2D and 3D Door Components in SketchUp - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys this is Aaron we are on our sixth week of our architectural tips and tricks playlist and I had kind of a cool tip that I want to show you guys as far as creating door components it's not going to go to dynamic components making swing that kind of stuff there's other videos on that I just wanted to come up with or show you a little little tip I use for creating both the 2d and the 3d components in the same spot so let's go ahead and hop in and take a look at that our first thing I want to do is I don't actually need my reference image anymore so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just take it and I'm gonna put it onto its own layer I'm just gonna call this reference and toggle that off now I can flip it back on if I need it but for what I'm doing I actually have everything I need just in my openings alright so I'm gonna come in I'm gonna use this door for an example so I'm gonna start by modeling my three dimensional doorway so I'm gonna do just like I did with the window I'm just gonna stick a rectangle on here so I'm gonna click whoops a rectangle right here I'm gonna offset it to trim with I'm actually going to draw an extra line from this intersection over to here and then get rid of these extra lines at the bottom don't actually need those and then I can pull this out whatever my trim with happens to be all right now I'm gonna grab all that triple click and move it to the other side so we have trim on the other side also so very similar to what we did for windows obviously stuck it on both sides and while that other side while this side is already selected right now I'm going to shift triple click the front right click make that a group so I'm put my trim in there this is very basic I didn't put the other materials on the inside I didn't you know put a face on here I I'm just throwing this stuff together you can put as much detail on here if you want strike plates hinges whatever you want can be added I'm just doing this to kind of represent a door so you guys get the idea here's my trim that's not the part of the video on a show so what I'm going to do next is I'm gonna create a rectangle to represent the door so I'm gonna come right here come out to here maybe say it's three foot by in half all right and then I'm gonna pull that all the way up to the top triple click that and make another group and now I'm going to take both groups and make them into a component this is going to be my interior door all right that was good but maybe for my 3d model what I actually want is that door to be partially open maybe this is going to go to XR you know to walk through something like that so I want the door either way so maybe I'll grab that and I will just rotate it you'll do like 45 degrees all right so that is a decent 3d component I again I know we could go through here a little little deeper I could put a knob on here and and put additional hardware hinges that kind of thing but right there that real quick represents my my 3d geometry this is good the issue comes out when I take this into layout where I'm actually going to go make my drawings I may do something like I'll grab a section and I'll place it flat on top like this and I'll scoot it down and I'll scoot it down and then when I look at it from straight above as I would for creating my floor plan I may not love this representation of a door hey I could tell it's a door it's great but for 2d purposes I may actually want to rectangle filling the space up and then maybe I want like you know an arc right here showing where the door opens to so obviously that is something I could go in and place into layout but we're drawn here so let's let's take a look at how to do that inside of Sketchup so I'm gonna go ahead jump back to how I was working before and I'm gonna go into this component whoops wrong wrong one I'm gonna go into this component and I'm gonna draw some geometry on the ground I'm gonna put a rectangle right here represents my opening I'm going to draw another rectangle I'm actually not temporarily hide this another rectangle right here and I want to make that the size of the actual door so I'm gonna say 3 foot and there we go and then I'm gonna also come in here and I'm going to put in an arc so I'm gonna use if you guys caught that I came to arc and I actually grabbed my regular arc rather than my two-point arc which is most commonly used with my arc I just picked the middle point I pick the edge that I want to go out to and then I can just swing that right out oops apparently I did not draw that rectangle the right size all right so we'll clean that up right like that all right and I may actually get rid of this reverse these faces and basically if I triple-click that that's my 2d representation of the store that I might want so I'm going to go ahead and make that a separate group now here's where the fun part comes in hold on let me edit unhide my door slab there so all of this is one piece this is cool because when I take this I can actually grab this and slot take it and make a copy and go stick it in a different doorway the nice part where's can become useful for me is if I come in here I can grab some of these pieces and maybe I'll take these the two three pieces and I'll put them on a layer called doors 3d enter and then I'll grab this component right here and I'll put that on a layer called doors 2d see I have these two layers now whoops I call the door versus doors oh man everything's falling apart I can edit that so I've doors 2d and doors 3d so now this is where this is cool because what that means is as I'm prepping an output I can do all my work or my walkthroughs my fly throughs my renders with this on but when I it does come time to output to layout I can real quickly make that change again one component I didn't have to place two different things or move two different things around and then I can actually come in here and when I get my section in lure that from above there's my nice 2d representation my 2d call out for that door again all in one spot so I don't have to go in and replace I don't have to do a find and replace we search take that out put it back in anything like that I also did not include the trim on here so I have just that call out if you want the trim of course you could put the extra rectangles on here also but kind of a nice option a quick way to toggle from what you would need for a 3d drawing like I said a fly through render that sort of thing we actually want that door and 2d which is what I want to prep for layout for my actual drawings so and again since this is all in one component if I want to duplicate that and put it on another door I can really just click right here and we'll drag it right over and stick it on to this door right here and now that one same thing is ready to be toggled just like the other so to turn my 2d off because I'm in 3d or swap that to 2d when I'm ready to go to output so there you go just another little tip for how you can speed up the processing of architectural drawings again we didn't really go over how to draw anything cool but hopefully that helps you if you are in a situation where you want to create both 3d imagery and 2d imagery from the same model which of course is kind of the goal when you're doing something like this so hopefully that helps if you have another tip that you use with door components love to hear it leave a comment down below subscribe so you see the rest of this list and if you did like it tell us why you liked it or even click the like then we'll know you liked it we like making these videos but they mean a lot more when they're showing the things that you want to see thank you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 194,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Door, Component, 3D, 2D, architectural modeling, skill builder
Id: r6s653rBbPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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