Vitamins and Supplements: An Evidence-Based Approach
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Views: 506,039
Rating: 4.1806722 out of 5
Keywords: Vitamins, Jeffrey Tice, Dietary Supplements
Id: 2mDrAQi1SwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 58sec (5278 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2013
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Take a cheap multi vitamin if you want. You can get a year's supply for the price of a decent coffee. Don't buy specialty vitamins from a pyramid scheme that cure cancer and cost $250. This guy needs to take a public speaking course at the learning annex.
And of course if you get a blood test done and your doc prescribes some mega vitamins because of a specific deficiency, take them.
To d or not to d
My oncologists and another doctor all had the same line for line statement on vitamins. That we get what we need from food and most synthetic vitamins we may not be able to digest. That just made me think skeptical and I thought I should take a whole food, food-based vitamim like Nutrigold but I don't because it's $30/mnth.
I asked them if some vitamims could help cancer but they didn't know. They were very limited with what they could tell me and were skeptical that I could alter my IGF1 levels by diet and excercise. Their answer to how to prevent metastatic cancer or a recurrence? I can't.
But what about taking fish oil for non-CVD related issues? I take like 10+ grams of fish oil daily and I feel much better with I'm taking it consistently.