How to Spend One Day in Lisbon, Portugal - Travel Guide | Top Things to Do, See, & Eat in Lisboa!

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[Music] it doesn't get much better [Music] oldest bookstore in the world traditional Portuguese music [Music] we're matine at a part-time non-remote travel couple based out of Nashville Tennessee in 2021 we visited all 50 U.S states 2022 took our adventures abroad now we've set out on a journey to see as many of the 1 000 places to see before you die well before we die in our last video we were eating our way around the city of Lisbon where we tried more than a dozen delicious Portuguese items from tasting port wine for the very first time to falling in love with the country's most famous pastry our day exploring the Lisbon food scene was as diverse as it was delicious this week we're continuing our adventures in Lisbon foreign [Music] as one of the oldest cities in the world and the oldest in Western Europe Lisbon which is the capital of Portugal as well as the largest city is known for its fascinating history vibrant culture delicious food and stunning architecture if you watched our last video then you saw us eat our way around this beautiful city and we highly highly recommend doing it but today we're excited to explore a little bit more of the city's culture and history per usual we only have the day to do see and eat as much as possible and obviously there is no way that we'll be able to fit everything in so if you want more information and tips for planning your trip to Lisbon check out our Blog the link is down in the description but right now we're going to start things off with the most loved pastry here in Portugal let's go thank you [Music] [Music] guys I'm so excited we got six of them today we went big this morning if you guys watched our food tour then you know we are absolutely obsessed with these yeah but we didn't eat enough of them so no we didn't and we haven't tried this place yet so this is this is supposed to be one of the best in the city Cheers Cheers oh I mean it's delicious Heaven these are not as set as yesterday's old they're a little runnier yeah a little bit runnier and I feel like this pastry is a little thinner than the one we had yesterday but so freaking good I was only gonna eat two but then they had a better deal for six and so I said I mean a wine there you go I was saving it for later so my mom makes egg custard pies around all the major holidays and this is just a little taste of that but in a Portuguese way so and I love the crust on these like the flaky crust yes so many layers it's buttery it's crispy crispy and you can find them pretty much at every cafe around the city they're all over the place like Natalie said it is the most loved pastry in all of Portugal and it was created right here in Lisbon there's a reason why it's the most loved so eat as many of them as you can guys they had tea I got really excited because they said chai machai means tea and so they were like what kind of chai do you want and I was like uh I tried to explain that to her butt so I got a black tea you guys know me bottoms up I went with a cappuccino that's good oh man this is perfect it really is the weather is perfect it's beautiful oh the walk over here was beautiful yeah but chinos delicious the egg darts or pastel donatas are amazing this is delish now let's go eat the rest of our four the stations [Music] foreign so that was an amazing breakfast three pistachios went down very easy but now we're on to the next and speaking of on to the next we want to thank today's sponsor olafly for keeping us connected while traveling if you've never heard of olifi then you're missing our virtual SIM card which lets you see the data plan to your device just by scanning a QR code which is great for traveling especially without breaking the bank olafly is in over 165 countries and offers 24 7 customer service support and their data packages range from one week to three months and they make it super easy to recharge or top up your plan we were so tired of paying 10 to 20 a day from our Us mobile phone carriers or wasting precious travel time trying to find public Wi-Fi that making the switch to olafly isim was literally a no-brainer all you need to do is purchase your esim you'll receive an instant email delivery and then you're ready to install your e SIM for your next trip we love it so much because it is fast reliable cost effective and is super convenient since we don't have to buy a physical SIM card from a local carrier for instance on this trip we have the European unlimited plan for five days and it costs only 19 and with our code Adventures of Matt and Matt you'll save an extra five percent on top of that we'll put the link and the code down in the description now let's show you how fast unlimited data is we're headed to St George's Castle right here let's get directions walking time and start let's go [Music] [Music] I'm a little winded because we did a bunch of stairs come to find out there's an elevator y'all right there but that's okay we're working off those positions yeah that's about to say that's how we're doing ourselves a favor but I'm all right okay we'll put the elevator location right here just in case you need it and you don't want to be winded [Music] so we made it to the castle we are in the al-fama neighborhood which we really enjoy you could spend hours here just getting lost and looking around now we don't have enough time to go in the castle but we wanted to show you what it looked like and if you are interested in going into the castle on your trip get your guide which is a tour provider that we absolutely love and use all the time they do offer tickets and tours we'll put the link for that down in the description and just know that the castle is not all original not even close the restoration for the most part happened in the 1940s from what I understand but it really makes a cool experience also I hear that they have some awesome views once you go in but there's also a Viewpoint just down the street so we're gonna go check that out now [Music] yeah [Music] um this place is super cute the tile there's a musician playing yeah there's an incredible view of the river so highly recommend now we're about to get on one of the most famous ways to get around the city tram 28. yeah [Music] [Music] um it looks a lot packed so we will see [Music] we got a window spot three Euros per person but we'll talk about that later [Music] so we got on on the right stop because we got a seat now you can see how chaotic it is standing room only foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] getting off the iconic tram 28. so tram 28 is Iconic and I can totally see why I'm so glad that we got seats I mean you literally are like inches by things it was crazy oh yeah so cool but also don't make the mistake that we did and forget to load your Metro card before getting on because when you get on and have to pay on board it's gonna cost you three Euros per person and I think it's like 165 or something what I recommend is getting the 24 hour pass if you won't regret it you'll definitely use it around the public transportation it'll definitely save you some money also tram 28 as you saw gets very crowded because it is touristy but it's also local commuters using it so if crowds bother you then you might want to check out I believe it's tram 12. but we'll put all of this information in the blog check that out the link is in the description it was super fun it is like a one-way situation though so he dropped us off in a place and now we've got to get back downtown but it's fine it's an adventure so fun [Music] all of these people are waiting to get on tram 28. they're be waiting for hours so I recommend doing what we did and hopping on somewhere in the middle of the line after some people have gotten on and off also you could start at the other end from what I understand it's not quite as crowded down there or take the tram 12 that's another good option [Music] prettiest sidewalks and pedestrian streets like the Mosaic stones that they use it's stunning they are slick I was about to say it also wins the slickiest sidewalks but you know it's a price you pay for beauty I almost busted it a couple of times yesterday but I wore sneakers today so I think I'm gonna be good ladies do not wear heels [Music] we got postcards for our patrons we want to thank every single name down below you guys truly help out our Channel way more than you know and we honestly love you guys if you're interested in supporting our Channel and becoming a patron check out our patreon page we'll put the link down in the description we would absolutely love to have you in the family now we are in front of the Santa Justa lift it was built in 1902 and was inspired by the Eiffel Tower now you can't probably see right now but there is an extremely long line because even though it is part of the public transportation system kind of like tram 28 it's become more of a tourist thing than a local thing so you might wait a couple of hours to get up and I think it costs five euros or something like that to go up it so that said we are not going to be actually riding it because you can get up to the top and have the same views from right up there for free for free you're just gonna do the walks yeah that's what we're gonna do there's a little bit of workout involved let's go [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] which is back here behind us it was completed in 1423 unfortunately in 1755 when Lisbon had its massive earthquake that demolished a lot of the city that's when the Carmo Convent lost its roof and I think they ran out of it pretty much ran out of money to fix it so now it's turned into a museum and it seems pretty incredible so we're excited to check it out [Music] thank you [Music] thank you that was where the every single penny of the five euros that was cool what was your favorite part I think just the fact that it's there's so much still intact yeah but it's still I mean it's in Ruins at the same time it's just pretty incredible seeing what was so magnificent at one time just now an open air museum essentially I love seeing the sky and like all of the Arches plus the sky like I've never seen anything like that that was really neat yeah it was and then I wasn't even expecting the back room that was still had the roof on it which was I guess the main altar area oh yeah I assume so really cool can we talk about those mummies that was weird I was not a fan but anyway it's kind of creepy yeah it was but highly recommend it totally worth the five euros per person now we're gonna go to I'm so excited for this if you know me you know I love bookstores and this is the oldest bookstore in the world in the world I'm gonna have to buy a book do I wanna do I want to carry it no but we're gonna do it I think you have to yeah for sure let's go [Music] coming from the U.S it is very strange that you can literally just grab any sort of alcoholic drink and just walk around so we're going to take advantage of it right now with something very cold to drink oh man that is so cold and delicious did we get a local beer I assume so okay cool I just said two beers I want to say that everybody has been so nice the majority of people speak English definitely recommend learning a couple of phrases but everybody's been really really sweet we've really enjoyed the people here guys we got ahead of ourselves a little bit I was a little too excited for the bookstore so right next to the convent you go down this like little Alleyway and that's where you get to go to the free observation deck that we showed you earlier yeah at the top of the scent is just a lift we're gonna do that first and then go to the book I know my bad my bad all right let's go [Music] if you're just dead set on riding the lift I would suggest coming and riding it from the top down because the line is so much shorter up here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] how epic is that Overlook and it's free which means it's for me anyways now we're going to the bookstore we did finish our beers we didn't get very far with them but I'm so excited because Matt said I could buy the whole store if I wanted try it all I don't care but see I don't want to carry it so [Music] okay [Music] this box [Music] this is what I've been waiting for for this entire dream let's go you could smell it thank you I didn't even open my mouth [Music] place is massive look Matt's gonna kick me out I could spend all day in here if they had air conditioning I don't know I would really like to get Pride and Prejudice but I don't know if they have it so we're gonna look for a little bit and find a book that I want [Music] just kidding I already have a bunch of these or I've read them or listened to them recently because they're a bunch of like new books but I got a classic How to Win Friends and Influence People I don't have a paperback copy of this so I wanted Pride and Prejudice but they didn't have it so it's okay I'm gonna get it and you get a stamp that says you got it at the oldest bookstore in the world so let's go [Music] I'm so excited [Music] after an epic souvenir we are now headed to lunch because we're both starving that we are we're gonna make a little pit stop along the way because our tour guide from our free walking tour said that we had to get a photo with his sculpture also if you're interested in that free walking tour it was excellent like three hours with food tastings yes link will be down in the description if you're coming to Lisbon it's definitely worth checking out absolutely [Music] oh [Music] so the one thing that we didn't eat on our food tour was Kiri piri or chicken chicken on who's saying it so we're gonna try it now for lunch this place is popping there are no seats available but we're first in line the same for the bar I think so I don't know they were super kind but I think that's what I understood him saying um but the place is called Casa de India and they don't serve any Indian food which is so funny it looks delicious though it looks very local so yeah laughs [Music] it's so chaotic in here we just got our food I had a french fry delicious the pdpd I put on my bread it's so hot so hot but we're gonna dive in now we're like so close with so many people so I'm sorry uh we're about to talk later [Music] foreign [Music] what an experience we literally had the chicken that was grilled and roasted right there it was so good yep you get real close with your neighbors oh yeah what did you say nine of the guy next to me our arm hair was brushing together our whole meal I about picked up his bread because it was sitting right beside my hand so you know it's so funny those cultural differences like they just lay their bread next to their elbow no plate nothing I looked at Matt and I said that's not your bread don't pick it up I'll pick it up and then their soup came and it was on our table and mad joked that he was gonna dip his bread into the soup good if I would have died anyways highly recommend I love the pity pity piri piri sauce it was oh there's the trash yeah the pity pity or piri piri sauce was really good I've never had a flavor like that before no I haven't either I mean I had a pity pity on my beef on a sandwich um in our food tour if you haven't watched that video but I didn't really put a lot on it because I wasn't sure how spicy it was today I really got to try it and I really like it it was really good and even just the chicken alone was so good I will say the pity pity sauce for me was pretty spicy Natalie some reason said she didn't bother her which is usually the opposite of ourselves yeah I don't know if it's just because I used less because maybe so I don't know what it was but the fries were really good the rice yeah a little left to be desired there but um on to the next yeah see what else we can get into [Music] foreign [Music] we ate in this area yesterday and it's such a cute little area very Instagram the pink street I'm sure there's a more proper name for it but everybody just knows it is Peak street because it's pink [Music] so timeout Market is an awesome like food haul experience yep we're gonna use it for the bathroom but if you are here for longer highly recommend checking it out but we're still kind of full from lunch thank you [Music] whoa baby this place looks amazing I wish I was hungry [Music] [Music] so that place is amazing so highly recommend it was very overwhelming a lot of people and there's free bathrooms so oh my gosh it smells amazing all right let's see if we're gonna do a ride Tuk Tuks aren't traditional to Lisbon or Portugal at all they've gained a ton of popularity in the last 20 years or so from what I understand mostly because tourists love them and they can navigate the really narrow streets here in Lisbon easily but we figured we'd give one a try I mean all right [Music] that was so much fun I wish I would have put my hair up but it was a blast and Pablo Pablo he was so knowledgeable we learned so much yep and I know it is a touristy thing or a more touristy thing but guess what we're tourists and it was great hey it's better than an Uber ride like we actually learned stuff and yeah that was pretty much our other option was Uber and that's not nearly as entertaining no that was 100 worth it we're now in a neighborhood called Bellum Bellum or belem depending on who's saying it yeah and we're here at the tower yeah this whole area is kind of all about the discoveries um Vasco dugamo uh is actually buried in the monastery here in Bellum or belam so yeah let's go explore it yeah there's so many museums it's very different already because Bellum is very flat yeah and the rest of Lisbon with our experience has not been I mean it's known as the city of Seven Hills so so let's go explore all right let's do it [Music] thank you [Music] thank you this place is awesome I wish we could spend a lot more time here the vendors are so many people oh yeah the whole park in the surrounding area around the Bellum Tower is just so much fun everybody's out they're playing games I mean right now the weather is absolutely gorgeous I mean there's music there's food there's I mean it's awesome so highly highly recommend now we are going to the place that invented the pastel de nada but here they call them pastel de Bellum and it's the only place in the world that you can get them [Music] thank you [Music] yeah I was gonna order two and now it was like ah let's do four um I can't believe that Matt called me out about the four but he is not wrong becoming these cute little to-go containers um and they actually hold six so I said no to six and I went with four anyways also my bad I think I said earlier that the pashtobellum was created at that spot I think they were actually just the first people to sell them because they were actually created at the geronimus monastery which is pretty much right next door yeah what we just passed yeah the monks there created them back before the 18th so what they used to do is they would take their egg whites and starch their clothes so they had a lot of egg yolks left over so they made these pastries yep and now we get to enjoy them hundreds of years later I'm so excited so they give you cinnamon and packet packet three no four whether Matt knows it or not or not carrying them in my purse should we should I carry two around okay I'm gonna carry two around maybe we'll have a percentage you can never have too many pastel or paste de nada or de Bellum in this and I'm so excited when you're in Lisbon no cheers oh my God these are set a little bit more than the other one I haven't had a bad one yet honestly I haven't either all right food ASMR coming your way I mean that crunch perfect afternoon snack breakfast evening snack it was worth running over here for because we were trying to beat the crowds I agree and we did there's a line wrapped around the building now there wasn't anyone in line when we got here thank God they go down easy y'all get a hundred now that we got our afternoon snack finished up we're gonna go and see Lisbon by boat [Music] we checked in for our boat tour we made it on time it was about a almost 20 minute walk to get here so we practically sprinted so we made it on time though we're not missing our reservation tonight if you haven't watched our food tour video but what's really cool about Lisbon by boat is it's right next to the monument the discoveries the thing is massive I've always seen pictures of it but I didn't realize how big it was [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I'm in heaven doesn't get much better [Music] and what was it again all right what'd you get well I've had to be schooled multiple times now on how to say this but this is tremoso and apparently this little guy right here you bite that she said you squeezed oh gosh all right let's go take some workout oh my gosh it comes out like that that's right there no don't you they're salty a little bit of a Nutty flavor but not really like a powerful flavor more salt than anything but not overly salty but an excellent little snack of beer let's see if I can do it again without launching the surimoso across I'll choke on that thing I'll just launch it in the back of my throat like that let's try again [Music] because then you have to launch an apple across the boat that time all right your turn if I eat this part you learn from my mistakes it's got a like a chickpea texture it can be a little harder than a chickpea but I don't mind it I think labels this is exciting can we just say that Matt said hey turn it on film me do your job they are Portuguese boiled peanuts similar texture like it's a boiled peanut is not boiled all the way it's a little bit firm mostly salty not a ton of flavor other than that I like it yeah Portuguese boiled peanuts if you're from the south you get it [Music] this is the best I highly recommend it we're gonna put the tour in the description you got a book ASAP okay for sure [Music] [Music] there's nothing foreign makes up for the fact that we missed our reservation in the last video absolutely [Music] [Music] so I know we've already said it but that was absolutely incredible oh my gosh we can't recommend it enough book it now like seriously the boat was beautiful the people were amazing like yeah was excellent I mean there's just nothing to complain about sunset Captain said they only have to have to so like 15 times a year due to weather so that tells you the kind of sunsets they probably get here pretty regularly so book your trip with Lisbon by boat he even said that you were in February where some of his the most beautiful sunset so if you're here in the winter season book a trip with them and now we're headed back to the city center to listen to some of the most traditional Portuguese music foreign so we're gonna see if we can get a table it's very Poppin and very small so we'll see how this goes [Music] okay so we went to the wrong place it kind of has the same name I think they're all the same owners or something they're all connected so there's two restaurants and then there's a Wine and Tapas Bar obviously since we don't speak the language we kind of messed it up so yeah so now we're gonna see if we can get a seat at the photo uh one in tapas bar but they're singing right now so we're not gonna be able to begin for a little while so well we're gonna hope for the best we might just stand outside and listen to Fado so because [Music] so what I assume was kind of like the bouncer here which was a super sweet older gentleman I think he saw our cameras and said he wanted to get us into the photo but they're full he told us to wait here and then he and then he said a lot of other stuff in Portuguese we all smiled and laughed and then he left so we're just gonna wait here I'm literally crying just because it was really sweet he seemed so genuine and sweet and I still don't Natalie literally he said he said something he just looked at us and said I have no idea [Music] we'll see we got it yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh wow [Music] [Applause] you've got the words [Music] so honestly I didn't have really any expectations for Fado but man did that place exceed everything it was such an awesome authentic and local experience I can't recommend it enough it's a hole in the wall to the definition of Home in the best of ways it's about about 10 feet wide holds about 35 people my best to guess and that's including the musicians but everyone was so accommodating all the staff the owner Helder I mean he made sure we were taken care of and when I say all the staff I also mean all of the photo singers because everybody that we thought was just a waiter or a waitress or a bouncer bouncer he was actually a singer and he sang so good and I was like oh my God we're friends even though we don't speak the same language yeah it was great so if you come to Lisbon definitely put a photo show on your itinerary and we can't recommend where we went enough I would try to say it but I think I would butcher the name but make your reservations now because they do book up fast you won't regret it but unfortunately that ends our time here in Lisbon and honestly I'm really sad and I can't wait to come back we've fallen in love with this city and we hope that you have as well through watching this video but if you've enjoyed this video please remember to give it a big thumbs up and hit that subscribe button because we're on a journey to see as many of the 1000 and places to see before we die and we would love to have you on the journey we'll see you guys next week this is some behind the scenes stuff a lot of you guys don't know that we literally take our thumbnails with this tripod we get here at the crack of dawn before everybody else is up so we can take photos with beautiful places Matt does all the magic I just stand there and smile and he tells me not to open my mouth too much because I'm excited yeah true it really is so now we're gonna eat what Oh I thought you were just saying everything about it oh everything is about everything is about it no do it again somebody's buried in there I don't know Matt okay I'm cutting that part off you paying for this for me on your card that I'm an authorized user on sold how long has it been there oh my gosh I thought that was you [Music] feels like South Carolina feel like I'm on Hartwell does it look like I'm driving let's go does that work okay I'm wondering how I could get some of that hopefully this beer will make matte loosen his wallet I have to learn how to make these yes you do you do [Music] Portugal is the best place to come it is yes we have a good shops vintage shops restaurants that's right life I hope you enjoyed it all of it yeah Cheers Cheers she's from Lisbon have a good night guys [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Adventures of Matt and Nat
Views: 85,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lisbon Portugal, Lisbon, portugal, lisbon portugal travel guide, lisbon portugal vlog, lisbon portugal food, lisbon portugal travel, lisbon portugal travel vlog, lisboa portugal, lisbon travel guide, lisbon food, lisboa, things to do in lisbon portugal, what to do in lisbon, things to do in lisbon, lisbon vlog, portugal travel, portugal travel guide, lisbon city, visit portugal, one day in lisbon, lisbon travel, lisboa travel, visit lisbon, visit lisboa, best of lisbon
Id: NIdg6DgiXks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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