DIY Sleeping needle felting Wild Bunny Rabbit - The Wishing Shed- asmr

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[Music] hi and welcome to the wishing shed so today I'm going to show you how to make these adorable little sleeping bunnies and once you've got the basic body shape you can even make them so they're sleeping on the side or so they're sleeping on their backs like this so today I'm going to show you how to make one sleeping sideways using a stencil sheet and I really hope you enjoy so first we're going to make the bodies which is this thighs here and to do that we take some of the core walls about four inches by two inches and roll that up so I'm rolling it quite tightly just to save time the felting and I'm just about with our felting needle so this is a 36 gauge needle and just starting it all over so what I'm actually doing now is I want to add more wool around the bottom section which is going to be the bunny's bottom so don't do that and the back section needs to be arched around that's the Bunny's back basically the shape for the boardrooms make sure it sort of fit they're just going to shape that a little bit more so it's basically the body and I'm now going to do the head so I'm going to roll a little bit of the core wall up for the head so needle felted the basic dual ball shape but as you can see it's way too small so it's good it's not going to look like on a pony and so I'm gonna add more wool around that now you now we can start adding the features to make bunnies and head look more than just a ball oh I'm going to make to take two small amounts of the wall and sort of try and get them as even as you can start with and I'm gonna roll two little cheeks sort of the thickness of the tip of my finger and lightly felt so this is still using the core wall one and two and then so the eye needs to go the cheek needs to go just at the bottom here so we have keep our eye area thin at the top of the head so I'm going to felt that on to give them some chubby cheeks you can see just the bottom section of the head and felt that and I'm going to look from the front to make sure I get a cheek sort of evenly positioned so we don't want the cheap to go onto the nose area we're keeping that we're keeping that thin this is just literally going beneath where the eyes going to go and don't worry about these joins because we're going to cover those and them in that shape it around so there's our cheek like so they'll look again from the front so we're gonna make a little nose which goes over the forehead as well and so just going to create a tiny I'm folding it in half and then we want to create a little triangle nose so fold one half over and other half over and felt so I'm gonna add the nose on now so that the points and needle felt the point on like so and needle felt it up the hole of the head and the top section and now we're going to put on two tiny little and balls here to define the mouth area you and now I'm going to just attach those either side of the point and just below so there's a point and then we just felt that below there you now what we want to do is to bring this nose a little bit just slightly so it's overlapping the cheeks so just pulling it the point tiny bit and tucking these do you see hopefully you can't tucking the little front part of the cheeks under the point like so right so now we're going to make the little mouth at the bottom so I'm just going to use a tiny bit of wall again and roll another little ball and I'm going to just measure it against you don't a great big mouth this is a little chin goes underneath so I just felt that flat hype stir and then once it's flat we just felt it underneath the little little front cheeks front fit the mouth and felt around the edges carefully minding your fingers both sides like so I'm felting both sides underneath and I'm keeping the front section open so it's a little bit like a mouth like that it's open that's good so don't worry about if you have these joins like I say cuz we're gonna cover those bears and make sure yeah that's good against the body and now what we're going to do is add the top colors on so I'll show you how to do that now so I'm going to do the colors for this wild rabbit which is like a grey and brownie color bunny but that's the colors I'm doing that's the one that's available and as a kid in my shop if you'd like to have a go at making your own little bunny or you can do your own colors and this one is done just using Browns so to start with we're going to cover the head and we're going to use the white and we're going to literally just really thin it out and cover the whole of the front just lightly so it should be thin enough that you can still see the detail of the core sort of through it and we're going to felt that on you homicides so don't waste time felting the white all over the top of the head on this turbine if you're doing a greyhound bunny because that's going to be covered but if you're doing a white bunny all the way over then obviously you know just felt nicely all the way over the top with your with your white lovely golden color and they always put sort of light colors on first light then dark and then you can put light on top of the dark again like for lighter grays and things like I always start with the under color first in this case it's this lovely golden brown so we're gonna put that that's too much you don't need hardly any at all really and put that down over the top of it the nose and felt that onto the nose and it's going to just lightly go onto the cheeks as well other side of the faith on cheek down to the cheek and just lightly onto their the front cheeks just to give a nice bit of contrasting color and I'm going to spread this out very thinly again and cover it over the whole of the eye area down keeping which the bottom of the cheap white and keeping the very front of the mouth area white so we're literally just adding a fine layer of this lovely gray going right over the head don't worry too much about the back of the head for now because we're going to cover that again later when we attach it to the body so this is just adding just adding our gray over the golden e-town color I felt the cheek area around a bit more to define it now you've got your gray on so that she carrier and follows all the way down to the nose should be a nice line running through like so and do the same to the other side nice line running all the way through around to the back of the head there's our eye with our puffy cheek good so now we're going to put a bit of white detail again over the eye yeah and you don't have to do this the color choice is yours if you've just got a plain white bunny then you can just put the move to the next step which is putting the actual sleeping eyes in but I'm gonna put a bit of white detail on first you so I'm teasing some of the dark-brown war backwards and forth in between my fingers and this is going to be our little bunny sleeping are you can use black wall or you could even sew in a stitch to create the sleeping eyes but I think this gives a nicer effect and then I'm gonna trim the excess off and tuck that in like so that's one sleeping eye and we're going to do the same on the other side so I'm going to use a slightly lighter brown to define the V shape of the nose you now for the mouth you can actually color that in if you want it and little pink mouse but I'm gonna put some a tiny bit of pink all in there you all right so I'm going to move on to making the legs now put the head aside and so we're going to start with the front legs and we've got our steps as you here and this way I think to get the the right size to start with if you sort of just roll it roll your core wall and sort of pull it along and roll till you get the sort of rough amount you mouth I felt them over so we weren't opposed to be surrounded young again don't worry about any joins because we're going to cover those in a minute you want keep felting until they firm up quite a lot right they're checking against the stencil sheet with the legs and want to bend this area here and create a thicker top section so you can either cut the wall there and add a bit more core wall around the top and felt it on but I'm just going to keep the bottom part of the lid do now felt that over and felt that together and I'm going to do that for both legs so now we wrap the bottom part of the foot with them some of the white very very small amount because you don't want them to be chunky legs you want to keep them quite thin so it's just so you can see the creams through it and it doesn't matter if you have some that is completely not covered with the white so we've got the cream showing again I think it just gives it a more realistic look you and then I'm going to add a bit more around a top section the leg the shoulder not too worried about the very top because that's going to be covered in gray in a minute so just covering the rest of the leg so I go put those aside and now do the back legs you're doing some more of the core wall so it's basically just the back foot and a tiny bit of going up into the leg because you've got a separate by area so two feet I me roll keeping an eye on the thickness so just gonna bear in mind that we need a little bit of wall to go up into the bottom of the back leg you so if you felt back on the very ends of the feet now it'll give it a sort of nice little arched foot like these are the little toes are curled under so we just felt the very tip back which gives a nice sort of arch to the little feet like step like we've done on this one just give the nice little detail to the end of the foot right so I can count by the Spencer sheet now that there's men at the foot and I need to actually add my wall here to thicken this area up so that I can attach this die now we've made the back feet going to make the size for the back legs so just using a little bit of a poor wall and getting an idea of how much you need before you start and then I can start that I'm gonna get another amount as well the other one the and base of the foot here and just felt it on need to attach it quite so it's secure so attach it quite firmly so that it doesn't I like to turn it over and felt both ways going through the back as well as through the front like so you is now in some White's to cover the join and make them look pretty starting around the ankle area and just put using very small amount of top coat wrapping around and around the toes I'm starting on you d but that looks pretty good you can roll carefully roll the foot area between your two fingers just to smooth that out you don't want to misshapen and the side though but if we just couldn't Roland felt the beat one I do the other one right so that's all our legs front and back wrapped in white and now we're going to put on a little bit of the golden detail before we attach the legs and because it's just easier to add it now onto the feet so we're just gonna felt some of the gold on you so spell King uncle tan wall on to their front paws I'm going to put some white around part of the body around the front section here the tummy ok so now we're going to make the ears using some brown Marino cross wall and we're going to just fold it wasn't quite thin so we're just gonna take some off get a rough idea of how much you need first and so you don't need a lot at all and then we want to shape them following the shape on a stencil sheet or a photo if you look at photos of rabbits we just want to shape the ears one you can even draw around a template and and do it that way if you want them to be exactly the same so if you lift and carefully turn over and light you felt the fibers back through on the other side so they're not as fuzzy then we're going to put a little bit of pink Marino into the center of each ear you let me just trim off any excess and fuzz on the back you can pinch the ears just to shape them a bit more as well up okay one pitch good okay so now we're going to attach the ears to the head using this little bit of excess fiber at the bottom you can sew them onto the head as well if you want to but they usually stay on pretty well just from needle felting fibers through so you want to position the head so you want to position is at the top of the head just an angle from the corner of the eye and from sort of just above the eye so if we get that position so above the eye and to the back in at an angle and just felt this thought the fibers through to anchor them on you right so I'm just gonna felt some of the gray just tiny amount slightly into the ear and all the way around just to really secure the ears onto the head like so you so now we're going to make the tail and then we can start attaching it all together oh we just felt the tail and then I'm just gonna roll it a little bit bottom and fault I'm gonna leave the top ends quite fluffy and just felt the bottom section that's going to be sperm attached to the body I'm going to add a bit of brown detail to the top side of the tail so we're going to position that on and a slight angle and we use some core wall first again you can add a stitch here and sew it down through if you want a more secure hold but this does work pretty well you don't have to sew at all so let me go up onto the back of the head once you've got the right position and down into the body just secure the head into place like so I like to get the head on first and then the legs after so I'm felting slightly up into the head from the back as well and you can put some more core wall and pretty much wherever you like when the back and just to secure it on going up into a head and down into the body so I sort of felt it through the bend here just to give the leg a bit of shape and we're going to attach just by the head so just about half way down to the cheek like so and I'm going to do the other leg first the one the others like underneath just matter which goes wah they're both the same size so felt down through the bones so position the leg just at the top of your body shape and felt into place again you can so if you like but I'm not going to instead it's good just to put a bit of core wall over the shoulder area and into the body and we're going to cover that with some gray wall in a minute so now we're going to position the other leg and you want the top of the shoulder just to be about half way through the cheek and we just felt that on now then I put the back legs on I want to make the feet first a little more arched so I'm just going to felt hold and felt through the bones next step just to create a little cold up feet and then we attach the thigh to the back end of the body like so felt all the way through and then we turn over and we position the other leg same way so I'm going to felt that first curl up the feet you okay some happy with that position and now just going to add a tiny bit more and this golden color we're going to layer on the top coat to finish off bunny you again you don't need much wallet or and it's going to layer it over the gold you so covering the tops of the shoulder on the other side and the thigh with the gray slightly down onto the thigh starting that on okay so now we're just gonna felt some of the gray wall around the back onto the onto the shoulder and up onto the head and I'm going to come slightly around the ear and onto the face just a little bit like so you exam this is actually a Manx top a natural fibre tops in it it's lovely from animals it is quite a natural soft brown and I'm just going to put a little bit down onto the forehead like so I'm going to felt that on if the brown just in areas to enhance the shape of the thigh spread it out a little bit so it's not all clumped together and and then you could put a little bit around the shoulder to emphasize that around the face which is what I've done on this one so we've just put a little bit more around that area and I think they look really lovely and like I say you can do little bunnies and white bunnies or just change the positions of the legs and the back so that they aren't flapped and you can have if the bunnies that sleep on their backs and put them in little baskets and they make wonderful gifts or Christmas decorations or Easter decorations they're perfect all year round really so the last thing to do is to felt the tail on you so really hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and see you again soon [Music]
Channel: The Wishing Shed
Views: 421,639
Rating: 4.9250865 out of 5
Keywords: Needle felting, Wild rabbit, Needle felting tutorial, Tutorial, Animal, How to make, How to needle felt, Easy, Teddy bear, Cute bunny, Needle felting for beginners, Sleeping bunny, Rabbit, Sleeping, DIY, Easy craft project, Baby, Hares, Easy craft, Mouse, Mice, Needle felt, Asmr, relaxing, softspoken, thewishingshed, sleepinganimal, cuteanimals
Id: fqxEtxK9fMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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