I lived in a cozy dugout in the oposno forest for 3 months and 13 days!!
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Keywords: I lived in a cozy dugout in the oposno forest for 3 months and 13 days!!, i lived in a cozy dugout in the oposno forest for 3 months and 13 days!!, I lived in a cozy dugout in the oposno forest, i lived in a cozy dugout in the oposno forest, for 3 months and 13 days!!, bushcraft, winter camping, camping, wild camping, bushcraft shelter, bushcraft camp, rain, bushcraft camping, camping in the rain, hike camp climb, survival skills, stealth camping, solo camping, camping in snow
Id: Ipn50hIFpkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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