3 Meringue Recipes COMPARED | Sorted Food

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- [Jamie] Hey, how's it going? We're Sorted. We're a group of mates from London looking for exceptional things in food that will make a difference to you. Or just make you laugh. Some of us are chefs. The rest of us, we're normals. But every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you. ♪ I'm a pancake chick, but I take the cake ♪ ♪ I'm gooey in the middle, baby, let me bake ♪ - Hello, my name is Ben, and this is Barry. - Are you ready for some amazing meringues? (upbeat music) - In front of us, we have three different meringues. Each takes a different amount of time to make. Each has a different method for making it. But which one is best? - Well, we will compare them at the end, but together, we gotta share how to make them, first. - First up, a 10 minute meringue. - Can you tell? - Do you really want meringues, but only have 10 minutes? Well, it can be done. And I'm gonna do it right now, with some eggs, some kiwis, some passion fruit, pistachios, vanilla, and some sugar, and of course, these two. (upbeat music) First up, you wanna separate your egg whites from the yolks, and get that into a bowl over some simmering water, chuck in your sugar, and bring that together until the sugar starts to dissolve, and it's clear between your fingers. Once the sugar's all dissolved into the bowl of a stand mixer, and get that going. (upbeat music) Now the best thing about this is the fact that while this does all the hard work, it means I can get on with prepping my fruits. (rock music) Once this is cool, we have soft peaks, time to add some crunch by putting some pistachio nuts in my mini-chopper. Give 'em a few pulses, until you get a nice fine-ish crumb. Like this. Now the only thing left to do is to, well, get artsy. (rock music) Once you've got generous serving of meringue on your plate, time to blow torch. (rock music) Reckon I have about 25 seconds left. Time to chuck on everything else. - Ah. - Oh. - Right. - If you want a bit of texture though. - No. - Come over this way. - No. - Come over here, and we'll do a vegan one. - Yeah, you heard right, vegan meringues. We're gettin' rid of the egg, and using chickpeas. - Yeah, we'll show you how it's done. It's chickpea water, sugar, cream of tartar, and vanilla, and the topping's much the same. kiwi, passion fruit, pistachio. But we're adding in an element of creaminess, using coconut cream. - Now this recipe's gonna use a lot of whiskin'. So we're gonna use one of these. (upbeat music) - Given you've only got little arms. - What'd you mean? - Now this blows my mind every time. You wanna take yourself a tin of chickpeas, open up, and drain off the chickpea water. Need 100 mil, and then we're gonna whip that up with cream of tartar. One of the reasons the machine is handy, is you want a really slow dribble of sugar while it's whiskin' really fast. Two things worth sharing, one, it will take about 10 minutes. So probably at least twice as long as regular egg-whites. Point two, hummus. (upbeat music) I'm gonna splodge it into a piping bag, and then we're gonna do kinda five or six centimeter blobs, on a baking tray, lined with baking paper. These blobs need to bake for 45 minutes, 120 degrees Celsius, then switch the oven off, but leave them in there for another 45 minutes to cool down. - While you do that, I'm gonna prep the fruit, and I'm also gonna wash this out, make sure it's sparkly clean, 'cause then otherwise Ben gets angry, and then stick that, and the whisk in the fridge. You gonna tell me off now, aren't you. - I'm not gonna tell you off, I just watched you prepare a kiwi, and I thought, I thought we'd covered this. - We have, we have covered it, and I just forgot. - Take the top off, take the bottom off. (upbeat music) Not exactly the same as the first recipe. - Oh, I did something odd, did I? - Yeah, I'm gonna use yours. - Good. - Blitzed up in a mini-chopper. The first one didn't have, but most good meringue desserts need some sort element of cream. Obviously not cream in the form of dairy, for a vegan dish, but we're gonna use coconut milk, and this has been in the fridge overnight. Full-fat coconut milk. Open it up, take the solid cream off, and then whip it in that bowl and whisk that you've also been chilling in the fridge. Whip it up fast, but for short length of time until it's all smooth, and then whisk in the icing sugar 'till it's combined. (upbeat music) Here are some we made earlier. - Yeah, yeah. - And have already cooled, now to construct. Eton mess dough, crumble a few. - Break a few. And then delicately pour a few nice ones on top, and then chuck on your fruit as well. (upbeat music) - Not bad. - Interesting, however, if you come over this way. Let's make this one. Let's do away with the average meringues, and let's go right to the top. Not only in meringue form, but also in presentation. - Yeah, this is French-style meringue, piped into cups. We're gonna serve two together, on top of each other, each cup filled with a different cream filling. - But is it gonna be worth the extra effort? Let's find out. - We are using eggs, sugar, cream of tartar. Classic meringue. The toppings, the same before, kiwi, passion fruit, this time with real cream, and we're adding in chocolate. - And of course, Ben's puny little arm muscles aren't gonna be able to handle all that - We've done that joke. - Have we done that? - You can't come into the third one and just crack the same jokes. - I didn't realize you'd of done that, it's so obvious though, isn't it? (upbeat music) - Three large egg whites into our stand mixer bowl, and whisk it up until you've got stiff peaks, with a little bit of cream of tartar, and then gradually dribble in the sugar. (rock music) Hemisphere silicon molds upside-down. Jamie, grease the bottom. Very, very necessary, or else later on, it is so difficult to get these off. (rock music) You kinda wanna pipe like this igloo-like shape around the hemisphere. Depending on how good you are at piping, you can either just leave it like that, so that you've got those rings, or you can kind of shmoosh it all together. Importantly, no holes anywhere. Right, something like that. - Bring it here, bring it here. (rock music) Why isn't that, it's really hard to do it from the top to the bottom. - [Ben] Why'd you think I started from the bottom? - We'll use the fork technique on that one. It'll be fine, boop. - Same temperature as our aquafaba, the chickpea water meringues, 120 degrees Celsius. This time, one hour, then switch the oven off, and leave them in for another hour. - Let's talk filling. We're gonna whip up some double cream, and some sugar in our stand mixer until it becomes soft peaks. We're then gonna take out our whisk attachment, put in a folding attachment, and fold in some dark chocolate chips. (upbeat music) Here's where the fun really starts, we're gonna divide our cream into two separate bowls, and in one half we're going to put passion fruit, and in the other half, we're gonna put kiwi. And that's gonna form the two halves of our meringue. Bomb, together, yes. - And now the moment of truth. Did you oil. Tops okay. Meringue cups. Fill one half with the kiwi filling. One half with the passion fruit filling. Ka-pow. (upbeat music) (laughing) (clapping) - Consider the game, raised. - Well. - Different purposes though. Should we dig in this end? - Come on, pick up a spoon. - I love the fact that this can all be done in 10 minutes. It's one of those, damn, I've forgotten to make dessert, but I'm gonna show off with a blowtorch anyway. - There's always time for dessert. Cheers? Oh, no! - I have to say, the silkiness of that meringue. Because it's still soft, and not cooked all the way through, like you'd expect a normal meringue to be. That is great. - I think when people tell me, like a meringue dessert, I always instantly think berries, and I love the fact the kiwi, and the passion fruit, and the nut gives a whole tropical flavor, - Are you gonna say that each time? - And the Swiss. And the Swiss meringue in it, has got, as you say, that kind of almost marshmallow middle, and that torched s'more-like outside. Delicious, but all, the nut's the only texture. Where as here. A little bit of a crunch to our-- - [Barry] You ruined it! - The coconut takes this to another level. - There is a flavor that I did not expect to happen. I knew it was there. - [Barry] Oh, yeah. - You don't like coconut, do you? (laughing) Chickpea meringue. - The meringues themselves, I'd say taste like meringues. The coconut milk is a new little twist. - Creamy and tropical, and you've got the texture and the pop with the passion fruit again. - Right, Jamie. How do we crack into the bomb? - From the top. - Do you smash it? - Smash it. - Yes! - Aww, yeah! - That French-style meringue. - Look at that. - Added chocolate. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, cheers? - It's almost like Pavlova-ry. - Out of all the meringues, this is the only one that's got the chew to it that you only get from certain meringues. And I think that is a really great texture to have. - French meringue I think is the easiest to make, out of all of them. But, by piping it and doing something completely different in presentation, that one has something to talk about, right from the start, as did the torching. And the talking point of that, is when you put it in front of someone who's expecting vegan, you go I can't normally have this. And you have that talking point. They've all got talking points. - Pick a favorite. - Mine. - Really? - I'm not just saying that. That is, I think, even though it was really quick, if I was served my one annual one in a restaurant, I'd still pick my lump. And further, it coats the mouth. - I think that's got more going for it, 'cause it's got the texture. But I think, of the three, that one is impressed me the most. - This is the one that I'd make if I had time, and I wanted to be delicate. But we know me, and therefore, I would make that one, but I'd make it as like a platter. So I'd make a big version and put it in the middle of the table for everyone to dig into. Well, who saw that coming? Do you agree, do you disagree? Comment down below. Let us know, which one's your favorite? Which one would you cook? Which one do you want to put in your mouth right now? - You've heard it all before, but it really does matter. If you like the video, please like the video. - And of course, make sure you're subscribed, and you're notified, so every time we upload a video, you get notified. That sound wrong? - Yeah, which is Sunday and Wednesday, at 4:00 PM. - Yeah, just ring the bell. Bye! - Thank you! - [Barry] As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group of friends, so if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways that you can support us, and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks, and see you in a few days. - In front of us, we have one fantastic meringue, and two other contenders. - Shut up!
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 310,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meringue, vegan meringue, how to make meringue, traditional meringue, cheats meringue, kiwi meringue, eton mess, quick meringue, 10 minute meringue, passion fruit, passion fruit meringue, exotic meringue, exotic fruit meringue, meringue (food), meringue recipe, easy recipes, easy meal, home made, meringue mix, vegan meringue kisses, vegan meringue egg replacer, vegan meringue chickpea water, eton mess recipe, eton mess bombe
Id: 7GV9k-lnxOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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