl with all the dry ingredients flour raising agent sugar and salt give it one little mix just to combine the raise the age of the flour next in with the orange pulp and because you've got the zest and the pith and all the Jews it is the most intense orange flavor ever but without the bitterness and that's what the hour of simmering does so really easy but well worth doing now both previous recipes have used sunflower oil although Jamie's also use some of that pancetta fat and I'm going with olive oil but I'm also adding in a little bit of extra virgin olive oil so you've got a really incredible flavor to go with all that orange and I think the key like with so many batters pancake batter's waffle batters don't overwork it as soon as it's mixed stop hold half a dozen blackberries back you're gonna have those and put them on top of the muffins later the rest can go in for 1/4 mix now you've seen Barry spoon Jamie ice-cream scoop I prefer to pipe put you leaving nice big hole in the bottom of your bag because you've got hole back with in there 3/4 full oven up to 220 off a blackberry on top a sprinkle of Demerara sugar and then into an oven at 220 for about 25 minutes turn down the oven to 180 the moment they go in [Music] also worth pointing out that as we've gone up the scale the muffin cases have got more elaborately a coincidence but here we get to reach we start with the white chocolate black brain orange Cheers Oh always Cheers I need he take my jaw there Cheers I've really got the crunch that you get from the white chocolate chips but then you bite through and considering it is as simple as just zest from orange it's got a really good orange flavor and then occasion you bite through a pop a blackberry it's a muffin that's everything above the champagne if that's what muffins are then we're paying far too much for them in posh coffee oh yeah no you realize this isn't a competition you were quite aggressive in your beer about and put mine down and quite a lot I'm just saying if you're gonna have a muffin put bacon in it cheers Cheers a dense muffin mm-hmm I'm being taken to place as I understand I didn't think a muffin could be clever but that is clever mmm so the fat from the pancetta and the smokiness and the richness goes all the way through it in the same way that the sunflower oil keeps that really moist the pancetta fat from here runs all the way through it but the time and orange just completes it obviously we love bacon that is that's that's always very good but to get the freshness and the zing from the orange and then the herbiness from the top well tell me this is one of my favorite cakes ever orange in olive oil cake we've just put into muffin form oh it's so cool oh that is exquisite it's different again isn't it yeah so much balance to him I hate myself but it's a much more rounded orange flavor aren't all oranges round it's almost orange curd like yes it has that the richness from the eggs in the buttermilk in the olive oil with the amazing orange flavor slightly bias because that is my favorite capable time I've done is made it smaller so I get a whole one instead of a slice of one so I'm gonna have to stick with that I know it takes an hour to boil an orange but you don't have to sit and watch it and at that point it's as easy as berries you've just pre-boiled the orange and it makes such a difference I love the fact that you can make a banging nothing in half an hour just by mixing some dry ingredients some wet ingredients and then sticking it sort of like that is very sensational to then take that up a gear with some surprises with the bacon orange and time I think it's really clever to use your word but I really like the thought that you could experiment with different flavors and that I said this in the kitchen that flavor mix I made you could use in loads of different batters and that kind of thing I'd be great like pancakes waffles I wouldn't normally associate orange and pancetta yeah but it's such a good combo yeah Ben's muffin is exceptional I think I have to agree it's exceptional I can't I have to compare mine against his because they're the same similar flavors that could be the perfect life considering it took more time but no more real effort I would choose your muffin every day oh I get three for three well that's prettiest ISIF here but as ever you guys get a say - what do you think would be your favorite nothing or if you get the recipes down below you can give them a go cook them up and then really decide [Music] if you're enjoying these freeway videos then make sure you subscribe and like and ring that Bell all that jazz that YouTube give you permission to do do it oh okay alright bye as we mentioned we don't just make top quality YouTube videos we've built the sorted club where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers check it out if you're interested thank you for watching and we'll see you in a few days wrong way and that's why I'm keeping a mega simple with a basic cut muffin mix
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 265,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 recipes compared, 3 recipes, 3 recipes sorted, sorted, sortedfood, sortedfood kenwood, muffin recipe, how to make muffins, cooking challenge, chocolate chip muffin recipe, chef challenge, easy recipes, how to cook, savoury muffin recipe, sortedfood made better, muffin recipe easy, sortedfood 3 recipes compared, how to make muffins from scratch, how to make muffins at home, sortedfood ultimate battle
Id: Ddn17ddajZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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