3 First Touches for MIDFIELDER

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for [Music] [Music] TR has got a tradition of surprising [Music] Frankie Quick Glance over shoulder from Frankie [Applause] to his right hand side please test L the shot is blocked by [Music] sh from theedge of the SKS the Char [Music] we are not very T um fulls normally these type of are very spy very fast [Music] steady the ship early goal as the W in front here's nikovic consistency isn't going to impress Maran it's been a really good battle since Jing race has come quickly [Music] Miss controls and here's [Music] Tony on the edge of the sixy com back out to Tony Cruz going to get the shot away he can in light blue kicking from right to left now join again [Music] quick a while theall away far too Che [Music] time quality there [Music] last time n [Music]
Views: 75,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, Ödegaard, odegaard, Arsenal, David Silva, De Bruyne, Ninkovic, first touch, Football Analysis, soccer analysis, Midfielder, football coaching
Id: m4HU9Yg9F24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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