25 Reasons Peter Griffin Should Be Locked Up For Life

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I love this guy this is the funniest guy I've ever met I'm gonna quote this guy to all my friends I love his town I love his family but now I think I speak for all of us when I say welcome back to scream rant it's pretty safe to say that almost everyone in the animated cast of Family Guy should have been put in jail at one point or another but no one may have committed more crimes than Peter Griffin himself from bank robberies to shooting members of his own family Peter stupid decisions often lead to breaking a law in today we'll do a run-through of some of his most major crimes including some misdeeds he actually admits to Peter is often ignorant of his children and even admitted to not liking being around them but sometimes he does the right thing and stands up for them in the tant Aquatic with Steve Zissou Peter helps his son out with a class bully while his intentions were pure his actions were not Peter confronts the 13 year old Kyle in the kid's own bedroom and after some insults are hurled Peters way the defensive father begins punching the boy out until he's a bloody mess on the floor after feeding up Kyle Peter makes his grand escape by jumping out the window and returning home like nothing happened despite the parents calling Lois to ride him out somehow no cops are involved in this mishap after spending so many years obsessed over women Flagg Meyer finds a new obsession in the episode 420 it's his pussycat when Peter and the gang gets sick of Quagmire's changed a lifestyle they decide to do something about it the initial plan was to just shave the cat and then hope quagmire became disinterested but Peter takes things too far with the Switchblade he carries around with a quick swipe the cat's instantly dead he even takes things a step further by adding some extra slices and cuts off a so-called lucky cat paw instead of confronting his error Brian goes on a journey with Peter to bury the cat later quagmire offers a reward for the missing pet Peter accepts the reward money while admitting to killing the feline without any regrets when Peter learns that his home is actually not a part of US soil he decides to do what no one else would and pretty much declare war against the US from his land of petoria Peter invades his neighbor Joe's property to take over his swimming pool he also goes against the US by inviting the world's most ruthless leaders to his home yet after all of this and the turmoil it creates everything is back to normal by the start of the next episode from the title of the episode stewards it's pretty obvious that at some point Stewie will take steroids it was just the manner he took them in which became so surprising or in the case of Family Guy just another typical episode after getting beat up by a girl out of birthday party Stewie trains at a boxing gym with the help of Peter a man approaches with some steroids and without a second thought Peter purchases the drugs and injects Stewie with the powerful muscle builder whom I suddenly I'm full of energy all right fat man let's do this after the abuse of act Stewie grows massive muscles and Peter's poor parenting decision creates some jurassic side effects including some extreme aggression even though peter is the one who forced the drugs on Stewie he pretty much gets off scot-free while Stewie deals with his own issues in tales of a third grade nothing Peter wants to impress his bosses at the beer company so he sets a site on her rival beer company billboard instead of doing the simple task of spray-painting the billboard or you know tearing the thing down he decides to blow it up naturally the bomb plan has some drastic errors including a massive explosion at a Children's Hospital right next to the billboard more than three floors of the hospital burned down and theater just goes on with his everyday life even after finding out the 14 people perished in the massive fire the FBI eventually did track Peter down but his sentence was only a measly seven days in jail Peter and a majority of Quahog have shown a major disdain to Meg over the years the insults and remarks are sure signs of bad parenting but there have been a couple of times where Peter committed some major crimes against his own daughter one of the more extreme examples comes in the episode Peters daughter Meg merely says hello to her father when he pulls out a gun pulls the trigger and blah C's daughter into a bloody mess the worst part Peters apathetic reaction to the whole ordeal obviously the whole gunshot thing was in Canon though or else meg would be dead at this point already while Peter enjoys pulling out guns on his own daughter he actually once tried to bond and spend some quality time with Stewie it's just the way they chose how to bond which caused some major problems in the episode the courtship of Stewie's father Peter discovered he could make Stewie laugh by causing pain to Lois what initially began as a can of food knocked upside her head quickly escalated to a violent smash with a glass jar of pickles and was followed up with a hoe spray that said Lois flying down the stairs Family Guy has taken on a lot of different pop-culture properties but one of the more obscure may be their parody of Schindler's List when Peter finds out Lois is Jewish he reenact the scene in the Steven Spielberg film where von Goethe shoots at Jewish workers from his balcony so yeah we have Peter sitting in his bedroom window shirtless aiming a scope at his own wife luckily Peter shoots the mailbox instead a shot he claims he intended to make just like a moan Peter stretches and smokes like putting a bullet in someone is no big deal so not only was the shot pretty much attempted murder but it was a hate crime as well in this next dreadful crime at least Peter wasn't the main culprit in the episode Brian Griffin's house of pain megan chris accidentally knocked Stewie down the stairs the large gash on his head eventually exposes his brain and turns the poor child into a bloody mess when Peter discovers the problem he doesn't rush to the hospital or contact Lois he attempts to cover it up by blaming Lois herself as Lois pulls out the driveway Peter makes a miraculous throw landing Stewie's lifeless body under her back tire causing even more damage while allowing Lois to take the blame we've all questioned Peters intelligence over the years but in the episode he tarted he gets official word of his mental challenges and instantly decides to take advantage of it after hitting a news reporter and then breaking his leg Peter learns he can get away with just about anything thanks to his diagnosis so what does Peter decide to do next well what doesn't he do during his crime spree Griffin decides to be a peeping tom to everyone in the women's bathroom and everyone in each stall lets him get away with it he literally Kicks down each door getting a full glimpse of every private moment he would have been arrested on the spot in any normal situation but this is Family Guy after all and his crimes only get worse or Peters first venture into a fast-food restaurant after his diagnosis he gets a little too crazy not only does he cut everyone in line but he proceeds to hop over the counter and head to the back that's when he discovers the deep fryer in many circumstances Peter would just burn himself but he throws the whole fryer causing hot oil to completely burn Lois's whole body this time there were some consequences for his actions because while Lois is in a full body wrap Peter loses custody of his children instead of proofing his intelligence he once again uses illegal methods to try and get his kids back in the episode Pete Arden Cleveland manages to be the one who gets custody over the Griffin kids and Peter hatches a plan to avenge him so how exactly did Peter decide to try and get his kids back well the only way he knows how by hiring seven female street workers and putting them all into Cleveland's house yep seeing Stewie on a couch with a bunch of these ladies of the night is all his father's fault while Peter was the one who paid for these women he was trying to pin it all on Cleveland in an attempt to get his children back home while Peter has treated Lois pretty badly in the past he can still be a little overprotective of her especially when it comes to other men after Cleveland moves out of the neighborhood to appear in his own spin-off show The Empty role was filled in by a character known as Jerome while in the episode Jerome is the new black we found out that Lois in Jerome once had relations in the past in a jealous rage Peter tosses a beer bottle through a guy's window it inadvertently starts a fire and burns the whole house down there's no arson charges and Peter fled the scene without even contacting a fire department in the episode for 20 P tur talks about the time he was able to use his singing voice to lure sailors and caused them to die in an overly long scene we see Peter dressed like The Little Mermaid but singing nothing like her after several seconds of singing a ship appears out of nowhere crashes into the rock Peter was sitting on and sinks to the bottom of the ocean we all know Lois and Peter have three children in Chris Meg and Stewie but there's a pretty big age gap between Chris and Stewie in the episode the juice is loose we find out that there was actually a fourth Griffin child this one named Peter Griffin jr. while we never met the baby we do see Peter and Lois grieve by his graveside and find out exactly why the baby perished in short it was all Peters fault the one time he watched to the baby alone he ended up shaking the child way too much and caused its death despite the reckless behavior Peter and Lois stayed together and eventually Stewie was born what do you do when a whale gets stranded on a beach well the last thing you should do is call Peter Griffin for any help at first things seemed a little hopeful when Peter drives up in a forklift then things get pretty brutal and bloody when Peter drives the forklift right through the skin of the whale inhaling the creature and shaking it around us blood pours out Peter eventually dumps the whale into the ocean but it's too little too late the excited crowd has turned into a horrified one and Peter Ochs none the wiser the creature is obviously now going to serve as a meal for sharks birds and other sea creatures who will easily feed off the carcass the many residents of Quahog are holding on to a lot of Secrets and Peter is one of them in the episode fresh air we learn one of these secrets and it's a doozy in the revealing scene we see Peter has housed his pale hairless twin brother inside of the shed with no plans on releasing him anytime soon he tortures the poor hostage by promising to let him out for Christmas but then just as quickly takes it away all wasn't lost for this hostage though at the end of the episode a shotgun blast is heard with the twin returning in place of Peter in an effort to get on Chris's good side after he is named the heir to his grandfather's fortune Peter gives Chris a gift he pulls the decapitated head off of one of Chris's classmates who Peter claims bullied him well not only did Peter end to the life of a child but he did it to the wrong person Chris's bully lives on while Peter has to live with the fact that he killed the poor deaf boy from Chris's school one of the biggest questions we have while watching Family Guy is how can this family possibly afford the house the cars the trips and the analyst ability to basically do whatever they want well in the episode make stinks Peter gives us an answer and it should have landed him in jail numerous times while taking Meg to a bank Peter brags about being able to afford all his quote shenanigans by actually robbing the bank this is when Peter pulls out a gun and quickly gets some money from behind the counter meg is also equipped with a gun and cannot handle the situation because of pressure from Peter Meg ends up shooting one of the people at the bank and the whole robbery charge quickly gets upgraded to murder things didn't go too smoothly when Cleveland moved back to town after the cancellation of The Cleveland Show in the episode he's black Peter and Cleveland pick right where they left off but their wives are instantly at odds when the wives bang Cleveland and Peter from hanging out they hatched numerous plans to try and get them to bond so everyone can be friends again one of Peters ill-fated plans involves uh setting up an art gallery of cute naked baby pictures only Cleveland realizes that these photos are a little too suggestive one way Peter tried to get the sympathy from their wives was by crashing his car directly into a telephone pole turns out only Peters airbag worked in Cleveland and landed himself in the hospital the little stunt not only should have landed Peter in jail but it pushed Louis and Cleveland's wife even further apart Peter has been in numerous fights over the years but nothing was as long and epic as his one with Homer Simpson what initially starts as a one-on-one brawl quickly escalates into a full-scale battle all across Springfield first they trampled through a group of children knock Otto out the bus window and cause all kinds of carnage as they barrel through the town and eventually the power plant the laws broken between Homer and Peter are way too long to list here but let's look at the bright side here by the end of the episode Peter and Homer are friends it doesn't take much to get Peter excited and in the episode Finders Keepers we can see his excitement over a treasure hunt he becomes so excited to hunt for the treasure that literally no one will get in his way while he eventually turns on his own family the more surprising moment comes earlier in the episode while looking for the buried treasure Peter comes across a young boy with a map of his own out of nowhere Peter rises up behind the boy's back and gets ready to swing a shovel and knock the boy out thankfully the show cuts the block when Peter finds out that he's actually an illegal immigrant he gets fired from his job and has to get a new one one of his top options becoming a nanny for two young children yeah we already know he's barely qualified to take care of his own children but that didn't stop Peter from going all Mary Poppins on the young lot unfortunately Peters magical umbrella didn't quite work the same as Mary's did he comes crashing through the roof instantly crushing and killing the children in the episode veteran guy Peter Cleveland and Joe all joined the Coast Guard while on a mission to stop a party boat with bombs they must quickly board the ship while Cleveland and Joe used the easy access ramp Peter decides to take a jet ski but the young boy on the vehicle doesn't budge he decides to bash his face in over and over again before the young boy falls off Peters quick kill was all done for a two-second ride to the side of the boat yeah we bet you look at Homer Simpson with a much more glowing light now how Peter doesn't have multiple life sentences is a mystery to us actually no it's it's not it's just a cartoon were there any major things you missed what was the most surprising let us know in the comments below hey thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to Screen Rant for more great content you
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,714,835
Rating: 4.7762122 out of 5
Keywords: Peter Griffin funny scenes, Stewie and Peter, Family Guy funniest episodes, Peter and Lois clips, Cleveland Show, The Simpsons crossover, Simpsons best episodes, Peter Griffin and Meg, Lois Griffin funny, Seth Macfarlane, Brian the dog, Screen Rant, ScreenRant
Id: bbIRfQ6K87M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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