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the next story was solely inspired by this vintage  photograph everything about it is downright   terrifying obviously we blurred the image because  we didn't want to give the story away just yet   so please do stick around to the end for the  actual photograph after further digging around   there aren't any articles that give any context  to the image but one can only speculate which is   exactly what we did here's what it looked like  i met a guy at a thrift shop once his name was   george but he wasn't really a guy he was more of a  gentleman though he was on the older side i found   him to be quite attractive he had an old-timey  fashion sense his outfit and hairstyle were so   old-fashioned that i never seen a person dress  like that outside of a play this set him apart   from all the other men i've known and i like that  in a man a sense of uniqueness a resistance to the   zeitgeist if you will that's a word i learned from  him actually anyways i'm honestly not sure what   historical period he was supposedly from maybe the  victorian era or just straight up medieval times   but it wasn't just his fashion that was out of  date his entire personality was a blast from   the past he didn't own a cell phone or any modern  technology and his whole way of speaking was like   some sort of ancient aristocrat business that's  probably off-putting for most women but i found it   to be very charming we chatted for what felt like  a couple hours until the store was about to close   i guess we must be going soon will i be able  to see you again my dear i will make any   accommodation necessary to retain your company i  had my estate equipped with a telephone for just   this sort of purpose so tell me may i ask you of  your phone number oh absolutely you may do you   need some paper to take it down with not a need  my lady i have come prepared to my amusement he   pulled a whole scribing setup out of his overcoat  first a scroll of parchment paper then a bottle   of ink and then a feather quill i told him my  phone number while trying to keep a straight face   and then when i was finished he packed it  all up and pulled out a big metal compass   i must be heading home for the evening it is not  safe to be traveling after dark do your best to   arrive home safely and my voice will reach you  through the telephone wires before you know it   and then he was off finding his way  by compass alone no gps or nothing   everything about him was strange at first he  seemed like a historical enthusiast or something   however the more i got to know him the more i  began to think that his brain really was stuck in   the past we spoke on the phone every night but of  course we couldn't text her facetime as he would   always remind me he was without such technologies  eventually i started inviting him over to my place   where i would cook watch tv and inevitably sleep  with him it was all right in my books as we were   officially in a relationship and not just some  friends with benefits but after a few weeks of   things going like that he invited me over to  his house where he resided with his parents   at first the whole living with the parents thing  was a bit of a turn off but then he explained the   tradition side of it and how he would move out if  he settled down with someone my dear sarah would   you fancy a course of dinner at my family's estate  and afterwards perhaps to join me in an evening   film or as i believe the people of today put it a  bit of netflix and chill that sounds dope i mean   sure i would fancy such an evening indubitably my  sweet suitor wonderful i shall give you the street   address please arrive before sundown and don't  worry about returning home during the evening   you may stay with us for the night i was nervous  about the whole thing and i wanted it to go well   i wanted to find out if his whole shtick was  legit or not or just some lame excuse to keep   living with his parents i dolled myself up and  then drove to the house i parked on the street   and was immediately taken aback when i looked  at the estate and it truly was a mistake it   was old and spooky but at the same time huge  and ornately architect like what you would   imagine a rich person's house being 200 years ago  i knocked in the front door and was greeted by his   mother and father who were even more dedicated  to the old-timey fashion his father had one of   those powdered wigs like george washington would  wear and his mother was looking me up and down   curiously ah so this is the lady that george has  chosen to court splendid you'll make an excellent   wife it will be a jolly old day to see the two of  you married well let's get on with it then please   come in dinner will be ready at any moment we sat  down at the dinner table which was huge and loaded   like a medieval feast i was told to sit across  from george i expected to have a mostly normal   dinner but then it all went instantly awry in one  synchronous motion all three of them each reached   under the table then lifted up ventriloquist  dolls and began speaking to each other with them   what do you think of her father will she do nicely  georgie you've chosen a fine one she's exquisite   i can't wait to make her part of the family  part of the family part of the family i felt like i'd stumbled into some demented  ceremony of witchcraft like i was about to be   trapped in the year 1800 for the rest of my life  are you feeling all right sarah you look a little   frightened yes you look deathly pale perhaps  you should eat something then george's father   used the hands of his puppet to pick a grape off  the vine in hampton i immediately realized that   it wasn't even a real grape it looked like it  was made out of wood is all of this food fake i dropped the wooden grape and stood  up from my chair please excuse me   i'm i'm not hungry i need a minute to study myself  i ran as fast as i could to the bathroom and tried   to get a grip i went to splash some water  on my face but when i turned on the faucet   nothing came out of the tap there wasn't even  water in the toilet and it was spotless like   it had never been used before i figured they must  use buckets of well water for their needs i didn't   want to offend them so i tried to hold back my  fright when i finally came out though i was ready   to leave unfortunately george and his puppet were  waiting right outside the door my apologies dear   we may have overwhelmed you we can try dinner  again tomorrow would you care to get some rest   i wanted to say no but when i looked at the front  door his parents were standing there barricading   it uh sure i'm not feeling well i think i'd just  like to sleep things didn't improve from there   however george and i were getting ready to lie  in bed together when he asked me very seriously   my dear you wouldn't mind if little georgie lay  between us would yes i do that thing creeps me   the hell out i'm dating you george not the puppet  very well then we shall try this at a later date   george placed the doll into the closet and i  didn't tell him there would never be a later   date we crawled into bed into my surprise i was  reluctantly able to doze off however a few hours   later i woke up to find that george wasn't lying  next to me i opened my eyes and strained to see   there were six silhouettes surrounding me standing  over the bed it was george his father and his   mother all with their puppets just staring at  me smiling wickedly and then they began to chant i ran out of there as fast as i could down the  stairs and out the front door into the night   and nothing but a night gap i left my phone and  my keys in there but i managed to wake up one of   the neighbors and get them to call the police i  managed to get my belongings returned to me but   the cops couldn't arrest them as they hadn't  done anything strictly illegal then the cops   said something to me that i'll never forget there  have been multiple complaints in the past where   george and his family had terrorized multiple  younger women with their ventriloquist dolls there are many ventriloquists out there just like  jugglers and clowns but what's fascinating is how   their personal dating life outside the realm  of work really looks like the next story was   inspired by a tinder date gone what are you trying  to say about ventriloquists you dummy you're the   dummy if i'm a dummy you're a dummy because you're  controlling me and your hand is up my anyway on to   the story i go on tinder quite a bit to find dates  or at least i used to as a woman it's really easy   to match with guys i'll usually swipe right on  whatever man i find to be decently attractive and   often end up matching with them i can't imagine  how many men swipe right on me that i would never   even give a chance when i do end up going on dates  from tinder they rarely warrant a second date   for the same reason most men on tinder are only  interested in sleeping with me for my looks and   leaving me as a one-night stand though there was  one guy that really did seem interesting his name   was jerry in his bio he said he was an entertainer  for a living he didn't go into specifics but i was   preoccupied with thinking that this meant he was  some kind of actor he was one of the more handsome   men on tinder too after we matched we texted for a  few days his energy was invigorating i could tell   that he had more on his mind and more going on in  his life in general than just thirsting for vapid   intimacy i hope i stand out from the other guys on  tinder i would take a bullet for you really yup a   nerf bullet it was apparent he had a great sense  of humor we got to know each other over text and   agreed to go out on a date at a local steakhouse  i arrived first but after i waited outside in the   cold for a few minutes i decided to go in to get  the table by the time the bread came out and he   still wasn't there yet i was worried it's never a  good sign when somebody's late to their first date   that's when he texted me and told me that he was  bringing another guest immediately my heart jumped   i replied with a bunch of question marks but he  quickly followed with an explanation apparently   he didn't have anyone to look after this guest and  he didn't want to leave them alone in the house   so he had to bring them i figured he was being  awkwardly cheeky with his language and that this   guest was some baby pet of his a few minutes later  he arrived but at that very moment my heart sank   to the floor he didn't have a puppy or a kitten  like i thought so no he had a damn doll in his   hand and a creepy one at that like one of those  demonically possessed freaks from a horror movie   and the guy acted like it was completely normal he  had a big goofy smile on his face and introduced   me to it like they were friends hey josephine it's  so good to finally meet you in person the pictures   they don't do you justice i'm sorry that i'm late  but i couldn't leave tom here all alone in the   house by himself say hello tom hey ya tom no no  say hello josephine come on we talked about this   hello josephine boy you must be some kind of  broad cause jerry just won't shut up about you   now that's enough tom let's sit down they uh  i i mean he sat down across from me and just   looked at me like a child like i was supposed to  do something to say in response to all of that   finally i mustered the presence of  mine to ask so this is your extra guest   i was thinking you're gonna bring like i  don't know a puppy or something oh tom's not   my pet we're more like roommates sometimes  i feel like it's his house more than mine some days i watch you while you  sleep every night you dingbat   don't make me tell the broad what you did with  my mouth last night tom hush you little nutcase i'm sorry about his behavior tonight he doesn't  get out much so he's not very well adjusted to   other people it's like a vicious cycle you know  i mean he's not really alive right it's you who's   saying all those things you could make him behave  properly if you wanted to couldn't you josephine   please don't disrespect tom's sentience he's his  own person just like you or i he just needs my   help to get around he's right you know you should  really watch your mouth little lady you're gonna   get a mouthful and i ain't talking about steak you  hear me uh um i'm sorry i guess yeah you're sorry   all right come on guys can't we all get along i  was truly at a loss for words i had to give him   credit for his act though i swear i couldn't  see his lips moving at all i just couldn't   believe that the first interesting respectful guy  i ever met on tinder had actually turned out to be   a total weirdo at best and a complete nut job  at worst i don't even remember what i ordered   i'm sure whatever it was i wasn't hungry anymore  and i just picked at it while staring down at my   plate by the time the check was on its way i was  honestly willing to cover the whole build just to   send a message unfortunately i was ripped out of  my disassociative comfort pretty abruptly as the   eating ended and the conversation was supposed to  recontinue so what are you two doing after dinner   hey jerry the girl looks thirsty as hell maybe  you should bring her over to the crib and let   me get a front row seat to the action just don't  wear her out though cause you know i'm trying to   get sloppy seconds shut up tom you're ruining my  chances are you serious do you think i'm stupid no   please forgive me for him i was going to ask  if you wanted to come over after dinner but   i'm pretty sure that put a bad taste in your  mouth it wouldn't taste bad if you showered   shut up idiot i'm so deleting tinder after this  and your number uh are you sure i've heard from   all the ladies that i'm a great kisser oh no  thanks come on tom back me up practicing on me   doesn't count ya dingbat i was horrified horrified  and ashamed to be sitting across from them in   front of a restaurant full of people as this  grown man began an intense make-out session with   his creepy little doll it wasn't subtle either  they were moaning no he was moaning but he would   alternate between moaning as himself and moaning  as the doll i just i never thought i'd see the day   a man drooled onto his own puppet see he really  is a great kisser although he could use some   listerine after the steak he just gobbled down mr  beef breath that's it i'm out of here i jumped to   my feet and started to power walk out of there  but there was a whole scene developing behind me   don't leave please don't leave us josephine we  love you give us just one hug before you go oh   fine just one hug i knew i was going to regret it  but i did it anyway we entered into this unholy   group hug with me him and his stupid little  doll you're just like every other hoe on tinder   and then the doll reached over and bit me right  on the face of course it was just that creep   jerry pinching me with the wooden jaws but  still that hurt with a shout i kneed him in   the balls and broke free from the so-called hug  letting the staff subdue him long enough for me   to get out of there and drive off i swear i am  never going on another tinder date ever again the next story was inspired by the spine tingling  footage the video displays an old composition   doll sitting on a chair while being filmed  for an x amount of time but what you'll see   next will have you second guessing any dolls  lying around your home the following animation   portrays a dramatized version of the alleged  occurrence my eldest son recommended it was   time to move into a new house along with my  better half however considering the nostalgia   and sentimentality i would have to leave behind  i simply couldn't detach from decades of memories   that made my life a lot sweeter so eventually i  decided to stay in my old house my wife had the   habit of hoarding antiques such as china sets rare  coins vintage typewriters old clocks and dolls but   since there was enough space for her collection  in our two-story house it didn't bother me so   one day as we entered a big antique store the  silence and musty atmosphere immediately grabbed   my attention but what made the place spookier  were the paintings and statues that appeared to   be watching my every move uh honey have you ever  found what you were looking for i asked as my body   began to quiver no dear what's wrong we literally  just got here is everything all right i hesitated   but eventually said i know this doesn't make sense  wonderful customers a man wearing a shirt that   said welcome to hell approached us with little  to no sound in his footsteps like he was a ghost   excuse me do you work here i'm just looking  around for some bisque and porcelain dolls   the man chortled without uttering a single word  his mind appeared to be elsewhere as he drew a   sinister smile i had second thoughts about taking  my wife to another antique shop when all of a   sudden the man said in a low raspy tone this way  please we were taken to the far end of the shop   where my bedazzled wife marveled at the sight  of dolls that filled the shelves left and right   then she was given a basket and was told to take  her time moments later we took the dolls to the   counter but discovered that the prices were far  up the scale impossible for us to afford then the   creepy man stood up and began advertising a 100  year old doll which appeared to be far more costly   hence my wife politely declined clearly displaying  a lack of interest in the 100 year old doll but   for some odd reason the salesman wouldn't give  up i could tell from the look on his face that   he wasn't going to accept no for an answer hey  that's enough my lady made it clear that she's not   interested you got that i said pounding my fist  on the table zip your mouth lover boy this is   between me and your wife i'm sure your wife would  appreciate a real man who would buy this doll for   not some cheapskate who buys his porcelain dolls  from toys r us seconds later he began to perform   the bizarre act of ventriloquism resembling  someone casting a terrifying spell rather than   a puppeteer providing entertainment and it wasn't  even a puppet to begin with hey sal i'll bet you   20 bucks the lady met the mail at a nursing home  infuriated i said what the hell is your problem   i've had it we're leaving i urged my wife to leave  the dolls in the cart and convinced her to try   another antique store instead however this only  made the creep more indignant and desperate   oh come on i'll lower the price for you it's no  big deal i'll give you the lowest price there   is grandpa my wife and i turned our backs ready  to exit the shop when the salesman said if jeep   isn't what you want i'll give it to you for free  along with the other dolls your wife picked up   happy now sheesh someone hasn't gotten any in a  while the offer made both of us stop in our tracks   however something was definitely fishy about this  one therefore i asked what's the catch no catch   it's just your lucky day he replied sweating  profusely i'm not buying it good riddance but   you two are the only customers i've had in months  i just want to see someone take something from the   store please just take it i could tell that my  wife was beginning to feel sorry for him and so   eventually we took the 100 year old doll with us  together with the other dolls my wife had chosen   then seconds later the man giggled deliriously  like he was the first man to have reached the   summit of mount everest his reaction was so  unusual that i thought he might have had a mental   disorder however i shrugged it off and as soon  as we arrived home my wife was rapturous as she   displayed the dolls on the sofa in the living room  to be honest i never really liked dolls in fact i   wouldn't feel comfortable sitting next to one on  a chair or on the bed but seeing my wife's elation   made all the agitation disappear and somehow i  didn't care about sharing the couch with a bunch   of dolls while watching television with my dear  wife late into the night we decided to get some   shut eye and while my wife instantly fell asleep  i stared at the ceiling thinking of the creep   and the weird offer he gave us moments later  i heard a loud thud emanating from downstairs   immediately i nudged my wife to get up and told  her to stay put until i returned then armed with   a flashlight and a knife i slowly scaled down  the stairs listening for any type of motion   from creaking doors and wooden panels to the  sound of broken shards however there was nothing   but silence therefore i gathered the courage to  turn on the lights one by one in all the rooms   downstairs but saw no one convinced it was nothing  but another one of my wild imaginations i finally   went to bed however in the days that followed  my wife noticed the dolls scattered in different   locations around the house initially blaming me  for such trickery now why would i want to do that   i asked annoyed you just want to scare me don't  you nonsense i tossed the 100 year old doll into   the trash bin and added don't you dare pick that  up you hear me the following day after getting   dressed for a morning stroll i went downstairs to  fix myself a cup of coffee when i noticed the same   100 year old doll sitting comfortably on the sofa  so speculating that my wife put it back there   i addressed her by saying what did i say about  not touching that doll bewildered and defensive   my wife replied excuse me watch your tone i had  nothing to do with it i swear since i had more   productive things to do around the house i decided  to let it go however another day had passed and   something even more disturbing occurred my wife  and i woke up to find strangle marks on our necks   and scratch marks all over our bodies we didn't  own any cats or pets for that matter so we were   petrified to see these injuries it was hard to  believe but i legitimately felt like the 100 year   old doll may have had something to do with this  strange turn of events and so as an experiment   we set up a surveillance camera to monitor the  doll for 24 hours straight the following day my   wife and i watched the footage and didn't notice  anything out of the ordinary but when we fast   forwarded the tape we could visibly see the doll  moving by itself since then we finally decided to   burn the 100 year old doll along with the other  dolls we brought home from the shop it pains me   to say this but i can now empathize why that man  wanted to get rid of that 100 year old doll so bad so you
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 376,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated horror stories, horror stories, animated, horror, stories, mcdonald's horror story, creepy stories, animation, horror stories animated, horror story, animated stories, horror narration, scary stories, scary story, disturbing, disturbing horror stories, scary, terrifying horror stories, burger king, ventriloquist horror stories, mcdonalds horror stories, Facebook, scary animated story, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation, ventriloquist, doll, chucky
Id: k5YIhLFQgB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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