3 Creepy True Hiking horror Stories

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and once took a trek on the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania which is the longest hiking only trail in the world I went it alone just for fun I went late in the fall though so it was cold and there weren't many other people hiking in fact I think I only ran into like two other people going the opposite way the part of the trail I was on was in thick forests and it was definitely a scenic walk the trail ran alongside a small River and nothing could be heard but the sound of the flowing river and the early morning birds chirping it was time for me to sit down and take a break so I found a big rock sitting aside the river and sat down on it I took a sip of my gatorade and then I could swear I was hearing a baby's cries coming from the distance it was coming from further down the trail in the direction I was walking of course I had to get up and follow the sound of it because of that off chance that a baby was stranded in the woods alone as I walked further down the trail though it seemed like the baby's cry stayed the same distance away this went on for like half a minute of walking fast before I gave up and assumed it was somebody with a baby walking down the trail i sat down on another rock I found on the side of the trail by the river eventually the crying seemed to just stop like it didn't fade away really it just stopped abruptly i sat on that rock for five minutes just taking in the nature and taking a few videos on my phone that's when I heard footsteps approaching nearby expecting to see another hiker walk in the trail I saw some frantic looking woman hurrying over to me she came so fast and so close that it actually scared me she stopped uncomfortably close to my face and started screaming at me have you seen my baby I calmly told her I heard a baby crying not too long ago and told her to follow me we walked quickly down the trail and the direction I was chasing the sounds of the baby earlier I looked back every few seconds to make sure she was keeping up with me eventually I summed up the nerve to ask her how on earth she lost her baby but she didn't answer so I turned around again and stopped when I saw she was gone and the weird thing she was right on my tail just ten seconds ago I screamed out for her a few times but the only sounds around me were the sounds of the birds chirping and the river I figured even if she trailed off away from me I would at least still be able to see her in the distance they stood there for a long time deciding what to do next just move on with my life and continue the trail or walk back and try to find this woman I did one more quick 180-degree scan of the area we just came from and what I saw next may not sound very disturbing but it was disturbing to me in that very spot I saw the woman standing across the river arms hanging lifelessly at her sides and she was looking at me not saying anything not moving a muscle blank expression just standing like a statue watching me I had made up my decision right there and that was to move the hell on with my life right there I walked as best as I could away from there until my calves hurt from walking so fast for so long eventually I made it back to my car after looping around another trail I cut the hike short after what happens I was truly unsettled by it and even started to question my sanity like did that actually even happen it seemed so unreal and yet at the same time it felt real in the sense that I lived it I just want to know if anyone else who hiked the Appalachian Trail had any kind of freakish experiences like this [Music] I have it preserved by my house since we live in a highly populated suburban area and there isn't much green it's a huge preserve with miles and miles worth of biking and hiking trails so long story short one night and 2016 at like 11:00 at night I decided to go for a run I'm weird in the sense that I like to avoid people when I go for runs that's just how I am I held my phone with a tight grip with the flashlight on and started my run at the edge of the preserve onto the dirt hiking trail I felt I had more energy running at night - it was weird I don't know how to describe it there were no lights at all it was all just nature there was also a dead body that came up in the previous week in the preserve but I didn't really let that concern me too much since I live in one of the safest neighborhoods in the state it was also a weeknight so there was literally no one else in this preserve but me well that's at least what I thought I got tired after about 10 minutes of running yeah I used to be out of shape I had to catch my breath so the first bench I found i sat down on I have to admit it was creepy as hell being in a pitch-black preserve like that all alone it feels the same as being alone in the middle of the forest there were weird sounds coming from all around and to be quite honest with you it was scaring me of course most of them were animals so when I heard leaves and sticks crunching nearby I assumed it was a raccoon or Fox or something but anyone's worst nightmare came true when I noticed something tall hiding behind one of the trees I couldn't quite tell what it was because an iPhone's flashlight is only so bright I stood up and walked a little closer and I was kind of doing a Crouch walk because for some reason I thought that would make me more low-key I got close enough to where I saw a hand wrapped around one of the trees the handle was an old white glove though I felt like my heart sank like I was suddenly in a life-or-death situation before I could even see who was behind that tree then they finally decided to reveal themselves someone dressed as a clown stepped into the range of my flashlight I wanted to wait until now to mention this was back during the clown epidemic in 2016 from what I could see in the little light I had this person went all out with his clown costume from the makeup right down to the clown shoes the most disturbing part was the bat with a large footlong spike wedged through it that he was holding his head was angled down to give a more menacing terrifying look and he walked it very slowly towards me I had only one option and that was to run as fast as I could even though I was already so tired I didn't run on the trail instead I ran into the woods until I felt like I was gonna puke then I shut off the flashlight and crouched down behind a tree I heard running zoom past me maybe ten feet away when the footsteps faded away into the distance I ran back to the trail and ran all the way back the way I came and I actually puked by the time I made it to the street just from running so much I didn't mention it before but everyone figured that the dead body found the week before was linked to the clown epidemic it should go without saying as stayed away from the preserved for a while and I definitely never went in there past dark ever again I went on a solo camping trip to the woods a few miles from my house after setting up camp and eating I took a half-hour nap in my tent and look for a hike it was a normal hike and rather quiet forest until I thought I could hear footsteps nearby I could have just chalked them up to being the footsteps of an animal but they kind of sounded human-like if that makes sense considering how deep into the woods I was and how far from any real urbanization I was it would definitely be odd to cross paths with another person there I didn't go looking around for anyone though I just continued with my hike when I got back to my tent the first thing that I noticed was that the zipper to my tent was undone and the door flap was open right away my heart was racing at the thought of someone having been in my tent but check to make sure that nobody was still in there first and then went inside to see that my bag had been gone through surprisingly nothing was taken though I contemplated packing up and moving spots but I figured it was pointless whoever came already scoped out the place and left therefore they wouldn't have a reason to come back fast forward to that night when I finally got my tent to go to sleep a few minutes after getting in my sleeping bag I heard a noise the first time I heard it I had no idea what it could be but the second time I heard it it sounded like a staticky breathing sound i sat up and looked around my tent and at that point it went silent so after sitting up with my heart racing for a decent while I laid back down and tried to move past it but after not even having my eyes closed for ten seconds I heard it again some kind of grainy staticky breathing noise I started digging through my bag and found something I knew for certain I didn't with me I pulled out a huge archaic looking walkie-talkie type thing and the static was emanating from that I instantly associated it with the footsteps and whoever searched my tent but all I was thinking was why would they put that there just then the static stopped and there was a breathing sound once more coming from the big walkie-talkie type thing and then in a deep almost unintelligible whisper I heard the words I'm not your cat it's crazy how in just a couple seconds your whole world can change and how your whole body can become overcome with fear I frantically pressed buttons on the oversized walkie-talkie until it finally seemed to turn off then I heard something hit the ground outside something heavy I had a choice do I stand ground and protect my belongings and myself or do I make a straight Dash for the pickup truck when I heard something else hit the ground right outside the town I chose the latter and made a run for my pickup I left behind my tent my sleeping bag and other equipment but in reality none of that stuff really mattered when my life was potentially on the line for all I know it was some kind of trap to just get me to leave all my stuff behind for them to take where it could have genuinely been someone who intended on harming me
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 2,540,195
Rating: 4.9179602 out of 5
Keywords: hiking stories, scary hiking stories, scary hiking, true scary stories, true stories, scary true stories, horror stories, true horror, true hiking stories, scary true hiking stories, trail cam, scary trail stories, creepy stories, creepy hiking, creepy camping stories, hike, hiking, true, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, shocking, disturbing
Id: gD6Pbk8D0wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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