27 Words You Will Only Hear in NEW YORK CITY

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every city has a unique stash of secret code language reserved only for its people these are the words that you're unlikely to hear anywhere else and New Yorkers aren't shy when it comes to creating their own lingo with unique slang words for the English language on this video I will take you across the multitude of cultures that exist throughout this loud boisterous and diverse City so you can get a healthy dose of the different types of slang you will encounter when you hit the streets with a little preparation and a little bit of practice you will become a pro at New York lingo in no time so without further delay here are 27 words you will only hear in New York City [Music] number one bodega this is a small grocery store sometimes doubling as the corner hangout spot where you can buy coffee snacks sandwiches over-the-counter medicine newspapers cigarettes and even lotto tickets in other parts of the country you'd call this a convenience store but in New York we call them bodegas there are tons of bodegas throughout the city in a multitude of Spanish or ethnic neighborhoods and you can find many that are open 24/7 number 2 smear originating from the Yiddish word for smear spread a schmear is basically a generous lathering of whatever you like on your bagel this could mean butter or peanut butter but most of the time it's cream cheese and no kidding about the generous part the schmear is at least a quarter pound they ain't messing around with that when ordering at the counter just say a bagel with a schmear please and they'll know exactly how to take it from there [Music] number three forget about it featured in several mob movies forget about it doesn't always actually mean to forget about it lots of times it can mean no problem like for instance if MTA were to ever apologize to you for running late you can take the high road and say nah forget about it the same term can also be used as a way to describe something that's out of this world such as Magnolia Bakery have you tried their banana pudding oh my god forget about it you can also use it as a way to say no for instance if someone asks you if they could cut you on the line at Trader Joe's you can simply reply forget about it number four the city out-of-towners will take this to meet all of New York City but for New Yorkers hailing from the Bronx Brooklyn Queens or Staten Island this simply means Manhattan the place where you'll find all the action so you may live in Brooklyn but you always know that you don't live in the city [Music] number five the Train another term for the subway we don't call it the tube the metro or the transit heck some don't even bother calling it the subway that's just one too many syllables to say most people just call it the Train it's easier that way number six Wall Street though there is an actual street named Wall Street in lower Manhattan when we say we're going to Wall Street that just means we're headed down to the financial district you know the place in lower Manhattan where you'll find all the sexy men in suits [Music] number seven uptown and downtown other places use north and south here we use uptown and downtown but in a variety of ways uptown could mean the area in Manhattan that is north of Central Park but when you're in Manhattan it could also mean the direction you're headed on the subway if the train is headed uptown it usually means it's going north and into the Bronx and queens whereas if a train is headed downtown it usually means it's headed south and into Brooklyn however downtown is used to also describe the part of Manhattan that is below 34th Street and also this section of Brooklyn other cities will use the term downtown as the place where all the action takes place but in New York Manhattan is pretty much our downtown but we don't call it downtown New York we simply call it Manhattan or the city have I confused you enough don't worry in due time you'll get the hang of it all number eight Houston this is the street that Soho sits south of and was also named after don't correct us because we already know that in other places they say Houston however in New York we say Houston that's just the way it's always been number nine the village this is just another term we use for Greenwich Village one of the neighborhoods in lower Manhattan instead of saying let's go to Greenwich Village today trust me no one says that we just say let's go to the village today some people like to include the West Village as part of the village also but I'll leave that to your discretion number ten this is an old year's term that means to lug carry or drag something that's heavy or awkward for instance if you live uptown you can say man had to shut those books all the way out to Far Rockaway on the I train number eleven yeah this is yo what's up New York homie style many times it's a loud call for attention to a group which is replied to with an even louder call for attention number twelve a slice when someone says get me a slice they're talking about a single slice of New York style pizza meanwhile if they want a pie that usually means the entire pizza not that big pastry dessert with blueberry filling because out here you don't have to buy the whole pie I mean who actually wants to schlep a whole box of pizza around on their lunch break in most places you can just get a slice number thirteen huge a classic New Yorkers way of saying huge need i say more I'm sure you've heard it many times before number fourteen Jersey an easier way to say New Jersey heck even the folks from Jersey call themselves Jersey number fifteen groceries sorry but it's pronounced groceries not groceries and here we don't go grocery shopping we don't even go to the supermarket instead we go food shopping [Music] number 16 buggin this is another way of saying that someone is acting up or freaking out you can also use it to describe someone who's lost their mind and really shouldn't be taken seriously for instance when your boss tells you that he wants you to put in 10 extra hours this week without extra pay hopefully your answer will be min you'll be buggin number 17 grill this has nothing to do with cooking of any sort instead it means to stare at someone for a very long time so next time you catch that hot girl staring at you again for no apparent reason the worst thing you can say is yo I know I look good and all but why you got a grill be like that no just smile be polite and say hello [Music] number 18 stoop with the millions of apartment dwellers maybe New Yorkers go without the privilege of their own personal outdoor space this is where the soup comes in and it's the next best thing to having a backyard a patio a balcony or a front porch a stoop is a set of steps at the front entrance of a building which also serves as a spot for catching up on neighborhood gossip reading your neighbors and just chillin number 19 a puts and a schmuck in Yiddish both putz and schmuck define a part of human anatomy that I care not to mention on this video I'll let you research it for yourself however in English they basically describe a person who will fall for anything putz and schmuck are slang for someone who's not too bright someone who's a sucker a fool and sometimes even a jerk number 20 the one no not the love of your life not that one when a New Yorker says the one they're usually talking about the train that takes you up and down the west side and into the Bronx you know the one train number 21 use this is the plural form of the word you for instance when addressing your nosy neighbors you can tell them something like why use try and begin into my business all the time number 22 mad this doesn't mean that someone is angry or crazy in fact it's just another word for very so instead of saying something like very happy or very rich you can say that Bloomberg guy yeah he mad rich number 23 dumb not necessarily implying someone of a low IQ it's simply a New York way to emphasize something like you could say wow that's some dumb good pizza stupid is another one that can be used the same way instead of saying someone is so smart you could say dag he's stupid smart [Music] number 24 take it there this is all about taking it to the next level during an altercation so when they say crap about your mama you can say oh so you want to take it there number 25 up state the local New Yorkers that's the rest of New York State oh and by the way the people up there are also called upstate New Yorkers or the folks that live in upstate New York the term New Yorker is reserved only for those that live in New York City don't ask number 26 the garden there's nothin botanical about this place it's just what we call Madison Square Garden the big sports and concert arena in midtown Manhattan don't even bother with MSG just say the garden and everyone will know what you mean and last we have number 27 dead-ass not to be taken lightly these two words mean business together in other words they're just another term for serious or seriously so when you ask your boy if he's serious about wearing his Tim's to your sister's wedding he's simply gonna reply dead-ass all right you guys must have got an earful today so I'm gonna stop right here I'm sure there's plenty that I've left out so if any of you locals out there can come up with any more in New York City lingo that did make this list please do share it with us in the comments below and be sure to LIKE subscribe and click on the bell icon if you'd like to be the first to know when another video comes out on New York City our favorite city that never sleeps anyway thanks for watching and we'll see each other next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ALL NYC
Views: 362,622
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Keywords: new york city, nyc, new york travel, nyc travel, moving to new york city, moving to nyc, living in nyc, living in new york, brooklyn, queens, bronx, manhattan, staten island, new jersey, new york lingo, new york slang, nyc lingo, nyc slang, nyc slang words, words people say in new york, words people say in nyc, nyc words, allnyc33, new york talk, nyc talk, nyc street talk, nyc street language, nyc culture, nyc language, new york city street words, nyc street words, speak nyc
Id: z0NaRfT4UyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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