5 STEPS TO CREATE AN EFFECTIVE WRITING SCHEDULE ✔📆 achieve your 2023 writing goals! w/ @saraawynnie

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[Music] thank you [Music] hey Ridley friends it's Anna welcome back to my channel I am so so excited for this video because I'm going to be teaching you in five easy steps how to create your own writing schedule and I'm also going to be creating my writing schedule with you guys today so it's going to be so so fun this video is actually sponsored by rock on so more about them in the rest of the video however in this video I'm going to be collaborating with Sarah on YouTube If you guys don't know her YouTube Channel please go check her out she's seriously the most beautiful human being ever she makes such aesthetic and helpful videos and I adore her she's like one of my favorite YouTubers in her video she's going to be talking about how to stick to your writing schedule so if you maybe already do have a writing schedule or maybe after this video when you've created your own writing schedule with me you can go ahead and check out her video I'll have a video linked down below but definitely go check her out she's so cute and amazing and I love her but anyways if you guys enjoyed the video definitely subscribe to my channel and without further Ado let's go ahead and get on to the first step of creating your writing routine alrighty everyone so the first step is to look at the big picture look at your year kind of from a bird's eye view and really focus on what projects you want to actually finish by the end of the year so when 2024 comes around that seems really really crazy I know but as soon as that year is there what projects what stories do you want to have finished before you move on to the next year so if you guys didn't know my goal is to finish four books during this year so I kind of have that big overview goal and from there we can now kind of figure out the smaller steps and smaller organized goals that we can actually focus on in order to tackle these bigger aspirations so now what you're going to be doing is you're going to be grabbing your journal or maybe you have a writing book like me and this usually is where I put all my plot holes and stuff like that but I also have a lot of writing goals I put in here as well and we're going to be writing down all of the projects we want to ride during 2022. foreign goals right here and here I have all the 2022 project goals so these are the projects that I've named and then I'm currently working on and in Brackets what I encourage you guys to do is to actually kind of list the draft that you want to have completed for example over here I have a project um at prison I want the first draft however for project ghost I want the third draft done do you kind of see what it means so yes I want to finish these four books but I also want to be in different sorts of stages for each of them so since we are kind of looking at the yearly view we still want to be kind of broad but also a little bit specific so with this first step yes we have our project goals but I also want to encourage you guys to have some writing skill goals and these goals are just things you're going to be working on through the year to improve your art of writing so these goals don't take a back burner but it's also just being conscious of you practicing these sorts of goals these skills and and where you want your writing to be at the end of the year so for example I really want to focus on developing my writing style and through that I don't need to write I want to actually read so reading will become one of my goals I encourage you guys to also just do around four to five goals for this nothing more really just kind of focus on it doesn't have to be writing it can be reading it can be maybe talking about your projects more freely or maybe trying out art breeder for the first time or maybe writing more short stories they don't have to be specifically about writing they can be whatever you want so let's go ahead and some writing skills that's really really great so now that we can kind of focus on what we're going to be doing in the months in the weeks and in the days in order to achieve these goals and of course the reason I do this is because we need a writing schedule that will help us achieve these goals so it's so so great that you guys were able to create some goals with me but this was the first step and let's go ahead and get on to the second step now in the Second Step we're going to be focusing on monthly and I really would love to introduce you guys to rock on right now because because I've been using their 2023 planner to plan out my month of January and it's been going so so well if you guys don't know who rock on is I've worked with them before where they created a nanowrimo planner for November so it's really really great to have a monthly plan and this is why again I really encourage you guys to go in the links below and check out rack on in their new yearly planners because they're months monthly plans are just very very specific very very great and I've been using my beautiful new iPad to plan and it just feels so good like being able to write and basically the one thing that kind of sets raccoon apart from any other planet is the fact that they have writing as it's sole focus it has a whole section for writing which I think is so so great because of course you being a writer it's so intertwined with your lifestyle so I was so so excited to actually figure out that they have writing as like yeah soul focus in their planner so I really really encourage you guys that if you want to create a good writing schedule and actually stick to your goals this year as a writer definitely check out rack on digital planners I use mine on good notes and I had so much fun filling it out I just love the aesthetic or super icon I feel like planners are very specific and if they don't fit my aesthetic then I can't use them but back on they have such amazing Aesthetics so now that I have my writing goals that I created with you guys I can now actually put it within my January 2023 goals within the writing section for example and then when I get into the specifics of weekly I can put in my goals that week so if you guys need a planner I definitely encourage you guys to go check them out I'll have them linked down below for you guys to purchase your planner today but thank you so much rackland for sponsoring this video and let's go ahead and return to tip two which is focusing on the monthly okay so in terms of making a monthly writing schedule I want to actually share what I'm doing this year in order to achieve my writing goals so since I do have a lot of projects these four projects I need to actually focus on first plotting them let alone writing them so what I've been doing is splitting off my month to month so for one month I plot two projects because plotting takes less time so I'll be able to have the time to actually plot another project and then in the second month I'm going to be writing one of those projects so basically it's like bloody month running month plotting month writing month and this honestly is because I had so much success last year with the nanowrimo 2022 Challenge and I really do think that tip two this it's really really important because it's focusing on the month and a month is the perfect amount of time to write a book if you have your goal to spread out to write a book in like three months or like half a year you're really going to lose that Steam and I feel like at least from my experience having a sort of really hard sort of challenging goal to write a book in one month it's honestly like the sweet spot for me so it is challenging yes but I think it's like perfect because I'm able to get that project done so quickly and it just feels really really right for me so I encourage you guys to have a plotting month and a writing month because of course plotting is actually very very important but again it does depend on where you are at within your projects for tip three we're going to be looking at the weekly view so you can probably see the trend in the video we're going like yearly monthly weekly daily but what we're going to be doing here is actually figuring out what days we are going to write before you even start I do encourage you guys to have one day at least one day where you don't write at all I think it's really important for Riders to have rest and within a week we always get so busy with work with uni with school so it's like something that will just help us have like a safe haven sort of day that helps us just relax maybe re-read it over our work maybe just think about our book but not think too much about it because because honestly a lot of processes of creating this story actually happens subconsciously so by you not actually thinking about your project when you come back to your project the second day you're going to be feeling it so much better for me my goal weekly is to write six days a week so I encourage you guys to write six days a week in order to actually get on track with your writing schedule and really just consistently show up every single day but one day so you're able to actually find progress within your book so mark it out maybe Wednesday is a day that you're usually very busy or maybe Sunday you go to church so you want to kind of relax that day that's me I usually Chill on Sundays so it's really really great that I'm able to do that so once you kind of have an idea of what days you do when I commit to writing we can now move on to the fourth step so for the fourth step of course we're looking at daily and we're going to be figuring out what times of the day that you want to focus on writing I for sure am a Night Rider however this year I've had the goal to actually become a morning person and therefore a morning writer again writing and lifestyle is so intertwined so like this is why I want to try to commit to this it does depend on what you feel like because I really don't like putting the time pressure of like I have to write at 8am every single day I hate that so I just have the goal every single day apart from one to write every morning so basically any time before 12 or 1 pm so with that the biggest tip that I have basically for this video is the fact that writing needs to be flexible and if you put too much pressure on yourself for example write write 2 000 words a day don't do that have the goal just to show up every single day and write at a specific time if you do want to go a bit further than that I encourage you guys to maybe write for two hours one hour or do like a Pomodori session or maybe hit a word count goal you guys know what I feel about word count goals I don't really like it because it just puts so much pressure on yourself if you're not having a good writing day or like if you're just working through a project I think time is a better measurement of progress than word count but you guys can take what you guys want so now that you guys have figured out what time of the day you want to write and what sort of goal whether that be word count or whether that be time we can now go on to the fifth and final tip so the fifth tip is actually your routine what actually happens when you sit down at your desk and begin on your document and on your project what's going to happen this can look different for a lot of different people it really depends if you are someone who again likes to just write like me for two hours and just kind of go really nearly see where I go and not really mind if I make too much progress or make too little progress you know I'm very free like that however you might be a person who really wants to sit down at their desk start a Pomodoro Timer method but it does depend on your routine and I really do encourage you guys to have a actual trigger I usually Journal before I write to get every thing out of my head for example or maybe you light a candle or maybe you go for a walk or maybe you meditate do something before you start your writing routine so it actually becomes a part of your routine it's kind of like a habit for your habit does that make sense even though I'm very like willy-nilly I like to do at least one thing that kind of helps me trigger myself into focusing and getting them to the creative Flow State but of course in terms of your routine I would really encourage you guys to write for at least one hour every single day whether that be 20 minute 5 minute 20 minute breaks like it can be just 45 minutes just do some sort of writing session that isn't interrupted too much and just to really focus and try out new things new routines new ways you can actually write and yeah I hope that kind of helped just kind of understand that you should experiment with how you write different writing routines and really what works best for you the last thing I do want to add with this routine the fifth step is to have a goal as soon as you sit down to actually achieve something usually when I sit down I just kind of write and just pick up where I left off but I really encourage you guys just to kind of have that little Split Second not even second like just like five seconds to go okay I want to get up to chapter six or okay I want to finish this plot hole or okay I want to figure out how to fix this scene this specific scene try to be specific because again it's all about goals really because we're focusing on big fat goals at the start of the video and now we're focusing on the tiny mini goals and something really great to actually have your goals in mind or maybe like on a poster note on your desk to kind of just look and then go back and figure out how this specific tiny goal within your daily routine can actually help you get to those bigger goals so I guess that's how everything ties together in this video but yeah that's the fifth tip I hope this helped you so thank you guys so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed it now that you have your own writing routine you can check out Sarah's video I'll have a channel linked down below and also the video so you guys can actually learn how to stick to your writing schedule and be consistent in order to achieve the goals we talked about in this video again also thank you to rackline for sponsoring this video definitely check them out because if you do purchase one of those planners it will also be helping me so so much but anyways I really wish you guys luck in 2023 with all your writing goals and your projects and I'm just so so excited for you guys so thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in my next one tonight [Music] so please just wait for me [Music]
Channel: ana neu
Views: 6,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reading, reader, author, book, books, readingvlog, writingvlog, authortube, booktube, bookhaul, novel
Id: aUkhWojipdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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