NYC is Full of Fake Buildings… Why?

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[Music] [Music] well doesn't look like anybody's home and that's because this building is fake there have been stories that it's a secret passageway down to the depths of New York sometimes when you walk by at night there's like a glow it's like an orange glow many are calling this Skyscraper the most most terrifying building in the world I definitely heard that there's maybe some secret government stuff in there false facades like this one hiding government facilities are hardly unique throughout the [Music] country not everyone knows it's a fake building I thought it was just a regular building I mean I come up the street all the time that's crazy you're probably not the only person no so this is our first fake building 58 jaman Street we've got a whole bunch of fake buildings to look at today a creepy Tower with no windows a former biolab and they're all here in New York others who live in the neighborhood say once they notice the building they notice some strange sights and sounds it's like something out of Ghostbusters look it's so famous it has its own Wikipedia article about how it's fake and that's how you know it's the real deal now from the outside it looks like your typical townhouse you got your townhouse Windows your little townhouse fence your creepy looking staircase but all of this metal here this should give it away that there's something going on and the windows are fully blacked out if you had this tint on your car the cops would probably arrest you and look at the door this thing is not designed to be opened by mere mortals and honestly it doesn't really stand out at all it looks completely normal there have been stories that it's the that it's a secret passageway that it's an Escape Route that it's haunted now the building was originally constructed in 1847 as a private residence for about 60 years people lived here but that all changed in 1907 when it was purchased by by the INB Rapid Transit company they were the original New York City Underground Subway that was started in 1904 and the reason that they bought this particular building is because their Subway runs directly underneath it and since the subway consists of long tunnels with air moving through it you've got to vent the air out somehow now the building and all the buildings on the street predate the subway underneath the street so that's why you can't just put a vent here there's already something here so the people building the subway bought the building and completely hollowed out the interior and that makes it the world's only Greek Revival Subway ventilation shaft it also doubles as an emergency exit for the Subways underneath it which means if you're on the four and the five trains and there's a reason to evacuate you might find yourself in this little neighborhood and it's really like the most unlikely place for something like this to even exist and if you're curious what something like this costs to buy the building next door this one right here sold for $6 million about a year ago you see our metal hatch right here that is impenetrable this is what that probably looks looked like a little Courtyard with like a basement apartment now it might seem sad that this building no longer looks like this building but in a city like New York there's just so much going on here we need things like fake buildings to hold it together and to do crazy science [Music] [Music] experiments does it still look like a biolab from over a 100 years ago cuz that's what it was this is the streker memorial laboratory now today it's a fake building but it used to engage in bacteriological research right here on Roosevelt Island and an island is probably the right place for weird research that could you know get out you don't want it to get out this could be like the X Files where if the infected bee stings you something happens to you it was built in 1892 as a labor laboratory for City hospital and the weird stuff that's in there now is definitely interesting and apparently it had an autopsy room creepy right now I keep seeing these bizarre furnace things inside basement windows are blacked out can't see anything W the side it's looking real creepy I hear like a lot of fans and stuff way up there what's in here now yeah I heard aliens oh no I'm just kidding we better get out of here it could be a little house in the country somewhere but here it is isolated all by itself and again probably for good reason now if you don't know Rosevelt island is an island we got Queens over in this direction and then we got this massive Bridge which will bring you over to Manhattan and believe it or not this place was a lab until the 1950s when it was completely abandoned and it sat here for 22 years doing nothing and then in 1972 it was designated as a Historic Landmark and in the year 2000 it was purchased by the Mt a that takes care of the subway and the trains they're the ones operating the building today you can see some very very interesting equipment in there and a rather menacing looking hornet nest I guess Hornets are what put these holes in the glass I don't know what type of experiments they were doing over a hundred years ago but now there is a lot of voltage running through here and it's a power conversion substation for the subway trains and they need power listen to the door it is singing now we think that they had to remove things like the autopsy room and the alien room in order to make room for all the power stations and all that crazy humming that we heard back there but it's crazy to me that there was an actual lab here doing weird pathology across from where millions of people live man these bees are everywhere soon we're going to go see a tower that's straight out of a science fiction movie but first we're going to go see a building that was scientifically impossible to build or so people thought does this look like the site of our next secret building it is and it's a great place to hide something you don't want anyone to touch and it's all the way out here in the middle of the river we're standing on pier 34 in Manhattan look at that view you can also see the ESB and the Statue of Liberty look at how long this pier is it goes all the way out and you're probably wondering why there's a fake building in the middle of the river well the reason that it's here is that it has to be here it can't be on land because the thing that it does is under the water we got a little security booth over here where are they going what are they going to do maybe they're going to drive over here you can't actually get to that side that's like government only this side people can walk on and Fish on that's what our friend is up to but the reason this is here is because deep beneath the Clear Blue Waters of the Hudson river is the Holland Tunnel according to the map it is directly below us at this moment moment and at the time the tunnel was built experts thought it was impossible to have a 2m long tunnel with cars and exhaust fumes because all those fumes are in the tunnel they can only Escape at either end you've got to have ventilation and at the time it hadn't been done before now the tunnel itself took 7 years to build construction started in 1920 ended in 1927 what did you think it was when you first saw it Oh some kind of generator or some you know generator system now 100,000 cars a day drive into Manhattan 34 million people a year make this trip so the tunnel's a big deal it's doing what it needs to do but the only reason it can do that is because inside here we've got massive fans that Force air into the tunnel and suck air out and believe it or not this is not the only fake Tower over here there's four of these half of them suck the air out the other half force it in you can see another one way over here on the New Jersey side see it right down there looks exactly the same what's crazy is these things are almost a 100 years old and they're still ticking away doing their thing and it was all done before computers paper and pencil is how we got the Holland Tunnel and when you think about how critically important this piece of infrastructure is you definitely don't want any unauthorized people inside of it and look at these security gates there's two sets of them signs everywhere saying don't come in might be a police cruiser back there there's also an ominous light on right there that's a light bulb and then look at that up there they got satellite TV and soon we're going to go see the crazy scraper that has no windows and a hidden secret purpose but it's important to understand that when the government wants to build a fake building it doesn't always go as planned and sometimes it ends in [Music] disaster do you hear that there's something going on in there this this is either the ugliest fake building ever built or it is a masterpiece designed by a collective group of misunderstood Geniuses but the result is the same right now we're on the corner of Greenwich Avenue and this is mulry square and this building behind me is owned by the MTA and I don't think they did a very good job of hiding the fakeness of this fake building like look at this facade no windows it doesn't even extend to all sides it's also in incredibly noisy there's a bunch of fans and vents in here that are related to the healthy functioning of the subway which runs underneath the city this thing is all Vents and portals over here on the side you can actually see a really big one now part of the reason the design is so off was because these fences these were originally part of a very special 911 memorial which was here in the Square but the MTA owns the square and the fence was just there to protect it here's an image of the fencing before the building was here those pieces of the fence or what you see on the outside of this super structure now the purpose of a fake building is to blend in with the surrounding area so that residents don't notice and so that it doesn't bring down property values but to me this just looks like an unfinished disaster and what's also strange is even though this is a new vent station underneath it there aren't really any new trains we've got the same subway lines under it that we had before it was built and the construction of this thing was highly contested there was a lot of back and forth between local community boards historical preservation groups and the city which owned the property to try to come up with something that made everybody happy and I don't know does this make anybody happy what is nice is that they kept pieces of the original fence and some of the original Memorial artwork it was called tiles for America but the next place we're looking at is highly secretive and is the subject of many conspiracy theories [Music] many are calling this Skyscraper the most terrifying building in the world Tom Hank Shore thinks so this is the scariest building I've ever seen what goes on inside so this Tower right here is 33 Thomas Street and I think it looks pretty weird it's 550 ft tall it has 29 floors and constr construction was started in 1969 it also doesn't have any Windows those aren't Windows those are vents to circulate air and that's because inside of it are organic life forms and they need air to live we think and even though the building is in such a highly prominent part of lower Manhattan we really don't know much about it but we know that it's owned by AT&T we know the address because it's written on the side of the building the architectural style used here is called brutalism and Legend has has it that a long time ago it was a telephone switching Center for longdistance phone calls it's the Men in Black headquarters I've definitely heard that there's maybe some secret government stuff in there I think that's pretty much a guarantee look at it it's like an impenetrable Fortress there's this massive retaining wall there's cameras everywhere and it's kind of eerie like it's so big and there's no people there's like nothing going on here and they don't give tours why can't I have a tour this is the fenced off parking lot out back got some a TNT trucks this has been described as one of the most secure buildings in America and that's where the conspiracies start why is it so big why is it so weird why is it so secure it may be the only skyscraper in New York City built to withstand a nuclear blast there's reportedly enough food water and generator fuel to sustain 1500 people for 2 weeks so I guess you could say it's like a huge doomsday bunker now obviously it's got some sort of basement that's why these cars are able to drive in there but most of the building is what you see right here and if there's an earthquake or some disaster in New York this might be the last building standing could it be some sort of modern-day Noah's Arc for Elites and the fact that it holds 1,500 people Food Supplies water Necessities that's insane weird the facade here is kind of crumbling a little bit I guess that's not as resilient as the super structure and look at this grand entrance that it has it's almost like it was designed for massive of people to be walking in and out as they go to do things like it's not supposed to be a big secret yet it is a big secret and apparently the ceilings inside here are 18 ft tall and the floors can hold 300 lb 300 lb of force per square foot so you could move really heavy large things around in there and check this out right on Wikipedia it basically says it's probably the location of a National Security Agency Mass surveillance Hub maybe that's why it's so tall there could be antennas there could be all kinds of stuff in there picking up signals sending out signals who knows I also love how pretty much every car out front has you know the little antenna super dark window tint so you can't see in but if you think about it a massive building with no windows and tons of security everywhere and nobody coming in and out this is the perfect place to hide and do things that you really want to keep a secret but what do you think happens inside here or any of the other places we checked out let me know if I missed any fake building in New York I will see you in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: Cash Jordan
Views: 4,742,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pz678M16odI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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