Guy Martin - Thoresway MX Track Introduction

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go on the plan then chaser well how did it happen how did it happen um my relationship to thought we got a phone ringing in there boy we're all right we're right yeah worked in case there which most people know this track has cased it they don't notice those way most people outside of lincoln should just call it cased it which suppose the case there is the main town thor's way it's not even in this way he's just over the hill um yeah and i worked in case there for i worked for my dad for ten years after i left volvo so yeah even before there's always been a legendary motocross track you drive past what's happening that falls away who's riding there's riding bikes they're going past going oh my god um it's just been a legendary place and then i come and rode here i thought when i ended up riding for honda ah this was yeah 0.70809 10 so i was riding for older sort of like private through a storm yeah and anyway perhaps the deal you got motocross back and then yeah i couldn't use used to come around here and i was crap but i used to love it i usually love it you just get home and i have a new knackered milk crossbar but usually mint used to get plenty of discipline for for road racing you know just for like fitness and discipline that you're coming out to ride and just trying to it's great it's great it's great how did it come about i own i ended up owning the track about six months ago this is a bit of a bold statement we've got the best track builders in the world on the case um we're chopping and changing everything so i'm johnny douglas hamilton i'm a track builder i've been uh building tracks since around about the mid-90s and my first grand prix track was in 2004 got a call a few weeks ago from sharon to come up here and work along with alfie who's a new track builder and ex-grand prix rider so i'm alpha smith um i've been building tracks since 2016 when i give up racing across a high level so it's it's an amazing landscape really aggressive hills and it's a little bit like a small fox hills which is the the grand prix venue that we had in the 1990s but in a lot of ways it's actually better because you have the you have steep hills and you also have some shallower hills it's a chalk base it drains really well and again along with myself and alfie we were pretty much given the remit to just come in and give it give it the business so well practice tracks you can make them really fun you put a lot of jumps in a lot of real nice tight turns but it wouldn't necessarily race as well just because of the line choice the predominant line would be mainly used in a practice track and uh whereas a racetrack you you want many aligns so obviously the passing opportunities are there and um you'd probably put less obstacles a little bit wider than normal as well and look maybe a little bit more open to add a bit of speed to it uh just for the passing mainly so when the spectators are watching that you get you get a better visual of all the passes and everything like that whereas normal practice track you just you could fit it in anywhere and wouldn't have to cater for the spectators as much um whereas here obviously you've got all the hills and you can see a lot of the track you know throughout it yeah yeah 100 the landscapes unique and that's i think a prerequisite of uh decent motocross is to have a sort of uniquely extraordinary landscape like when you get a chance to work on a track like this it's it's a joy because you know that people are going to love it when you're finished and for us we get we get a good kick out of that as well you know make it like try the majority of the track in in the valley then you're not really going to come out onto the top yeah because we're quite compressed venue here and we're very keen to potentially be able to have a grand prix here if um you know matali is not available for for one reason or another and they need a replacement it would be great to try and squeeze a grand prix in here it's a much smaller venue than matali but the venue the benefit of that is you get a hell of an atmosphere if you squash every 10 000 people squashed into this value would be nuts and yeah the noise would be bananas you know just they would be great having a boxing match in me bathroom yeah it's completely different place i'm getting excited i'm getting excited you know i another couple of weeks and we'll have something here and then it's what we do from then on so obviously we want to put an internet automated irrigation system in and then it's sorting the paddock side of things out and then tidying everything up around it sorting all the landscape out sorting the hedges out and it's yeah yeah yeah a lot has happened in the past 10 days [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're at causeway motor park the track's been took over to guy mountain yeah himself um and it's all been redone by alfie and johnny so we're just here to test it out good day perfect yeah well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the bottom line was what do you want to be do you want to be a practice track do you want to be a racetrack because you if you're one you're not the other right and if you start as a practice track you can't really evolve that track to be a proper race that i wouldn't say proper race don't worry probably if we're going to be a racetrack and so the answer to that question was what do you want to be we want to be a racetrack right we want to be a racetrack but i said jokingly right yeah if we're going to be a racetrack we want to be the best motocross track in the country i want to get the british grand prix there if it takes a year if it takes 10 years that's what i said so that's where we are now i'm not um over egging the pudding here am i i don't think i'm being fair wrong you talked to alfie johnny they build the best tracks in the country they say that this is the best track in the country we've just had the best riders in the country ride it i think they're saying the same so we're not i'm not smoking anyone's house i'm not saying but i think probably we've got the potential for the best track in the country it's happening it's happening so yeah really um yeah i've just been i've left you to it i've just been going to work to earn the money to yeah so yeah you're you've made it happen sharon and you've made a fantastic job so massive thanks massive thanks you've made it happen you've made it happen so yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] what about now what about johnny alpha what they've done now well it's not johnny and alfie like the main men but then we've got the other lanes they're actually i just looked at them they're probably deep i know and you've got to fully commit to it yeah which you want you boys obviously if you don't you're like tipping point with me 50p in it 50 in it oh boy i wrote it i wouldn't live with myself
Channel: Guy Martin Proper
Views: 157,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guy Martin, F1, Russia, Channel 4, Isle of Man TT, Speed with Guy Martin, Guy Martin Proper, Chernobyl, Jenson Button
Id: 6qomPfZVRcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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