280KG!! TAGLIO TONNO BESTIALE!!! - Vivi Giappone

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Hi everybody! Welcome to "Vivi Giappone" Here in "Ichibancho" is pretty loudy! There is this typical japanese band and a lot of people Because a new and very famous sushi chain opened here in Sendai! But the incredible thing is that we are going to attend the "Maguro Kaitai"of a 280kg TUNA! A real record! However, let's go inside and see what happens! The queue is huge! Today i'm here with "Ari TV" a local internet TV here in Sendai I've got the permission to film inside the restaurant ok, let's go Sorry, sorry This is the Tuna that the boss will cut for us! Is a beast! it's going to be an incredible show!! Incredible fish! We will assist at the "Maguro Kaitai" of this huge Tuna, wow! The Boss of this company, every first day of the year Buys the biggest and most expensive Tuna in all Japan And, from the Tsukiji Fish Market, he makes a "Maguro Kaitai Show" It's a classic! He bought Tunas for millions and millions of Euros! Nice restaurant, with the water tank! Very crowded The best is coming! Look! Mamma mia! I'm euphoric! It's here! It's so heavy 8 people are needed! Go go go! What a beast! So the weight is 280kg! But the price, is a Secret! They didn't told us! Incredible! The boss is here! Great! he is getting ready Fantastic! Let's start! 280kg! Is 280kg of very good Tuna! Go! Finally we are open! And a lot of costumers are coming! The queue is incredible! We are very happy! Thanks a lot! We will do our best! Thanks again! And now, some sushi!
Channel: Vivi Giappone - video sul Giappone dal Giappone!
Views: 9,924,599
Rating: 4.3054576 out of 5
Keywords: Vivi Giappone, Maguro Kaitai, Maguro Kaitai Sushi Zanmai, Sushi Zanmai Sendai, Maguro Kaitai Show, taglio del tonno Giapponese, tonno giapponese, Sushi Zanmai, Miglior sushi in Giappone, すしざんまい仙台 マグロ解体, すじざんまいマグロ解体, マグロ解体ショー, 280キロマグロ解体, Tuna Cutting Japan, tonno da record Giappone, tonno gigante Giappone, biggest tuna Japan, the most expensive fish, Giant bluefin tuna fish cutting, giant tuna, tuna, bluefin tuna, tuna cutting, big tuna fishing in japan, टूना निराकरण शो
Id: vnvF4qNmW6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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