3-2-2020 WKRN-TV Nashville Tornado Coverage

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center of the room make sure you protect your head and neck this is seriously very important folks because this storm has a history of producing damage out in our Western communities and now it is getting closer to downtown Nashville which is a very heavily populated area we now have a confirmed tornado Davidson County let's see it's observed it was on C it was the TN dot cam it just crossed 155 with numerous power flashes okay I think someone's coming in Kristina do we can get those traffic cameras up to that traffic camera hey if there's anything on Bridgestone or anything let me know if guys upstairs if you're seeing anything there's a confirmed tornado now on the ground folks this just got really really serious if you're in Davidson County and you're hearing this if you know anyone that lives in downtown Davidson County this was just seen on one of our traffic cameras or one of the two cameras folks so you need to be taking your tornado precautions I'm gonna zoom down since this is a confirmed tornado I'm gonna get down and go straight to street with people all right folks if you live in Davidson County right now you need to be going down to the lowest level a room with no windows preferably a basement a bathroom a closet I'm gonna get down low here and I'm going to show you where this storm would be out I'm going to get this on velocity product so we can just show you exactly where this storm would be located the bright green the bright red okay this is going to be me or Hyde's Ferry Road dr. Walter s Davis Boulevard Buchanan Street this is coming to you next I'm going to circle the rotation so you can see this here this is where it is confirmed it has been seen on the ground again it is extreme it's large an extremely dangerous tornado was located near Nashville moving east at 45 miles an hour this is a dangerous storm folks dangerous storm okay just cross 155 with numerous powerful flashes folks this storm is getting bigger too by the second the bright greens the bright reds okay I'm going to get down low if you know anyone right now you're at temple Boulevard Buchanan Street this is about to cross over interstate 40 the corridor interstate 40 where it connects with 65 folks you need to be telling people to wake up now and get down in their basement this is really dangerous this is a heavily populated area this is gonna be near highway 12 24 Avenue North 17th Avenue North I mean this is going to go right near a base of the westside of Nashville right now it's going down and it's moving fast oh my goodness it's moving really fast okay hold on it's starting to blend in now I got to go back and I'll go yeah and it's definitely it's got a hook to it let's see what correlation coefficient was it shy anything let me see not much right now it's kind of hard to see it so close to the radar it's good you know right which is the problem here but yeah I'm trying to see here correlation coefficient which if you don't want to show I'm not sure if we're showing max2 right now but you can see correlation coefficient whenever you see a brighter area that kind of looks like a ball that's when it indicates that there's something up in the air which is often debris so right now I'm not quite seeing anything but once again it's close to the radar and it's going to be hard to tell and that's going to be a little bit of an issue with this system so I'm going to go ahead and switch over to velocity and once again the the signal here is a little bit muddled but we have confirmation spot or confirmation and if you look at the basically what it looks like on radar with the rain here in the lightening there's a hook and that is a good indicator that there is a tornado and we have confirmation of the tornado on the ground from a trained spotter so we know that it has been on the ground at times and we're going to come very this is this is probably going right downtown Nashville when I listen north of North Nashville this is like Germantown area folks if you're in the Germantown area folks you need to be taking your tornado precautions right now this thing is flying and then it's gonna pass over it would be going towards East Nashville now and this is not the first time we've seen a tornado do this no not at all and I you know this is just probably north of Broadway if I'm looking at this right now it's just north of the Broadway area and probably near 2nd 3rd Avenue near Cowen Street north it would be rolling right into North First Avenue very quickly somewhere between I 2465 where it links up would be moving east to East Nashville folks this is a very dangerous situation this is a confirmed tornado on the ground it is a large tornado on the ground folks in East Nashville you need to get up right now and get into your safe spot okay this is gonna cross over basically and go into East Nashville I believe I'm looking at just things I'm just trying to see streets I'm gonna try to you everything Spring Street you're in the direct path of this it's gonna go over 3128 Cleveland Street Cowen Street over to Northeast the Nissan do you have Nissan can you point it toward alright hold on okay these I'm cam and see if you can see it with arena cam yeah we're gonna look at cameras to just to see this cuz it disappears on the radar here a little bit so it's harder but I mean you set it up there and see if you can see it on these I'm looking for the I'm looking for the bright greens and the bright reds right now it's really hard to tell that but again that hook is a very good indication of where things would be it looks like a debris ball a debris ball vision looks like now I think we're seeing a little bit here they had some activity on correlation coefficient earlier and then it it started to lower but right now I think that it's it's definitely popping back up so it would be on is that the east side here right now now we're in Woodland Street guys were at South 10th Street folks if you know anyone right now that is near Eastland Ave and you call them right now call them at Greenwood Avenue call them at fatherland Street East Nashville folks I really need you to cut get your folks up right now this thing is moving and it looks like it may have a debris ball attached to it folks and this would be moving if it continues in this same path it's going to be moving right over 155 towards mcgavock pike this would continue I mean this is why it's tornado warned let's be real right into Wilson County it would be going into their next but right now it looks like that ball it would be near the east side you had a near the other Lin Street you need to be taking shelter Main Street there Forest Avenue and this a you know sort of toward the I would say the heart of the east side especially you need to be on alert you know just any of these locations east of the river you definitely want to be using caution to take the closer look and it once again the fact that it's so close to the radar that's heading almost directly towards the radar which is not going to help things here but we're keeping a close eye on it but it is a fast mover and we're trying to get some visualization of us telling you right now I'm looking at our Chuck these cameras totally down that's not good no okay no that's not good at all so it looks like it might have gone it was a second and third Street said earlier here it wasn't far have you seen anything on the Nissan camera they are trying to move that right on to it okay let's see and upstairs if you can hear it's very dark cold already dark and it's pushing off I don't know if they can turn it all the way I turn it to the east - they're working on it okay so here we go let me just get back observed I see here's a new thing confirmed large and extremely dangerous tornado moving east at 45 so no new updates but Davidson Sumner Wilson counties until 1:00 o'clock and this is going to be masked mover this is moving it's flying it already went past it basically so let me get on let me get it on the radar thing again so we can kind of look and see if I can find it again like I was finding it before because that's the only way right now I'm having trouble with the velocity products so it looks like right now somewhere between it be basically over or very close to Eastland Avenue it be moving towards mcgavock pike crossing over 155 O'Reilly Parkway here we go a fuse it's what we need to do is switch over to a different radar and you can see a little bit better it's gonna be a little different but you can see it right here so I'm assuming you're gonna give it to the other one or two the other one that might be the better option if you can switch it over but it's certainly an eater right now it still has had that sort of hook right there and that's I think the best indicator this is kind of a classic looking tornado but you know anyone on the east side right now you need to be taking caution if you're seeing damage when you can safely once it's over with once it's safely you can get safe if you can you know give us send us an email you can email us pictures to pics pxw Karen calm but we want to see what you're seeing so we can get you some help out there but we are gonna be watching this as it continues off to the northeast damaged so okay so we have ports of power at Nashville there we go so still alright folks so here we go let's just um if we go over to weather one I'm gonna do a quick storm track of where I think this if I were to say the tornado is right now and where it's going because it's going pretty quick it's gonna be going across this entire area here so some areas in the direct path length is going to be Donelson at 12:48 well that's basically over you it's going to be there quick so Donelson take your tornado precautions right now Hermitage 1251 you got about four minutes Mount Julie you got less than ten minutes it's coming right over to you folks if you know any friends that live in East Nashville right now you should be calling them especially if they live on north of Elm Hill pike now well actually now it's going over Briley parkland so it's actually going to move out of East e soon and move over Briley so mcgavock pike if you know anyone near monk I have a Clyde two rivers Parkway that area right in there that's where the tornado would be right now I believe it would be crossing over Bradley Parkway north it would be heading towards 70 towards Old Hickory Boulevard this would parallel folks we might see something on the i-40 interstate cameras to just heads-up yeah if you take a look at the cameras just to see please half the cameras are down that's not good that could mean that it could have been taking out cameras from all we know from before okay so this one is yeah this is right over Briley right now honestly and this would be going towards say Bell Road Central Park our central pike Lebanon Pike Green Hill you're in the path of this Mount Juliet you be in the direct path of this folks if you have friends in Mount Juliet okay let's see here I'm just trying to figure this out we're going to try to figure out and see what's going on train spotters reports power outages in East Nashville Eastland Avenue a chapel I mean if we know if anybody in the news room too is hearing this right now we should be going towards East Nashville because that area definitely got hit really hard I think this kind of skipped through really fast West Nashville right into East Nashville and now it's kind of slowly moving towards not slowly quickly moving towards Lebanon Pike mcgavock pike wet pike there Andrew Jackson Parkway I just want to show you this here we've been looking on and on different reports here but folks this is a really really dangerous situation if you notice the timestamp on this it is twelve forty nine in the morning folks most people are asleep if you have friends please family members call them wake them up this is a large confirmed tornado on the ground around downtown Nashville now moving east of downtown Nashville moving past actually really East Nashville and now moving towards 11:00 in Pike here you see this is i-40 okay this is a major thoroughfare moving towards i-40 next in the line of this big tornado would probably be Mount Juliet here or Green Hill so if you know anyone in this area that's already crossed over the Briley Parkway area but if you know someone that lives near the Andrew Jackson Parkway near Hermitage you would definitely want to call them because this is heading that way and it's heading that way very fast it has a velocity it's been moving really to the east and about 45 to 50 miles an hour it's creating major power outages where it goes it basically takes out everything it when they was all up with the lightning flash on it was a large violent tornado large violent tornado meaning you need to get up now and get downstairs okay we need to take this really seriously you can kind of see and we've been watching this it has that hook like marion was talking about right here we have Mary with us we have Christina with us we have this hook right in here and your Lebanon Pike here that's where that inflow is going to be that's for that not just gonna be that's where the tornado is going to be and it's been hard to see because you know what here's the radar beam it's hard to tell where that's going to be because it's so close to the radar beam and then what scares me is once it gets very close to the radar beam we may not be able to see it for a little while so folks again Lebanon pike it's right over you right now it's going to be moving east so it's going to be following that I 40 corridor and it's going to be heading towards Mount Juliet downtown man Juliet is next in the path Green Hill is in the path and Andrew Jackson Parkway you're gonna be this is gonna be over you very very quickly lots of lightning with this in Dickson County producing baseball sized hail this storm was getting very strong and strengthening we need to watch this one very very carefully as it moves towards Lebanon pike and into central Pike by the way I might need batteries because I feel like my mics are clipping a little bit okay yeah it's something else okay just to make sure there's a lot going on right here okay okay that's not good yeah so we're getting reports of damage potentially and this was from earlier but this was just just basically in downtown a little bit north of Charlotte Ave so there's likely some some damage there from earlier now this is east of that now and we're watching Mountain Juliet these areas so basically what you need to do right now is if you are under this warning go to a room with no windows go to the lowest level of the room protect your head and neck we want to make sure that you stay safe but this is definitely an extremely dangerous situation a dangerous tornado and it's starting to show up better here actually on our velocity tracker it's it's pretty close to the radar so this is tracking this is northeast at 45 so it is a very fast-moving storm and it's going to be hard to keep up with it in between radar scans but basically what I'm going to do is put a tracker on it I'm going to zoom I'm actually gonna take this out just a little bit so I can get a better view because it's moving so fast I want to make sure that everyone it's in this tracker and I'm going to draw it a little larger just in case so that way everyone knows what's going on so I'm tracking this two at the Northeast it's moving fast Mount Juliet this is getting right up on you and I'll be there in a few minutes it's probably gonna pass more on the north side of Mount Juliet but everyone in Mount Juliet you need to be seeking shelter right now LaGuerta Kairo cope course at Boxwell these areas and you know there's spots that are not quite in the warning that still you need to be taking caution 109 Martha you're not in it yet but it's heading your way it'll probably pass between Martha and Gallatin so if you live between Martha and Gallatin right there on 109 I would say seek shelter plan to seek shelter shortly because this once again the movement of this is to the northeast and we want to make sure that you stay safe and that you are ready for what's coming your way but yeah it's moving so fast and it's hard to almost keep up with but Mount Juliet Silver Springs Green Hill kairo kairo Bend you folks and Martha please seek shelter right now and I'm gonna put this back into our sweeping mode here so I can kind of show you what's going on because that hook has been pretty prevalent with this storm and we like to that's a very good indicator it's getting closer to the radar so it's going to be harder to look at we're probably have to switch we now have Mount Juliet 11 and Martha these folks you guys are in so it looks like maybe it's moving a little bit more to the east yeah you step 45 we've got a new warning somebody get up here real quick and I'm talking about this real quick Mary if that's okay of course um yeah it's and we have some we have a lot of while I'm getting transition to your Christina you're on max 3 right yes Christina's on max 3 and you've got a good picture of Ellington Park Leah Ben Allen Road okay that's not good no people should not be on the road right now okay that's good to know okay guys so here we go the tornado warning has been extended now folks we're gonna get into this mirror I would get a show together honey because we're gonna be on for a bit for Davidson in Wilson County until 1:30 in the morning now guys this is now moving east again and look at what's in the path we got lovin and we got Mount chiliad Mount Juliet you're up first if anyone is has friends family and Mount Juliet call them right now wake them up this storm is producing a tornado I don't know if the tornado is still in the ground right now but it was a large tornado a very violent tornado moving through downtown Nashville East Nashville a lot of places taking hits from this storm okay and we have reports of that and power out now in East Nashville and even near the Hermitage area so the bright greens the bright reds this is the area of concern right here that's where the rotation would be it's about to move in to the west side of Mount Juliet here and so we're gonna watch that I'm gonna put it on a storm tracker on you so you can see where this is all headed because it is moving pretty fast and I should probably clear that one because it's actually moving to the east at about 45 miles an hour there we go and you can see it's going to be near Mount Juliet in about four or five minutes max Lebanon you're gonna see this in about 15 minutes or so so we don't have much time to wake people up and let them know that there's a dangerous storm heading in their direction and the National Weather Service feels that the tornado may still be on the ground and that's why they have gone ahead and issued this tornado warning and extended it east into Davidson County now and also while eastern Davidson County and also into Wilson County hail size a little bit less than it once was but still something that we're going to be watching very carefully still have that tornado warning too for Davidson Sumner and Wilson County as this continues to move night zoom down because I wanted to show you where the bright greens and the bright reds are really it's over up now it just moved again see this is kind of the cone of silence as we get around the around the radar beam it gets harder to see but it's somewhere right in here you see that real real bright red Chandler Road it's right over you right now John Haeger Road it's right there it's just north of you really it's south of West Division Street and this is about to go into downtown Mount Juliet folks ok this is about to go into downtown Mount Juliet so if you know anyone there please get them to go downstairs in their basements go down to the lowest level it's so important you do that it's about to cross into Pleasant Grove Road Cedar Lane Northwest Rutland Road northern Mountain Road another one Belinda Parkway is not that far away from it East Gate Boulevard Beckham Road Kurd Road lots of neighborhoods I know there's a lot of shopping centers around this area too so just be careful again I did put a storm track but it's racing so fast that it's going to go right into Mount Julie it's pretty much in demand Juliet now and then some other cities in the path of this storm it's going to be Silver Springs at about 12 49 leave Ville at about 101 and Lebanon you're gonna see this at about 108 so it is coming very quickly and folks this is a storm that has been producing a large violent tornado that has done damage in downtown Nashville that has done damage in East Nashville so Wilson County I need you to wake up and I need you to go into your safe zone take everything you know with you and remember the power is gonna go out with this one we are streaming live on Facebook make sure you go and find us on Facebook just wkn news to find us find us find us we will keep you safe throughout the night but we're watching this large tornado that at one point on the ground may still be on the ground right and if it is it's gonna be going right into downtown Mount Juliet as we speak we're also blanketed by the way with a severe thunderstorm warning so if you're not seeing the rotation you're definitely seeing the tornado warnings I'm gonna send it over to Mary Mae's she has more on this all right Thank You Danielle also let's check the milk juliet cameras to see if those are up but we definitely want to be using extreme caution i'm not sure if i'm on camera right now on camera two I don't need to move I'm good okay there we go so the tornado warning goes until 1:30 and this is for Davidson in Wilson County so Greenhill Lebanon Martha Mount Juliet especially be easing caution and I need to switch over there we go so we've been watching this as it moves off to the east and look how fast it's moving we're getting reports of damage in East Nashville the north side of Nashville or I would say north of Broadway would be the better way to put it but there's two warnings this one is the one where we are seeing the storm and it looks like it's moving directly over Mount Juliet right now so we are keeping a very close eye so here's the very close view right now of the velocity so that way we can see where the wind is turning toward is green toward the radar red is away when they're together that means there's rotation and we have a confirmed tornado so East Division Street Rutland Drive belinda parkway Sunset Drive Mount Juliet Road this is moving through right now so it's moving right through Mount Juliet please be cautious I hope you are in your safe space you need to be in an area with no windows a bathroom lower level of your house cover your head cover your neck please be safe and call anyone if you know somebody who lives there or just off to the east Rutland Drive they don't have a lot of time and we want to make sure that they stay safe so putting this in velocity track for Green Hill Mount Juliet Silver Springs it looks like his mound is moving right through Mount Juliet right now so please make sure you are seeking shelter there's not a lot of hail with this but that concern of course is the tornado warning and this stormy morning for all of us but right now our concern is this tornado warning right here and once again I'm just going to take a look really quickly I'm actually going to move some of this so we can get this we oh we've had we have video confirmation it's all it was on the ground in east and it was on the ground in East Nashville so we know that it was on the ground from multiple spotters so we just looked a video of it as it was moving through East Nashville so this is an extremely dangerous tornado that has moved multiple miles at this point from when it was spotted and we cut a path through Nashville into East Nashville and right now it looks like it is just north we're seeing that rotation around Northwest Rutland Drive belinda Parkway along 40 if we Christina if you want to try to see if you can find anything on those cameras on 40 potentially or 109 but 40 might actually give you a good view of it just around actually if you want to if you guys can take can you take max 3 can we take max 3 okay this is where this is for 40 near the 65 Junction okay now you sign down guys yeah that I'm down it's down on the ground down those are heavy these are not easy to push down alright so and it just moves we just got in the latest update with velocity track oh my god here and it is not looking good I'm gonna put in correlation coefficient right you do that if I can see anything and then I'm gonna go Street to Street in Mirror I gotta go straight to Street to Street but yeah so I'm not quite seeing anything here on correlate it looks like there's a little notch though so there might be something there Daniel are you ready yes I'm gonna go real quick I just want to go real real fast here I'm gonna take whether one real fast I'm just going to show you this okay the bright greens and the bright red just kind of I'm gonna pull out for a second so you can kind of see this it's now east of Mount Juliet it is now south of Martha it is about to move over one Highway 109 it is paralleling I 40 paralleling interstate 40 right now it is basically just north of the Belinda Park at Parkway area the bright green and bright red I'm gonna zoom is right on volunteer Boulevard and it is also Oh got a new tornado warning considerable tornado damage threat considerable a large and extremely dangerous tornado was located where I'm just saying over Belinda City and is extremely dangerous okay and 8 miles west 11 and folks this is getting really really serious we need to it we need to make sure we need to make sure we're waking up all of our friends and family I'm gonna tell you right now it is right over Rutland Drive volunteer bowl of our East people of art I hope you are downstairs right now in the basement you need to be East Division Street that's coming to you next here's some neighborhoods there's a lot of roads right in front of me pose Lee Hill North Posey Hill Road it's going right over you right now Hickory Ridge Road Division Street I'm sorry I'm going Street Street now but you folks need if I say your Street you need to get down it's parallelling i xl it is near Hickory Ridge Road East Division Street Quarry Road Bluegrass Parkway bluegrass Circle timber tree trail drive it's going to be going over highway and 109 I'm going to real quick see it's jumping fast it's moving fast I'm gonna take you real quick out I'm gonna do a quick storm track on this one for you guys so you can see where it's gonna be heading next and some areas of concern folks this bright green and bright red is not good it has really intensified this is definitely a large and dangerous tornado about to hit level you see the green you see now bright pink bright pink is an even more intense wind folks you need to be downstairs in the basement if you can please get into a basement I can't urge you enough to do that right now please call any friend and level and family member right now and get them downstairs this is about to cross over 109 and this is a large dangerous tornado that is on the ground it has already done so much damage in Nashville East Nashville and now it's moving into Mount Juliet past mount chilliad in two level and then folks guess who's in the next path lebanon it's coming right to you Egon you can see this at 111 West End Heights you'll see this at 112 this is a developing situation but you see that intense green that intense red that is where the rotation is folks and that is where the large tornado is on the ground and about to cross over 109 right now it's basically 109 and interstate 40 if you know where that Junction is folks it is going over that right now if you live near that junction you need to get downstairs in the basement now now I can't stress that enough it is a large and violent tornado on the ground already causing lots of Danya we have Jerry parlor out there right now he I'm not quite sure where he's at but he has passed significant damage he'll be doing a phone interview with us shortly but right now he's up right now all right we're gonna have to take him briefly while Danielle resets Jerry what's going on hey Mary yeah I just came in from the west side woke up saw your tornado on the ground email headed into work and it Brawley and centennial santino Boulevard heavy damage I had to dodge cedar trees metal roof II saw lots of fire trucks over towards the Sentinel Boulevard exit down on Centennial Boulevard lot semis that were stopped more fire engines down towards the prison and down towards the airport down there I'm seeing multiple fire units heading that way as I'm still coming in towards down and then around Brawley or excuse me I forty and twenty eighth Avenue multiple fire trucks there I saw a tree that was split next to an apartment complex so but major damage done out there at venting on Bradley Parkway Wow all right Thank You Jerry that's yeah okay you're cutting in and out but thank you so much for that report so confirm damage we're getting reports but this is just in line with the what's going on with what we know in terms of the fact that this is an extremely dangerous tornado and thank you Jerry for giving us that ground truth and you know on your way into work and we appreciate you so much I think we're about to head over back to Danielle are you ready yeah I'm ready I want to get over it I want to get right on to this because this is a serious situation this tornado warning is for Wilson County it is heading towards Lebanon right now folks we have a lot of damage already being reported but this bright green and bright red I cannot stress it enough there's the bright green there's the bright red this is where the tornado is and it is a large tornado it has just crossed over 109 it is right along i-40 if you're on Interstate 40 you should not be on interstate 40 because this could actually be on interstate 40 or at least part of it and it's about to cross when it goes and connects to 8:40 okay so if you know that intersection I forty to 8:40 that area right in there that is where that large confirmed tornado is headed over next the other roads in the path South Hartman Drive and then it looks like it will hit southern Lebanon area southern like this city of Lebanon it will hit the south of it really from 230 140 that's where it is paralleling right now now I've zoomed in because I want to tell you you can see these bright greens and bright reds I will tell you if you live west of a 109 and 40 you're okay if you live east it's all totally different ballgame and you need to be calling people that are in the path leavel pike is one of the areas in the path Wynwood Drive is another one that's in the path South Hartman Drive is another one in the path and we have Armstrong Drive up here again this is really hugging I 40 right now may go over i-40 and 840 here it is a large violent tornado on the ground it is fast look at this it's now jumped guys it's now in level pike it's now basically over the 840 corridor okay this thing is moving and hauling to the east at about 45 miles an hour in Lebanon you do not have much time you need to get downstairs in the basement right now folks if you live in South of Lebanon the city of Lebanon when you live south near 40 where it connects to 231 I need you to get downstairs now this is a large violent tornado that has been causing quite a bit of damage and you see the bright greens you see the bright reds this is just a classic large tornado on the ground and it is 108 in the morning folks so this is dangerous yeah so looking at you know right along 40 their lethal pike c-sharp Minh Drive Tuckers Gap Road Barton's Creek Road these areas so south side of Lebanon Lebanon sorry excuse me it is moving very very fast so basically you know with these scans we get them you know the radar is moving about as fast as it can but it's not going to be in real-time necessarily so you know these areas that were calling out just to your north you have this is an immediate danger for you you need to be a seeking shelter so the city of Lebanon if you're on the south side here along 231 Maddox Simpson Parkway Park Avenue if we're calling out your names please seek shelter just remember a basement if you don't have a basement get on the lowest level of your house and a closet or a bathroom with no windows protect your head protect your neck and if you have a helmet on hand put that on it doesn't hurt but we are watching this as it's been moving through it's been a fast mover a incredibly dangerous tornado on the ground at times and we're for sure it is definitely producing damage we've seen video of it please please be very cautious I'm gonna take a closer look here with our velocity tracker I'm gonna kind of go on and off and I'm gonna put a tracker on this so it is moving very quickly and I want to make sure that you know what's going on in terms of where it's heading right now so I'm going to kind of put this on if you're in these area so Lebanon Medusa municipal you need to be a seeking shelter right now in Lebanon period Tucker's Crossroads Flat Rock grant this is heading your way next and remember this is an incredibly fast-moving dangerous storm confirmed tornado on the ground or watching it very carefully it's had that history of producing damage and we're waiting to see if we have any ground truth there around Lebanon but it did just move through Mount Juliet as well if you have any reports to send us please do we're keeping it closed on the South Maple Street seek shelter right now so kind of getting a little closer in leavel pike Tucker's Gap Franklin Road tater peeler Road that's an interesting name there but tater pillar road please South College Street South Maple Street knoxville avenue harding Drive Spring Street south side in a Lebanon if you are in this area Gainesville Road 70 Park Avenue Tennessee Boulevard Bluebird Road Ciel Manor Street Trousdale Ferry pike please Peyton Road even if you're just immediately south of 40 you need to be seeking shelter but this has been pushing off to the east and northeast it's still moving east at 45 it looks like but putting that into motion this is so fast-moving look how fast it is when I put it into motion here so basically it's on the south side of the Lebanon right now along 231 just north of 40 we've been trying to call out your names your streets I'm gonna put correlation coefficient on and see if I see anything it looks like there might be a little bit of debris there actually that way it looks like there's debris so right around Lebanon right south of Lebanon right there on Maple Street right there debris tracker right there and yes oh oh boy okay hold on that's not good no it's not good Lebanon Lebanon no so Lebanon South Side of Lebanon you know even into the heart of the city there does not look great for you guys I'm going to zoom and here with our velocity again it's creating it's throwing debris right now it's sort of remembering Park Avenue now it's up to blue Avenue folks the tornado warning they're keeping it going and that yet would be definitely Bluebird Avenue Park Avenue Madoc Simpson Avenue it's basically a long i-40 and it's moving faster now east at 50 yeah you said 50 they said tornado damage strength is considerable they said it confirmed large and extremely dangerous tornado located near Lebanon moving east at 15 miles an hour and you can see that on correlation coefficient circle this real quick if you want to go over to max one I'll just show you what I'm what I'm talking about here I'm going to show you the where that where that debris is so when I Circle this here that's where the actual tornado is okay that's where it's throwing debris up right now and that is right just west of Bluebird Road it's about to go it's basically interstate 40 it's on 70 right now so between air say 40 and 70 folks if you know what I'm talking about you're in Lebanon right and you live near there it's right over you right now now here's the thing it's moving east at 50 like Mary mentioned so heads up for folks to the east and I'm gonna just get a quick tracker on this and show you exactly who's in the path of this storm because it's gonna be moving and it's gonna be moving pretty quickly now there's not a lot of towns I'm sure with this one so let me just well--there's Tucker's cross roads I've been there before I've been to that school 117 in the morning that's gonna be hitting you so you've got about four minutes with this one but now I'm gonna go down and I'm actually gonna zoom down to some streets because at this point we know that there is debris being launched around Bluebird Road so here's where it's going near Cole Lane Trousdale Ferry pike it's basically hugging okay it's going it's riding i-40 on the east it's about to go over sugar flat road that you know where I 40 intersects with sugar flat road some other smaller towns that's about to hit or some roads Bethany Lane where Bethany Lane hits i-40 okay where Bethany Lane intersects with Spring Creek Lane that's where it's going next it is doing probably considerable damage right now over Bluebird Road Payton Road and even over towards yet you know towards i-40 it's really filthy the debris is brewing wrong the bright blues the bright blues the bright greens we're Mariette Mary nice I've circled it for you so you can see this on our map where it is I'm circling the Bluebird I know that but that is really where the debris is at and that thing continues to move to the east so just to let you know again some roads in the path and some street names Bethany Lane getting we're Bethany Lane connects with Trousdale Ferry Pike you folks need to be down the basement you need to hit it now you don't have time and Cole Lane the next thing the next major it looks like well there's the purple polygon till where it goes to but it would be Trousdale fairies pike and then also i forward near Spring Creek Lane there's Locust Grove Road as well folks it's really bad we're also hearing that during the West Side Oh two downtown building collapses gas main breaks also flooding in Whites Creek Road oh no that's not good this is from my friend Joel and he has a spot or two is not good so we have a building gone in Germantown okay so would you ever okay this is definitely this is happening so folks I need you now I need you to wake up any of your friends I'm gonna just jumped off to the east at Bethany Lane oh no now it's yeah and now it's moved again I got it see how fast this is moving very fast and that's the thing when we call out in front of you you know we have to say you know a few streets above because of how fast this is moving so Ben Green Road Big Springs Road you're not even under the warning yet but you need to be seeking shelter Flat Rock Road and this hey this is that this is scary Mary train spotter reports tornado still on the ground cross now crossing highway 70 i-40 so okay that's right here that's what we just saw we just saw it okay so guys just so you know when they were talking about this I'm gonna show you this real quick with arrows they were talking about I okay this is 70 this is 40 if you're looking at thing there's where the storm is now but it just crossed over that intersection so folks if you live in that intersection area and you live east of it you're under that direct path right now folks okay that it's it's really over you at this point which is very very scary and then the next thing it would be moving towards and I'm gonna you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put a spin on here and just kind of get a storm track going on this area cuz I'm getting a little a little worried for the folks out to the west here because these are folks that may have gone to bed they may think they're okay okay so we're talking about Tucker's crossroads I know that I've been to that school Tucker's crossroads it's a about to be over you right now there is the debris ball right in here okay we look for bright blue so you look for bright greens that signifies at this storm and this tornado is still in the ground it's chucking debris up right now okay this is heading to the east at 50 miles an hour Mary and I've been tracking this one it is flying each scan it flies so Tucker's crossroads get down in your basement now you probably have one minute or less grant it's coming to you within the next couple of minutes okay it's gonna be right over you there it is it's almost right over a Tucker's crossroad right now it's almost and by the way the last spotter to see it Salt cross right here okay it was literally on the ground right here so it is still on the ground right now they have just issued a new tornado warning so I'm gonna take you take you right to that one right now if I can I don't know if I can actually because I don't think I'm in play but that's okay we'll get to that in just a second but I do want to show you that again it's this area well now it's east of this area right there but you can see it so Mary why don't you take over for just take over yes so the new warning this is moving east at 50 miles per hour seven miles east now of Lebanon but you know I've been looking at the debris tracker just because I think that's giving us the best idea of where it's at right now but you know Trousdale Larry Pike's over you right now Murphy Lane probably over you are really close to it Lynwood Drive North Commerce Road Bluebird Road trials Dell Ferry pike if I'm calling your Road please look at the map right now Swindell Hollow Road Flat Rock Road these areas you're now in that warning they've just updated it and this has been an incredibly fast moving storm and you can see here on velocity tracker it's very obvious that there is a tornado because of just how bright the radar has been so I am going to put a tracker on this as well it's that way we can see where it's going it's pushing to the east at 50 miles per hour it's it's one of those things that it's moving so fast that you just need to seek shelter immediately so I'm going to call the names seek shelter now if you are in these cities just go ahead get into your safe spot if you're in Grant Flat Rock we've called talker crossroads it's pretty much over you right now Carthage Gordonsville Stonewall seek lter get into your safe place and your safe place needs to be on the lower level of your home a basement is ideal if you do not have a basement get into a bathroom a closet on the lower level of your home with no windows and cover your head and cover your neck so this is the newest tornado warning that we're coming up ok so here's one thing Mary will want to just tell people now this tornado warning I started with this tornado warning back in western areas right and this started in Camden they're saying that it is done significant damage in Benton County to 15 to 20 homes and also there was an injury being reported from this one ok now they're saying that there is apparently damages coming in from East Nashville we're getting a lot of damage pictures from East Nashville right now Germantown really been oh my goodness yes German Germantown looks really bad right they have a ok she's got the photo up on Mac so if you can just show it real quick this is Germantown let's get it out real quick on max 3 and the radar just showed up to the East now Josie almost just sent that in that's from Jack Browns in Germantown she says the building is completely gone a friend just sent her these photos you can see I mean obviously a lot of first responders people standing outside and not much left of that building so dad we're not looking good a lot of damage associated with this storm this is just a mess ok so here's what I want to get I want to get back and just kind of show you guys everything that's going on like if you're just joining us first of all the reason we've been staying with you all night long and we have Mary with us and we have Christina with us we're going to be here all night to keep you safe but the biggest story is this we now have a new tornado warning because this tornado that has been on the ground for now at least an hour is going to continue on the ground we have train spotters saying it was on the ground around Lebanon and now it's moving east so now Jackson Smith and of course parts of Eastern Wilson County now under this tornado warning until 1:45 so folks if you know anyone in Jackson Smith I'm talking Carthage Gordonsville Granville South kaarvok let them know this whole Mass this tornado is heading towards Carthage and also Gordonsville in fact it's been hugging interstate 40 so it would be closer actually to Gordon and just to show you the debris tracker here we look for the bright blues and you can kind of see this here just east now of trials Ville Ferry Pike it's really between 70 north and then interstate 40 here there's where the bright blues and bright greens are at so we're watching that carefully now here is a velocity product you look for a bright green you look for a bright pink right in this area right in here I don't know why I just did that let me just clear that off here it on I'm gonna do this one more time just to show you guys right in there is where that tornado is and believe me it has been a large dangerous violent tornado and you know what time it is right now folks it is 121 in the morning so if you have any friends that live in Gordonsville you have family members that live in Carthage I need you right now to call them and tell them they are under a tornado warning and they need to take their tornado precautions because there's one on the ground that's done quite a bit of damage in East Nashville in Germantown and now heading towards Mount Juliet Lebanon it's done some damage and now it's heading east you see those bright greens those bright reds that is all hugging really interstate 40 there as you can see and so if I put a storm track on this cell as it pulls out and it is racing me and Mary have been tracking this one racing at about 50 miles to the east Carthage you will see this in less than 10 minutes grant it's about to be on top of you grant you're basically in the path of this dangerous violent tornado grant you need to get down in the low now and take your tornado precautions get down in the basement get down the lowest level center of a room a room with no windows Carthage you're coming up at 133 L woods you're coming up at 136 and then chestnut mound you'll see us 140 Buffalo Valley 143 and boma at 150 so this is a violent tornado it's large it's been on the ground for quite a bit of time here and we've been watching it carefully it also does have with it some hail recorded up to about a half an inch in diameter we had some very large hail and it's on the spot so again these are your tornado safety plans you need to go down the lowest level a room with no windows and protect your head and neck by the way I forgot to mention we still have besides all this activity happening we still have a severe thunderstorm watch I just got issued for some of our western counties too so we're going to be watching for severe weather throughout the rest of these morning hours for a lot of folks there here's the whole line just in case people are wondering where is the weather actually happening in relationship to where I live well you can see this okay this is storm line number one and this is the tornado warned storm lots of heavy storms up to the north and southern Kentucky this is flash flood prone then we've got another batch look at this out in West Tennessee and out towards some of our central areas these could easily turn severe too so we're gonna have to watch all this very carefully the storms are starting to light up so I don't want to forget about any of you folks but the reason why we're staying on air right now it's for that tornado warning with that large dangerous confirmed tornado on the ground right now married you have anything more I do you know I'll go ahead and take over for a little bit because it's kind of it's been moving so fast that it's trying to kind of outpace the warning and you know it looks like we definitely have rotation right there over SP McClanahan Road Grant highway so Denny's Branch Road Plunkett Creek Road Moe Field Lane and I've been kind of shifting everything off to the east because this has been such an incredibly fast mover you know Carthage Gordonsville shelter right now I'm gonna put the track on this it does still look pretty active here on radar so what I'm gonna do actually want to redo this there we go so I'm gonna put the tracker on this so you guys know what's going on let's see to the yes that's what that's from so grant knew Middleton Carthage Stonewall Elmwood Granville gentry nameless answer Bloomington Springs you folks use extreme caution and what I'm going to do now is actually put on our debris tracker to see what I'm seeing on the ground and so it looks like that we have a little bit of that Lulu right there so there's the tornado grant that's where it is just north of Grant Road rant highway right there and this where des Hicks Road Kent Lane Denny's branch Lane Barnett's campground Lane deer Haven Dyer Branch Road and I'm gonna go a little further east Bradford Hill Road Hogan's Creek Road McKinney road you need to be seeking shelter right now because it is moving quickly this is just a fast-moving storm so when we show you this radar you know we want you to be using caution and this is one of the interesting things about modern radars that we can actually tell you exactly where things are because you see the debris right here this is Hicks Road so it's over you or actually probably slightly to your east by this point it's probably over Denny's Branch Lane Grant Highway so these folks I'm gonna actually go ahead and zoom out a little bit so we can kind of tell where it's going here's the thing with radar scans they they can only go so fast they can only turn so fast so what we're doing is looking a little further to the east for you folks Denny's Branch Road yeah I have a lot of concern for you folks because Denny's Branch Lane excuse me you are probably seeing this right about now or close to you Plunkett Creek Road and I am you know the correlation coefficient this is something as we call it the debris tracker this has come in handy because you can see where it is and you can see it here quite well on velocity as well so Denise Branch Lane Grant Road you folks need to be using extreme caution you need to be and sheltered right now lowest level of your home if you don't have a basement you definitely need to okay so I'm area I just want to tell you we're getting a lot of damage now okay so I want to make sure people are aware that what you're saying is very very true and very very important that they need to take this very seriously so we know about the Germantown we know about the East Nashville now we're getting reports from Wilson County when it came through Golden Bear Gateway and volunteer Bulova reports extreme damage metal roofs and roadways power lines down near the FedEx distribution center okay they're also saying somebody's maybe even stuck in a truck right now which is not good we're also talking about the fact that in Belinda City when we were talking about it getting close to the Lebanon area they're saying significant tornado damage just north of i-40 and Highway 109 damage to all structures 18-wheelers turned over and all power is now out in this area so folks I want to reiterate what Mary and I have been talking about but we are we are saying this and we're gonna keep repeating ourselves but we're trying to keep you safe folks this is a violent tornado that is all on the ground it has been on the ground for quite some time and it is still causing damage near the Grant area I'm gonna circle again the debris court the correlation coefficient we call it the breed tracker but it's basically shows us where there's debris flying and you can see it's right by Denny's Branch Road and all this is going to be shifting very quickly to the east as it rolls fast down the road at about 50 miles an hour so one area up now it just shifted a little south - and that's not good because now it is right over interstate 40 folks it is right over interstate 40 this is a very dangerous situation hopefully nobody is on Interstate 40 right now between interstate 40 and 141 and also the other Road I would say that's close by I'm just trying to see where it's it's actually on Grant Highway - we also get a new we just got a new severe thunderstorm warning but I'm gonna clear that out for now because I'm really worried about this being over an interstate if you know anyone driving on the interstate right now please tell them they need to get off the interstate it is right over it right now so this is going to be going over Interstate 40 and where it connects and then hits into 141 okay and 141 kind of wraps around it quite a bit in fact but it's going to be near Lynch Lane out back Lane dry Fork Road Bradford Hill Road let me just do a couple of things I'm gonna zoom out here Gordonsville this is coming straight at you Gordonsville this is coming straight at you you don't have much time this is a fast-moving storm it's quick it flies fast and I mean if this holds together we've got old Middleton it's right in front of you right now old Milton if you're not downstairs in the basement you are in trouble this is a large violent tornado confirmed on the ground it is son damage in Lebanon it is son damage in Belinda City it has done done damage in East Nashville in Mount Juliet and now it's heading to you old Middleton it's going to Gordon's fill next you only have two minutes in Gordonsville to get down to your safe zone Stonewall I just want to let you know about this too soon well you also will only see this in about a couple of minutes or so and then it's going to head to club Springs by the way so we're watching all this very carefully and we're going to go out to Bret he is out live with the very latest hey Danielle yeah this was a storm that moved through very quickly and as you mentioned a lot of damage or see and this is i-40 or i-20 for excuse me westbound at exit 47 that's Jefferson Street this is a semi-truck that is on its side were actually told by some of the drivers if you look off in the distance you can see a truck down there we're told that that was pushed off of the highway as well and I kind of want to walk down this way with you just to show all the debris and damage if we could walk here Jerry this is the underside of a semi-truck so as you can imagine very strong winds did this the drivers said they are okay at this time that's the good news here but a lot of chaos left out on the interstate a lot of car still driving by if you are heading out this morning certainly taken effect there's a lot of damage so here's the other truck that we're taking a look at they do have the tow trucks out here trying to resolve this but you take a look on the ground and see pieces of the sign actually on the ground as well so we are just getting our early look at what this has caused out here the damage this is again near East Nashville you can actually take a look to the right and see some of the alarms going off in this hotel over here TopGolf is off to the right but a lot of flashing lights we're seeing people kind of move around as well the power is actually off in this area here if you take a look off to the left and you can see that the exit here is closed down so a lot of people kind of walking around we're still trying to assess the damage as we move on here but yes a lot of damage here if you can actually zoom in to that where that car is over there it looks like the fence has blown down so again we're gonna be out here assessing the damage but you can see this is I 24 West and a lot of damage so we'll try to get our bearings here and give you some more damage once it comes up but again certainly call your loved ones here and make sure they're okay because this storm came through with a ferocity okay here we go I want to show you this this is a picture from Germantown look at this you can see the damage lots of structural damage down there you can see it looks like things are just metal kind of mangled together definitely signs torn possibly going through this time and we did see the tornado on the west side of Nashville as it came closer to Germantown by power flashes and that's the same storm we have been watching all night long from you we've actually been watching it since Benton Carroll and Henry counties and now we're all the way out to the eastern part of our state we're looking at Jackson Smith Trousdale Wilson County now one thing I can tell you the tornado warning has been dropped which is good news for now it's not to say that it could not spin right back up because this storm went down for a little bit if you remember near Davidson County and came right back up with a vengeance but it does still have a severe thunderstorm warning out there for Carthage Gordonsville and you can see this for Trousdale Wilson Jackson and Smith counties and again the reason again is for lightening wind gusts to 60 miles an hour you can see the rotation has widened out a bit which is good news it does not look as tight or as wrapped as it once was the tornado that is that we were watching along the interstate 40 I'm going to show you a few other things here as we can and show you where we were dealing with the debris this was the last debris track we had so right near Gordonsville there was a little bit of damage it looks like happening just to the west side of Gordonsville here but maybe it's not tornado damage necessarily anymore now we're talking about the possibility of even straight-line wind damage with this storm but I'll tell you this much you need to be thinking about your tornado precautions tonight because we have several active storms that we are watching and you want to be going down to the lowest level a room with no windows by the way III have miss I want to let you know the western side the state is not done with weather yet either we have lots of storms that are starting to develop and starting to strengthen and because of that Storm Prediction Center has gone ahead and issued a severe thunderstorm watch until 5 o'clock in the morning I want to show you radar here lots of activity on the radar at this point now up in southern Kentucky it's a flooding thing we have several areas that are under flash flood warnings and several roads are closed because of flash flooding but we've been concentrating on this storm that is severe thunderstorm warning 40 it was tornado warning has caused quite a bit of damage we've had reports basically from Nashville to East Nashville to Mount Juliet to Belinda city and then all the way over towards Lebanon with damage reports coming on in and we've got this entire line of storms about to push in from the West here and although they are not severe just yet they could quickly turn severe so we're going to be tracking all these storms for you as we head through the evening and overnight hours well now it's overnight hours sorry I've been on air for a while okay Jackson Smith Trousdale Wilson counties you are in effect for this severe thunderstorm warning until 2:00 in the morning now and so folks wind gusts could be in excess of 60 miles an hour we're also talking about hail quarter-sized in nature although we have had hail up to baseball-sized in nature in Dixon County and we're watching these storms with lots of lightning very heavy downpours and we're gonna continue to track them the other thing it looks like is we got a flash flood warning that just got issued for parts of our area too so I want to get to that one as well where is that for flash flood warning for a part of our area let me get into here real fast and show you this this looks like four Cheatham yep so we have a flash flood warning now for Cheatham Davidson Sumner and Wilson counties and this is going to be in effect until 3:30 in the morning so again just some things to think about with these storms as they're coming on by I'll tell you this as we head into the morning hours still heavy rain still wind still hail still tornadoes can be expected we're getting a lot of reports of a lot of damage being done around the East Nashville area Hendersonville now coming in with some reports too and then the other thing I want to make sure you guys are aware of for tonight and into the early morning hours since these storms have been going on for quite a bit of time hopefully you have your safety plan in place just in case we get another tornado warning you have the phone charge and in the on position because we are streaming on Facebook you can find us just wkn and news to make sure you're following our page as we stream the coverage because a lot of you will lose power as the tornado comes through and then the other thing is downloading wkr and weather app it's really important so for the rest of this morning what we're going to expect well more storms are going to start to develop and they're gonna start to Train so there could be severe storms there could be tornado warnings and there could be some more flash flood warnings that get issued through the morning hours for that ride into work by seven o'clock most the activity is pushing to the south and east and then it will move out of here shortly after that but the story is this we still have we still have that severe thunderstorm warning in effect for parts of our area okay we want to we want to go back out to Brett he's on talking to a witness right now that saw the tornado I'm guessing out to you didn't see the wind while scare the second one was gonna come so I ran under the underpass I watched okay we're watching this really carefully here by the way we're looking at velocity products here I like to put it in the velocity mode just to make sure nothing too Crazy's happening but we do still have some bright reds and some bright greens in here so I would not be surprised if it's trying to tighten back up the rotation that is here I'm going to circle and show you exactly what I'm talking about this is now west of Buffalo Valley east of Gordonsville in this area here you can see still hugging interstate 40 folks so it's really on interstate 40 this area of concern now it is not tornado warned just to let you know it's a severe thunderstorm warning at this point but we're watching the bright green and the bright red and in particular here I'm gonna just put a storm track on if they do potentially issue a tornado warning where this one would be heading because it is going pretty fast you know where it's gonna be heading into Buffalo Valley you're very close on this path Baxter you're very close so you'll see this in about 10 minutes and then Rocky Point you would see this at about 202 by the way so just letting you know that this is a storm that we're watching we've got one severe thunderstorm up now they just issued a new one hold on we've got a new severe thunderstorm warning now for Jackson Overton Putnam and Smith and white counties again this is again until 2:15 and this is for wind gusts to 60 and half dollar sized hail they are not saying there's a tornado warned with this one but they're just saying that is a severe thunderstorm warning so that's the good news with all of these is we have severe thunderstorm warnings there the bad news is this doesn't look as good as I would think we've got as we look at our velocity product here we're starting to see that bright green and bright red get a little tighter and I don't like the look of that on our product here I'm going to circle it for you so you can see this you remember the bright green the bright red is a wing going away from the raid on the bright green when going to and you can kind of see it's getting tighter and your Buffalo Valley Buffalo Valley you could have some broad-based rotation in there just heads up of course this is the radar shooting up higher so this could be higher rotation but still definitely some strong wind gusts probably coming down to Buffalo Valley right as we speak and all of this is heading to the east and heading to the east pretty quickly so this would be moving towards Cooke fill out about 153 all good you'll see this at about 156 and then Monterey you're gonna see this at about 206 and guess what we are now back to getting a severe thunderstorm warning on the western side of the state folks this is not gonna be an easy night for us okay storms are starting to beef up over on the western side so I want to get right to that one too this one is for Benton oh this is not good this is for Benton County Benton County I just got a lot of confirmation from Benton County saying that several homes are totally gone in North Canada just north of the Walmart and there's an injury it's not good in Benton County and now we have a severe thunderstorm warning for Benton County right now and so that is happening now it looks like my radar is not filling in here for some reason on that as you're working on the Benton one unless the radars down oh it might be alright so I've got it okay go over to max to please because Mary's got this one alright which one are we which Benton County Gooden County okay no that's West there we go all right no no it's just my radar is wanted I wanna you can just do it on like a 5-1 there you go this okay so there's still some broad rotation right there actually putting this into Buffalo Valley one Buffalo Valley yeah that that's actually little concerning I'm actually gonna put on Hale tracker real quick to see what's going on okay so right around Gordonsville Carthage you've got that and then we'll see I'm gonna put this back on to five sweeps just kind of giving everybody the view of what's going I want to put this in a motion to show you how fast these are moving so basically what we're looking at right now is you know still very dangerous storms because we have a lot going on but what you want to do is you know basically just stay alert okay so the Benton County one okay I'm gonna go over to that limb area I'm gonna take you right now if you guys can go over to Maxwell I'm gonna take over for Benton County because I've got it all together now we do have storms that we're watching okay so basically we're watching this entire line that's east of i65 as you can see right here we also have storms out to the west there I don't think that's very right shot and the western shots are in Benton County down to the south here so storms are really starting to develop we have flash flood warnings up to the north as you can see right in here we also have flash flood warnings over through parts of southern Kentucky to the east but I'm gonna zoom in here and I'm gonna show you the storm in particular now this is a storm right here that is severe thunderstorm warning until 2:30 in the morning for wind gusts of 60 it does have a little bit of hail with it as you can see right in there that hail right near Parsons and all this is moving to the east northeast and it's moving at about 45 to 50 miles an hour so you can see this storm starting to get some strength yet again and go over the same areas that have already been hit and damaged pretty hard so it's gonna head towards Louisville at about 2:00 in the morning only we'll see this at about 208 Centerville is gonna see this at about 2:00 19 and then Wrigley you'll see this at about to 27 so folks we've got a very active storm right now we also have that tornado watch that is up through 3m for areas in Middle Tennessee here and notice that has been extended I want to point this out through Cookeville through Jamestown now until 3:00 in the morning we also have severe thunderstorm watches until 5:00 for the western counties so several things ongoing at this point biggest thing is we have those severe thunderstorm warnings that are in effect and we're watching in particular here this one right over the Buffalo Valley area just north of Buffalo Valley now it'd be like over 96 the bright greens the bright reds there our broad-based rotation but still something we got to watch definitely gonna have a lot of strong wind gusts coming down over Buffalo Valley and all this is moving east so Baxter you would be up next for this this storm is strong this is the storm that produced the tornado the large violent tornado that's been on the ground a bit and this is continuing to move to the east although it looks like it's broadening just a bit still some bright red in there though as it moves closer to the Baxter area and then would move farther to the east but at least the good news is we have no tornado warnings at this hour that's one thing that's keeping most of us safe but we do saw of severe thunderstorm warnings and yes they are even saying in the one for Benton and Decatur counties that a tornado is possible although I didn't see anything on it yet so ton of hail photos we've got them coming in from all over yeah if you guys wouldn't mind taking Mac's three I'd love to show some of that because this storm obviously has had a really strong history of damage so that's something that's a little bit scary obviously when it comes down to it so this is a look at Germantown Jack Browns completely destroyed our own Stassi almost sent this in from one of our friends another photo of that damage I mean it's a tough to sight to see obviously see a lot of first responders there and even people on scene just trying to figure out what on earth it's happening we've had a lot of photos coming in from hail in Charlotte and particularly large hail I mean just because we don't have a tornado warning right now doesn't mean this storm isn't dangerous a severe thunderstorm warning is certainly nothing to you know turn up your nose at it's definitely dangerous especially when we're talking about hail this big I mean this is I'd say bigger than a golf ball what we're looking at right now I mean a little bit closer to tennis ball-sized hail from Charlotte April sent in that photo Dana sent in this one look at all of that hail I mean these are just a few of the photos we've gotten over the last couple of hours so just something to keep in mind folks just because there's no tornado on the ground doesn't mean that the storm isn't dangerous hail is a threat very gusty winds are a threat definitely I'm sorry guys upstairs what did you say I didn't hear you too well oh but Brent's outside right now alright alright Brent let's let's hear what's going on what are you seeing right now okay that's right this is Spring Street right here you can see a lot of power lines down a lot of damage we're right next to TopGolf and you can see they've got the bridge actually shut down the Knights Inn taking a lot of damage and this u-haul Factory or building looks like it has been demolished you can see the trailers actually overturned on their sides a lot of people coming out of their hotel the motel the Knights Inn you can take a look Gerry up on the second or third floor there looks like there might be searching through there to make sure everyone's okay this is a lot of damage here a lot of debris we can't really get much further than this as mentioned there are a lot of downed power lines but again Spring Street right here take a look off to the left and you can see where we were just moments ago up on i-24 West where there are two overturned FedEx semis there's a car also that was damaged we did manage to speak with the drivers of those cars they said are those semis excuse me they said that they are okay they are lucky to be alive they said they saw the wind just blow through and push them off the interstate back here to Spring Street though a lot of emergency personnel out here Jerry if we could zoom in you can see maybe some people coming out from behind that building we've seen a few families with bags and flashlights kind of walking out from across this bridge here and still a lot of damage so I just lost service here we are going to gather our thoughts here but once we do we will give you some more damage updates but again off to the right here Jerry you can see some more residents may be walking across the bridge from Germantown hopefully everything okay there all right hey Brent this is Neil back in the studio here I know a lot of emergency crews are working in the downtown area right now responding at this point and I think folks are being urged just to stay away from these damaged sites right now fortunately back here the studio no reports of any injuries but of course this is very preliminary I can tell you from experiencing the 98 situation where a tornado hit Nashville adjust to our disbelief we're going through a similar long-term severe weather event and when you look at the radar and what Danielle is tracking out near Camden this is gonna be a long morning for most of us but there are numerous power outages right now we understand that it's clear that this as do we get some light on this in a few hours from now we're I have a wide spread path of damage really from the west side of town all the way possibly as far as Mount Juliet and even beyond that we're tracking a possible tornado on the ground now with severe thunderstorms off to our West Brent I want to ask you about the interstate as far as you could see everyone was ok yeah the two semi drivers we spoke to said that they are ok the other driver involved said he was ok as well one of those semis said that he was lifted up off of i-20 4 and actually shot out into that big median area there just off the Jefferson exit if you're familiar with that area a big open space he said he didn't know what was going to happen his vehicle left there he walked up and said he's thankful to be alive so that's the good news here I do want to show you the damage here we've gotten a little bit closer to the u-haul this looks like a bomb went off in this area here this is right next to the Knights Inn right on Spring Street as we mentioned the gas station torn up pretty bad and what you're looking at this this was a building this is completely demolished they are a shattered glass there are you halls on their sides and a second ago we actually saw a piece of the traffic light that had been ripped off you can almost see the path from where this storm moved through and again just I mean look at this this is all debris this is looks like part of the back of a u-haul that maybe would have held the the lift gate there and scooters so this is a lot of damage and we've only seen a small portion of this at this time we are going to keep on moving around but again you got to think that there are a lot of people out here trying to get through this and hopefully say a prayer for all these people because this is a lot of the damage and a very scary situation Danielle hey Brent appreciate that we'll come back to you in just a little bit yeah Danielle yep all right well here we go Neil we got another tornado warning and we were watching the cell for a little bit it looked like it was starting to tighten back up and this is that same cell that produced the tornado around Nashville that moved into Mount Juliet that moved into Lebanon and it has been really holding together and now a new tornado warning has been issued for Jackson Overton and Putnam counties folks until 2:15 in the morning so if you live in this purple polygon right here I really need to stress to you you need to take your tornado precautions now just to let you know I don't even know what time it's 1:00 something in the morning and I can tell you that you need to call anybody you know that lives in this area it's going to be coming to Cookeville first and then possibly Rickman Monterrey and even Crawford here again here we go you see the bright red you see the bright green it's just north of Baxter right in this area in here is where that tornado would possibly be located at this point and that would be headed right over to the east so just north really of downtown Cookeville it's just really north Baxter it's right over 56 at this point here guys and it will be going over 111 Neck so folks if you live in this area right in here you need to start taking your tornado precautions meaning going down to the lowest level a room with no windows preferably a bathroom a basement a closet folks take this very seriously this is the one that already created the very large dangerous destructive tornado and now it is moving to the east Kok Ville you're in the path Rickman you're in the path monterrey you're in the path and also Crawford yeah I'm gonna put a storm track on it because it is moving to the east at about 45 miles an hour so as I expand out on this it will be in Rickman at about 203 so Rickman you just have under about 10 to 13 minutes before it's gonna be right on top of you Cookeville you've got about five minutes before it comes over you and it may clip you actually cook Phil so Cookeville if you live in Cookeville right now you need to take your tornado precautions we also want to tell Monterey folks to get up if you know anyone in these areas that I am mentioning Columbia Hill Crawford vine Ridge please wake your friends break your family members up because of this is a storm that has a history of producing violent tornadoes by the way I just want to let you know this is the tornado warned storm and I want to just get to one more thing just real fast here and see where we have a new severe thunderstorm warning now this is for Hickman Humphreys in Perry County so as we're watching tornado horn storms to the east now we're watching severe storms back to the west in same areas that had a lot of damage by the way speaking of damage we want to go out to Bret he's there with more and then the Knights incorrect hey that's right we actually just talked to a couple here Natasha and Jason they were in the Knights in you you're getting out here and looking at the damage well I mean what was that like when when it the storm passed through here it was really scary like we were looking outside and trying to get a little video because it was dead no real wind or rain but the sirens were going off we're not used to that we're from Canada so it doesn't happen where we live and then all of a sudden it started getting really crazy windy everything's blowing towards the door and you could hear things falling and we just sort of ran into the bathroom hopped in the bathtub because we didn't know what to do and then afterwards our friends are on the other side of the hotel and we went around to them and there's flashing down and there's big trailers that are flipped over and there's what are they cinder blocks and everything everywhere just great actually touchdown behind us at the hotel cuz there's a lot of like you know semi-truck trailers that were moved over loads that were blown everywhere that's where all the cinder blocks came from I'd actually seen the sign on the top there that was like a three-way sign or something it started moving there was flashing flying everywhere a lot of debris and everything and it was almost over just as fast as it happened it wasn't very long like maybe five minutes I have a bit of experience with weather and everything being a pilot and stuff so I was kind of watching the clouds and getting an idea of where maybe the next one's gonna come like it was pretty quick with the emergency warning that we got on the phone I'll bet you when these things were buzzing five minutes later if that the you know the tornado was already rolling through so it was more kind of shock than anything and our first instinct it was just to get in the bathroom and sit me I'll hide in the tub I guess and Natasha's a firefighter so she kind of had a good idea of what to do as well too and I think you really smell a huge gas leak that's out front of the building I think the firefighters know about it they're trying to get it handled they were thinking the structure of the building was compromised as well but they checked it out and cleared us to go back in I originally wanted to get the hell out of here just get to the airport and figure out what we're gonna do from there but I think at this point now we think we're OK to go back I'm still leery about that gas leak and everything but I mean it y'all are okay though and your friends are okay and doesn't seem to be anybody injured there everybody we talked to and saw just a bunch of scared people so apparently that was there which might be a different result I don't know the Clarion we've grout the parking lot we hear lots of screaming and stuff like that and doesn't sound like a very good situation I mean I don't know part of me wanted to jump in there and go help but at the same time I'm not trying to be a freakin hero completely just still a dangerous situation well thank you all very much and I'm glad y'all are okay but yeah you get it you get a sense right there of just how bad this was for someone who went through it again that is the Clarion off in the distance we've seen some lights flash lights through there so we're gonna go try to assess some more of this damage but again scary situation the good news is right now firefighters on the scene telling us that they've only had to deal with people who were trapped they got them out but that's just one of the many areas affected so with that we'll send two things over to Danielle and try to find out what's going on all right yes we want to let you know what's going on because we still at this hour have a tornado warning that is in effect by the way it is now 150 4:00 in the morning we have a tornado warning in effect until 2:15 this is for Jackson Overton and Putnam counties folks this is the storm that has a history of producing a large violent tornado so it's not something you want to take lightly right now it looks like it would be centered over Cookeville lots of lightning with this storm heavy downpours gusty winds and yes hail is coming down with this one as well folks you need to be taking your tornado precautions right now in Cookeville getting down to the lowest level preferably a room with no windows a bathroom a basement I can't stress this enough this storm is quickly looking like it is beginning to wrap up I want to show you what I'm talking about here in Cookeville there's some bright reds but you see some bright reds and bright greens right in that area there now it's over there it's little dots but it could be a small tornado right now that is now well west of Cookeville would be heading east of Cookeville and there's also it looks like a little bit of rotation you're all good too so folks there's two areas of concern right now that I'm kind of looking at here as we look at this tornado warrant area one about to move over all good so all good you need to be downstairs in the basement taking over your tornado precautions and then this other one right in your Cookeville just to the west of downtown Cookeville so folks if you know anybody I mean it's late at night or early in the morning however you want to put it you need to be waking up your friends your family members call them make sure they're awake because this is a dangerous situation this is a storm that has a history of producing tornadoes okay and this is the latest track I put on this one Brotherton would see this at 202 it's basically on top of all good at this point then we would see this in Beaver Hill at about 207 hanging limit to 14 muddy pond to 17 in Clark range at about 212 and by the way it looks like there might be some tightening going on down south of even the tornado warned storm this isn't a city or thunderstorm warrants tour Yeah right in this area right in there looks like there could be some rotation here too so we're going to watch all this carefully guess what as I just talked about that a tornado warning got issued for that area so folks that's what I was looking at it's tightening up we're getting areas that are just tightening up as we go so let me get right to this one too and show you this this is the very latest a tornado warning now for Cumberland Putnam and white counties this is until 2:30 in the morning so these are my folks on the plateau please please please take this seriously this is an area of concern this is an area that is already wrapped up and produced a very large violent tornado at one point and now it's beginning to wrap up again because this is an area that hasn't had much yet tonight so it still has the warm temperatures it has the moisture it has the instability needed to get things going alright here we go the bright reds and the bright greens right in this area right in here so this would be just south of Baxter now just south of Cookeville this other area of concern and this is going to be going over 111 very quickly so folks if you live you know just south of Cooke field near 111 it's coming to you okay it's racing to the east at about 40 and then if it continues on this path Mayland you would be in the direct path of this it would run over 70 North Monterey you might even get clipped by this one to the southern edge of this so we got to watch both of these we have two active tornado warnings at this point over on the plateau if I put a storm track on this one for you because it is going at about 45 to 50 miles an hour here are some of the town names in the path of the storm so golfed and you would see this at about 206 so you got about five minutes to get downstairs and you're safe so please take these warnings seriously it is overnight folks it is dangerous outside you need to be doing that board Valley you would see this at about two eleven Monterey you would see the said about 217 and this is starting to brighten up in that pink I don't like the look of that it's starting to strengthen as we speak with the latest scans coming on in mainland would see this at about 222 and the plateau 227 so an area of concern a little bit of hail with this one I just saw the back sir yes just west of Cookeville highway 70 it's a prosperity point in highway 70 there's homes damaged okay homes damaged just west of Cookeville all right well that would be this storm that's going by we've got two of them that were watching in particular folks you just heard it for Mary there are homes with damage near Cookeville this is what you need to do right now if you are in those purple polygons go down to a room with no windows go to the lowest level center of the room and protect your head and neck we cannot stress this enough folks it is dangerous out there we've got two warnings we're watching one to the north one to the south she said just west of Cookeville near we have debris we have debris okay if you want to take weather to real quick we could do that I just want to push this up because that this is actually not looking great so we do have that debris signature it's just northeast of Cookeville right now so White's point Drive dry Valley Road that's heading your way and you want to be seeking shelter right now so Brotherton Mountain Road any folks to it you know anyone who's directly east of this but this just came up with the last scam now so this is brand new Washington Avenue that's just passed by you and so on the west side of Cookeville around 70 there where this has been riding there was damage so already homes damaged so we know that this is probably the ground producing debris yet it has a confirmed tornado now overall good yeah we are going to have one yeah yeah so yeah this is moving over all good now 1 111 pushing off and this is moving how fast easy 16 so it's gotten even quicker so this is you know a tornado is do is dangerous enough but when it's moving at 60 miles per hour just think about it you drive at 60 miles per hour on the highway so White Point Drive this is a you know an imminent threat right now an immediate threat seek shelter you need to be in the lowest level of your home and a basement is ideal but a lot of people don't have those so lowest level your home a room without windows cover your head and neck so Brotherton Mountain Road Macedonia Road you folks oh I'm going to continue to kind of get a closer view North plantation Drive White's point driving you know that I'm calling out names just east of where the debris is but that's because this is heading your way right now falling water drive you guys Poplar Grove Road it was falling water road scuse me the lane road Benson Road old highway 42 Green Mountain Road you folks please please seek shelter they were all good we just got the newest update you see how fast it moves from scan to scan and they're running this radar fast these come out every couple of minutes now so dry Valley Road this is over you right now producing debris and when we see debris on our debris tracker and I'm going to try to zoom out and take a look to the south I don't see any debris to the south but there is a very obvious debris signature is what we call it so very obvious debris overall good so North plantation Drive White's point Drive Brotherton Mountain Road Green Mountain get in your safe spot now we want to make sure that you stay safe but this is day you're not looking good we're gonna now we're going to shift though Mary now you had another who everyone because now they're saying just south of Cookeville they're getting a tornado and you can see this on if you go to weather wanna go because the bright green and bright red is happening so right now it would be near hill would drive near Bunker Hill Road right over 111 right now folks see that this thing is tightening up I'm gonna put a circle around so you guys can see this again but it's really starting to strain them this is not great this is definitely a confirmed tornado on the ground heading over 111 right now again I'm gonna zoom into some of these streets because it's right over your neighborhood peace lane Bay View Drive old Sparta Road lake villa Circle Old Bridge Road clear ville Drive Hidden Cove Road Bob bulik Road River Bend Road why am I telling you all this because I want you guys you only have a minute or two you've literally got to go downstairs right now I need you to get out of bed and go downstairs this is gonna be heading over 70 South or 70 North excuse me on your fight for Mountain Road Cherry Creek Road this would be over near Overstreet Drive Barlet Road hunter Cove Road I'm just looking at all this stuff but it's really starting to tighten up and that that really scares me a little the way it looks right now which would and they just looks like they were adding or their comfort looking at debris tracker there's a little bit of green now in the middle of the red here so there there might be in the next scan we might be able to see the debris right with this one and we could definitely see it with the one right now that's over North plantation drive out all good this is just you you're basically on the east side south east side but part Paragon Road during Brotherton Mountain Road you need to be taking shelter you need to be sheltered now there's okay so here's what we're finding out just so we know about this so if you live near North mcbroom Chapel Road area there's homes where people are trapped now in a home Partridge trail I don't know where that is but if we know where that is that's that's an area that's getting hit really hard right now okay hopefully somebody can help them because that's really important folks that what we're trying to stress to you is this is not okay this could be happening oh maybe it's happening no this is happening this is this is something where you need to be taking your tornado precautions right now folks mary was tracking the northern edge of the storm I'm tracking the southern edge of the storm here and this is the area of rotation right in here goft in you need to get downstairs in the lowest level right now you don't have any time to lose mainland 243 not much longer after that acids gonna be there way before that it's all gonna be there in about 20 minutes or so camel Junction the plateau woody all this area it's going to be this rotation is really going to be paralleling I 40 just like it was doing as we went through Wilson County as it went towards Gordonsville that area there so we're watching this one in they're here because this is where the area is starting to strengthen quite a bit so we have several warnings you can see this now we also have several hair cores one to the north that's the northern edge that Mary's been watching that one north of Cookeville and then the one south of Cookeville that's the one over al good right now in both areas there are confirmed tornadoes so you need to get down to a room with no windows going down the lowest level and protecting your head and neck just to give you some perspective the tornado warned storms or to the east we have flash flooding in the middle and up in southern Kentucky and now we have severe storms down to our south and a to our West some of these could easily turn over to tornado warnings too so we have to watch everything the sky is starting to light up we have tons of energy in the atmosphere to work with and so we're gonna watch it all very carefully but again the reason why we are staying with you live on television it's because we have a new tornado warning that just got issued again for Jackson Putnam and Overton County so we're gonna watch that in Cumberland Putnam and white counties that tornado warning up observe tornado considerable oh boy here we go again okay let's get down low rotation is definitely tightened over the last couple of radar scans so the you know we have two warnings right now but the northern cells not quite as impressive looking but the southern one is especially on velocities so you know kind of turning back on the velocity right here notice it's definitely looking tight confirmed tornado getting closer to 70 as we speak so here's the rotation right here Watson Road you need to be in your safe spot right now Lake Point Drive Overstreet Drive I'm gonna get even closer to see if I can get some of these smaller roads here Cherokee Drive Lake Shore Drive stamp sway Lake Valley's over you at this point a Bridgeway Drive Twin Creeks Drive so rolling hills Road Rocky Point Road Victor drive East Victor Drive East victory View Drive Fox knob Lane oh it's ironic bode conversations but nobody exactly well you're exactly talking as well I'm saying is because we do have a confirmed tornado it is large it is extremely dangerous like frightening for watching road right and so you're basically saying this is we want to go we want to go straight to Street and folks is Mary is rattling off your Street right now yeah I need to listen to her and you need to go in your basement if you have friends or family members that live out there give them a phone call it is 207 in the morning wait come on people like to sleep we need to wake everybody people up but these are and this is so incredibly fast moving so out so basically this is right at southeast of Cookeville along 40 70 North there is heading toward Monterey Monterey please be in your safe spot because this is a fast mover it's gonna be there before you know it but you know the scans are coming in so Rocky Point Road at this point Shady Lane East Victory View Drive and this is pushy so we have the latest scan Rocky Point Road Fox knob Lane Rolling Hills Road hider Mountain Road Jim Smith Road you need to be using extreme caution so Macedonia Cemetery Road Rocky Point Road Rod & Gun Club Road there's a lot going on in Welsh Road I mean I'm zooming in real real tight so you know what's going on east victory Drive Shady Lane and I'll go back out real quick and what I'm gonna do right now is actually put a tracker on this right where the rotation is and you can see this clearly on radar there's that easterly movement it's Monterey doesn't have much time by the way Monterey doesn't have much time so here here it is that's the rotation right there and I did not do a great job of drawing that but here I want to push this off to the east so this is moving incredibly fast and you know Monterey you've got just a few minutes not even you need to be in your safe spot right now Rocky Point as well Monterey Sand Springs and Rini please please please get to your safe spot you don't have much time and it's early in the morning call people wake them up this is pretty tight rotation right here and it's right along its Chevy lane if you're not in your safe spot please get in it right now each victory drive right there Fox knob Lane and this is pushing off to the east a shady lane and this is probably if it's not already over you you've got maybe a minute tops oh no this is getting worse okay injuries have been reported now in Putnam County all right folks this is a serious thing boxed race lane was that what you were saying Overton County tracks and Overton lines folks injuries are now being reported with this sort storm this is a large tornado it is on the ground it is on the ground and if we were to say where it is it's probably somewhere near Shady Lane it's right over 70 North right now paralleling interstate 40 again I know that's scary but it's doing it again and it's tightly winding up now here are some roads that are coming right into the path of it it's going to be Penn Hook Road virbull Church Road calf killer Road Mill Creek Road okay I'm going to come out here I had already circled it it's already moved because it's a fast moving large confirmed tornado on the ground here this one is moving directly towards Monterey it is paralleling interstate 40 I do want to I want to reiterate this and I want to talk to you all and say that it is in the morning hours right now it is very dangerous we've already had a confirmed tornado from this cell and now we're getting more of that as we go it looks like this one is going to head towards Monterey it's moving to the east at about 45 miles an hour so it's moving pretty quickly here and it does have injuries reported in Putnam County from the cell and I'm just gonna real quick put a track on this so you guys can see this as we pull out and just because it's moving fast is we have been moving faster than this so Monterey you have like barely any time San Springs it's about to be on top of you if you live in Sand Springs please go down to the lowest level senator rumo room with no windows plateau you don't have much time either it's heading to Unix basically this is gonna leave the Cookeville area and head towards Monterey it's gonna go right over Monterey and then it might go over it might even hit Maitland in between and then cumber Lake Cumberland lakes drive 62 basically if it continues on this path it's really gonna go where 40 intersects with 70 North kind of a lot and then 62 it's gonna go right towards South Monterey and calf killer here so again we're watching this storm it is a large confirmed tornado on the ground it is very dangerous Verizon has been down and Overton for quite some time Overton County is without power all of a southern end of Overton County is without power right now that is not good news either this is a large dangerous tornado that is on the ground there's some bright reds or some bright greens this is Monterey you don't have any time it is right by you it is literally a mile less than a mile pride from you it's going over Interstate 40 as we speak which is even more scarier it's going to be near Parker Road I'm just trying to see some other Pinhook Road yeah pent okra Sand Springs Church Road it's right near Sandy Stone Camp Road it's right over there right now but it's going to be heading towards B Creek B Rock Road South popular Street industrial drive icy Cove Road calf killer highway verbal Church verbal turts Road or something like that and then Monterey it'll be heading into you next so if it continues on this path the way it's going it's probably going to hit South Monterey South southern downtown Monterey literally so again this is a storm that we're gonna have to continue to watch and monitor is just to let you know this is the same storm that when it came through Nashville it produced a large dangerous tornado it is doing it again right now in near Monterey in Putnam County area and it is heading towards Cumberland Putnam and white counties they're all included in this tornado warned storm I'm just gonna look at see see see if we see anything but it's not really showing CC no I haven't seen much and I wonder if it's too far away from the radar I'm gonna try looking from a different one yeah it doesn't look like although now the latest scan just loosened it wait hey it doesn't look as strong that is good news okay the latest scan I'm gonna just circle it again remember how we had the bright greens in breath now stills bright pink which means they're still very strong winds with this storm but it now they're saying okay so they're issuing the tornado warning for Cumberland Fentress Overton and Putnam so they're adding in a new tornado they're adding more people into this okay hold on let me just clear this out and let's just go over it here real quick hold on I'm gonna bring this in hey Neil do you want to if you need it to kind of reset things over there do we have those live shots ready for us all right right now Brent Brent ramadas downtown he was down over near Cowen Street and James Robertson Parkway he's been moving around we have trucks over on the interstate now we're hearing about injuries from Mount Juliet all the way out through Cookeville right now Brenton concerned we about 30,000 people without power right now Brent and people are walking around the streets with these down power lines everywhere go ahead and take it away it gives us the information yeah that's right North first Street or North first Street and Spring Street here Payton you were in the clear and when that actually came through that's the other hotel that we were pointing out completely dark powers out what what was it like when this storm moved through we just got back from the hotel or from downtown and got to our hotel and the roof from the other building right next to us was blown off and our rough for our wall and windows and the roof of our hotel below us was ripped off and it was hitting our stuff and ah that was pretty scary really I don't know I hope everyone's all right yeah we like I said we walked downstairs and there's everyone was in the stairway and huddle up it looked like I don't think anyone in our hotel really got hurt but uh definitely windows knocked out and roofs gone leaking all over in the hotel when you walk out and see this damage I mean did you picture this is what you'd see after the storm moved through no not all it was really quick actually it came through and I figured it was pretty bad but not nearly as bad as this as fast as it went through it was pretty shocking to me actually you know you get a sense when you're actually down here looking around there's literally people just kind of coming out of the debris coming out from across the bridge all over here more people as we see with suitcases and whatnot I mean you were heading to spring break you made a stop here and you said now your car is destroyed yeah yeah it's in the parking lot windows shattered out of it scratches everywhere yeah it's bad deal I mean a these trucks over here semi trailers there's one of them now in our parking lot blocking us from anyone getting out of the hotel that's I think that's the only way into the parking lot and the only way out and there's two of those semi trailers in front of them power lines down everywhere light poles on cars and yeah it's a it's a mess what's next for you all well figure out if we can get another rental car and see if we can make it to Spring Break or not thank you very much I'm glad you all are okay hang in there but again you can just see the damage here on Spring Street if the power is out as well you can see a lot of downed power lines again this is North first Street and the Spring Street we cannot get over the bridge into germantown but this is right next to TopGolf again we've seen a lot of people crossing that bridge coming to this side we saw a couple actually kind of embrace each other as they came across with suitcases so you have to see that this damage very bad here and as the Sun comes up I'm sure we'll start to get a better picture of how bad this storm is you can actually see off in the distance some lights looks like they're searching through some of the debris but I do want to pan off to the left again just to show you how close this is to downtown Nashville just almost a stone's throw away something that is really just you know crazy to see still kind of speechless just forming my words here but again this u-haul building destroyed and then the power out that is the hotel they were staying in the Clarion off in the distance you can see power completely out so again firefighters out they said they've taken a few people that were trapped inside the buildings we don't have any reports of any injuries yet again we are on the ground so that information we're just hearing firsthand from these first responders out here again thank you to all those first responders that are out there right now and again if you are out driving like we've seen a few cars do be careful because there are a lot of downed power lines if you see something maybe call police as well because there still could be some people that are trapped under some of this debris guys back to you still a dangerous situation of a very dangerous situation Bret thank you appreciate that the difference between the 98 tornado in this tornado is about a tenth of a mile differences the exact path and the difference in Nashville is that we have so many more people living in this area than we did in 1998 and what you're looking at right now is video from the lead forecaster with the National Weather Service from his house and that is the tornado as it moved through north of downtown he describes a debris field that he was watching and when you see lightning they're not just not those are power those are transformers exploding but when you see lightning you can actually get the outline of the base of the tornado as it did move through downtown Nashville right there just stunning video from lyrick the from Sam Shamburger there from the National Weather Service of this tornado event that has it moved through downtown Nashville this is the same cell that held together as it moved all the way out through the Cookeville area and out toward Monterey and we have more severe weather off to our West bite and by no means is this weather event over now Cristina shall hoop our newest member of the team also a meteorologist has been looking through some of the damaged pictures and I'm not sure if we did first of all Danielle do we need to come back to you first a severe thunderstorm warning to hear that I just got in want to show up there some that's on the thunderstorm warning then we'll go to Christina if upstairs is okay with that and she could show you okay yes okay because I want I want to get through I want to get through all this stuff because we got a new severe thunderstorm warning that just got issued this is for Jackson Putnam Smith counties until 3:00 in the morning this is a cell behind the tornado orange storm by the way for wind gusts of 65 miles an hour it also has hail at least a quarter size in nature I can see the hail right over Carthage near the Granville area at least a half an inch in diameter there we're looking at velocity to see if there's any rotation that does not look likely which is good news we don't want that but we still have the tornado warned storm they did drop the two other tornado warnings but we still have one for Cumberland for Fentress for Overton and Putnam counties until 2:45 in the morning folks and you can see this is a line of storms this is the one that was already causing a large tornado on the ground in Putnam County and so they have kept that warning going now it is hard to tell on this map because the radar feeds are kind of smoothing over each other but I would say somewhere just east now of really Monterey moving towards Clark range would be where that rotation is so Clark range you need to take your tornado precautions now it would be just north of Mayland heads up for you folks there as well be be thinking about your tornado precautions either way and then obviously this would be moving over 127 here and then this is 62 so it's right over 62 and it's about to run over 127 so folks if you live in this area and you live in the purple polygon take this very seriously this is a storm that has produced multiple tornadoes along the way and could be producing one as of right now definitely producing very strong wind gusts with this storm and definitely is moving to the east at about 50 miles an hour not a lot of hail with that one that's the good news but one thing you want to think about is going to a room with no windows lowest level center of the room and protecting your head and neck now I want to get to some other things we've got several flash flood warnings so this is another thing this situation could turn into a flash flooding event as we head into the morning hours and this is not good timing because it's gonna time out with the ride into work we got a flash flood warning that is up for Christian trig and Tod counties until way later till 12:15 today we've got one until 3:30 in the morning for Cheatham Davidson Sumner and Wilson counties because we've seen quite a bit of rain in a very short period of time and just to give you a little perspective on where all the acts of weather is we've got lots of weather north of i-40 but now we're starting to see more storms back building out in West Tennessee and we've got another severe thunderstorm warning down here which is over towards the Loeb oval and Cobell you're seeing some storms right now some strong storms Centreville Wrigley okay this is Hickman Humphreys Perry County another area that's already been hit by storms you have a severe thunderstorm warning now until 2:30 in the morning so I just want to make sure you folks are aware of that with some hail and also some gusty winds all right Christina let's go over to you with more yeah Danielle I mean this storm certainly has a very violent history and of course a history of producing tornadoes which is why we're on air in the first place of course look at this picture it is so well-defined Zach Delanie sent this ins Briley Parkway at Elm Hill Parkway you can just see I mean look at it you can see the photo here oh do we have another warning coming up oh we're good okay I just want to make sure all right well yeah either way I mean look you can see it so very clearly in this photo it's a violent storm has a history of producing tornadoes we've got a number photos and videos coming in from areas like downtown Germantown a lot of damage associated with this storm this is a photo from Germantown this is Music City cleaners you can see the building is just in shambles one of many examples of the damage that we've been seeing another one our own Julia Palacio sent this in from 9th Ave North power lines down all over the place we've been getting a lot of reports like this power lines down power poles down trees down cars unable to drive all over the roads honestly folks it's a bit of a mess right now it's another photo from 9th Avenue just showing the extent of the damage I mean I know it's a little bit tough to see considering is kind of the middle of the night right now it's what about 2:00 in the morning something like that yeah so definitely not exactly a great situation unfortunately waking up to it's not going to be easy as well and I do want to show you this Mount Juliet police just tweeted this out our community's been impacted significantly there are multiple homes damaged and multiple injuries we have requested mutual excuse-me mutual aid from allied agencies we continue to search for injured stay home if you can watch for downed power lines so just an example of the damage between what we're seeing and what they're saying as well Neil what's going on well we just got word of the nature of the damage Donaldson Christian Academy obliterated was the description and thank goodness this was out of school at this point Donaldson Christian Academy so if you know that area it's it's again a densely packed area so let's just hope that that everyone is okay through this area Julie Palazzo lives in in the storm path right now can't get out of her apartment because the gates won't work and there's no electricity downtown she does join us by phone right now we're looking at that picture that you took Julia it's hard to make out here back in the studio with the lack of light to describe what you're seeing and where you are hey Neil yeah so I live in the Germantown area which you know from what I'm hearing sounds like it it's you know heavily affected by the storm so I mean correct me if I'm wrong on timing but it was a little before 1 o'clock this morning we got that warning it sounded like an Amber Alert on to my phone and you know I just didn't really think much of it being half asleep and then all of a sudden I you know I talked to so many viewers covering tornadoes during my career and they always say they hear this whistling sound that's really rough sound outside and I heard that exact sound yeah and it sounded like the furniture your my pool area in my building just was you know shoveling around all over the place so I ended up looking outside what so it's safe to and the back of my building is you can see in pictures power lines are down and there's some cars that were parked behind there and they're they're damaged and we ended up talking to one of the car owners there so so yeah like you said powers out in my building I'm going to be meeting our photographers so I will be on the air with me out but I can't leave building because you have a carry gate well mine is just weave down powerlines everywhere this is going to be is this the fifth and Jefferson location and if you know where the I believe in Nashville mural is in that area that the building that is on it's been obliterated so you know you're looking at category three for type of damage at some of these areas there of course way too early to call that I'm just trying to just in my best ability to describe the type of damage that we're seeing where you have long standing brick buildings that have been torn down we watched an infant a very young infant being loaded into an ambulance a little while ago with with parents and tears with that infant you're you're watching the scene right now is it kind of unfolds in historic Jefferson Street it's not too far from the Bicentennial state mall park and not too far from the sound Stadium Porter Road in East Nashville is where you are looking at this picture and if you look in the distance just jog to slightly the right that is the cone or the V of damnit of of the tornado as it was actually touched down in Nashville this is a massive massive funnel on the ground right there just I mean look at the distance and look at the width of that thing and you can see just how big that is which is why we are seeing this type of damage over a wide area and again as Danielle and Mary have been capably telling us through the last couple hours this thing basically stayed on the ground through Mount Juliet and all the way through Cookeville at this point that is going to be the five points area again you're looking at poles down the Riis strewn all across the area this is this is right there at the heart of East Nashville where those roads come together and and then the high school is just off to the right and you can see the type of damage that we're looking at there with with just massive amounts of a power outages being reported every time I update the NES website we're looking at nearly 30,000 people and these are just the people that have reported at this point know the type of power outage again these pictures are just absolutely stunning it for for a long time residents you never believed that downtown Nashville could be hit by another strong tornado but it has in fact happened we have some new video from downtown Nashville right now and I'm watching this for the very first time with you and what I look for is when the lightning flashes look off in the distance right there you're seeing the Transformers explode and and then you'll start seeing the funnel cloud off of the distance yeah a hotel guest staying in downtown Nashville experiencing this and she there you go and and then you get the view of the Transformers blowing alright and we're just gonna keep playing these videos again this is this is from Sam Shamburger you're looking at the lead forecaster for the National Weather Service taking from his residence and and that and his disbelief at what was going on here I can't even imagine it looks like the cranes are being moved by the wind right there it just can't tell but again this is the the video here where we were watching the distance when the Lightning goes off you can actually see the funnel I mean can we turn the volume up on this [Music] [Music] I mentioned earlier that we hadn't heard of any injuries well now that that has changed drastically with Mount Juliet police reporting that also authorities in East Tennessee were obviously staying away from them right now as they are working diligently to assess the damage and search for indoor injured individuals in the debris our reporters in downtown Nashville also kind of saying the same thing we actually and watch that baby get in the ambulance in again where where is this Bordeaux Buena Vista you can see that these buildings just some of them are on the ground I just just destroyed a piece of roofing there hanging off a tree branch and and the building behind it just crumpled emergency crews are gonna have trouble getting into these areas we can't make it worse by also going into these areas right now just about every emergency group uniformly is saying please stay in stay away from these areas there will be plenty of time to assess this damage at some further point but don't make it more difficult I want to show you a tweet as well that is from Nashville the Emergency Operations Center in om public notice there is an emergency shelter with running water at the Nashville farmers market and that's going to be you know about five hundred yards from the epicenter of where this tornado move through almost down Jefferson Street again the downtown interstate as the East loop from Shelby Street through Jefferson you were not going to be able to get over we've had tractor trailers blown over on onto their side and and Centennial place and I'll show you this there I mean the type of damage right here and Danielle if you're watching some of this I mean it's just it's breathtaking it's breathtaking to try to figure out the strength of this tornado at this point but when you see like at cars and obliterated mangled when you see brick buildings that have been here for a hundred years absolutely flattened and when looking at the pictures that Christina's doing a lot of people I saw in downtown when they were looking up at the top of these buildings right so obviously it's going to take more of the front of the win there and and some of the buildings look like the tops have been sheared off at this point this is just I just thought somebody one of my good friends that lives in East Nashville and they said it's a mess yeah yes absolutely math every one's going out just making sure everybody's okay yeah and looking for each other right now that's how bad it is I'm just the amount of people that live in the path of the storm right now it went through some of the most populated areas of downtown Nashville and East Nashville that we have at this point so and we still have a tornado warning area where is that going all right let me tell you a little bit more about that one if that's okay yes I just want to show you Nashville right now because we know the city I think this is an interesting shot if I show you my live camera look how dark it is okay power is obviously not working for folks that's where that tornado the latest map right now on the power outage is up to 25,000 I could see that that is for sure so a lot of people are in the dark right now I went 3:23 okay I want to let you know this the only tornado warning on the map just so everybody feels a little safer is in Cumberland in Fentress County but it is still in effect until 2:45 in the morning okay folks so again Clark range it's passed you already you see this little Boeing signature here this is some strong winds with this storm you see some bright Pink's in this radar right here is where that rotation would be now it's hard to tell because you can't really see the green as well but again this is moving to the east and this is a storm that has a history of producing tornadoes it produced a tornado over in Putnam County between Allgood and Cookeville and did a lot of damage in between those areas so we have to take this very seriously folks I don't want to forget about you if you live in Fentress County here or Cumberland County this is about to move out of our viewing area eventually but it still is tornado warned and it is moving and it's picked up speed just so you folks know it is now moving to the east at about 60 miles an hour's so but click you're gonna see this at about 30 37 then Lansing will see this at about 346 Union at about 353 and Oliver Springs at about 4:00 in the morning a little bit of hail with this one just to let you know - not too much but a little bit then we've got a severe thunderstorm warning still for Jackson for Putnam for Smith counties until 3:00 in the morning now this is not tornado horn it's just a severe thunderstorm warning and you can kind of see it just south of Gainsborough just north of
Channel: StormSpotterMike
Views: 24,904
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Id: IG36x9Filpw
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Length: 114min 48sec (6888 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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