3 Fights That Will Never Be Forgotten - Part 5

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boxing is one of the most famous contact sports in the world in the middle of the last century with the beginning of the era of television boxing acquired the status of the most popular martial art in the world in today's video we are going to take a look at the history of boxing from the perspective of the best boxing fights which had a huge epic making significance in the history of boxing these are legendary fights that build huge stadiums grab the attention of hundreds of millions of spectators and forever change the history of boxing itself if you enjoyed watching this episode on our channel please click the thumbs up and subscribe to the world of boxing here we grab a sense of nostalgia and recall the best fights in the ring which go down in the annals of boxing history january 22nd 1973 the 36 000 seat stadium in kingston jamaica world heavyweight champion joe frazier 29 holds his fifth defense for his wba and wbc titles when fraser won both titles his championship was still called into question due to the fact that muhammad ali was currently barred from boxing for refusing to serve in the army but for his second defense frazier met with ali who had returned to the ring and fraser inflicted ali's first defeat in his career knocking ali down in the final round after that frazier made two more defenses and by the end of 1972 big george foreman was firmly established in the wba and wbc at 19 with an amateur record of 16 and 4 foreman went to the olympics in mexico city where he won the gold medal in the quarterfinals semifinals and finals foreman defeated his rivals ahead of schedule as for his professional career in three and a half years he won 37 victories 34 of them by knockout and did not suffer a single defeat by the age of 24 he earned himself the reputation as the most terrifying boxer of that time well they're trying to take each other out as arthur mckinney makes his announcement he's grown enormously and now and we may have an interesting evening frasier quite understandably the favorite foreman comes out punching with the right tremendous fighter a great champion you saw the left tuck link whip oh foreman connected as you saw however with all the advantages of foreman questions arose if these advantages would help him in his fight since big george has had no rivals of this caliber yet but one minute and 45 seconds after the start of the fight foreman began to give clear answers to all the questions posed frazier was knocked down but for foreman it was as if this fight was easy sparring not a match against the undisputed world heavyweight champion when it came time to continue foreman was ruthless oh that left is getting in there underneath underneath frasier is dazed he is getting hit again in a muhammad ali frasier is dead you see the countdown for the first his bombing of fraser lasted over 40 seconds and ended with a heavy uppercut it's all over joe frazier joe frazier gets up but with great difficulty understanding what had happened and soon finds himself on the floor for the third time it is worth noting that the third knockdown occurred after the round had ended but there was so much noise in the arena that it was simply impossible to hear anything the referee in the confusion hesitated and discounted the knockdown but then countered it mohammed ali was their hero now you're looking at slow motion the right for the first knockdown promo for the second knockdown the right again there was no question about the first round the second round frazier begins as if nothing has happened he is active in his body work and attacks with his famous left hook but it doesn't last long foreman locks the opponent in the corner and from that moment the challenger simply beats the reigning champion for whom defeat is rapidly approaching for the fourth time in the fight george foreman is doing the joe frazier what he did 68 in the mexico city arena a quick left from george another frazier is down for the fifth time in this fight [Music] second the candy it's target practice for george brown it is target practice frasier is ready to go again joe is standing there suffering six falls in two rounds joe frazier demonstrating amazing will gets up again but referee arthur mercanti decides to stop the fight and protect the boxer from a severe beating at 24 george foreman becomes one of the youngest world heavyweight champions at the time foreman was fourth behind floyd patterson muhammad ali and joe lewis and frazier was a favorite at three and a half to one for this fight but in the end the fight in jamaica was the last for frasier in the status of the reigning world champion but every great boxer always has the last great fight in store for foreman the thriller in manila was just three years away december 14 1996 former heavyweight champion riddick beau enters his second bout against polish fighter andrew golota even though riddick beau was only 29 years old this fight was quite a challenge since beau's career was somewhat in decline after three difficult fights against evander holyfield in which he received a lot of physical damage having finally won the series with holyfield in november 1995. eight months later beau went into a duel against galota he lost this fight on the judge's cards but in the end he won because galota was disqualified for numerous strikes below the belt besides the dramatic events during the fight there were many dramatic events immediately after it as soon as the referee stopped the fight by disqualifying the polish boxer in the seventh round several people from beau's team rushed to galota in the ring a massive fight ensued in which galota's 74 year old coach lou duva suffered an injury as a result the eminent coach left the building on a stretcher the fight in the ring moved into the stands and in the resulting chaos there were 22 injuries 16 arrests and a year-long disqualification of riddick beau's promoter rock newman however this led to financial advantages because of the notoriety of the rematch on pay-per-view in the rematch galota had an excellent jab while beau was one of the best in defense in the jab shootout he cleanly lost to galota who was able to connect the rest of his arsenal for attacking again destroyed jab take a look abs in the first round [Applause] so far galata longer reach and stiffer jab can give him the edge from out here [Applause] for only the second time in his career after the second fight with holyfield beau is knocked down closed captioning not available [Applause] [Music] [Applause] during the attack galota inflicts a lot of punches to the body and his team watches this with tension fearing a repetition of the results of the first fight where galota repeatedly moved his attacks from the torso and often inflicted blows below the belt instead galota receives his first warning for head butting his opponent and the referee removes one point this is not to say that the break saves riddick ball but it certainly benefited him [Applause] in the third round galota drastically slowed down and beau tried to pick up the pace because despite golota losing one point riddick was down two points and needed to win back [Applause] round four beau shakes galota with a blow to the torso after a chaotic finishing off performed by the american andrew is knocked down for the first time [Applause] riddick beau has almost no strength to finish off galota and responds with two attacks below the belt [Music] in this exchange the referee is limited to verbal remarks but as soon as the fight resumes goloda hits the opponent below the belt again the referee has no choice but to remove another point from galota as a result the polish boxer essentially has no more room for mistakes another violation of the rules will lead to an oral remark and then to disqualification taking into account the knockdown and violation by galota in one round beau won back three points at once and took the lead on the referee's cards now galota had to recoup which he did in the next round [Applause] does not have much strength so it is not possible to immediately develop success but at the end of the round andrew delivers several accurate punches that seriously shake beau [Applause] in round six beau comes out unsteady and starts backing up galota for some reason does not take advantage of this and only occasionally attacks with a jab in the middle of the round now a little recovered riddick bow tries to move forward but misses more punches than he delivers [Applause] [Music] in round seven it is clear that galota has little strength left but riddick beau has none at all [Applause] right hand and then a left too as galada backed away but basically this [Applause] between the seventh and eighth rounds riddick beau was told that if he didn't start doing something his team would intervene and stop the fight [Music] if you don't show me something this round i'm gonna stop doing that did you understand what i'm saying take a deep breath guy can't stand up take a deep breath breathe now tell me what you're going to do you're going to jab right [Applause] beau squeezed everything out of himself which is enough for one successful attack division but he has shown you a lot of heart but the battle is scheduled for ten rounds and only six minutes remain until the end goloda is in the lead on the referee's cards and he just needs to calmly bring the fight to an end at this point the opponent does not pose any threat because even when bo strikes he only shakes himself galota wins round nine but in the last minutes of the final round when victory was in his hands andrew does the unexplainable repeating the picture and the result of their first fight galota had already used his final chance in round six when he received a verbal warning for a blow to the back of the head and from that moment the threat of disqualification hung over the polish fighter which eventually overtook him just three minutes before the end of the fight it was after these two fights with riddick bow in which goloda was in the lead on the judge's cards but both times was disqualified that the notoriety of being a psychologically unstable boxer who was unable to control his actions in the ring was established after the first fight riddick beau's mother told him to get out of boxing if he continued to fight in the same manner after the second match with galota he left boe made attempts to return to boxing in order to improve his financial condition but it was the rematch with galota at the end of 1996 that became the last big fight in riddick bowe's career riddick this was almost a replay of what happened five months ago you seem exhausted and beaten how did you hold up against that barrage well i wouldn't say i was i was being i was big winded but um like always i always thought i can get a lot i mean you're looking like that a lot of someone you know freshers and he hasn't had as many fights so therefore they don't get his time but as soon as the fatigue set in a little bit everyone's already below eddie did you disqualify golota because that was the third time you took a point from him no i disqualified him because that was the uh most blatant of the fouls that he committed we went over all of the rules in the dressing room with both fighters each camp knew exactly what i was expecting a good clean fight um i took a point away from andrew for a low blow earlier and also took a point away for a headbutt uh there were a couple other punches that were borderline relatively close that i probably could have taken another point i want to give him an opportunity but that was blatant and i disqualified him november 9 1996 wba super heavyweight champion 30 year old mike tyson makes his first title defense against the 34 year old former world champion evander holyfield initially this fight was supposed to take place six years earlier in june of 1990 but four months prior to that date tyson unexpectedly lost by knockout to james buster douglas then a new date was set for november 8 but first tyson broke a rib due to which the battle was postponed and then he was accused of rape and in february 1992 was sentenced to prison tyson was released in 1995 and in march 1996 had won the wbc belt [Applause] however he abandoned that belt choosing to fight wba champion bruce selden instead of his mandatory wbc defense against lennox lewis tyson beat selden in just one minute and 49 seconds and two months later he fought against holyfield when this fight was announced tyson was a favorite at 25 to 1. although closer to the battle the ratio decreased still iron mike remained a solid favorite at six to one holyfield lost two of his last four fights and a year earlier in a three-fight series against riddick beau lost for the first time in his career by knockout [Applause] holyfield was considered a boxer whose career was rapidly fading away and the fight with tyson was only supposed to accelerate this process tyson in 1996 was not the same iron mike as he was in the late 1980s but still tyson's aura played a big role although many admitted that iron mike was a little rusty they still believed that if anyone posed a threat to him it certainly wasn't holyfield but despite all this the excitement around the battle was colossal the mgm grand arena in las vegas was packed to capacity with 16 000 tickets sold bringing in 14 million dollars at the time the fight set a record for pay-per-view broadcast sales at 1.5 million bringing an estimated 80 million dollars the boxers fees were also huge holyfield received 12 million and tyson 30 million in the first few minutes of the fight the unexpected became apparent and that was that holyfield appeared physically stronger than tyson being in a clinch holyfield knocked tyson back without any problems moreover tyson's aura had no effect on evander and he did not hold back during his attacks as it often happened with iron mike's rivals but it was not just tyson who was surprised according to holyfield he did not expect tyson to attack so often with a right cross [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the second round tyson found himself in a very unusual situation unwillingly pressed with his back to the ropes and under the attack of an opponent he missed an incoming hard left hook [Applause] holyfield also showing more hand speed jail into my honeymoon in november starting from round three holyfield increasingly began to use his advantage in physical strength and began to literally force tyson into clinches but evander also did not forget to work at striking his target it was at these moments that tyson had a chance to deliver accurate attacks but even when he succeeded his punching power did not shock holyfield which was another surprise especially against the background of the fact that holyfield lost a year prior by a heavy knockout to riddick bowe [Applause] in the fifth round mike tyson noticeably improves he works in a variety of ways demonstrating his best qualities and for the first time since the beginning of the fight we can confidently say that he won the round but tyson's force the force of his blow lost only once in 46 fights say if it bears true helped by holy field tyson starts the sixth round aggressively but holyfield quickly suppresses this aggression a little later in an exchange at close range their heads collide and tyson receives a cut above his left [Music] [Applause] eye [Applause] after that the situation began to heat up and it ended with the fact that tyson being in an unsuccessful position was knocked down with a blow to the chest at the end of the round holyfield tried to build on his success the moment turned out to be one of the most spectacular in the whole fight starting from the seventh round the boxer spent increasingly more time in clinches initiated by holyfield but still there are occasional bursts of activity [Music] in the final third of the fight tyson looked tired unlike his opponent and this has a serious impact on the overall picture at this stage of the fight it is clear that holyfield's blows are harder than tyson's at the same time holyfield easily takes the hardest hits from iron mike with little problems [Applause] about 20 seconds before the end of the tenth round holyfield shakes tyson with a right-hand strike it seems like mike has managed to avoid big problems but he misses another hard right from holyfield there are only 10 seconds left until the end of the round and for tyson it was a very long 10 seconds mike held out until the bell but the course of events suggested that mike would not be able to reach the end of the next round [Applause] all right let's take a look just when it looks like he's getting tired he gets fired up and here comes that champion's heart it's a series of punches some of which miss but most in the 11th round holyfield confidently and even easily brings the fight to its logical conclusion inflicting tyson's second defeat in his career which like the first came early whether this victory is holyfield's greatest feat is difficult to say but it is certainly the most notable success in evander's career but for mike tyson the result of this fight marked the beginning of the end in november 1986 he won his first championship title and in november of 1996 he fought for the last time in his career as the reigning world talked about and champion a shot picking and choosing smart box choosing his chances and his place is the slug and he just unloads hook right hand uppercut mixes him up and he digs forward and goes for it mike is in trouble here and he's just getting tied up on but mike won't go down referee has to stop after that he tried twice to regain the title first in june 1997 in a rematch with holyfield which ended with tyson's disqualification and in june 2002 when he faced lennox lewis and lost by knockout in the eighth round well that's all for today friends 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Channel: The World of Boxing!
Views: 1,267,486
Rating: 4.6480355 out of 5
Keywords: Boxing, Joe Frazier vs George Foreman, Riddick Bowe vs Andrew Golota, Mike Tyson vs Evander Holyfield, Evander Holyfield, Mike Tyson, Andrew Golota, Riddick Bowe, George Foreman, Joe Frazier
Id: Pqzw6YvQX-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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