25 Tips for Minecraft You Might not Know

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I played too much minecraft my own good I have blocks on my mind at all times you know I'm my life revolves around playing this game and building things in this game is even going to the point where sometimes I dream about it that's an embarrassing fact that I probably shouldn't have shared by shared it but that doesn't mean that I have gotten pretty good at it and that means that I do have some advice to give to players in Minecraft if you want to become just ever so slightly better so I think it's time for some life hacks 25 of them this is number one so you want to build a diagonal staircase of blocks now generally speaking the way that we do this is by doing something like that but that means that every single time you place in the block you're also losing a block it's not the most efficient way of doing things what you can do is you can get yourself a block with a small hitbox and then you can place blocks actually on the side of that hitbox without having to move anywhere now there is a bit of a fine art to it but trust me you do get quicker as you practice it life hack number two as of minecraft 1.14 trapdoors are definitely your friend you should carry them with you everywhere because they allow you to instantly have access to crawling which allows you to get into places that you otherwise wouldn't have been able to go like this lovely dirty granite e hole you know I kind of wish that I didn't have my trap door on me this so this is horrible I think number three am I gonna do this every single time I don't know I didn't plan on doing this every single time anyway this is the third one according to people who are good at flying with the Electra's the way to actually stay agile in the air is to activate your firework rockets while you want to do sharp turns because if you don't you kind of float and do some slightly less accurate stuff so if you have your rocket boosters activated you can change direction really quickly this is hurting my brain a little bit but what if you don't have a literal gazillion firework rockets alright because most people don't this is life at number four the best way to fly long distances without using loads of rockets is to use what's known as the 40/40 trick so you want to point yourself down towards 40 degrees and then up towards 40 degrees and you'll kind of fly in this up-and-down pattern but you'll be able to travel amazingly far really without using too much fuel next life hack please I hate things like granite diorite I've discussed in andesite all the other things that I'm probably forgetting as well so before I go on mining sessions I like to get my infantry set up something a little bit like this stone I also don't need too much of that there's not too many slots for redstone obviously I need tons of so there's plenty of slots available for that and this means that when I'm mining only the good stuff will end up in my inventory life Hank number four which is German I think that also means five this is actually life hack number six anyway we all know the scaffolding exists and it's pretty interesting it's got some cool building mechanics I really like the way that you place it but there are some slight annoyances in the fact that say for example we want to expand out over here those pieces of scaffolding actually land on that Daisy down there and get broken so if I wanted to go out in this direction I'd have to go all the way down to the bottom break it and then come all the way back up to the top frustrating what you should use instead is slime blocks because slime blocks are the only blocks that are breakable instantly in survival mode I mean just look at this glorious my thang numbers even another gentleman one this is a jungle tree and a rather pathetic one at that but the best way to mine out a jungle tree is to enderpearl up to the top and then mine downwards from the top that way you don't have to worry about things going missing and also just make more sense doesn't it look at this is so much easier but we all know that jungle wood looks absolutely disgusting it's horrendous nobody wants to use it so what do I want to do with this garbage most people suggest that you have some fun with rubbish bin it in your base that is made out of lava that you can throw all of the things that you don't want into but what if you accidentally throw in something pretty precious like a diamond hoe then you've lost it forever and also you can potentially fall in this and that can cause you some damage what I would generally suggest is you just leave the items to de-spawn you can have a special place for them like a rubbish bin but it'd mean if we're in my clip as I was saying you can still have a nice thing rubbish bin it just means that if you throw in something that you don't want to throw in you haven't actually lost it forever life Hank numero Ocho I think that Spanish I'm not sure I'm gonna stop this now this is a bit of a geeky redstone one but if you want to simulate a one T pole sometimes it can be difficult to fire but leave her fast enough come on oh my goodness I'm usually pretty good at this come on let's make it work a much much easier way of doing it is Y placing a redstone torch on the side or on top of a redstone block then you get one automatically so you want to transport some zombies now the good thing about zombies is that you can give them items to stop them from the spawning and I would suggest giving them something like a helmet so that when it turns today you're not going to lose all of your hunt zombies through them burning up B cause yes I was correct zombies that wear caps don't actually burn out in the sunlight sunny had a little bit of a panic then when I realized I haven't actually tested that fact and another zombie related my fact is that a zombies cannot break doors through one block above the ground I mean he's not really trying it right now but trust me they can't moving swiftly on from that wasn't a chest is ever so slightly smaller than a full block then an anvil is ever so slightly smaller than a chest then an end rod is slightly smaller than an anvil giving you a player ladder that's made out of actually useful items that could almost give you a secret entrance life hack number 13 before minecraft 1.13 I would always suggest when building underwater to bring torches or fence posts or doors anything that'll allow you to get your breath back without having to go back up to the surface but in Minecraft 1.30 not all of those things get waterlogged so now I would suggest bringing along magma blocks and one top tip is to always hold shift when you're walking on top of them so you don't get burnt see check this out I'm chilling out underwater my breaths not even going down my thang number 14 another slightly geeky redstone one but definitely a useful one it was originally discovered by ill mango and he worked out that you can actually use triple C pickles to align items with the edge of the block when using item water streams which means that as you can see all of these items are actually ending up in the hoppers which is really really really handy say for example you want to create an incredibly large platform you're building something like a mob spawner or just something that requires a massive platform um I don't need to explain it too much generally speaking this is the way that I do it sometimes I speed things up and do something like this but then that tends to happen what I would suggest is first off go into your controls and rebind right-click to be something that you can hold down I've just realized I definitely didn't rebind right-click there so rebind the key that you've accidentally just rebind it and then you know find the actual correct thing that you want to rebind then line yourself up perfectly using the coordinates on the f3 screen so that you're not going to fall off the edge of the block and then just walk backwards repeatedly pressing your rebounded key obviously on an area like this doesn't make too much sense but on a massive hundred block long strip you're gonna save a lot of time this one's less of a life hack and more of a game Kanak but still everyone needs to know about it if you cure up a villager that's been turned into a zombie you get ridiculously good deals like seriously insane deals for example if the villager is a farmer you can give them one pumpkin and they will give you an emerald okay so your pumpkin farm has just become an emerald farm you have to do this slime blocks have been around for a while now so I feel like people should know this but in my opinion they're the best blocks to use as a break fall in the nether because if you fall on a slime block and hold down the space bar a you won't be launched back up into the sky which is the only issue with slime blocks and B you won't take any full damage which obviously is kind of the whole point of a break fault now sticking with the sticky blocks honey blocks introduced in Minecraft 1.15 have a bit of an interesting feature you can actually use them to walk along walls because honey blocks are ever so slightly smaller than regular blocks which means that you can actually kind of stand inside them a tiny and this this definitely looks just a little bit precarious I think number 19 I think I've kind of lost count now and I genuinely only found out about this the other day the way that I've always navigated through signs is by pressing the enter key it turns out that you can use the up and down arrows to go between the levels so there's me okay if I'm here I would always press ENTER to get to the top level nope you could just you can you can flip between them how crazy is this for the people who have known that for like seven years since signs are introduced probably not like crazy but for me is bonkers now onto some photography life hacks say for example you've just build something that you're quite proud of for example this house right here it's rather lovely and you want to take a nice-looking picture of it well I mean this doesn't really look that great whereas if you stand slightly further back and then change your field of view to 30 then you get a much more natural-looking field of view for photography you wouldn't want to play like this it's horrendous I mean sometimes I forget to change it back and then start to feel very very ill very quickly but look how lovely everything looks another honey blog related live Hank here a fairly well-known game mechanic of honey blocks is the fact that you can't jump on them this is as high as I can possibly go it looks very very pathetic but that does mean that you can make some interesting-looking and pens here we have a bunch of honey blocks underneath carpet and you can see I haven't had to use fences or walls or anything ugly like that to keep all of the animals in instead I can use some much more modern and nice-looking court stairs and on the topic of making things that are modern a nice-looking say for example you're working on a build that makes use of concrete you want massive concrete walls a little bit like this one should you build them out of concrete now if you've already built them out of concrete and I apologize for telling disinformation what you should do is build them out of concrete powder then afterwards just start placing in water across the top and that will convert to all of the concrete powder into concrete's you don't have to waste time in the beginning as she doing all the conversion which everyone knows is a massive pain in the backside another water-based life Hank here those soul sand bubble elevators don't work properly unless the entire chamber of water is made out of water source blocks now obviously there's a number of ways that you can do this you go in there with a bunch of water buckets fill it up you go in there with a bunch of ice and fill it up or alternatively you could drop in there with some kelp and fill up the entire thing that way now the only thing is you can't place kelp on top of soul sand so you're going to have to replace the soul sound briefly fill it in with kelp then replace that bottom block with the soul sand and you'll have a perfectly functioning bubble elevator because in case it wasn't clear already those kelp well they actually convert the water into sauce blocks as you place them bit of a weird game mechanic but I like it my fact number 24 I think I hope I'm not sure jump boost actually allows you to jump two and a half blocks I almost look like three blocks goodness me well wait what oh I've given myself jump boost three that's why let's try that again then jump boost to actually allows you to jump two and a half blocks in total so if you need a two and a half block I mean honestly this is now a little bit disappointing now that I thought we could jump three blocks if you fly fast enough you can actually fly through walls in Minecraft now it does does take a little bit of practice okay but what you have to do is you have to kind of fly out you have to make sure that you level yourself up okay you need to be level then you need to follow as many farmers as they go and you could just about make it through a wall which is nuts there we go 25 life hacks done and dusted I hope you enjoyed it and yeah I think that wraps things up Celia I hope you had a good Christmas and all that I hope you have one having a good New Year got your new year's resolution sorted preparing for those diets and things signing up to the gym all that I'm currently away in the Philippines having a great time so probably having more fun than you maybe know I mean it's likely isn't it
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 6,176,865
Rating: 4.9246082 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, minecraft things you didnt know, things you didnt know about minecraft, minecraft facts you didnt know, 25 Tips for Minecraft You Might not Know, 25 tips minecraft, minecraft tips, 25 tips, 25 tips for your survival minecraft worlds
Id: y48J-G17fy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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