3 Hacks To Increase Facebook Engagement & Reach in 2021

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so we're inside create a studio and what i'm gonna do is select the last 28 days to show you not just the reach but also the engagement for some of our pages and i'm going to select here last 28 days and as you can see 97.1 million people reach in the last 28 days so if we scroll down we'll be able to see the engagement on each individual page hey welcome back to another video this is lester diaz and in this video i'm going to give you three things that you should be doing right now if you want to get more engagement on your pages listen we need engagement if you want to make money from your facebook page if you want to get more followers you need to have a lot of engagement and i'm actually going to show you the engagement that we have on some of the pages that i have with one of my partners where we get millions and millions of people engaged on those pages on a monthly basis so before i actually break it down and give you the three things that you should be doing i'm gonna log into my creator studio and show you how much engagement those pages are getting so back in creator studio and these pages are pages that i have with my partner and what i'm going to talk about is basically so you can see the engagement specifically on some of these pages that have millions of followers over the last 28 days and how much engagement they have generated in the last 28 days as you can see this page right here has reached 5675 people with an engagement 176 these are brand new pages that we're building this one has 39 million people reached with 4 million people engaged 566 103 000 people engaged 14 million people reached and 2.8 million people engaged and 59 million people reached with 10.4 million people engaged so you can see the comments shares reactions on all of these pages so even if your page is not monetized right now meaning that you're not actually making money from your page because you have a violation or something you haven't met the requirements or whatever that is never delete the page there's always ways to monetize your page even if it's not with facebook monetization tools you can monetize it with affiliate marketing you can monetize it with a blog you can sell shout outs there's so many different things that you can do with your page so you don't have to depend entirely on just the facebook monetization tools the more pages you have the bigger the audience the more money you can make so as you can see some of these pages are getting massive engagement in a monthly basis the biggest one so far with 10 million people engaged meaning that this page has a lot of engagement and even though you can see 59 million people reach 10 million people engaged that tells you something that tells you that we're not even reaching all the people that we can reach and most likely we're not even engaging all the people that are actually seeing the post on those pages and that's something that i'm gonna talk about in this video now keep in mind that these pages have millions of followers combined but if you apply the three things i'm gonna share with you in this video you can definitely boost your engagement get more reach and probably make more money from your page but if you're not making money from your page already then go ahead and check out facebook income school in the description below this is my complete advanced training on how to actually build grow and monetize facebook pages with something called instruments i also have a bunch of videos on my channel that explain exactly how instruments work and how you can start making money with instruments and facebook so if you want to check it out just click the link in the description below alright so let's start with number three and that is to create a facebook group linked to your facebook page now we all know that facebook has been limiting reach on facebook pages for the past few years so that basically means your posts are most likely reaching only about three to four percent of your entire audience on facebook but if you're posting consistently most likely all your followers are not seeing your posts and that's obvious that's mainly because facebook wants you to spend money to reach more people so if you have this problem right now where you're not reaching enough people with your page i do have a video that you can check out i'll put a link in the description below where i actually break down what i do when i notice that my reach is going down this is something that i apply with all my pages and usually it resets the reach and i'm able to get my reads to the normal levels so again the link to that video is going to be in the description below if you guys want to check it out but one place where facebook is not limiting reach or engagement is with facebook groups so if you have a page right now with at least 10 thousand followers but you don't have a group i would suggest to create a group link that group to your facebook page and start growing that group make sure that group is public don't make a private facebook group because public facebook groups get promoted a lot more and with groups there's no limit on reach or engagement whatever you post on that group it's going to have a higher percentage of being seen by more people so as you grow your group what you're going to be doing is basically share content from your page to your group you're not going to be re-uploading content the same content you're posting on your page you're not going to be re-uploading that content on your group you're simply going to be sharing the content from your page to your group and that's going to help you get more engagement and get more reach for that post number two upload more videos between three to five minutes long i'm seeing this trend on facebook where people are uploading very short videos uh thinking that this is like tick tock or something that videos are anywhere from 15 seconds to 30 seconds long guys on facebook if you really want to get more engagement on your videos and you want more people to see your post you need to be uploading videos but if you upload videos between three to five minutes long they will get higher watch time and the more watch time you get on those videos the more facebook will promote that video for you and the more engagement you'll get but if you upload a video that's 28 seconds long and there's people watching the video for the first five seconds and then clicking off facebook will not promote that video so whatever type of videos you're making make sure that you can at least make your videos anywhere from three to five minutes long that's really gonna help you get better reach and more engagement for every single video you upload and number one is to post daily now i'm not talking about uploading a video every single day on your page because i know there's people that can't do that because it takes a lot of work to create their videos and they need time if you have that ability then yes do it it's going to help you grow a lot faster and most likely it's going to help you make more money but in some niches you can't actually upload videos daily and so what ends up happening is that i'm seeing pages where they post one video and then wait five six seven days to post another video and in that time the page is completely dead so even if you don't have the ability to upload a video every single day you should definitely be posting at least twice or three times per day on that page even if it's not a video it could be an image it could be a link it could be something else but you want to make sure you keep that engagement high 24 hours a day the more activity you have on the page the more engagement you get by posting at least once twice three times per day the better reach you'll get and the more engagement you'll get on your post so what i would suggest you to do is to create a content calendar what that means is for the next seven days you're going to create at least two or three posts that you can schedule on your page for the next seven days and you need to figure this out and actually make it happen and during those seven days you're gonna notice that your engagement is going to go up and if you want to keep that engagement high you got to keep posting so start posting daily figure it out and make sure you know what's the best type of content that works for your page and then double down on that and start posting as much as you can so guys i really hope that all of these tips are helpful if you're trying to get more engagement on your page i actually have more videos on my channel on how to grow facebook pages how to grow followers how to do facebook ads so if you guys want to check those out you can go back to my channel i have a ton of videos on that topic with that said i appreciate you guys watching this video if you enjoyed this video all i'm asking is that you hit the like button below share this video with someone if you believe that can help someone else and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't subscribed already what are you waiting for i post videos like this every single week about growing on social media making money from facebook side hustles and starting an online business so if you're into that hit the little subscribe button below with that said thank you very much for watching and i'll see you guys in my next video you
Channel: Lester Diaz
Views: 5,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to increase facebook engagement, increase facebook engagement, how to increase facebook reach, facebook engagement, facebook reach, how to get more facebook engagement, facebook engagement tips, facebook engagement 2021
Id: B_35_vOyDzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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