10 More Disturbing True Stories (Volume 2)

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I remember this just vaguely since I was little at the time maybe seven in my old house my room had its own floor it wasn't even supposed to be a bedroom it was more of an attachment to the attic or a closet type room the people that owned the house before us used it as a playroom for their daughters my room also had a huge closet door that was attached to the attic the closet was elevated up so that you would have to climb a set of wooden stairs to get into it it had a big sliding door and it was completely packed with toys and other junk from my childhood since I was little at the time I always got scared of being so separated from the rest of my family and having that huge closet in my room then there was this one night I was laying in bed afraid after watching a scary movie with my family then I heard the sound of a toy fall over up in the closet I jumped out of my bed and ran to my parents room they told me there was no one in my closet they saw how afraid I was so they let me sleep in their room that night the next night I had kind of forgotten about it until I heard it again the sound of a container of Legos spilling out everywhere up in the closet again I ran to my parents room and told them about it my dad was starting to grow impatient with me he reluctantly agreed to let me sleep in their room again the next day me and my mom checked the closet and there it was a pile of Legos lay on the floor spilled out of the container I thought this was proof that somebody was in my closet but my mom assured me that it simply fell over that night my dad locked his door he said he was tired of my nonsense I couldn't sleep that night I lay there completely silent with my young boy imagination running waiting for another sound to come from the closet it was probably about an hour before it happened it broke the silence the sound up the closet door rolling open with force the moonlight shining through my window illuminated the figure standing by my closet door I let out the most horrific ear piercing scream you've ever heard as pure terror swept over my body a feeling that I still remember today the figure jumped down from the closet and ran out of my room and out the front door of my house my mom ran up to my room in shock as my dad ran downstairs trying to catch whoever it was but he never did the police never caught the man when I was in eighth grade I went on a school trip that was called the Louisiana tour it was mostly going around to significant sites in South Louisiana one of the places we went to was myrtles plantation which is considered to be one of the most haunted places in the country there are all kinds of stories about the place but at one point we were standing in a room as a part of a larger group and the tour guide was talking about something I don't remember what as I'm standing there I start to hear what sounds like someone hitting a piano key after I heard it a couple times I started to look around for the source of the sound I didn't see a piano but I kept hearing it so I asked my friends who were standing near me if they heard it they said No when I heard it again I said there it is again they must have heard it they thought I was crazy so I went back to looking around the room everyone's eyes were on the tour guide except for one woman she caught my eye and pointed at me and then at her ear with a questioning look I realized she was asking if I heard it too and I nodded at this point the tour guide starts telling a story about soldier who had died there and that he played the piano and multiple guests had reported hearing him playing in the night I honestly didn't know what to think I guess I still don't I talked to the woman as we were all leaving the room and she said she heard the exact same thing as me but her husband and son had not heard it it was near Halloween time when my friends and I were telling ghost stories my friend said she was going to tell a story about her parents his first date she said she didn't like telling the story since it was actually true but we prodded her on to cut to the chase the parents had a nice if awkward first date and around the time that they would have said goodnight the male in this situation who's my friend's dad suggested that they go for a midnight hike up Provo Canyon he apparently knew the police since he had done a fair amount of rock climbing in the area so the two drove up the mouth of the canyon got out of their cars and started hiking under just the light of the stars since there was a new moon at some point the man starts getting a bad feeling since the pathway ahead which would pass under some trees would be dark and because I was getting quite late he ignores the feeling and presses on a minute later the feeling came back to the man he ignored it again and started walking a bit of the way into the trees when his foot hit something soft in the middle of the path under the trees it was too dark to see just what this soft thing was and the feeling came back stronger than ever instead of finding out what his foot it bumped into he and the woman both agreed to hightail it out of there years later after being married for some time they were watching an interview with the serial killer Ted Bundy in response to a question asking him to describe the time that he felt the closest to being caught he explained about the night that he learned a girl in two Provo Canyon and had just killed her when he heard some people coming up the trail he explained how he hid in the trees just in time only to watch some guy walk right into the body and for some reason just turn around and walk away my school's library is open until 2:00 in the morning for the idiots like me that don't do their essays until the last minute it's a pretty small building and most of the books are in the basement area called the stacks just to give you a quick layout there's the big main stairs that go down to the stacks a vending machine room and the long hallway with the four entrances into the stacks the stacks are two really big rooms on opposite sides of the hallway with a huge amount of bookshelves and study desks lining the walls I was there around 11 p.m. last year it was a pretty research intensive essay so I was down in the stacks working in one of the study desks so I didn't have to keep going upstairs and downstairs again I had been there for maybe two hours and everyone except for a boy working a few desks down for me had already left I was pretty zoned out by this point it was an 8 a.m. class so I didn't have much time until it was due and I was sort of panicking so it really pissed me off when I heard someone flipping through book pages really fast to make them do that loud whipping noise at the other end of the room I sort of ignored it for a while thinking they'd go away eventually but they just kept doing it after about five minutes I got sick of it and started to walk over to tell them to knock it off I get about three steps across the room and it just stops I sat back down and it was quiet again only for like 10 minutes before the flipping pages noise started again only loads louder like they grabbed a huge book that time the boys started to get pissed off too and he stood up and started walking around through the bookshelves trying to find them it kept going so I got up to and started looking around with him it got really loud and it was pretty obvious where I was coming from by that point so he started walking towards it he was on one side of the shelves and I was on the other we walked all the way down the shelves no one there we hadn't seen anyone come in the stacks and we were on the side of the room with the entrances no way could anyone have come in without us seeing them the noise stopped again and we both sort of just slowly walked back to our seats I assumed it was just a fan or something in the other room and I really needed to get my essay done we sat down and immediately the noise has started again it sounded like it was coming from right next to the guy's chair he shoved his stuff in his bag looked at me said this and took off I was out of there maybe five seconds behind him I still won't go back in the stacks at night even when there's other people down there this happened when I still had my fishing boat it was a horrifying experience that will never leave us me and my wife departed from the East Coast for our two-day fishing trip in the North Atlantic the first day and night were normal we got a decent catch at night we played cards while listening to music it was enjoyable up until the next night after a slow day at sea we were playing cards again inside this night without the music it was at that moment that we heard the sound of a boat motor we rushed outside to see a man piloting a crappy old motor boat with absolutely no lights on he had stopped directly in front of our bow the man was middle-aged he had a beard and a baseball cap on I went up closer and asked him if he needed help he asked us if we had any spare gasoline I apologized and told him we didn't I asked the man if he was low on fuel and if he needed a ride back to the shore but he declined he claimed he had plenty of guests which brought an awkward silence as me and my wife wondered why he asked us for guests then the silence started to creep me and my wife out mostly because of the way he just blankly stared at me the only reason I could see was because of the deck light in the front of our boat other than that we were surrounded by darkness the man finally broke the silence and asked us if we had a good catch that day I told him we didn't still trying to be polite even though the situation was odd and creepy I asked the man how he was getting around in the darkness but all he gave me was a chuckle as if I had made a joke I figured he misheard me he turned his little motorboat around and the last thing he said to us was nice meeting you folks he sailed off into the total blackness surrounding us me and my wife were completely weirded out my wife told me she was afraid he was going to rob us being a Fisher you run into and make conversation with other sailors and fishers all the time but I knew something about that guy was off the fact that he came up to a so late at night so far from the shore and alone in that little motorboat and the way he acted we were both really uncomfortable so I decided to turn out our lights and sail a bit north just to make sure the guy couldn't find us again call me paranoid later that night probably around 2:00 in the morning I woke up to the disturbing an ear piercing scream of my wife I shot up for my rank position to see a man standing at the edge of our bed I lunged out of the bed towards the man but he was out of the cabin before I could even get out of the room I heard the sound of the same motor boat starting before speeding away into the darkness again we sailed all the way back to the shore that night and reported the man right away of course nothing was ever heard of the topic again we still have no idea what the man wanted or what he was planning on doing but it still gives me nightmares to this day the way my bedroom was laid out was that across the room for my dad there's a small alcove that does not receive any light because of a closet that's slightly in front of it so the closet blocks the ceiling light on the ambient light from outside when it's dark I was in fourth year high school and was trying to sleep but couldn't you know that feeling like someone's staring at you I was feeling it I couldn't shake it and it just felt like whatever was staring at me had such malicious intent in it I opened my eyes and my gaze was drawn to that dark corner of the room where I saw a hazy darker outline in it I got goosebumps but thought that it was nothing there I'm just imagining things I closed my eyes again trying to force myself to get sleep but I can't shake that evil feeling stare then there was a creak sound the sound from somebody putting pressure on the floor I opened my eyes again and that shadow thing was in the opposite corner now all my inner senses went ballistic and I threw my pillow and blanket over my head as I cried myself to sleep all while hoping that the thing wouldn't come closer I know I didn't imagine or dream it and it still sends chills down my spine to this day it was the first time my family ever went camping together I was 18 at the time we probably wouldn't have gone if it weren't for my brother and sister who were still only 11 and happened to be twins it was mid-july and I was actually excited to do it we drove all the way out to the country we didn't go to a camping site my dad just parked the car on the side of the quiet road and we hiked about a mile into the woods until we found a small clearing in the woods we pitched our two tents one for me and my siblings and one for my parents so come nighttime I couldn't sleep at all trying to fall asleep in that sleeping bag was like trying to full sleep on the Griff I just couldn't get to sleep I spun around and try to make myself comfortable for hours my little brother and sister had been asleep for a long time at that point and then I heard the sound of the zipper to the tent zipping down I looked up and saw someone poking their head into the tent I couldn't see who it was dad I whispered whoever was removed their head from the inside of the tent dad I said louder whoever was quickly moved away from the tent leaving it unzipped I was so confused I was sure it was my mom or dad just checking on me so I crawled out of the tent and walked over to my parents tent i unzipped it and crawled inside my parents were both in their sleeping bags I shook my dad and fully woke up I asked him if he had just checked on us he said no I got chills as he said it I then woke up my mom hoping that it was her but she groggily told me that she hadn't left the tent either I got goose bumps all over as I came to the realization that somebody actually came up to our tent opened up the zipper and peered inside a stranger for all I know some sort of psycho I couldn't even really tell if my parents took me seriously or not or maybe I just don't remember but I do remember that I didn't get a minute of sleep that night my parents were on their honeymoon to Key West when they arrived at the hotel to check in they were told that the room would be non-smoking with my dad being a smoker they requested a different room they got the room switch and went to their room as they got off the elevator the smell fresh paint was overwhelming down the hall there was a painter with all necessary supplies laid out around him as he was painting the wall as my parents walked past him they casually greeted him and the painter had absolutely no acknowledgement of their presence whatever when they got to their room the smell of paint was even worse in there so bad it wasn't even bearable so they decide to go to the front desk to change rooms when they explained the situation the attendant looks very confused and informed them that there wasn't the scheduled paint job on that floor for that day but agreed to change their room anyway my parents go back to their floor to grab their luggage and the painter is completely gone all supplies cleaned up and gone within 10 minutes and the smell of pain was completely gone at this point my parents were freaked out but didn't think much of it and went to their new room the next morning on their way to breakfast they over here a tour guide talking to a group my parents tuned in when the guide mentioned the floor that they were originally supposed to stay on apparently a long time ago there was a painter on that floor painting and fell down the elevator shaft to his death now my parents don't normally believe in the paranormal but after an event like this that they had no explanation for it freaked them out a good bit this story didn't happen to me it happened to my cousin and yet it still freaks me out thinking about it this story is all too true my cousin Nikki was on skype with his girlfriend Sam at around 1:00 in the morning on a Friday night she was asking him to come over and stay the night but he didn't really want to drive over that wait some time into the conversation Nikki noticed the closet door behind Sam opened a crack Nikki pointed it out and Sammy turned and looked at the closet they both ended up ignoring it it was probably another half hour into the conversation that the closet door creaked open even more Nikki spotted it again and told Sam that her little brother must be hiding in the closet she denied it and told him the window was open or something so there must have been a draft it was about half an hour later that the closet door completely opened and somebody stepped out of the closet and walked out of Sam's bedroom Sam didn't seem to notice but Nikki got startled from what he just saw he told her that her little brother was hiding in a closet but what she said next scared Nikki shitless she told him that she was home alone that night Nikki started yelling at the screen for her to lock her door and call the police and that he would be over there as fast as he could Sam just started to understand the situation as she turned and saw the closet door completely opened she ran over to her doorway and let out a blood-curdling scream before slamming the door shut and locking it Nikki drove over as fast as he could while calling the police when he got there the front door was left open so he ran into the house into Sam's room he knocked on the door and told her it was him but she wouldn't answer when the police finally arrived they busted open the door to find her curled up in the corner of the room in shock she later told the police that she had seen somebody standing face-to-face with her at the doorway before shutting the door it was a dark and stormy night the kind of stormy that I loved thunder and lightning roaring so staying up late watching movies I lived with my dad but he wasn't home that night he was working nights anyway after I finished watching the movie forrest gump for the hundredth time I decided to am was a good time to get some shut-eye I loved going to sleep during thunderstorms he was just enjoyable to listen to but suddenly I heard the sound of something hitting my window it wasn't the sound of rain hitting the window but in such a big storm I didn't think much of it and put my head back down but a few seconds later the same noise something hits the window again this time I made the sound out to be a rock hitting the window my heart started racing it couldn't be my dad he would he would call if something was wrong another rock hits the window I found myself glued to my bed I didn't want to look out the window but whoever was outside surely knew I was up there I had just turned the TV off they could have seen the bright glare through the window I just decided if I ignored it they would go away another rock hit the window and then another it was getting faster the rain started to lighten up and that's when I heard the sound of a truck engine running down in the street a much louder thump to the window was where I drew the line I got out of my bed planning to call the cops I ran down the stairs towards the phone but as I passed the front door I saw something something through the glass window at the top of the door it was the face of a person looking through to me it seemed like they had a smile on their face I sprinted to the kitchen and called the police they said there was an officer nearby and they should be there shortly whoever was at the door started fiddling with the doorknob and eventually ramming into it trying to bust it open I grabbed a knife for protection and the other that the police were coming before running back upstairs to my room after about a minute the ramming to the door stopped and there were no more rocks hitting my window I still didn't dare to look out the window but I remember hearing the sound of the truck drive off a few minutes later I heard the sound of a police siren outside and moments later at the doorbell ring I explained everything to the officer I described the face as best as I could unfortunately I couldn't provide him any information about the vehicle if only I had looked out the window I still regret not taking a quick look there was never enough info for the police to catch these people not sure if they had intention of robbing my house or much worse
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 5,565,328
Rating: 4.8706527 out of 5
Keywords: scary, story, stories, freaky, disturbing, 10, top, ten, countdown, reading, narration, 15, scary true, reddit, true, scariest true stories, scary true stories, true stories reddit, creepypasta, nightmare, creepy, pasta, mrnightmare, mr. nightmare, mr, nightmares, night, campout, camping, trip, tale, tent, stalker, figure, room, rainy, storm
Id: LIpgF2wtXSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2015
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