25 things to do in Lisbon, Portugal!

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[Music] so what's going on with lisbon what's great about this place things have certainly opened up since the pandemic and you can feel the buzz economically a lot of portugal lives off tourism and let me just say it's tourism is back y'all it's freaking best lisbon is a vibe there's a sense of community a strong drinking culture primarily revolving around what i would call kiosk culture when a buddy invites you for a coffee at a kiosk that's code for that coffee magically turning into a few beers or wines we've been to many countries in europe but portugal has somehow eluded us and after being here for a week i am kicking myself for not getting here sooner it's the second oldest european capital city and these liz boettas love their food perfect for a foodie like me waves of tourists are swarming in for those peak summer months and for once i don't mind it i'm loving the energy and we're loving being back to international travel [Music] here are 25 of our favorite things we did in lisbon you win to 10 fish try some of their many 10 seafood options that they're famous for portugal has one of the highest per capita fish consumption in the world this is what you're going to find the most here because each column is a different producer they are all portuguese this is the official store of the national association this one right here the pefana the food of the people come down on your break get it with cheese or without i go with a little mustard bread meat must have done so good where the rest of the world has burgers or kebabs portugal has the bifana a pork steak sandwich seasoned with garlic and spices marinated and simmered for hours and put inside a bread roll simple delicious you can add mustard or puree puree sauce to your liking try many across the city oh trevo is a good starting point get your steps in by walking just about everywhere definitely bring your walking shoes when you come to lisbon there's a reason why it's nicknamed the city of seven hills these hills are no joke it's worse than san francisco this place is an open-air museum and coming here without a plan or guide is perfectly okay and might even be better the views are amazing the architecture is stunning also take caution when it rains because those cobblestones get very slippery ice skating [Music] catch a photo show avoid the overpriced and touristy shows and find a more local spot although here we're in coimbra this is actually liz bowenfado traditionally photo in lisbon is sung mostly by women and in coimbra it's sung only by men [Music] music is a form of music characterized by longing and melancholy it's quite emotional to experience in person and would highly recommend it [Music] tower bellum tower is a 16th century fortification that served as a launch point for many portuguese explorers and as a ceremonial gateway to lisbon it's also become a popular spot to picnic for an afternoon and just enjoy the views [Music] giving off some lord of the rings valves and on your way to bellum tower from the city center you must stop by the monument of discoveries on the banks of the tasia romanticizing the age of discovery and all the exploits and conquests made by its explorers and navigators let's do their first date try their sweet cherry liqueur called jean jinya it's made from morello cherries soaked in a distilled spirit called aguardente we drove to the small town of ubilux where it originated [Music] [Laughter] inside chocolate on the outside yeah incredible great vibe too what the heck so nice check out the beautiful decorative ceramic tiles called azulejos around the city portugal's literally got miles of tiles [Music] hello little one [Music] foreign [Music] yeah all right so i'm uh i'm getting ready to go out there in the real world in portugal and you know i i want to be somewhat prepared i don't want to be that tourist that doesn't try i don't want to be that guy who doesn't make the effort to connect with the locals in their own language so i do like brushing up on a little bit of homework you know and the best easiest way is off my phone on an app this language has been really helpful you know i would like to start and learn portuguese i'm really a beginner if i'm going to keep it real with myself but uh the dream is there okay and being in this country hearing everyone speak around you it's exciting it definitely motivates you and so for me i'm super pumped to to give it a go make a fool of myself half the time but hey i'm trying i'm trying out here 40 off yo [Music] is a portuguese custard tart made with puff pastry and filled with egg custard that is served with a dusting of powdered sugar and pinch of cinnamon the tarts are baked at a blazingly hot temperature until the tops are scorched it's insane because i'm not a big custard fan but it's almost like you have a custardy thing going on a creme brulee thing going on and the rest of it has that just listen to this right here i mean there's like a croissant it's like croissant meeks custard meets creme brulee for the best pastry chinatown go to montegaria castro but our personal favorite was actually from this tiny truck at the miradoro da signora [Music] we're in this town called sintra which is like 40 minutes from lisbon my brother has a rental car so we had to take advantage we're like we're here for four days one of those days we're gonna go on a little mini road trip and it has two main things to see which is the first one is where we're at now quinta de regalera it's like from the 1500s and it's stunning the history is so rich it's just even the temperatures a few also a little bit cooler than lisbon which is really nice there's caves and the caves are really really cool i hope you won't get to crouch down for me [Music] the caves are worth seeing um there's also like let me just show you guys so this is what we're looking at look at this right here but then if you look to our right there's a castle way up there and uh after this beautiful place we're gonna head to uh pina palace so pina palace or pena palace which is not penis palace not penis palace ask me about my wiener which is this disney-esque castle it has bright vivid colors i've only seen it in pictures so far but that's where we're going to be heading to next probably grab a little bika espresso before we do that um but this is how you do it in portugal you just go with the flow [Music] so we then made it to the quirky disney-esque pina palace interesting lots of uh conflicting aesthetics a bit touristy not really our style but we really enjoyed the gardens all around it first rv [Music] when in lisbon at some point you got to flame your own weirdo that's that's a cultural experience right there that's what you have to do flip it over yeah buddy oh there you go you get that bubbling that's what it looks so good that's what i like literally i can hear the crispy outside edge of this like oh my gosh i gotta get in here [Music] oh my goodness they're gonna freak out as i mentioned earlier get involved in that kiosk culture get amongst it with the locals and have a few drinks it's my the my european dream like this is coffee with cream well cream is more like whipped cream and this is just espresso all right a white wine and almost like a sparkling [Music] although touristy a stop at one of the oldest and most famous cafes in the old quarter of lisbon is a must a brazilera was first opened by adrian telus to import and sell brazilian coffee in the 19th century and served as a meeting point for many creatives over the years great history coffee and pastries inflated prices dude really great coffee some of the best i think you've had no i don't like it [Music] [Music] get a closer look at the 25th of april suspension bridge the golden gate bridge's distant cousin along with the maat museum the museum of art architecture and technology great views all around to the bank enjoy one of the great local beers either sagness or it's really light and they say it's really good but meat and cheese so you know we thought it would care well with what we're eating but you can also pair it with one of their favorite snacks it's almost like a blend of a chickpea and a corn they had a baby there's no crunch though it's not it's no crunch but there's definitely a bite to it portugal is really big on dried fish especially dried and salted cod called bacalao these delicately fried cod fritters are stuffed with cheese from the serra da estrela and are often paired with the sweet and dry white porto with the bite well that's nice this is dangerous you know it's like it's like crazy because every time i talk about food here i'm like oh it's freaking amazing it's awesome i'm like literally not kidding like this it's so delicately made like the the flavor profile it's like an elevated pom dolphin i don't know if you guys have had this from france but has it like with that baccalau fish flavor and you got the sheep's cheese in the middle i feel like i'm going to be putting on some weight on this chip but you know what i'm embracing it i'm going all the way and even this this white port show i've never even they gave him a sample sample which was really nice they said they do pair very well together it's it's what you call it it's sweet but it's like dry medium dry medium dry yeah it's great eat seafood to your heart's content and definitely try sardines i'm not a huge fan but had to give it a chance my first sardine complete disaster with a fiasco it's a graveyard but my next sardine i've managed to separate the bones look at this tactically wow see so much better you gotta take the gizzards out right here boom pop that out the stomach right right there yeah and look at all that meat right there and now some tram asmr [Music] [Applause] [Music] special time hi enjoy breakfast and coffee at one of the many scandi style coffee shops and contemporary breakfast joints the food quality is very good and they have an incredible selection of healthy options 3 000 steps later taking the view at the top of parque eduardo the view over the entire city from there is incredible [Music] have dinner at one of our favorite places in lisbon [Music] delicious cheese is so good so easy to drink oh we got what do we got here [Music] thank you we also recommend a more affordable local dinner spot called taberna docuela the owner eric will take good care hey hey guys so we have octopus this is the linguista cuttlefish the mushroom and those are experiencing the french fries [Music] although a bit touristy hit up the timeout market for some good food we made ourselves our own charcuterie board there and really enjoyed it the vibe is great but the prices are a bit steep you can find better value elsewhere honestly we just bought this little mini wheel of sheep cheese here from along with our own linguista sausage that's the way to go grab yourself a beer put that on bread put that on a cracker do get a quick snack at a local franchise called a padaria portuguese all right got my third espresso going already we're stopping at this place called they're everywhere throughout the city and gotta get some side croquettes this is a meat one i believe i think that's a fish one i think that's a i want to say shrimp it's something i think it's seafood but they're all good can't go wrong the texture is insane i think this one's dried fish with like potato and there's some greens in there as well bring your own drink and pop a squad at one of the 30 lookout points across the city called and a big thanks and shout out to our patreon peeps you guys helped make this video possible y'all are the best [Music] here at chrome we got this italian gelato and the stratocell is really good strawberry sorbets are insane yeah get it so good dude [Music] you
Channel: ON World Travel
Views: 120,104
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Keywords: lisbon 2022, things to do in lisbon, what to do in lisbon, lisbon, lisbon portugal, lisbon travel guide, portugal travel guide, best things to do in lisbon, lisbon portugal 2022, porto portugal, 48 hours in lisbon, 72 hours in lisbon, 24 hours in lisbon
Id: ntd3PjXtuVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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