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this story was inspired by a disturbing drawing  submitted by a viewer here you can clearly see   there's something extremely bizarre going on  the picture appears to showcase what looks   like one big happy family over by the left you  can clearly see what looks to be the parents   looking over their eight children or so you can  see a pet dog and cat but over by the right is a   mysterious giant black figure more context will  be explained during and at the end of the story   here's what the story looked like my wife and  i used to have this running joke about our kids   we'd say we lose track of how many people were  in the house if we kept having so many children   that's definitely in the category of dad jokes  but it started to get old even for me around   the time we had our eighth kid by then the  house was in such a constant state of disorder   that it wasn't even funny anymore it got to  the point that it was a little embarrassing   maybe even a fire hazard i guess we were lucky  that it wasn't a fire that made us come to our   senses about keeping the house a little more  organized but i'd argue what actually happened   could have been just as bad if not worse it's one  of those things you would struggle to believe on   tv but when you see it happen to your own family  you aren't afforded the luxury of disbelief   i always thought a house full of kids and animals  would be its own security system i mean with 10   humans and a dog and some other creatures you'd  think there would always be at least one of them   awake to sound the alarm if they noticed something  but if the business's usual state of the household   is absolute chaos nobody ever knows what's going  on in a deciphered between normal and not normal   and even now i can struggle sometimes with telling  whether or not something one of my kids is doing   is normal like a five-year-old boy's drawings  for instance they always look kind of deranged   and manic just because a five-year-old  only knows how to scribble with crayons   but for the most part they're harmless ninety  percent of them are the same thing anyway   just a bunch of stick figures with names and  a couple defining features here and there   maybe a table or a chair and with boys sometimes  there's a gun or a decapitation or some crude act   of violence is seen in movies and video games but  that's all normal kid stuff at least i think so   every once in a while though something a  kid of mine does makes me do a double take   most recently it was my youngest son brandon i  honestly forgot exactly how old he was when this   happened but i think he was around four or five  years old the first thing i noticed was that he   wasn't sleeping right i wake up at dawn every day  to go to work and usually the only other person   who's awake in the house at that time is the dog  waiting for me to let it out however one morning   brandon was sitting at the dining room table  lazily scribbling on a piece of paper with a   bunch of crayons around it was like he'd been  up all night just layering colors over the same   piece of paper with a picture of the family  on it hey bud what you doing there drawing   well i can see that but what are you drawing  is that mommy and i and your siblings maybe i'm just a silly old man but it  looks like you drew too many people buddy   there's only 10 of us plus the dog and cat and no  i can count to 10 i'm just drawing my friend too   oh your friend is uh pretty tall there buddy  where'd you meet them here here in the house when   um i don't really remember i saw her last night  though dad is she allowed in the house a chill ran   down my spine i froze for a moment while my little  boy stared me down the way that only children can   when they ask you a question you are not  prepared to answer uh don't worry about it kiddo   you probably just dreamed it up hmm okay i just  didn't want to freak him out or tell the family   and have them freak out every once in a while a  kid will make something up and believe themselves   but i just had a funny feeling about this one this  was one of those cases when a kid sees something   they weren't supposed to see and they weren't  even aware it was wrong i figured i'd let him   at least stay calm for the moment i knew my wife  was going to be home all day so i went ahead and   went off to work despite the goosebumps but for  the whole day i couldn't stop thinking about it   i tried to distract myself with a task but every  time i got into something i would get distracted   with another realization some new pair of dots  that i connected i knew i had a lot of kids and   the house was always a little messy but recently  things had gotten worse things that started going   missing or showing up in the wrong place misplaced  pieces of sentimental clothing toys that were fine   one evening and broken in the morning and nobody  fessing up to getting out of bed past their   bedtime little things my heart was racing by the  time i got home and it sank when i saw my son in   the exact same spot when i left eight hours ago  by then there were several more drawings in all   different colors of crayon they were all basically  the same thing the classic family portrait where   everyone in the family was one color in one  drawing in all different colors in the others   but in every single one there was a figure  in deeply pressed black wax with a distorted   face and long messy hair that's when i knew  i had to do something i left right away and   bought a bunch of security cameras along with a  whole new set of power tools i spent the evening   drilling holes and mounting cameras in the corners  of the hallways in the living room and even some   of the bedrooms and each one i tried to hide with  some out of season holiday decorations so they   wouldn't be obvious tennie would be intruders  honestly i was hoping i'd just gone crazy that   i'd gotten so overworked and scatterbrained that i  let the imaginations of a kindergartner get to me   but the very next morning everything came to  light there really had been someone sneaking   into the house a woman digging through my  family's laundry and trying on her clothes   rummaging through my children's toy chest and  stealing the most valuable items she could find   using my bathrooms to relieve herself and even  eating the food out of the kitchen i worked so   hard to keep stock for my family she even had the  audacity to drink the milk straight out of the jug   spreading her germs to every single person in  the house i don't know how my stupid dog didn't   raise hell when it saw this woman but i guess she  was some kind of dog whisperer or maybe my dog is   just a spineless coward because all i saw my dog  do was run away and hide i don't know how but i   guess my youngest son was lying awake one night  and caught a glimpse of her unsure if it was one   of his sisters his imagination or something else  entirely of course i called the cops immediately   and had the woman arrested that night we made  sure she faced the proper punishment of the law   but i still have nightmares about those happenings  i always kick myself and my wife defends it too   we always think maybe illogically maybe reasonably  that if we kept the house a little more tidy   we would have noticed the evidence of that  woman's intrusion before it got to that point this hands down has got to be the most  creepiest story on the channel sometimes   kid drawings could look innocent but when you  dive into the true meaning behind the drawing   you can really discover some terrifying things  here you see an innocent looking cat but when you   see what happens at the end of the story you may  question your sanity here's what it looked like   most kids develop strange habits at  some point during their childhood   imaginary friends eccentric rituals or other  strange compulsive behaviors they can be brought   on by just about anything and the only limit is  the imagination of the child so i'm sure you can   imagine my bewilderment when my teenage daughter  started seeing the ghost of our recently deceased   cat now the teenage years of a kid's life is about  the time when they start finding reasons to be mad   and indignant with authority as they begin to  voice their disagreements with their parents   but all that stuff is usually over things  like curfews and bedtimes and chores   not about a disagreement over whether or not the  cat is still alive i knew that cat was dead for a   fact i was the one who tried to catch it when it  broke out of the house and ran out in front of a   speeding car getting itself turned to roadkill  i was the one who scraped it off the street and   buried it in the backyard despite that my daughter  managed to find a way to blame me for the cat's   death because i scared it or something i didn't  care though i didn't get mad back or anything like   that because on a deeper level i understood what  my daughter was going through and to some extent i   did agree that some of her stress was my fault i'd  recently taken a new job opportunity that required   my family to move to a different city my daughter  detested this because she had been very involved   with her old school i felt bad so i tried to make  it up to her i bought her a phone and a desktop   computer for her room so she could stay in touch  with her old friends over that internet thing the   kids were all talking about my wife and i even  took her to the pound and let her pick out a   cat for us to adopt these things combined seemed  to do the trick with keeping our daughter happy   however when the cat died things became worse  than ever at first it just seemed like she was   not properly processing the grief for a few days  she didn't say anything she didn't go to school   all she did was draw i'd go into a room from time  to time to remind her to study and stay caught up   but it was like she didn't even notice my  presence she just kept drawing pictures of   the cat like a little kid with a brand new box of  crayons wood except her drawings of the cat were   actually pretty good when she finally started  talking again my wife and i wanted to celebrate   but we couldn't because our daughter wasn't  talking to us she was talking to the cat i'm so   glad you came back precious you really are  precious aren't you yes you are who are   you talking to sweeney i'm talking to precious  obviously she came back i guess that means you   have to start buying cat food again don't forget  she's so hungry my wife and i were taken aback   our daughter had never had an imaginary friend  before so it was that much stranger to see her   develop one now or at least that's the way things  looked we tolerated the strangeness for the time   being however as our daughter at least seemed  to be happier she started to go back to school   again which we felt was good the only problem was  that when she came home from school every day she   would start doing her old routine of taking care  of the cat dishing out some food and water petting   it and talking to it and carrying it around  except there was nothing there she was just   pantomiming still we appeased her and got a few  cans of cat food thinking that she would surely   come to her senses at any moment but that's not  what happened we watched her set the food out   and the next day would be gone we didn't have  a dog so to us there was only one explanation   wendy we need to talk we've noticed that you've  been talking to yourself lately and we're worried   and about the cat food you haven't been eating  it have you oh my god no what do you need glasses   precious has been eating it obviously but precious  isn't here anymore sweetheart she's not coming   back what do you mean she's right here in my arms  you guys are so blind i can't stand you my wife   and i just didn't have a clue on what to do that  night i was losing sleep stuck awake worrying that   my daughter had gone crazy that's when i heard  a noise from downstairs that sounded exactly   like a cat sharpening their claws tearing up some  fabric my wife had managed to get to sleep so i   dared not ruin her rest i jumped up out of bed and  threw on my robe and walked downstairs by myself   i found the back of the living room sofa had  been torn to shreds like a neurotic feline   with abandonment issues had been locked in there  alone i was immediately flushed with a mixture   of frustration and horror then a door upstairs  slammed shut i knew that it was my daughter's   room i rushed upstairs but instead of barging into  a room i stalled i saw two shadows shifting the   light spilling out from beneath the door i heard  my daughter talking to herself again but this time   i heard meowing in response i quietly shuffled up  to the door and put my ear against it i swear i   could hear purring when i thought i'd heard enough  i swung open the door somehow thinking that i'd   see some random stray cat living in my daughter's  room but of course there was nothing she was just   laying on her bed acting like she was holding  something petting it and smiling at it and kissing   it i gasped in complete shock at the sight of my  daughter acting like a schizophrenic wendy jumped   up in surprise when she noticed me what are you  doing haven't you heard of knocking what but what   are you doing it's a school night you should be  sleeping at a loss for words to say or actions to   take i very awkwardly retreated back through the  doorway and gently close the door i listened in   again but she turned the light off and didn't make  any more noise the next day after i'd gotten home   from work and wendy was back from school i thought  i'd try something i found a camera i'd gotten from   a relative the previous christmas a regular old  film camera with most of the shots left in it from   the first film reel we'd ever loaded into it so  wendy i know we've been having some disagreements   about precious you believe she's still  around and your mother and i believe that she   isn't i thought of a good way that we could  find out once and for all who's really right   with pictures okay let me go get her she left the  room to retrieve the cat returning with her arms   stretched out in a weird position as though she  was holding a fully grown house cat she smiled and   i framed up the camera then snapped the picture  when the flash went off along with the click of   the mirrors inside the camera wendy flinched and  dropped her arms oh no that scared her she ran off   in pursuit of the phantom feline i wasn't able to  get wendy to take any more pictures with the cat   apparently it was thoroughly frightened by the  sight and sound of the camera one was all i needed   though i took the film roll to the photo lab and  had it developed as soon as possible i waited   until my wife and my daughter were both home  before opening the envelope we were all sitting on   the couch together when it was revealed wendy was  ecstatic to this day i still can't explain it i've   stopped trying to the picture i took even though  i saw that there was no cat when i took that photo   the photo itself contained a flawless image  of precious sprawled out in my daughter's   arms exactly the way it would have been if it had  really been there this image is allegedly the same   image taken by the family of the daughter and her  quote-unquote invisible cat when the family got   the picture developed this is what they found  this is just downright terrifying as the cat   seemingly appears in the girl's hands despite  nothing being there when the photo was taken the next story was inspired by this disturbing  drawing that had surfaced the internet for quite   some time it of course involves a female named  valerie who discovers a very unsettling drawing   upon some kid's nightstand she was looking after  you won't believe what went down that night   as valerie was literally trapped in a house of  horrors here's what it looked like i'm currently   in college and live on the res when i come  home for the summer break i take on odd jobs   from house sitting to babysitting just to bring in  some extra cash to save up for the fall semester   i've been babysitting every summer since i  was 15. so the families in my hometown were   quite familiar with me i run an ad on craigslist  for my services so i was accustomed to getting   calls from all sorts of area codes unfortunately  business was running a little slower than usual   but through word of mouth i was recommended  to babysit for this new family that had   moved into town they had a son named  lucas who was around the age of seven   and needed to be looked after every friday they  were posh and elegant folks that lived in a large   upscale house the father was some successful  lawyer and the mother was some young broad that   probably reaped all the rewards from that guy  over the next couple of fridays i had gone to   babysit lucas at their home the job was quite laid  back the kid was well mannered and easy to watch   he was punctual when it came to his bedtime and  after reading a couple of bedtime stories of his   choice he was out cold the parents came home  paid me and off to my house i went considering   the family paid me an incalculable amount for  just a few hours on a friday night i usually   took any offer they threw in my direction but one  day the mom called me and pitched an unexpected   offer that went against my policy hello valerie  it's mrs holloway i've got another job for you   mr holloway and i will pay you a flat rate of 200  but we need you to stay the weekend with lucas   oh no i'm sorry mrs holloway i don't do overnights  are you sure what if we offered a flat rate of 400   i was hesitant in taking the offer but the  money she was offering was inconceivable   i'd be an idiot to pass up that opportunity  i agreed to bend my rules for them as lucas   was easy to take care of the weekend came and  i packed a suitcase to get me through two days   mrs holloway gave me a walkthrough on how to use  the appliances in the kitchen for when i cook food   for lucas she was even going to show me the  guest room where i was going to settle in   the couple eventually left and it was just myself  and lucas i asked him what he wanted to do and he   insisted on spending time in his bedroom drawing i  remember leaving his door open while i went to the   guest room across from his and began watching tv i  checked in on lucas every half hour to an hour or   so and found it rather strange that the kid wanted  to spend all his time drawing considering all the   video game consoles he had in the living room  after a few minutes of prepping our respective   plates i went up to lucas's room and noticed he  was still honed in on his drawings i could hear   him utter some gibberish while simultaneously  drawing as i knocked on his door and said lucas   dinner's ready and it goes hearing this this goes  here i said dinner is ready bring it up here can't   you see i'm busy i couldn't believe what i was  hearing i was visibly taken aback and knew he   could see it too due to the expression on my face  he then put his markers down and came down to the   dining area where i then served dinner we both  sat and ate in silence i couldn't help but feel   the awkward tension in the air as i could sense he  was itching to head back to his room and draw more   as i tried to spark up some conversation lucas  didn't say a word he didn't even acknowledge my   existence as he kept his eyes glued to his plate i  couldn't help but feel baffled it was almost if i   was talking to another kid from the complete 180  he pulled since our first interaction i began to   question if i had done something wrong but the  little brat just kept ignoring me lucas then   excused himself and headed back to his room to be  honest i didn't know how to feel or act so i just   kept my mouth shut and played the waiting game  till the parents arrived as i cleaned up after   the two of us i headed upstairs and could see  lucas back at it again with his drawings through   the narrow opening of his door during the rest of  my stay there it had become a daily thing maybe an   hourly thing or even an every minute kind of thing  where lucas would completely indulge himself in   his drawings every time i passed by his room every  time i asked him to come down and eat he would   just shout stuff like i'm busy leave and pointed  out the door like i was some dog or something   i then came to the realization that the kid i once  thought was charming and funny was anything but an   obsessed narcissist who was infatuated with his  artistic craft and nothing else i didn't bother   to alert his parents and opted to just ride out  the rest of the gig till his parents arrived back   as i knew this would be the last time i would ever  babysit this kid again on the last night just an   hour shy before the parents arrived back i made it  my duty to check out his drawings before leaving   the house i couldn't help but feel curious as to  what the hell he was drawing that would not make   him want to leave his room i remember curling up  in my bed while watching some tv when i heard the   little twerp head downstairs that was my cue to  head to his bedroom so i quickly turned off the tv   and darted down the hallway i could feel my heart  racing out of my chest despite my adversary only   being seven years old i wasn't down to face the  noise and certainly wasn't down to deal with an   inevitable temper tantrum if i was to get caught  red-handed in his room i could recall seeing the   sketch pad sitting on his desk i picked it up  and literally had to bite my tongue as i felt   the sudden urge to scream there lied a picture  of a stick figure with its head chopped off there   was an axe hovered over the head with a message  above it saying dear valerie get out of my life   i froze in disbelief trembling as i read the  message over and over again i mean literally   i read the message over and over again as the rest  of the sketch pad had the same exact drawing with   the same message on it i carefully ripped off one  of the pages and slid it inside my back pocket   as i backed off and began to make my way into my  room i could hear loud grunting and thuds coming   from somewhere in my bedroom it sounded like lucas  was there when i approached the doorway and turned   the lights on i could see lucas smashing my  bed with an axe i stared in disbelief as i said   what the hell are you doing lucas sorry i thought  you were sleeping i literally yelled from the top   of my lungs and ran straight to the foyer and  out the front door i didn't bother to grab my   belongings but was able to grab my sneakers when  heading out luckily i had my phone on me and ended   up calling an uber home while i was on my way back  i ended up calling lucas's parents but didn't get   a response i decided to leave a few text messages  regarding the situation when i got to my house i   curled up into my bed and couldn't help but stare  at lucas's disturbing drawing about a minute later   i got a text message from the mom saying where  the hell are you and why did you leave my son home   alone he was only joking around i didn't bother to  respond back i just put my phone on do not disturb   and tried sleeping the night off when i woke up  the next morning i checked my phone and could see   hundreds of missed calls and texts saying stuff  like can you please call me back we need to talk   val can you please come back to pick up your  money i also wanted you to babysit lucas for   one more weekend if that's okay i left her on red  and never babysat for her or anyone ever again wow
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 563,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated horror stories, horror stories, animated, horror, stories, mcdonald's horror story, creepy stories, animation, horror stories animated, horror story, animated stories, horror narration, scary stories, scary story, disturbing, disturbing horror stories, scary, terrifying horror stories, childrens drawings horror stories, Facebook, scary animated story, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation, creepy kids drawings, childrens drawings, creepy drawings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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