2nd day on Yamaha YZ125X - I WAS WRONG !

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hey guys router here better than iron so I'm on 125 X again riding the trek because I really want to learn how to ride is 125 things 250 is there on a track am I ready today later but I'm focusing on 125 so let's stick with me and see how it goes towards the end so I'm trying to learn help you with this power bet I'm trying to especially work on my momentum being with smoking insurance and make sure that I'm in a great year and also I was looking for other guys that got want to challenge me and we can little little battles there you know this is the guy on two feet I think 1 to the power 250 two-stroke KTM came out of nowhere passed me there once but hey this was already when I was riding for like 20 minutes so I had the good feel for the bike so I was like alright the game is on and horse is trying to ride the best I can and pick up some fights there you know guys he's always fun you know if you have somebody that is on your level or a little bit faster than you you can pick up some lines from him you can see what he is doing and you can tried to pass him so that's what I was doing you know I was just riding around the track and when I found somebody that has decent speed I'll try to follow him and yeah I usually you know what I said on the video I like those inside lines and as you can see from my entire video majority of the passes I did was inside lines and I don't know why all these guys they always choose to go outside is it because you can roast it there on the berm you can drop your clutch and travel big roost or is it easier you can you can die so here I wanted to go inside inside and I thought I will pass him like that because the inside was really working for me but he surprised me here that he went inside to even outside and inside I thought you would go outside right so I was thinking about sign I will just press him inside there because that line was really working for me let's see what what else we can do and there is another guy on a two-stroke in front of me I'm gonna want to catch up - and let's see if I can pass him you see here I go inside he goes outside like a little bit air and then when I was riding on this bike it looks like some kind of it thinks and I'm telling you I got there's not a guy I think 450 KTM again you know inside line [Music] I'm surprised I tell you guys I'm surprised I'm really enjoying this 125 I thought there would be 200 power for me and I don't really know how to ride it but it's a really a lot of fun you know many times in even if you're in a life to like the things you didn't try it just kinda have some preconception about it and then runs it tried and you'll give it give me the shot you actually realize that it's way better than you thought and this 125 is definitely the case all right here we go another battle there is a guy ahead of me on Y Z I thought it was 125 but it's actually Y Z 325 so the challenge with a little bit or maybe he didn't but I took it as a chance I went to pass him [Music] so here I took out sideline because he was inside that's what I thought when I saw it I thought if the same bike I thought it's 125 but it was x3 325 big for up to 50 Y Z then I cannot tell you I was having so much fun on this one 25 so light and I was flying on those jumps it's so much fun on the fight a long time I haven't had this much fun on the track especially when I got in a groove little baton I was able to drop that clutch right there being in the in the right gear now the return was was good some turns were still you know not that great and this right here I was to face on the job yeah and I just landed on the flat and two kind of big hit on my handlebars but even though this is off-road suspension it's still handled it pretty well okay here we goin on the bed oh this is a guy or not probably 125 or 215 ekx and he's pretty good he was pulling out of me so yet I had to focus and try to hit those inside lines let's see if you guys know why people usually go outside comment below and let me know what you think why majority of the guys you go outside personally yeah I think outside is easier and anything will it'll be faster but once you get those inside Rob I'm not saying that I know how to ride it but I'm trying I'm pushing myself to write more inside and I'm seeing that it's working like right here his line is really good inside and then take another inside put the butt right here this is why z250 I thought I already have him look like I passed him over here but then I was inside and he just railed it outside has me back but I was determined to you know get him back here nice job he was on it soon so right here you know this is not the line that I was taking inside usually and people go outside so I was able to gain a little bit time what was it 250m I pasted in here so he wasn't coming back all right this is the most interesting battle I had all day the guy in front of me is on kx-4 50 which is like way more power than what I have and he also knows how to ride you can see that he is taking all the jobs doing little bit sometimes and you know one interesting thing check it out like almost every berm it just goes there almost to the stand stand still and then just drops the clutch and throws like a huge boost every time he's doing the same thing 99% of his lines are outside look everything he does is outside and he tries to drop the clutch ago on occasion just accelerate from the standstill so for me to be able to to catch up to him I have to be very school and I have to keep that momentum cause I just don't have that power well I look look right here okay come close to him on the turn and he just goes in the gas and it's gone almost lost it there you see this is a lot of power on that 450 class but I was really trying to stay on him if I know that he is throwing their slack he went to the other side he says what is then goes outside and just goes on the gas drop the clutch and throws the rules like that so I was trying to avoid all that dirt you know in my face and still you know stay on him and when the trick a little more technical right here like there's too many turns I was able to come closer but once there is more straightaway he would just pull away but it was really no fun battle because I could see that you know I have to be really only to keep the momentum and I can kind of you know see the difference and it was really fun so always I go inside I come closer to [Music] in the we'll determine I want to pass it before I really wanted to get this guy so here I go inside he was doing outside inside this one so I go outside here and here another guy on 450 just came in the game rmz 450 he seems to be with faster than the first guy so he would pass him here and that will have this little embed on like three of us so you know they've got all both of them fired up and I tried to stay on them maybe I don't know even besties so let's see how this goes yeah the armsie guy is on him and he is taking inside lines and with it for 50 he just pulls away and presses this KX 450 Nixon behind and again you know avoiding degrees is 125 so much fun way winner on that pipe and he can keep it there and as you see you know I'm I'm keeping keeping up with the 450s yeah maybe uh there's still much faster and then maybe those guys I don't know - don't try their best or I don't know the story but you know it's still decent speed on this one 25 you can really be competitive and most important you can have all the fun you want it's somewhat more fun than the other bikes man so right here diamonds a guy goes away and I think I passed the K X guy or maybe he also decided to just do a write of the track I don't know but it was definitely a really fun better I definitely felt like I got but probably it's a stop driving hey guys I have a little confession for you I'm guilty of prejudice I had this misconception about 125 and I thought I won't be able to enjoy them to their fullest and I won't be able to write fast and do the turns and jumps and I was kind of thinking that I wouldn't be able to handle this bike the way that it would be fun I told you always be somewhat you know like engine braking and not not you know not fast enough and I was so wrong as I was so wrong this thing you see I have 250 effects there in the back it's also a good bike and I came here today and I wanted to ride both bikes but I ended up not even unloading that bike I spread an entire day on one 25 X and also I'm on a mission I want to learn how to ride one 25 so today I felt that I'm getting better and some of those some of those you know turns I was doing today I was in the right gear and I crushed it right in like a drop the clutch and then keep the pipe by gonna Paiva it was so much fun my goodness so much blast it's it was amazing like hey I was enjoying this 125 a lot it's been a long time since I had this much fun on the bike on the track you know usually I write 254 strokes here and I love it it's great this time trying something new and there is this learning curve and the beginning I was a little bit slower and then I'm getting into it I'm getting into the groove I'm using this this power band the bag has and I'm just enjoying it enjoying it so much and this bike is it's amazing you know in last video when I had two bikes together I said like it's maybe even a little bit too light for me but I'm it's growing on me and I really love how this bike feels I like how light it is like you know riding inside in the inside rods this bike just goes right in there I can put it in there and it feels so good I didn't I didn't think that I will enjoy 125 this much it's really fun I think next week when I come again on the track I'm gonna take this bike again and just keep writing and keep writing in and get that 125 Fila into my blood so as for you know removing this bike on the on the track it is absolutely a bike you can take on a track it's a it's like a full motocross bike this little things like 18 inch rear wheel a little better power band a little different power band and kickstand I mean yeah kickstand these old things are good for drag as well like you know it's a convenient to have a kickstand it feels amazing here on the track it's definitely a bike you can have for track and for trails and for up for guys are transitioning from maybe 85 s and jumping on this thing I think they will be blasting fast on something like this it's a it's really a great bike the suspension I'm 2200 PI pounds now so a little bit heavier guy but it felt good I didn't really feel sometimes I I were too long because in the beginning was a little bit difficult for me to gauge their speed since you know like you keep shifting and you stay on a pipe so I didn't really feel how fast I go so sometimes I was too long and this step-down we have here I land all the way at the flat and I was expecting really hard landing but it is fine it wasn't too bad it just kind of soaked it up I get little hit into my into my hands through the handlebars but it was okay I mean I was I could keep going and hit another gentleman it was okay so it is a great great by great package and man I'm just enjoying it a lot some of you commented long time ago that if I really want to learn how to ride motocross I should get 125 and I think I understand what you meant it's really you know like you need to be on it and when I was only I was focused and you know dropping the clutch and being on the right gear and keeping in that in a pilot thinking before the turns you know and hitting those turns and in the jumps I was so much faster I'm gonna check the time on this and on 250 on the GoPro and see if I had better a lap time on this 125 but I just felt I'm going really fast I passed few guys on even one guy one on 450 I think but you know it doesn't mean a lot four-fifty depends how faced during the rider is but I think I felt that I was I was faster than than usual and this is just my second day riding 125 so I'm definitely getting into groove on this 125 two-stroke it's just so much loss to ride it I really love it again you know like riding in those inside rods I tried to go more inside on this bag and I just loved it it was it was a great feeling when you can really stay in there and then come out you know with the clutch and just kind of roosting through that through that turn even from inside it felt amazing so definitely going to ride this thing way more on the track and I think it will help me to becoming better rider are my friends so that's about it for today for this 125 I'm sorry I misjudged you in the beginning it is a great bag for the track given for that bigger guy like myself and let me know what you think I would like this video what you ride if you have 125 then drop the comment below and tell me what you like about it and don't forget whatever you do stay motivated see you guys later
Channel: Dirt N Iron
Views: 132,980
Rating: 4.9179688 out of 5
Keywords: dirt bike, 2 stroke, yz125x, yamaha yz125x, yz125, yamaha yz125, yamaha 125 2 stroke, yamaha 125x 2 stroke race bike, 2 stroke offroad race dirt bike, 2020 yamaha yz125x, yz125x motocross track, yz125x motocross
Id: brrvX7KIqFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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