3 EASY WAYS to make £1k+ a month SELLING BOOKS (Without ANY WRITING)

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i'm very passionate about giving you side hustle ideas particularly passive income ones passive income where we create something ones of value and you can sell it and keep selling it even when you sleep so it's not about giving up your time for money like a traditional job it's actually about creating things that people are looking for that you can add value i do this in my own business it's one of the ways that we created time freedom so we have a life where our income is created really without us giving up any time in a nine-to-five job so in this video i want to share with you three secret ways you might not have thought to make passive income actually using books there's no writing required and i'm going to share these with you and you can actually make these books for amazon or etsy or ebay wherever you want completely independent but i think you're going to love them as inspiration [Music] so before we get started i want to give you an illustration of why it's important to add value when you're creating things so let's say for example my phone if i told you this was worth a thousands of pounds would you believe me well it looks like an iphone absolutely is i think it's an iphone i won't say 12. i want to say something like that it's not the latest iphone but certainly one of the recent ones now within it i know that i can charge thousands of pounds because of what value it can bring okay now you could go on amazon and look for this iphone and see it probably cost maybe 700 pounds so you're already looking at me going jennifer that's crazy there's no way somebody would pay you thousands of pounds for a 700 pound iphone but this is the difference when we are creating products and services for anyone it's not about the physical thing it's the value you're giving them it's the experience that they will gain as a result of buying that product for you and that's why when you're creating any income at all you're starting from scratch it's important to focus on the value you will give your customer that's what i'm going to give you with these three side hustle ideas but bear with me okay so this phone this is my phone i'm the only one who uses it let's say though it's got all my favorite podcasts that you could listen to it's also got all my investing videos i like to watch and subscribe to on youtube it's got shortcuts to books that i've read in amazon and i'm reading on my kindle right now you've also got things like all the people i talk to there's a lot of creators and people who are entrepreneurs that i've got their phone numbers from and i'm on whatsapp group with so you could actually get direct access to all those people who are building businesses that could help you with your own and very quickly you see it's not about the physical item it's actually what value is contained within it could you put a price on all that stuff well to get my phone number and the people i love that's in there you could have direct access to me if you like direct access to the people that i know the businesses that they own the experience they have all the podcasts the books and you see very quickly i know that i could charge far more than the cost of this phone if somebody was to buy it from me and that's what we're going to do with these three examples i'm going to give you ways that you can make money with books passively that does not require writing but what you're going to do as we go through this inspiration i want you to think about building immense value for the person that you're selling to okay and that could be simply that you're going to offer them so much goodness that whatever price you put on it does not matter they'll be kind of throwing money at you and so we'll start with the first example so in all my examples i'm going to be using amazon as the way i'm going to reach out to my customer i use it and i actually published my own book my first book there's more to come i promise you my first book through amazon direct to publisher so that means that they print this for me anytime somebody wants my book and you get a physical copy or you get a kindle copy what depending on what you like to get like physical product or do you like it electronically now you might have been on amazon looking for different books okay and sometimes i know when i've been searching i've come across books this is one particular one that i love called the science of getting rich it's an old book it's by wallace d wattles but what struck me right away you can see they're very this is a kindle direct book that i did okay not from a proper publisher but from amazon and this feels kind of similar and so you can see that the cover is very basic a little bit on the back and just standard generic pages nothing fancy to it and if we don't go on amazon i bought this a couple of years ago now but you can see the top answers are slightly different in the way that they look this one actually probably might be far down now but they're all the same book and we can see just from searching okay i know that actually three and a half thousand people are searching on amazon per month for this book and why is there so many versions then of books like this that are quite old but they've got so many covers and so many people publishing them and it's all because there's a certain period in time where books of a certain age become into the public domain okay it happens to be 1923 that if you've got books that are written before that time it's actually free to download them to read them to get access to them and even to use them for whatever purposes you like that's right these people have gone and got the book and decided they want to provide it to the world with a different cover maybe also some different versions of it we'll talk about that now what i'm noticing as well all these books are very similar they're kind of like the same as that phone right they all are just offering this one book and that's where you go into just a commodity there's no added value but very quickly as i look down you can see people are offering you know the kindle version there's also people who started to add like bumper editions so not only did they find this one book they said actually i'm going to find additional books that might add value so when somebody clicks on mine they're not just getting this one book that i've got to compete with you know tens of maybe 20 other people both for that same commodity price i'm going to bundle it for value so where do you get access to these books and i'll show you where there's something called the gutenberg project so let me go on to that for you and this is a usb site but look this is a library where you can download and get access to over 60 000 free ebooks and we can certainly do that just now we can do the science of getting rich and there it is right there so you can with one click this is free to go on you can get every single format they offer there's also other different versions you can have epub versions kindle version you can even get the plain text version and then you can simply say okay i want to add extra value and not just on this site which is a great tool you know there really is tons let's think of something else i've got lots of different suggestions here james allen is another great book that i read and if i go into arthur's we can see him right there as a man thinketh you know a highly read book it's a very small book and if i go into amazon and look for james allen you can actually see you know again this is a very popular book we've got over nearly 500 people have left reviews so it is selling but what they're doing is also they're taking that book and they've also added in their own notes for it and that's what you can do with anything that's in the public domain that the copyright rights have gone into the public you can take that book and then annotate it you can use as a basis of your own book you can do whatever you want with it so it's 1923 books then before that time qualify as in the public domain and then what i want to do is show you okay let's say that i also want to look for something else what about having these public license rights for other books now there are actual sites out there they're not just old books but people have created books and you can buy their rights to do whatever you want with them yet again so let's see if there's books particularly about money or you know prosperity or something like that i'm going to show you simply by looking on google you can then buy the rights to do whatever you want with similar books as well now when you're wanting to buy a book that hasn't got the copyright in the general public like these older books it's called private label rights and you can simply go into google and type in that you know plr and let's say money books or finance books or sports books and it'll tend to take you to websites that do just this so i'm in one that's actually about finance books it's this is called the plr store.com and again it's the same principle let's say i want to there we go create and maintain a budget so i want to let's see focus on making books that are about budgeting so you would simply click on that one and just in the same way you would add to cart and buy so once you buy it you own the rights to do with it whatever you want and you can obviously check and just make sure if there's any terms and conditions this particular one sometimes you get sales pages so if you're making a website or you're making a click funnel or something like that you can then obviously drive traffic to get your book sometimes they have graphics included it'll tell you when it was actually made this is a brand new one and you can look down and you can see also what's included in the total term so this one we can use as a package so you might want to do like signs of getting rich how to budget some other great books bundle them together and put them on amazon this also is you do have the master rights you can resell that means you can charge people money for it and you can even completely edit it and put your name on it so if you're looking for one easy way to actually start offering value i would say start by looking for what is in the public domain right now some of the old books that you might love can you actually make them better by adding in some of these newer ones out there but could you even let's say take a really famous person their books and then go off and find books that might not be that well known you can actually look to see if there's any private label rights of versions of books that they have using google and buy them to then make a better bundle and then what happens next was simply i would use something like fiverr and i would search for ebook designer or you know ebook cover let's look for that and what you would want if you've got a little bit of money to spend you want to do it right you could simply spend you know there's some people for three pounds seven to eight i would use people who are talented at designing book covers pay a little bit money and actually get a book cover that looks incredible you could obviously use as well if you were using canva.com so let me just do that canva.com is free but again you could create your own if you want and it really is as simple as then setting up an account in kindle direct publishing you would simply add a new book these are my two books you would put that all together you've got your book cover you've got your book that you've formatted maybe you've downloaded the pda for the kindle version and that is you because you own the rights to that book you can start selling it and when we look at numbers you know just as an example even james allen that has 16500 people looking for his books on amazon every month that's a good chunk even if you were to get a little portion of it as his title suggests you could be making easily hundreds if not thousands of pounds if you see what other people are doing find value find ways to add more value than just simply a single book you could really make this a great business for you when there's free stuff out there that you could then give people value for money even if you got to buy a couple of books on top or buy knee cover that could really be something that is not only just four pounds a book you're charging you could be charging 15 20 pounds for now keep in mind as well we're talking about using the kindle store there is charges they give you about 60 of the profits roughly whatever prices you're charging bear that in mind you're not going to get the full amount that you're selling it for you are going to get a cup of it so the next way you can make money selling books again without writing another great tool that i'm going to introduce you to this is called book bolt okay i'm going to leave the link down below it's my affiliate link where you can actually get a part of a free trial i've also got a code that gives you money off if you do sign up with them for long term now this is without doubt one of the most useful tools for also creating books and we're going to focus on for this next part law content books what are they so i've talked about books physical books that people have written as option one and these side hustles but we're talking about things that people might want to buy but might even not require that much content in the first place so absolutely anyone could do these next two ideas the first one i want to introduce you to the concept is thinking about journals okay so i'm going to search for gratitude journal within amazon and you can see a lot of people really enjoy using these type of journals perhaps it's got certain pictures like pictures of cats and dogs everybody likes to do these things to record their thoughts and sometimes you can't find a book in the bookshop that's exactly what you want and this is where low content books are ideal especially for us creating passive income as well it doesn't really require too much design effort but it is making a great value item for the customer so going back to book bolts this particular website the whole point of it is helping you find niche areas where low content books are in demand okay so a great place to start let me do that is you click on cloud and you can certainly can work through as i say my link is down below and it's a really easy tool that you simply want to focus on notebooks journals music sheets think about guitar music even just music clefs for people to write on we're all looking for these kind of journals or notebooks anyway that people will be looking for you have calendars or planners so i'm going to go with notebook and with one click it's actually going to tell me for my research what are the most popular notebooks that amazon is selling right now this low content books so for example we've got a sketchbook okay looking at this it's got a huge number of ratings over 7 000 which means it's definitely sold at least 10 if not 12 000 minimum the price is just over four dollars it's been out for over two well nearly two years now and then the average sales as we can see here is 500 513 books now i hear what you're saying okay if we go into amazon have a look i can see well by the looks of it it definitely looks really simple not even given any in depth and that's because it's probably simply 120 pages of blank paper so that is making thousands of dollars every single month for being blank paper now the reason is popular i have no doubt is because it's a really nice cover i like that but people want notebooks they want to be able to go on amazon and just get something six dollars the price so about four or five pounds great 120 pages to do delivery so let's go back again and see what else makes the cut so we've got things another notebook another notebook there and this is when we start to see a bit more creativity please excuse the profanity but you can see that people start to have fun with these covers now that particular one that was obviously a bit of an adult book if you like that is actually selling estimated over 300 books a month okay low content is probably just a case of an organizer inside it's been around less than two years and it's under seven dollars so about five six pounds that means that person is making over a thousand dollars a month easily with that one notebook okay and if we go down we've got handwriting practice paper so you can keep really looking and and seeing there's a whole host of different journals that you probably wouldn't have thought of would be selling huge amounts on amazon making people some serious passive income remember they've created it once and then they're keep selling it this is monthly income to them and they've sold huge amounts of these books so the next thing is using this tool okay you found a couple of niches we can do this again let's look in planners we can have a little search and search in amazon for us and it's going to say okay these are the most popular so these are about you know monthly bills and things like that and then we've got things about you know making sure you've got your wedding together and even something like that that's selling new nearly 300 copies a month or something that cost nine dollars and if we have a look on that we can see that probably they're not even showing it inside so i've no doubt there might not be that much detail in there but it's notebooks for budgets and checklists and you're saying to yourself okay i get it there's a lot of scope here where people are making some good money so how do we start to make it so now we've researched the market to find actual niches that are going to make us some money hopefully if we create something good and you need to be aware you know on amazon you're the customer as well you've got to make things that are attractive and actually people would be attracted to so you could even do things like looking for harry potter you could say could i do some print on demand for that you know there's something this looks really quite straightforward it's a paperback so it's just that just line blank paper and then made a harry potter logo and they're selling it for five pounds you know it's things like that where there might be a niche market that you could actually use so let's say you actually want to make this journal so i'm using book bulk yet again i'm going to use you can use two things so the first thing is the bolt designer and the first thing you do is you set up your page sizes do you want in color how many pages i'm going to make this a hundred page book you'd hit submit and it's going to create that for you now with that saying it was going to be 100 pages this is actually the outside cover it's going to generate so we don't have to use canva you can actually use this tool and what it does with that 100 pages is actually the thickness of the spine the right amount and that's something that we need to have exact when we're using amazon kindle direct they need the cover to match and with how many pages you're actually including in it so then you could simply you know do whatever you fancy we can add in lots of different clip part let's even go for images is there anything that we can have a look at and let's have a look for cats we can do there so here we go i'm just randomly making up stuff so you could have a picture of the cat i like that try and get the cat over like that that's on the back page so you could of course add in some text as well we'll make that a different color i think for sure because you can't really read it so let's see you know i'm not going to win any awards for this book so let's say we've got the front cover and the back cover sorted then over notebook you want to actually click on interior pro now this means that they actually give you would you believe a whole host of templates to use that then they can create your pdf document for your notebook okay so we've got the outside cover we want to now create the inside so you could simply have you know blank pages and we can use this tool to keep going let's do that we're going to add 50 blank pages going to close that and it's going to do that for us let me do that again and it has it's added an old theme let's see then that we want to add 50 blank pages and then perhaps having a little rule having a little look down you can add there's so much in here you know we've got organizers and different pages and reading lists now these are fixed and i'm going to show you that if you want to use something a bit different of course you can but you're literally using this tool to build your document out okay and then you would simply select the right size and then tell it to download now if and that's it downloaded for me and there we go it's actually got the document there it's popped open let me scroll down to number 50. we're all started to change a little bit and you can see it changes okay so that's way that you get the pdf document of your notebook and you've also got your cover now if you don't like any of those of course you can actually use something like canned by the same principle where you're actually creating your pages so for example you could have something like this just clicking on this you could then you know do different pages i could remove things keeping the same style you could add in a different quote there and you could actually add in some elements like text boxes you could add in a box like this to allow somebody to actually do a bit of writing a bit of space and again we would simply hit download and let's say we could do that multiple times make it many many pages you would hit download download as a pdf and that's you've got the contents of your book now when we actually want to put all of that together and let's say you've got many different sections you might have blank pages and line pages you can use something really as simple as an online pdf merger okay i went to ilovepdf.com and you could actually add all your pdf files if you've got line paper if you've got graph paper you can make it one whole document so there's lots of tools out there completely for free i will say you know if you find it is too complicated doing your own cover you could even look and see what's popular on amazon and your niche that you want to target use something like fiverr again ask somebody to make you something really great for a couple of pounds and there you go you've got your cover same process as before just in the same as we're making these books you would simply upload it to amazon kindle publishing direct they will then manage it for you so every time someone clicks on it they would then send it to them now the great thing about book bowl as well when we're thinking about these low content books is it's not only for finding niches and creating it actually allows us to then be notified of when things that potentially are profitable niches come out so you know and another thing that we're going to talk about this is where the category finder is so you know you can actually look and see okay i've looked for morning routine so is there any key things i could look for here you would search there and it'll help you find tags and keywords that allow you to then save those correctly for your books so we're now coming on to the third and final way that you can make money selling books without actually having to write anything we've covered low content books we've also covered adding value with other people's works that we can get the copyright to this third way is actually puzzle books okay so i'm going to actually show you again using book bolt this actually has a tool would you believe that allows you to create puzzle books how fantastic is that so going back to amazon as we always do i just actually typed in sudoku books for adults as one example and why i say these are some niches that people might think are really complicated they won't have a clue how to do there's tools out there we can actually use to create these products yet again so the first one i pulled up well this is sold over you know 180 it's probably closer to about 400 copies it's only been out for about nine months as i make this video and that's got 1300 puzzles okay and it can be really as simple as even things like we'll use another branding let's say disney ones right you could really go quite obscure and think what could i actually offer people as extra value i put in disney but there's not a lot about that they've got rainbow here they've got adult activity books and you can see this one the adult activity book it's got puzzles and things like that that's sold well over three thousand copies and i'll be using this same principle and there's always a good comedy book whenever i do searches for things okay so how do we do them the same principle applies you can create first of all the book cover i would use book bowl you know using book book designer you can do that you can then also use something like canvas we've got our outside cover made you could again use five if you're wanting to pay for a cover look and see what other people are doing who rank really high and copy it and make it better though so don't copy exactly make it better use it for inspiration so within boot bowl we can actually create puzzles which i absolutely adore so let's say for example i've gone for sudoku and then we can choose a size double-sided yet let's actually have a single-sided pages i want a hundred pages and i can choose the font that i want as well difficulty okay let's have a hard let's see that nine by nine oh goodness yeah 16 by 16. now this is the great thing okay you can actually include solutions you can match them and get page numbers so it's giving you lots of different i hit submit and it's going to create that for me so it's a completely randomly generated puzzle creator and looking down the side we've got crosswords and words which i'll talk you through a little bit then there's even join the dots there's doctor talks that you could create so you know i'm thinking of adults wanting to do these kind of fun things what comes to mind is you can actually do a word searches crosswords you can input the words you want to use they can also be randomly generated but you could create things like a harry potter word search or you know disney characters or dinosaurs that the limit is endless for what you can create so as that processes which takes a couple of minutes you then are given a pdf document that is your copyright to then sell just in the same way as these other documents and so there you go after a couple of minutes it's outputted the document which we said as single-sided so that means that on the first page it's going to be the thing and you've got a blank page on the other side and it has given us a book as you can see it's got 321 pages in it so it's a huge book and we've got a whale over then a hundred odd puzzles that we can actually sell to someone and the great thing is it's also given us this solution so you're also including the puzzles and you've got the solutions for the person and what i would do is actually use this tool and like the example in amazon there that seemed to be really popular it's a couple of years old you could actually merge a couple of different of these pdfs together so for example you know let's say you wanted to focus on something that's a bit more niche it could be dinosaurs for a kid's book a puzzle book you could say i'm going to create a word search these are my words and it will do that for you you could then have some sudokus or some fun you can have some dot to dots and you would use that merger tool it's online i love pdf merging all together and there's your book so you can really there's no end to actually what you can create with this particular tool i really love it and as i say i really hope that these book ideas of how you can actually create books and sell books making thousands of pounds a month for free in most cases and even with little content being created and even without any writing i hope it's been really super useful for you i'd love to hear if there's one that stood out that you want to try a couple of things i want to call it of course the links down below you've got a link to book bowl there's also a discount code if you fancy signing up and using it yourself that's great i'll leave links to some of the major websites that i've mentioned here i'll also leave things like gutenberg project where you can get access to the older books some other recommended websites that you can go and check out but i really hope this has inspired you this is certainly some way that you can actually be making side hustle income and you don't even have to rely on actually making the content really yourself a lot of it's done for you so if you have enjoyed today's video why not check out this video right here it's on a similar topic and i would also love if you would hit subscribe and follow my channel we cover everything from personal finance investing and side hustle ideas i want you have to success with your money and i believe it's creating passive incomes it changed our life and i hope it will yours too so thank you so much for watching i'll see you very soon
Channel: Jennifer Thomson
Views: 41,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: selling books online, no writing required, make money online, how to make money online, how to make money, work from home jobs, passive income, how to make money fast, amazon kdp, amazon kindle, print on demand, puzzle books, cross word books, make books, book bolt, bookbolt tutorial, book bolt tutorial uk, how to use book bolt, how to write books, how to sell books on amazon, amazon uk, how to make money online uk, passive incomes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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