2D Wet Felted Fox - Part Two: Creating the Fox and Wet Felting

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[Music] you you you [Music] so just like when I paint I like to do I like to work dark to light and the the reason being generally what's very dark is receding that's farther away it's in a hole like it you know in the dark spot in his ear or where he's in in shadow our light in this image is sort of coming from the left and so like his back will be a little darker he's a little lit up on the crest of his chest and shoulder so I can use my dark that I made and I think for the Fox I'm gonna put a little bit more Brown and the dark brown a little bit of the brown dark brown mohair in there so I'm just taking a little bit of that and a little bit more of my brown silk I'll throw a little bit of green soap in there - it's just so deep and beautiful okay and then I'm just with my hands I'm gonna pull it apart and restock it and that's how you blend by hand pull it apart from the ends and restock it now I don't need my darks to be super defined because they're just shadows when we get in as we build up on the Fox we're going to need lights in very specific places so I'm going to do a lot more cutting but I'm gonna take these darks and I'm gonna go on the back of the shoulder here maybe go this direction so I'm getting that shoulder some darkness on that shoulder bump I'm gonna go down on his butt here which kind of sort of just mixes towards the the greenery a little bit I'm gonna go inside his ear we get a little bit more black in that cuz that really is very dark and then maybe just right in this little corner of his leg here basically I'm squinting my eyes looking at the reference picture and seeing where some darks are and getting a little bit of dark wall down there too to proceed from here we want to make a medium and a light so we have our little dark blend we want to make a really foxy chestnut blend your head so that I can start putting all these beautiful chestnut colors on so I'm going to use I'm gonna use some brown silk and I'll just do this by hand so you can practice that I'm using that rust definitely going to put some of my little hairs in here I've got this chestnut II mid-tone one maybe a little bit of this golden one I just take this stack of fiber mix it up coming from somebody who does not paint it feels so odd when you think a fox is orange and white to put in the darker blend mm-hmm green and purple but yeah this is a very this is a pretty straightforward color here but the others like the one that you'll make that's kind of gray yeah you got to do it that's what yeah foxy all right so here's our our general fox chestnut okay we're gonna just set that right there now we're gonna make a light one so wherever he's in got highlights he's not this color anymore he's this color in the Sun so we're gonna use use the rust again let's use the lighter the lighter mo hairs mo hairs is well here's these and mo airs is we'll use a little bit of this honey we used a little bit of this tangerine I don't think I'm going to use this marrakesh right here I feel like this well I'll just do a tiny bit it's a little muted and let's do some Doon silk that's your nice I'm gonna put a little bit of the saffron to pretty so exciting just by hand we're gonna pull and Reese tak taking the time to blend we learned this when we were felting together lasted this week last week taking the time to blends a few colors it is key this is gonna be like you're gonna be so happy to have it when you and then your needle felting - at the end like just just be like oh I mixed that already and like to have this all right I need to do one without the rust in there cuz that it's like but it's still I'm gonna do one with just the honey the tangerine some white this is gonna be a really nice light one maybe a little bit of dude I'm getting low on dude I want to see tiny bit some parts of the Fox are pretty white most of them is a little bit gray don't use too much pure white on him that's a nice bright color all right it's amazing how much you can wet felt in in this in detail he's got a punch of chestnut on his back and I'm keeping it a little messy and I'm just kind of letting it overlap the dark a little bit other than that it's like behind his head at the back of his head and on the crest of his shoulder you keep it thin then you're gonna see some of the dark through it and then as we get onto his butt area here he actually gets pretty grayed out so I'm gonna take a little bit of my chestnut I'm gonna take some of my brown and then a little bit of my ash and sea mist and just make almost like a heathered sort of more natural Brown II gray that they get on their butt and in the in the reference photo his fur is like you know obviously sticking off of his body so you get all these little dark you know dark areas in between where the fur is coming up and that's a little tricky a little tricky to do but if you cut this fiber instead of just lay it on hole then you can kind of arrange it to look like that so I'll show you all right so if I just cut myself don't cut myself I'm coming like 1/2 inch chunks of this blend so instead of like laying fiber or like this I'm opening it up and that makes it look a little bit more like you know like you're getting that fur effect so I can do that so get a little bit of that just not doing that it's got a pretty good bit of chestnut in his tail here it's come across this way the way that purple works is pretty remarkable you wouldn't have money throw some purple on to my Fox yeah cool and then he gets a little lighter where his tail is being hit by the sunlight so I'm going to do the cutting technique because I want it to look really furry and silk is just like it is such a great highlighter well we see your head but not what you're doing thank you I'm gonna grunt oh that's different for me sometimes they run out of words you're looking pretty foxy all right we can get a few more highlights going on him before I start on the face this is a part of that s part - and then he's got a nice little light spot on his rib cage here so right now you are working with the reference picture up in front of you looking for light spots definitely just so people know what's happening here definitely I've got hush and amber the two lights mixed together it just makes a really soft subtle light it's not white it's not gray I try to avoid having fibre going like is line yeah cuz I don't look stripy when you it does not that is it I gotta mix more of my chestnut it's kind of gone get some pops in a few key places it's so bright this is just that highlight this shoulder a little bit it's starting to kind of look like something I love this dark shadow that's he's rough here so I've got my dark and I'm just breaking it down it's a little dark so I'm going to take some of my dark and a little bit of that greed out Brown that I made you can like further mix your colors that you mixed and have exactly what you need we had mixed results on felting like the nose on I think just taking either a little bit of your dart or a little bit of straight-up black breaking it down a lot till it's real small and then just it's not you're gonna end up needle felting that basically but just to start to delineate where it is same with the eye I used my mixed dark for this back ear but for this front ear I do want to get a nice black line on the top of it just make it really come forward here it's my head anyway the noggin pressure really it's two layers right now you're working on his noggin you're working about your noggin you're like you're painting I feel like this is the most like kind of like pastels because with pastels you just put them on there's a little bit of blending happening but no really you're just picking the colors and putting putting the right colors next to each other and that's that's what you're doing here I'm gonna mix some silk some white silk with some white wool I'm gonna cut this silk up a little bit because it's like SuperDuper long so this is like the whitest white of the whole painting and I'll just put in very select places I select and then this is my latest the latest light for the in terms of the Fox color I can break it down with my fingers I can cut it I need to blend these two together for inside the year here I meant to say at the beginning of the tutorial I meant to say it's always good to watch all the way through see how you're using your materials we need to put that in the in every video description mmm-hmm like that needs to be darker so as you're working something we found helpful was beside stepping back was also taking a picture oh definitely yeah like take hold your phone up take a picture it like it just interprets everything kind of for you and so you can see where you are and what you still need pretty pretty well I think somewhere I had these two colors mixed together I guess I don't have it anymore hush and amber are friends there were friends in the hummingbird video as well and I think so I'm just gonna break that down a little bit for my few little whites on the face I'm not I'm not I'm just like almost suggesting values on the face and not getting too too detailed because you will go back and needle felt sorry you really want to see what you're doing I can't I know I can't stand like this alright will you edit my wine out please your wine it's really important all right now that I've got his self his little self in place mostly I'm going to get a little foreground going over him pretty pretty handsome there hmm thank you pass out the compliments too easily I don't know I don't know not you this what I'm doing right here it's a little weird so we talked about this before I think when you were making the 3d Fox but foxes are considered dogs right but they have retractable claws freaky that makes them very Catholic what makes my dad a cat that you know they had retractable claws look at this gorgeous thing where are we putting that Wow right that it's gonna go right wild dog I always think of them as more keen eyes and cats but they are their cat like Oh oh my gosh look at that I hope your kit has these these exact ones it will have good things with your locks like make sure that ends are a little bit splayed out and have a little either fuzz down or have some wool on them gray foxes in North America can climb trees also cat-like if you ask me mm-hmm very okay turkey ones this one is pretty where'd that blue one go you had the blue one yeah it's over here definitely the blue I really like that yarn as part of the grass - I did not do that I like these rusty colored little tidbits so this is another area that could take a lot of time and fussing picking just the right stuff you don't wanna work outside where it's windy so funny all right you some of my that medium green that I blended lock down my locks and then I need a little more dark green them out of my dark so I'm taking my medium green and some tartan and some don't help me there was a news story about a fox that was caught in the snare for two weeks hmm before it was rescued and he couldn't escape he only survived because his mother brought him food when he was trapped oh well that's crazy oh that's so sad they have a lot of intelligence when raising their young a lot of animals would be like nope they like abandon the weak ones I feel like I want to have some really deep chestnut maybe what we can do for remember is take a picture when I'm done laying all this out and put that in can you it superimpose a picture into the eye I'm sure that I can I do not know how but I will figure it out for the people I don't know what's happening here so now he is looking more and more nestled mm-hmm all right let me before I go any further let's do our queen anne's lease where do you think my nuts are okay so you have this pile of naps you just want to take a little little pile and spread them out a little bit you don't want them to be too chunky and then think about where you want a few flowers so I'm gonna put like a bigger one there I've been ending up doing five I usually get one maybe like that's you're seeing the edge of it not so much straight on so it's like skinnier and I'll just do three this time we think about that three I did three you some little not to five little sprinkles of who knows what I think Jimmy did sprinkles he look cool and then remember that white silk mix we need you want just a very very thin layer over your - hold on yeah just like you're making a little spiderweb over that and then if you want to you can use your yarn to make stems you don't have to have stems they could be sort of embedded but so you're laying in lots but you're not putting on a ton as far as extra fiber fiber like your first layer she disappeared where'd she go any-any merino you're putting on it's just a kind of a light hold down layer or not oh yeah oh yeah just a little bit if you have a lot of locks towards the bottom or you just want to make sure you get oh let's get that wool on there too because they do they don't felt as easily so so I have this little medium dark mixture that I made and I'll just take a little bit of it over the edge here that just ended up there but I like it so cool yeah I might like I might just bus with the face a little bit but it really is hard for me to do at this angle so much really can happen needle felting so much can happen needle felting if your face looks like she has it congratulations haha we're about ready to wet felt Milo very very exciting yeah I added I took little strands of my green that I mixed and this is the straight leaf and just pulled thin wisps and then spun them in my fingers to make a point yeah so that's kind of a cool thing to work in there I didn't do that on any of my other ones so hopefully it'll look cool I did it with a little bit of the amber some of that mixed color and like I said this is the straight leaf and I'm keeping these sharper sharper details towards the front like I know I don't want to put a real sharp detail in the and what I'm trying to convey as the distance you know okay and I also wanted to show how the Fox in my scenario got bigger than the template which is okay you know just it's your church trying to keep their proportions so like my head always gets a little bit big so you can see you can see that he's a little large relative to our template and there's a lot of manipulation that you can do like you can really kind of tighten things up scoot them around on here a little bit just push your wool around it's amazing how it'll stay like when you wet felt it will it will stay where you put it think in general we ended up when we did it as a group we ended up with like bigger noses my whole one went kind of splendid and got bigger moves closer but not bad just so you will need the wall and if you have a sprinkler that's great and we like the just plastic I'll show you them one second like the kind of plastic pictures that they use it restaurants and then you just go add it let me gather some things and we'll start wet felting okay so put my ball over my piece I have my sprinkler I'm using an unscented olive oil soap but we also have lavender and I have my pitcher of water I use hot water and I did put some dawn into the pitcher okay so with this sprinkler it's gonna take me a good probably five full sprinklers to get this before I'm even gonna like put my soapy hands on it I love watching the image show up once it's all wet so flat Matt's pretty thirsty yeah so that's event 3 I'll do one more and start feeling feeling where I am so what I like to do is sprinkle a little as I sprinkle like I sprinkle onto the soap and get my hands soapy all right I think that was four and then just gently pressing down I'm not really rubbing yet I want to see where I need more water so anywhere that is poufy is not saturated yet I'm probably gonna get my head in a shot sometimes you'll get a lot of water in the middle and you can kind of push it to the edges but I'm not even quite so that was for that I for I think so this will be five it's it's amazing I can see you can see all the crazy variation in this so I'm concentrating these towards the edge cuz that's where it's the puffiest which definitely down here is not nearly wet enough yet so those corners again I can get you out the corners yeah the corners so this is kind of at the stage we have to be careful because you could pretty quickly have puddles going onto the floor but really I mean we always just use a towel and every once in a while it wants to spill spill out the edges but we do pretty well I'm laughing a little bit of Talbot oh yeah Talbot had a he yeah he took a little bit of a an aggressive approach which surprised me because he's so such a cautious nose person yeah so I think I'm at about six it's probably gonna be good so it's soapy hands I just gently want to begin making sure my water is reaching all the fibers and start to get the fibers on top to come together I mean I still need more well I'm going over the edge a little bit here on the left but the right is definitely dry and the top in the bottom are a little dry some fiber will come up what's to like come up through the wall which is really interesting to me I don't even understand how that happens but it always does so with your whole palm it's like a gentle massage at this point I think too much pressure too fast can can move things around will you please um there's some extra towels yeah over there and I could use it on the left maybe you can umm overdub some something music is that a word over down uh-huh did I just what's just meet something about overlay I don't know overdubs a thing okay so at this point I'm just like just starting to feel it kind of firm firm up a little bit under my hands trying to think of an analogy but it's you can tell when it's no longer just like a big puffy puffy smushy and it it starts to feel a little more solid and that's the point where you want to carefully pull the wall up and just check it make sure nothing's moved too too much so you're gonna have I don't know if you can see this corner it's gonna want to stick and you just kind of take your fingers and make sure that the fiber stays put as you pull this away all right good and stuck for nothing it's not so much it's pretty stuck so far so if there's anything that's terribly out of line I don't see anything too bad can just shore that up I like it kind of like it this might be the best one that's good force times a charm I shouldn't speak too soon okay put this back down very different yeah I like this guy moodier seem to be afraid of wet felting I can get not liking it yeah um but I feel like you can't well I've had a lot of failures I shouldn't say you can't not succeed but I was experimenting like I was like doing things that I didn't know how to do and I was you know trying like making the stockings and you know trying different fiber lemon people were successful different membered company oh the hummingbird went really well but once you get to this point like you can't mess this up really it's just you just makin the fiber stick together and it does that it does this thing it's a lot of work it isn't work that's that's where you know it like I said I can get not liking it but um feels a little scary you put a lot of time into it yet nothing was tacked down yeah yeah yeah so yeah that makes sense so I'm gonna give this another few minutes just from from the top with my hands and then we will start rolling and the reason I don't want to start rolling just yet is just to make sure that my design and you know these these more individual like delicate pieces that are on here are really becoming one before I'm like you know just smushing it all around okay we're ready to roll so you need your pool noodle lately I have not been using the ties but that's up to you so you want your wall and your whole this is not quite wet enough yet but I'm counting on it getting wet as ice as I squeeze the water in this rolling process which it will but so from the pool from this bubble wrap up you're wrapping the entire thing around the pool noodle do not wrap the towel in it do not wrap the towel in it however once that's all secured I pull this back towards me and I use the towel as the tie so that's what that's what keeps it all together you don't have to watch this but I'm gonna do I'm gonna go 75 this direction and and then we'll show unrolling it and turning it but we want to go from each of the four sides start the pool noodle so you rotate the piece so that the pool noodles yep and then two of those times I want to turn it over so that flat mats on top so that you're working flat mat together with the UM with the felted piece so I'm gonna roll this 75 times and go okay okay yes it was fast okay so I'm gonna unroll every once in a while you'll get things a little turned around but you'll figure it out so it's it's funny how soon we were saying how it was a little aggressive and he rolled and his fox-like shrunk so that's why you go from every direction because it it shrinks and felts in the direction that you're that you're rolling so like I said I want to go from the flat mat side and then I also want to turn so that I'm coming from the nose we did from the from the bottom seam just gonna pick the whole thing up like mmm I got to turn it like saying this cuz it because it my piece isn't exactly square I swear these flat mats are bigger than 20 to 5 time so I have to turn it this way and I realize that's probably a little confusing but I kept track I get lost every time oh yes thank you I went and reached for it and then okay this away what a fun way to get a little workout mm-hmm 70 pine I complain every time but we're gonna do a positive spin so I did all my times all four directions you did two flips back and forth mm-hmm and I'm just giving it a little pinch test it's pretty good definitely the lot of the locks are always gonna be a little bit unstuck but I do want to go another time and I think I'm gonna go from this way I want to get them get them felted together this way so I'm gonna go again and I'm just gonna go ahead and give it like a hundred like just you know trying to finalize it by doing a little bit more and then we'll check again okay I did my additional yeah I think it's good I think it's good so the the process now is to take it to the sink and then using very hot water and then very cold water I rinse and squish it about adduced do that switch four times so we'll do that and then my hot top how are you feeling hot Oh whenever get the camera wet Oh so the hot and cold cold the heat kind of opens up some fibers and then the cold locks them back down again and sort of further felt full fibers together plus you gotta rinse the soap out pretty simple you're not you're not being delicate with it no question so back back in the depth we have a spinner so I'm just gonna throw that in there it's very satisfying when it's balanced look at that I know whenever I went felt at home I'm like where's the spinner if you don't have a spinner you're gonna wring it out as well as you can and then roll it in a towel and it's it'll take a lot longer to dry yeah that's it the laundry alternative very cool looks good so this is it just out of the spinner pretty happy with it I definitely have some loose spots you can kind of stretch it and get it shaped the way you want it to do it'll dry that way and then when it's dry we will needle felt some details [Music]
Channel: Sarafina Fiber Art
Views: 8,689
Rating: 4.9817352 out of 5
Id: Qc8KIm9vLX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 34sec (3334 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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