3 Fights That Will Never Be Forgotten - Part 6

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let's fight again i fear no man no mortal nobody but god so we can do it again i would love it from started around i seen them all he was too emotional when i watched him when he when he came in the ring the first time i stepped in the ring i looked at his face and i thought he was too emotional i said no way he's going to win i was telling my train i said he's going to lose tonight [Applause] it's over it's over boxing is one of the most famous contact sports in the world in the middle of the last century with the beginning of the era of television boxing acquired the status of the most popular martial art in the world in today's video we are going to take a look at the history of boxing from the perspective of the best boxing fights which had a huge epic making significance in the history of boxing these are legendary fights that filled huge stadiums grab the attention of hundreds of millions of spectators and forever change the history of boxing itself if you enjoyed watching this episode on our channel please click the thumbs up and subscribe to the world of boxing here we grab a sense of nostalgia and recall the best fights in the ring which go down in the annals of boxing history november 24th 1990 after roberto durand left the wbc middleweight title vacant 30 year old julian the hawk jackson and britain harold the bomber graham also 30 years old competed for the vacant title the fight organized by british promoter barry hearn took place in an exotic location for boxing banal medina spain in the province of andalusia jackson had 40 wins one loss and 38 kos before this fight well harold graham had 43 wins two losses and 26 kos but he had won 19 of his previous 20 victories ahead of schedule proceeding from this no one expected that the battle would last the complete distance harrell was the favorite in this fight the main reason was the fact that jackson had surgery a year earlier after he had suffered detached retinas in both eyes jackson had only recently moved up to the middleweight and almost immediately received a chance to fight one of the top boxers in the division in the person of harold graham besides this it was believed that the briton was superior to his opponent in technical skill nevertheless there was no doubt who had the stronger blow jackson could decide the outcome of any battle with one accurate hit the last time jackson had won by decision was at the time more than eight years [Applause] previously [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jackson [Applause] harold took control of the fight from the very first being hit and he's seconds at that a bit of a frustrating touch about jacksonville jim i'm a bit surprised but he didn't do a lot of work already he seems to be trying to live enough he's gonna quit and he's blinking his eye average a lot of his [Applause] in the second round the briton raised the pace and began to actively press against jackson whose position became more and more difficult and it seemed he was becoming desperate after only two rounds jackson's left eye began to swell julian jackson could not find his rhythm and feel out the opponent and his heavy fists consistently missed their target in round three he got into a left-handed stance but this did not bring him success as for harrell he changed tactics and worked effectively on the counter-attack [Applause] in the intervals between rounds three and four the doctor having inspected jackson said that julian had only one round left and after that the fight would be stopped because the doctor did not want to risk the boxer's eyesight at the beginning of the fourth round jackson threw himself into the fight and harrell who felt like the master of the ring casually threw his wounded opponent onto the canvas but no matter what difficult situation julian jackson was in he needed only one accurate blow to change the outcome of the fight at that moment harold who was only two minutes away from the title mistakenly went on the attack with an open chin jackson delivered his game-changing blow determining the severity of the knockout was never joe cortez's forte and instead of calling for the doctor he kept counting to 10. in other fights harold graham had been knocked down but in general he was never considered a fighter with a weak chin however in this fight he was opposed by a boxer who was one of the most powerful punchers in boxing history harrell underestimated the opponent's power and was negligent in his defense against an opponent who punishes such mistakes in the most severe way this is one of the most brutal knockouts in the middleweight championship history well julian a big smile and uh you're the new world champion but for quite a while tonight you must have thought you wouldn't get your hands on that belt well i had no um doubt in my mind harold graham got me some good points but i realized that the punches weren't as as effective as i thought they would have been you know he stunned me a few times but i had my faculties together and i was just waiting for that opportunity when i landed my shot you know he moved pretty well and believe me he surprised me when he stood in the middle of the ring i expected him to move so he threw me off you know and it took me a while to really get my my things together october 1st 1975 in order to divert attention from the difficult political situation in the philippines president ferdinand marcos proposed organizing the third duel between muhammad ali and joe frazier in manila providing good financial support at the time ali had taken revenge from fraser for the first defeat in his career and in the next fight contrary to predictions had taken back the super heavyweight world champion title by knocking out george foreman for the third fight against frazier ali approached as a clear favorite moreover ali himself and his team believed that frazier had never recovered after the recent crushing defeat from foreman before the fight a controversial situation arose with the choice of the referee frazier's coach eddie fuchs said that in their second fight ali had grabbed joe by the neck 133 times provoking a clinch and preventing frasier from attacking he claimed that ali used the same element against foreman as a result a then unknown filipino referee carlos padilla jr was assigned to the fight he later moved to the usa and refereed in many big fights frazier's team managed to get the referee replaced and ali's team insisted that the ring be much larger to benefit the mobile ali in addition to the sporting interest this fight had another background before the fight ali brought down a flurry of insults at frasier one of the most famous episodes happened at a press conference where ali came in with a small toy gorilla and proceeded to strike it claiming it was frazier this will be like a good amateur fighting a real professional this will be like a kid out of the olympics meeting the fastest heavyweight champion that ever lived you're not fighting sonny listen you fighting joe friend everybody knows this that's not the point that's the point what's your prediction joe was furious because he believed that ali had betrayed him in the late 60s when ali was removed from boxing frazier supported ali's attempts to regain his license and even helped him financially for this fight in the philippines both boxers received a huge sum at the time ali made 9 million and fraser 5 million the kickoff bell sounded at 10 45 am local time for the convenience of a huge u.s audience [Applause] [Applause] initially frazier did not immediately join the fight he needed two to three rounds to find his rhythm ali planned to carry out attacks to the head from the first seconds trying to knock out frazier until he gained momentum or at least keep him unbalanced as much as possible so that he would not come to his senses until the end of the fight frazier planned to focus exclusively on ali's body while eddie fuchs assistant george benton said after the fight frazier should have attacked not only the torso but also the hips to try to turn off ali's fast [Applause] right legs [Applause] joe frazier started to fight more actively than expected and despite some good attacks ali failed to inflict serious damage on his opponent early on in round three he decided to abandon the original plan and switched to the rope-a-dope tactic which brought him success in the fight against foreman but against frazier such tactics could turn into serious trouble unlike foreman who attacked in a sweeping manner and wasted a lot of energy in vain frazier was more conservative and tried to choose the right moments to strike thanks to which the effectiveness of his attacks against ali was many times higher than foreman's ali took into account this important detail and did not abuse it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the fight didn't quite work out as ali had counted on and in the seventh round ali said joe they told me that you're finished as a fighter to which fraser hissed in response you were lied to joe frazier constantly applied pressure ali was likely to have the advantage of accurate punches but frazier's punches were much tougher ali resisted this pressing with all his strength but at times he had no choice but to engage with his opponent in a tough exchange of punches [Applause] um even before the start of the fight the commentators reported that the temperature inside the arena was about 98 degrees and it only grew hotter during the fight it was a real scorcher inside the arena and in rounds eight and nine it seemed that ali was starting to break physically every great boxer has a last great fight in his future and in the middle of this fight joe frazier went against all predictions on that day in the philippines smoking joe shone again as in his champion years applying constant pressure a brutal left hook and powerful body attacks without a doubt joe frazier was a great boxer but that day he was opposed by the greatest when it seemed that victory was rapidly drifting away muhammad ali gathers his will into his fists and begins to turn the tide of the fight in the tenth round he conducts several heart attacks but this still was not enough he needed to increase the pace and in the 11th round muhammad ali's pace did increase even though frazier continued to actively press on him [Applause] ali starts round 12 with a multi-hit combination and frasier gradually slows down during this round having made great efforts ali seizes control of the fight [Applause] in the 13th and 14th rounds ali literally crushes frasier the fight becomes one-sided but this sharp advantage towards ali had another reason besides the physical fatigue of the opponent due to injuries frazier was practically blind in his left eye with a large swelling on his face combine this with the unbearable heat he missed a large number of blows as a result by the end of round 14 frasier could no longer see the incoming blows eddie fuchs did not protest when joe decided to stop the fight telling his boxer nobody will forget what you did today unbeknownst at the time ali who still did not know how the fight was going to end was also close to throwing in the towel literally asking a few seconds later for his seconds to take off his gloves but this request was ignored recalling these final seconds of the fight ali later said that he felt he was close to death after the fight muhammad ali stated the following joe frazier gave me my best he is the greatest boxer right after me with that one of the greatest trilogies in history had come to an end the ali frazier confrontation is a significant part of the world boxing heritage and its final chapter the thriller in manila went beyond boxing and is one of the most memorable sports events of all time in the rating of the 100 greatest fights according to the ring magazine the thriller in manila takes the first place beautiful the high school where i came up from i won't say hello to everybody at madison junior high school the news got a new name now virginia avenue and duval junior high greatest news in the world because i went there and who is good luck to you thank you very much april 22nd 2001 brockpon province south africa 35 year old british heavyweight lennox lewis holds his 10th wbc belt defense and his fifth ibf belt defense his rival is 28 year old american haseem rahman the battle site was located at an altitude of one and a half kilometers above sea level rachmann arrived a month before the fight to adapt to the climate while lewis arrived in south africa just 12 days before the fight at the same time he was preparing for it in las vegas located in an altitude of 600 meters above sea level while he took part in the filming of the film ocean's 11. lewis entered the fight with a weight of 253 pounds at the time this was his heaviest weight he had weighed in his entire career while in his best fights he weighed 242 to 246 pounds however lewis was the favorite at 20-1 and this fight was seen by many as a preparation for a super fight against mike tyson lewis's fee was 7 million rachmann received 1.5 million was knocked out in five rounds and uh lenox lewis different spelling need to build up to this which lena looks linux in the first round the boxers mostly exchanged jabs rachman looked focused while lewis acted relaxed at times holding his hands very low at the end of the second minute of the round the challenger recorded his first solid strike see there's suddenly stepped up the pace a little bit and there was a real venom in that right hand that he threw over the top in the second round rachmann repeated the maneuver and began to periodically approach lewis who caught him with an uppercut a little bit i'm trying to confuse lennox he's actually trying to get him out of here we wondered what standards we could see still a dangerous fighter right now short right hand inside that one very slowly puts his hands up there's that in the third round lewis became noticeably more active rachmann also had a good chance but this round went to lewis who ended the round with a good combination [Applause] in round four lewis began to seriously squeeze rachman and he had to retaliate in a little bit of trouble to be fair to make him back and that right hand of his has come in and what a great challenger is said the fight became intense and in the final part of the round lewis began to breathe with his mouth open and held his hands unacceptably low in the face of louis after regaining his strength in the break between the rounds in the first minute of the fifth round lewis began to actively put pressure on rachman however by the middle of the round he slowed down again and missed an unpleasant attack from rachman less than a minute before the end of the round rachman throws out a series of jabs although lennox has a slight grin on his face rachman immediately erases the grin with a powerful right cross lennox literally collapses on the canvas of the ring and even at that moment the referee can tell the fight is over as lennox can barely keep on his feet the fight which many including lewis himself considered a formality before the fight with tyson became the upset of the year and the knockout of the year after the fight lewis acknowledged rahman's victory but said that haseem would be knocked out in a rematch however with the rematch everything was not so simple rahman had already signed a contract with don king and he planned a fight with brian nielsen and then a fight with the winner of the holyfield ruiz match therefore only king could arrange a rematch with lewis however lennox and his team made every possible effort and eventually achieved their goal by going to court rachmann was obliged to meet with lewis or be banned from fighting for a year and a half which would have threatened the loss of his well title is the happiest man on the planet as a result the rematch took place seven months later on november 17th in las vegas and the completely different lewis entered the mandalay bay ring he was at an optimal weight at 245 pounds in excellent shape and extremely motivated lewis was again the favorite but not at the 20-1 as in the first fight but 3-1 god bless you god bless america touch your mouth the first round of the rematch was similar to the first round of the previous fight a confrontation with jabs but it was more dynamic since lewis was much more mobile and faster in the second round now in the challenger status lewis begins attacking with a variety while demonstrating amazing agility and speed for a heavyweight boxer [Applause] in round three rahman tries to focus with a jab but this brings only small successes while lewis's attacking is just great less than a minute into round four and lewis sends rachman to a heavy knockout with a left hook right hook combination lennox lewis takes his revenge on haseem rahman and becomes a three-time world heavyweight champion please do not forget to like this video if you enjoyed it and subscribe to our channel so you won't miss any new episodes about the boxing legends of the past see you next time you
Channel: The World of Boxing!
Views: 143,379
Rating: 4.7342658 out of 5
Keywords: Boxing, Herol Graham, Julian Jackson, Julian Jackson vs Herol Graham, Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, Muhammad Ali vs Joe Frazier, Hasim Rahman, Lennox Lewis, Lennox Lewis vs Hasim Rahman
Id: pIFzexP71ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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