[2.8] Blender Tutorial: Simple Animation For Beginners

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hey everyone my name is olav and in this beginner tutorial i will teach how to make this exact animation in blender 2.8 as always it's going to be quick and easy so let's get started and before we begin make sure to download blender 2.8 which is free and you can find the link in the description okay so let's start off by scaling the cube on the x-axis and click s then x to scale the cube on the x-axis and then left-click to confirm the scale and then go to add mesh and then add a plane and i click s to scale up the plane this is going to be the floor and i click g then y to grab the plane on the y axis and then click g and then set to grab the plane on the z axis and then we need to add the e cube so go to add and then mesh and then add a cube then click s to scale down the cube and i click g to grab the cube then left click to confirm once again and then go down to the physics settings click rigid body and then change the mask to 20 kilos which looks a little bit better and then change the shape to mesh and then let's increase the friction and then let's also go to the dynamics and increase the translation and rotation value which sort of limits the movement of the objects over time and then select the plane and add the rigid body physics and change the type to passive and change the shape to mesh and increase the friction and then let's select the cuboid add rigid body physics change the type to passive animated and set the collision shape to mesh and then we need to animate the cuboid because right now we only have gravity for the cube but no movement for the cuboid so let's go to the first frame and then click n to see the location and then click i to keyframe the location and then let's move forward in time so let's go to frame 130 for example and then click g then y to grab the objects on the y-axis left-click to confirm and then click i to keyframe the new location so when we move on the timeline you can see that we have the cuboid animation pushing the cube okay so let's pause the animation and let's create a save so click file save as and then save the file wherever you want on the computer give it a name and i click enter to save okay so let's select the cube add a new material and then change the surface to diffuse and click shift d to duplicate and then let's add 12 cubes in total you can add more if you want to as you can see the material is also copied when you do the duplication okay and then let's play the animation once again and as you can see it works so let's pause and whenever you use rigid body physics i recommend going into the rigid body world and the cache and then baking the animation so that everything is pre-calculated before you start the render later on okay so now it's finally time to get into the light and render settings so let's start off by switching to rendered view and as you can see we're in eevee so we need to change into the cycles render because it looks a lot better and then change the device to gpu if you have one if not just keep using the cpu and then let's change the range samples to 200 for both the render and the viewport and then let's select the light source go into the light settings change it into a sun and then let's set the strength to 7 and then we need to rotate the sun so click r to rotate this dsun and then left click to confirm the rotation and then let's make the background completely white so go to the world settings and then change the color so something like this and then let's select the cuboid and then go to materials and then change it from a principal shader to a diffuse shader and then let's make it blue you can obviously add whatever color you want so just any color you like and then we need to select the cubes so right click to select and then let's make it red you can also hide the overlay by going to the top right corner as you can see this is what it looks like when it's rendered and then let's animate the color so let's go to the first frame frame 1 and then click i to keyframe and let's go to frame 100 and let's set it to blue and then click i to keyframe once again and when we move on the timeline you can see that the color changes which is really cool okay so now it's time to set up the camera so click numpad zero to look through the camera and then lock the camera to view and then scroll backwards by using the scroll wheel and then right click to select the camera and then go to the camera settings and increase the end value so that the range of the camera increases and then move the camera around until you have a position you like and then the next step of the tutorial is to set up the output settings so let's go to the output settings let's change the frame rate to 30 fps and then let's set the end frame to 200 because we don't really need any more frames and then let's select a folder for the final animation and then give the animation a name you can save it wherever you want on the computer it doesn't really matter and for beginners it's the most convenient to use the avi jpeg type file and then set the quality to 100 and then go to render and then change the display mode to image editor and then click render image to make a test render and then click render and then render animation to render the whole animation and that's it for this tutorial i hope you enjoyed it and i'll post more tutorials very soon so thank us for watching and subscribe
Channel: Olav3D Tutorials
Views: 338,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.8 tutorial, blender animation, blender animation tutorial, animation tutorial, blender, tutorial, blender 2.8, beginner animation tutorial, blender beta, blender 2.8 animation, education, software, teaching, learning, study
Id: Dyj0sJVd3Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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