3 Dark Web Horror Stories Animated (Vol. 6)

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for those not familiar with the concept these places are basically kill sites that are designed to allow viewers from across the globe to log into the dark web and see people get tortured raped gored murdered and god knows what else think bdsm necrophiliacs hate porn and times it by about a hundred and you get the basic idea most of the people who wind up in one of these never come back out and then there's me the janitor i think my job is actually the most important of all usually when i go in the entire place needs a scrub from top to bottom these perverts don't give a damn what they do as long as they get their money and i know what you're thinking why haven't i reported this to the police the fbi or anyone else because i'm sure by now you've got to be asking how the hell does someone get a job like this it was early 1999 craig's list was still a pretty popular thing i responded to an ad as simple as that sounds i was desperate for money didn't care what the job entailed i drove to a sketchy strip club just outside of detroit and talked to a man named mori actually to be honest i don't know if that was his name i was so high to calm my nerves that i can't remember those finer details and the rules he gave me were simple enough to obey maury passed me an old school nokia this phone is now your livelihood every sunday you'll get coordinates wait 13 minutes and then gather whatever supplies you need before arriving at site you'll clean up and then leave don't talk to anyone there don't ever stay too long or arrive too early when you are done you will get a new burner phone for the next job if the client thinks your work is up to par he said with a sneer how could i mess that up right at the time i had no clue what i was about to get into but i soon found out a week later it isn't every day you walk into a warehouse that has blood on the ceiling and body parts strewn about like loose taffy i nearly hurled but somehow i pulled it together and managed to clean the place i got paid one hundred thousand dollars that was the price of my silence seeing that much money all at once sent me into shock but it also hooked me to being under their thumb all these years so you might ask why after all this time am i coming forward now as selfish as it sounds i found out something far worse than even the normal debauchery they were doing it was a normal job like all the rest but for some reason i got there early i figured maybe since this client was offering a bigger payday that punctuality was a big deal instead i walked in on the scene i froze as i stared at a hooded man holding a gun to the head of the victim the victim shared the same facial expression as me his appearance was strikingly similar to mine like i was staring into my own reflection that i watched as the hooded man blew his brains out you were told to never arrive early the client said they refused to pay me and pushed me out to the street like i was trash if you ever tell anyone of what you saw here you'll be the next one we take he said i didn't have the words to describe how overwhelmed i was but above all else i needed to be sure i wasn't hallucinating so i waited until the next cleaner came i figured if anything i could check the body for prince to see if maybe it really was an exact replica of me to my surprise and astonishment 13 minutes later i saw another version of myself walk into the warehouse to clean i was there waiting for him when he got out he looked 10 years younger but it was clearly no mistake this time what the hell he asked they've used clones all along i realized both of us fled too scared for words to even comprehend this insanity i don't know where we are going or whether we are being followed i just know somewhere out there there's a room waiting for me i just started a summer job where i was basically a custodian cleaning classrooms in preparation for the upcoming school year my dad worked for the town's district so he was able to give me this job i was the youngest one there as i was only 20 at the time there was a handful of people who worked with me they were usually off doing other tasks like waxing the floors or covering up foul writing on the walls with paint the schools were completely empty besides the staff who were cleaning things were going fine my first couple of weeks for the most part i was on my own wiping down desks and dusting while listening to music it was nice and i enjoyed not having someone on my arse all day telling me what to do after i'd finished cleaning the middle school the head custodian had sent me and another woman we're call her karen she was my other co-worker who would usually assist me when cleaning the high school she was a slacker and would often go outside to smoke cigarettes she didn't really care what i did and was always off doing whatever she wanted so yeah basically i was alone again i don't mind because i like the freedom i was taking up the bulk of the work after a few days i finally finished cleaning all the hallways now it was time to move into the basement the robotics and woodworking classes were down here i didn't think anything of it until i got down there i noticed light was peeking through under the doorway of the classroom the windows of the class were covered with shades i found this really odd since it was summer and no one was in the building besides karen and i i walked over and peeked in the door window the lamp was on at the desk but no one was inside i proceeded to knock no answer after turning the knob i realized the door was locked so i used my key to open the door a musty smell flooded my nose i decided to scope out the room maybe someone had forgotten to turn the lamp off i disregarded that idea when i noticed the computer at the teacher's desk was on the screen looked weird i never seen this layout before the website was all black with red writing on it it also had a chat box i didn't have time to read the chat because a sudden voice came from the doorway can i help you it was a man maybe in his early 40s about six feet tall oh uh sorry i'm i'm just cleaning the classrooms i didn't know if anyone was in here i said in an embarrassed tone ah so i see well i appreciate that but don't worry about it in here i'm uh working on a few things so sawdust is going to get everywhere again after you clean anyways he said in this very strange way like he was hiding something he walked over and sat at his desk while closing the browser no problem i said as i proceeded to the door wait could i ask you a favor he said in a delirious way uh yeah sure i didn't really know what he was about to ask and i couldn't find myself to say no i just wanted to get out of there as i was already creeped out i have this petition it's to get more funding for the extracurricular classes like art and woodworking he sounded so uncertain as if he made that up out of thin air sure i paused for a moment when he handed me the paper it only had two other names on it the petition required a full name phone number email and address i immediately felt uncomfortable but i didn't know how to decline so i just added my information thank you so much dear you have a beautiful bone structure by the way he said in such a creepy way thanks i grabbed my cleaning supplies and speeded out of there after that experience i didn't really put much thought into it yeah he was creepy i didn't really have much evidence to persuade myself he was out to get me or something until i started running into him throughout the school it became pretty frequent it's as though he was watching me now i was concerned i just missed it because he'd just smile at me or wave if i saw him maybe i was overreacting i mean he was a teacher there after all still my gut feeling was telling me something wasn't right weeks went on i started to notice him less and less i only had a few more weeks at this job and then back to college i go one day boss let everyone out early since it was almost 100 degrees i got home and decided to hang out with some friends it was a group of us about five or six my boyfriend's brother joined us this time which was unusual since he's not really a social person he's really into technology so he's always on his computer which he built himself he's also good at hacking and stuff like that anyways that day he told me he needed to talk to me and it was serious he brought me into my friend's living room and pulled out his laptop to my surprise it was on the deep web so you are up for bid on the deep web he hesitated wait what i knew how the deep web worked i would often listen to horror stories but i'd never been on it so how would my info ever be out there it suddenly clicked the web page matched the one i saw in the classroom a month back i had also given my info to that guy my heart felt like it dropped to my stomach i explained this to my boyfriend's brother he advised me to call the police immediately which is what we did they did an investigation on the teacher and found the activity on his computer not only that but he had several girls information along with pictures some of the girls were miners too there were also wooden contraptions they found in his home which it probably made in the shop you probably planned to use them on these girls or me i was disgusted but relieved that he was caught i often wonder what would have happened if the page was never discovered would have kidnapped me and killed me online for these sick people i don't know and i don't want to know i changed my number and moved since the incident just goes to show you can never give out your personal information as a computer programmer part of my job is to keep the firewall up and running for the rest of my co-workers as strange as it sounds that requires i find the cracks in the defense and understand how the viruses work so i'm usually scouring the internet tracking down different content that most people would shy away from sadly though i'm also an impulse buyer when i see things that interest me i grab them right away and a lot of this stuff isn't found anywhere else to be honest i'm not too scared about the so-called dark web most of that stuff is monitored by the fbi anyway what is strange though are the bizarre markets you find out there dark web is like illegal and also well it's obscure like for example this latest item a soul like seriously i couldn't help but to click on it it didn't look like anything special just sort of this weird looking crystal ball thing that looked like it belonged in a gypsy stall but according to the seller it was a genuine soul i figured if anything it could be a good conversation piece at parties once it came in the mail though things got weirder the ball was heavy probably more so than anything i had ever lifted in my life and when i touched it my body felt this weird energy rush through me i set it down on my table to examine it a little closer trying to determine if maybe it was one of those weird electrical current devices i had heard of instead to my utter amazement the strange glowing thing started to talk it said the voice was neither male nor female i can only describe it as inhuman i felt like it was compelling me to talk so for reasons i don't understand i told it alan walker i said loudly the crystal ball seemed to respond with a variety of shimmering colors on its surface and then it suddenly went dark i tried to determine if maybe it was malfunctioning so i lifted it up again and this time was surprised to find that it was as light as a feather i shook it gently wanting something else to happen suddenly it felt like i was holding a hot coal and i let go instinctively and then it burst from my hands and floated in the air i stumbled backward to the wall surprised by how hot the thing had become alan walker it repeated the voice sounded exactly like me now something from the middle of the glowing orb shot out and hit me straight in my chest like it was trying to extract something from my body a thousand different screams came from the orb i struggled to fight against it and grabbed the device pushing it down to the ground in one swift blow i smashed it to pieces i heard hundreds of thousands of voices shout joyfully as strange iridescent light streamed in every direction and i shielded my eyes when it was all over i finally understood this device was capturing their very essence and being moved from place to place to gather more souls somehow despite the fact that i had smashed it up the glowing orb managed to reform into a solid black sphere it was cold and lifeless now all the life it had taken gone i could only think of one thing now to do with the discovery i had made with a simple cardboard box and a few stamps i placed it back on my front box with one demand return descender maybe whoever had sent this dark magic here could now suffer the same ordeal thanks for watching and don't forget to check out the dr no sleep podcast available on spotify apple podcasts and many more there you will find a plethora of bone chilling horror stories to listen to also be sure to subscribe and turn notifications on to stay tuned for new videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 185,843
Rating: 4.9291339 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, nosleep, dr nosleep animations, dark web horror stories, dark web horror stories animated, dark web horror story, deep web horror stories, deep web horror story, dark web animation, dr. no sleep, dark web horror story animated, dr no sleep horror stories
Id: hgdWgReBoSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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