Moving to New York City in 2024? What to ACTUALLY expect.

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my guess is if you clicked on this video you're  moving to New York City in 2024 or you're thinking   of moving to New York City in 2024 and you  really want the lay of the land you want to   know what it's actually going to be like for you  when you move here this video is going to have a a   wide variety of information things I think I would  want to know if I was moving to New York City that   might be helpful for you but you know if something  doesn't resonate that's okay I'm not expecting   everyone to agree with everything I say in this  video you know even though I've gone through   all these articles and I have all these sources  what's important is how it relates to you this   is actually the one annual video that I have on  my channel um I've made these the last four years   now this is my fourth one updating you guys on the  current situations in the city I do not consider   myself a New Yorker even though I've been here for  7 and A2 years I know that's a very touchy subject   I'm just I'm I'm a true true transplant if you are  a New Yorker and you have any advice to add in the   comments after watching this video This Is An Open  community space um I should probably introduce   myself hi my name is Chelsea I'm 32 years old  I live alone in New York City I honestly am   starting to lose count on the amount of times  I've moved in the neighborhoods I've lived in   but I believe it's like I've moved 10 times and  lived in 11 different neighborhoods in those 11   neighborhoods it's been three different Burrows  so yeah I've seen a lot from my experience you   can trust me so right now you're in the view from  my fire escape we're about to go into the city   on a little Adventure while I share a incredibly  large amount of information with you so let's get started all right everybody Welcome to Central  Park how pretty the number one question that I get   asked for people looking to move to New York City  is is it safe what are the safest neighborhoods   what is crime like so I went on the New York City  website and they said that the overall index crime   dipped 2.9% Citywide in January compared to the  previous year in the last year crime has gone   down slightly I mean do I feel safer in the city  I honestly feel like it hasn't changed everyone   has had a different experience so everyone's going  to give you a different answer to this but for me   I feel like it just it feels the same people who  are used to cities already might feel a lot safer   coming here um versus people coming from small  towns I looked up the most dangerous cities in   the United States for 2024 and I could not find a  single article where New York City was listed on   the top 10 but from my own personal experience I  do feel safer living in Queens than I ever did in   Manhattan when I used to live in central Harlem I  had like a package Thief that was stealing all of   my stuff for months and it was really really  annoying um and then there was like someone   jiggling the handle of my apartment door I would  look out the people and there'd be no one there   and I would hear like the stairwell door closed  and it was stuff that that kind of stuff made me   feel really unsafe and so I ended up getting like  an extra lock for my door package thieves are not   specific to New York you're going to get them in  every city but someone commented recently on my   channel I could not find the comment I'm so sorry  but they suggested if you're having this issue   consider getting an Amazon Locker this is only if  you're ordering stuff from Amazon though based on   your location it can suggest free delivery to an  Amazon Locker and it keeps your packages secure if   you're not home to receive them so you don't have  to worry about them being stolen you just have to   go pick them up that's the only thing but I think  that's a great idea so I guess that Segways into   Co updates for the city it doesn't feel like  it's talked about at all anymore I don't see   people wearing masks um on the street at all I  see maybe a few people on the Subways wearing   a mask but I feel like it's something that is an  afterthought in the city now which is interesting   because we just had a recent covid Spike after the  holidays the CDC is considering lifting the 5-day   isolation period if you test positive or if you  have symptoms and with that like working from home   is becoming less and less of a thing companies  that were fully remote during the pandemic are   now almost fully back in office this again this is  just very general some companies have moved to a   hybrid um where you can like pick a couple days a  week where you can work from home and then you're   in office this is interesting because before  the pandemic there was so many moments where   you had to wait on the platform for trains to  go by because you just couldn't even fit on it   and throughout the pandemic coming and going  to work it felt like a breath of fresh share   because you weren't being crammed on the Subways  like sardines there were less delays because it   took less time to get people on and off the train  in those busy rush hours and now it just feels   like just as packed as it was pre pandemic and I  feel like the MTA is suffering because of that I   would just prepare yourself if you're moving here  for the experience of if you're going to work at   95 and you're going to commute into office a  few days a week it gets really really packed   so when I lived in central Harem I was like the  second to last stop on the subway so when I got   on the train there was always a seat for me in  the morning and that was a huge perk of living   a little bit outside of the city so maybe I  would consider doing that you always have a   seat and you can always take a little nap on your  way to work even though your commutes a little bit longer as FedEx so we're currently on a  residential street in the Upper East Side   and I'm here to address one of the other most  asked questions uh for those looking to move to   New York City what is it like to get an apartment  um right now in 2024 I personally am a DieHard NYC   moving Vlog lover I have created my own series  of that Shameless plug but from the Vlogs that   I've watched so far of just like average people  like you and me trying to find an apartment the   Market's really really tough out there it's  more expensive and you get less for the cost   historically speaking the winter time is a really  good time to look for an apartment in New York   City there's less people moving here there's less  competition there's possibly maybe a little bit   lower prices you're more likely to find a landlord  or broker to throw in like a extra like a deal but   in general from what I've been seeing it's still  really really tough out there for folks in January   especially for rent stabilized Apartments those  go like hot cakes but apparently the number of   New York City Apartments dropped to its lowest  point in more than 5 decades last year just 1.4%   of all apartments in the city were vacant and  available to rent last year which is the lowest   rate since 1968 get this the vacancy rate was  less than 1% for apartments priced below $2,400   a month I found my apartment through um an app or  website called Street Easy Street e tends to be   very competitive but that's how I found my last  two apartments so at the end of last year Street   Easy came out with their 2024 predictions for the  rental market they are predicting that we're going   to see a calmer rental market and they're saying  that rent prices went up so high last year because   they were out of inventory shortage so they're  predicting that we're going to see an inventory   increase specifically in Manhattan which may not  lower the prices that you're seeing but it will   hopefully level it out a little bit and prevent  the prices from skyrocketing even higher than   they in 2023 so I mentioned in a recent video how  my most recent apartment search was really really   quick Sunday afternoon I look on Street easy and  I see basically my dream apartment come up I find   the phone number of the broker I call the broker  directly um and I scheduled a viewing for later   that day before I even started looking on Street  Easy I made sure I had all of my documents that   I needed to apply this might not be the safest  way to do it cyber security wise but I attached   all of my documents to an email so as soon as  I found an apartment to apply for I could just   forward all those papers over to the broker or  the landlord and I could get my application in   as soon as possible I even asked the broker what  are the chances of me even getting this before   I even came to the appointment and he said well  there's two people in front of you but if you're   applying without a guarantor you know it's worth  coming to see it so I saw I loved it I applied   the landlord even requested that I write a little  blurb about myself on why I'm like a good fit for   the community of the building it's crazy like it  feels like you're applying for a job basically and   I ended up getting the apartment I think because  I was their ideal candidate I didn't have a   guarantor I was applying by myself I'm single I  don't have any pets like all those factors play   into a landlord's decision so I got very lucky  and a lot of people don't have that seamless of   an experience if you want more details on that  experience I'll link a video for you so you can   watch so as far as pricing goes I'm seeing studios  in Manhattan and um like queens and Brooklyn start   at like maybe 18 or 1900 up to like 3,000 for  one bedrooms it really depends on the area that   you're looking at the highest prices are obviously  below 59th Street in Manhattan all the way down to   the tip of Manhattan so there's another option in  New York City to find an apartment that I haven't   really talked about much on my channel it's the  housing Lottery through the housing connect portal   online so to apply you basically have to meet  their income and uh household size requirements   each building has different requirements but  you can look up certain areas and see um all   these like newly developed and renovated  buildings that offer Lottery opportunities   and this gives you a incredible discount on your  rent for a really really nice renovated developed   apartment if you win I personally don't know the  turnaround time for this program but I assume it   might be a little bit of a weit you just kind  of throw your name in there and if you get the   call that's great um but if you don't hopefully  you're still continuing your search outside of the   lottery you never want to rely on this program  assuming that you'll get in because apparently   it is very competitive but I do know one person  who applied for the housing Lottery and did get   an apartment through that also a note on that  applicants who live in New York City receive   a general preference for apartments so maybe it's  best to apply if you already live here let's walk   around a little bit shall we just you yourself  looking to move to New York um is not the issue   of gentrification I'm sure you have the best of  intentions as you are looking to move here but a   way you can help not be a part of the problem  of gentrification is be really conscious about   where you're putting your money wherever you're  living when you're going out for coffee go for   small business coffee avoid large corporations  actively seek out family-owned businesses or   black own businesses ones that you can support  in your community so they don't get pushed out one of my favorite organizations to volunteer  with is New York Cares the onboarding took about   20 minutes and it's just an little online course  with a couple quiz questions and then you can go   about signing up it can be pretty competitive to  sign up for volunteer spots especially over the   weekends so you might have to plan it an advance  a little bit especially if you're volunteering   during the holidays um I know those spots can  fill up months in advance other organizations   are like the Bowery Mission or City Harvest I  do think volunteering is one of the best ways   to make friends in this city there's no better  feeling than feeling like you're a part of a community so here we are at the Met the Met  Museum this is somewhere I have actually never   been inside but yeah celebrities like have their  little Gala here I've seen this on Gossip Girl   it's giving Blair Waldorf there is an incredible  resource that you need to utilize if you are   looking to move to New York City um and that  is the New York Public Library or if you're in   Brooklyn the Brooklyn Public Library or if you're  in Quon the queen Public Library it's facing a   lot of recent budget cuts uh last November mayor  Adams he cut so much of their funding that they   had to stop Sunday service except for like one  location the few months leading up to the budget   cut apparently the amount of people who signed  up for library cards is skyrocketed and we had   like two almost 200,000 new applicants Beyond  just being able to check out books there are a   lot of classes you can take I'm just looking at a  list of their courses online that they offer it's   like Financial Credit and Medicare counseling you  can sign up for one-on-one session uh to help you   navigate social services and Community Resources  knitting and crocheting for all virtual fiber art   Circle where you chat craft and create like what  a great way to get involved and meet people and   it's free we love all of that there's also resume  editing workshops to sign up is very easy you do   need to have proof of address in New York to be  able to apply for a card but I put the address of   the sublet I was staying in and then I changed the  address as soon as I went to a permanent address   so that way the mail wouldn't be set to my sublet  yeah you can do it online or in person or by mail in 2024 in particular it's election  years we have the primary election we have   the general election and a lot of other  smaller elections that everyone should   vote in there are deadlines for making changes  to your registration such as like a change of   address or change of enrollment I registered  to vote in New York when I officially Got a   New York driver's license and I did this  at the DMV I like to follow at NYC votes   on Instagram it really helps keep me up to date  on registration deadlines or any other deadlines   I need to be aware of it reminds me that an  elections even happening sometimes I don't   even know there's anything happening oh there's a  really pretty bird right next to me hey buddy hi buddy oh he just pooped so right now in New  York City they're in the testing phase for   installing these ugly in my opinion ugly yellow  metal barriers um in between pillars on subway   platforms hoping to prevent people from being  pushed onto the tracks or from falling onto the   tracks and I see what they were getting at when  they were installing these but honestly I really   don't feel like they're going to do much and the  amount of money that they must have spent on this   is probably very embarrassing I wouldn't say it's  being received very well with the public right now   but you may see one if you come to even visit New  York the MTA is also trying out these Fair gates   in certain subway stations right now where they're  attempting to change the design of the turn styles   to prevent Fair evasion of people popping the  turn Styles the design is different so these   panels open like saloon doors instead of obviously  being a Turn Style that you just walk through but   they're realizing that they open so slowly that  two people can easily get in at the same time   so that's still in the testing phase oh this is  crazy they developed these new subway cars what   is it called the r211 subway cars they are now  currently being de debuted on the sea line hoping   to phase out the r46 train which has the yellow  and orange seats in the L-shaped form personally   I really like the L-shaped seats I like to sit  next to the window the opening doors to get on   the train are a lot wider so in that way makes it  a lot more accessible for riders with disabilities   um so we love that apparently they have a lot less  seats though which personally I'm not a fan of   but also there's no doors in between the subway  cars anymore for these trains I feel like these   were designed these subway cars were designed by  people who don't even ride the Subway because if   someone lights up a cigarette on that Subway that  smell is just going to waft all the way through   the subway cars and as far as safety goes I feel  like a divide between subway cars um made me feel   safer if God forbid something happens like the  shooting that we had on the Subways last year   or was it 2022 the last couple years that was  contained to one subway car but now something   like that would affect all the surrounding cars  as well just in 2024 alone we've had uh a train   derailment and a train Collision it feels like  all these improvements I've just talked about   like it's it's moot as long as the infrastructure  continues to deteriorate in the subway systems and   it feels like that's just never improving I don't  know let me know what you think in the comments   but yeah it's very common thing to complain about  the MTA and the subway system but on the positive   side it's amazing how quickly you can get from  the tip of Manhattan the tippy top of Manhattan   to the tippy bottom of Manhattan the fact that I  don't need a car to live in New York City and I   can just rely on public transportation to get  me from point A to point B is a huge selling   point for me to live here I save so much  money not having to pay car insurances or   parking all the other expenses that come with  having a car I don't have to worry about that   because I ride the Subways yes could they run  better of course we're really lucky to have a a   subway system like we do I just wish it worked  a little bit better and it was less expensive   okay my hand is really really cold I think um  I might continue this from the coziness of my apartment I definitely got a chopped cheese this is my  current favorite sandwich to order okay that   sandwich is really good and was exactly what I  needed um there is something you should be aware   of if you are coming to New York City especially  if you have a car the central business district   or CBD C CBD CBD the CBD tolling program is  rolling out a congestion pricing program in   2024 drivers will be charged a to enter Manhattan  below 60th Street uh known as the central business   district or CBD officials said cars would pay  a toll up to $15 to enter Manhattan below 60th   Street once per day commercial trucks would pay  as much as $36 taxes will add $125 per fair and   all ride share apps like uber and left will tack  on an extra $2.50 per ride all this of course to   incentivize people to ride the MTA which is where  the the proceeds are going apparently to improve   the quality of the public transportation system  this program is ideally going to reduce traffic   and travel time lead to safer streets and cleaner  air reduce emissions and it says improve quality   of life but like for who there was a part of the  article that also said yeah we're aware that this   could lead to extra traffic going through the  Bronx in addition to more pollution in the Bronx   because there's more traffic flowing through the  area just another reason to consider a City Bike   membership this is not sponsored so if you have  a car I might consider not bringing it however   if you're not a fan of this there's a hearing on  February 29th where you can voice your opinion   it's like a town hall you know there's more to the  conversation of infrastructure also um as you may   know the east coast is is the Northeast at least  is sinking and and it's sinking 1 to 2 mm per year   and that alone is not something you like truly  need to be concerned concerned about if you're   looking to move to New York City this year um  don't let that be a deal breaker for you but just   know that that paired with the rising sea levels  we are seeing flooding and that is definitely   something to consider when you're looking for an  apartment too because the flooding was getting   really really bad specifically for basement units  specifically um in Brooklyn I live in Queens I   didn't have my building didn't have any damages  the power did not go out the basement didn't have   any flooding like there was no issue our streets  were fine okay let's get cozy on this couch here   and talk a a little bit about what lifestyle is  like night life and dating so I moved here when   I was 25 and I used to go out a lot in Manhattan  to like multiple clubs bars that had dancing a   lot of my favorite bars and dance spots were  in the Lower East Side but then the pandemic   happened all of a sudden like we had a new wave of  of youngsters moving into the city youngsters like   not really just PE just people in their 20s which  you know more power to them for moving to the city   but they sort of like took over those places post  pandemic and then Tik Tok really blew up certain   bars that I had loved to go dancing in there were  now lines that being said I'm glad it's like good   for business for them so that's great I'm just  a little bit brokenhearted my favorite place in   Lowry side was pianos I really like that in my  20s and I miss going there but what I'm getting   at too is the crowd has been a lot younger and  so I don't really like to go out and go dancing   in Manhattan anymore as someone in my early 30s  consider Brooklyn and Queens to do that instead   and in going out 2024 pre gaming we don't shame  anybody who preg games not only because inflation   but because when I used to blow $18 to $20 on a  cocktail I used to just kind of ignore it and just   pay now I don't really I don't really want to do  that anymore I can't really financially ignore it   anymore or consider a house party a a good Old  Brooklyn house party oh it's good for the soul   Bob excellent VI Vibes easier to meet people um  dating in New York City what is dating like I'm   going to get into this in more in depth in a  upcoming video if you're if you're looking to   meet the love of your life the love of your life I  feel like it's pretty difficult to do that in New   York City I've had better experiences dating in  my 30s but it's honestly not much better people   are here to hustle to you know make their career  dreams come true for the most part you know and   and from my experience anyone who is looking to  like build their career build a business is not   going to invest time in you as much as you want  and potentially might not even be looking for   anything serious and that's totally fine you  know as long as you're upfront about it it's   hard to even pay for dates in this economy too  so my suggestion is with dating in New York City   is to lower your expectations for the first few  dates for like the types of dates that you go on   instead of perhaps like starting with a dinner  date that's really fancy and expensive remove   the pressure of that I feel like people are more  relaxed when they know they can actually afford   the date that they're going on um and they're  probably saving the more expensive dates for   maybe the third or the fourth date instead of the  first date when they don't even know if you guys   like each other yet um so while I say lower your  expectations for the types of dates don't lower   your expectations for the type of partner that  you want never settle don't settle you might end   up like me and be single for a majority of your  time in New York City and that's okay but don't   of that do I recommend moving here in 2024 I say  yes you know follow your heart but but come with   something to offer come with a dream a why I can't  imagine if someone that I trusted Told Me Not to   Come here all those years ago and I would have  listened to them and I would have missed out on   this almost Whole Decade long learning experience  and I realize now that I'm editing this video that   I come off a bit more negative or maybe too like  tough love in this video that I intended I love   this city with my whole heart even though it  drives me crazy sometimes in the Summers I love   taking the A train to Rockaway Beach I love seeing  families having barbecues on their Stoops I love   watching the New York Marathon even running it he  I love those nights that go a completely different   direction than what you thought and then suddenly  it's like 6:00 a.m. when the sun is rising I love   knowing I can go to a Broadway show any day  that I want I love being surrounded by new   faces every day and I just cannot get enough of  the racing heartbeat of the city I could go on  
Channel: Chelsea Callahan
Views: 147,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moving to new york city in 2024, the reality of moving to new york city in 2024, moving to nyc 2024, realistic moving to nyc 2024, what to know before moving to new york, what you should know before moving to nyc in 2024, know this before moving to nyc, new york city vlogger, realistic nyc vlogger, moving in new york city 2024
Id: sd0rP97Xazo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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