Family Guy Video Game FULL Gameplay Walkthrough - No Commentary

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[Music] still out here huh I have a responsibility to my P TV viewers Brian and nothing says must-see TV like a five day non-stop mr. Belvedere marathon gotta say I never really cared for that show put out kind of a weird violence I think this is the one where mr. Belvedere sits on his own net and there's the weird vibe this is a day to remember Rupert my mind control device is complete as soon as I broadcast my commands over the fat man satellite dish I shall be the most powerful dictator since Dick Cheney why the devil are you dressed like that I'm not criticizing I just I just don't understand your need to prance around like a Scoutmaster on Labor Day weekend what's going on out there Bertram your mother's stopped cleaning their carpets long enough to let you out of the house that was a jab at their sexuality I'm here for one thing and one thing only Stuart your satellite dish [Music] Oh marvelous I see you stop touching yourself long enough to learn how to play this thing well let's get on with it too high for you by hitting the jump button again when you're at the top of the first jump genius I must find enough power-ups to charge my ray gun and then Bertram as first lady of the American stage Helen Lewis once said I'm going to kill you guess what word I'm thinking of right now it's not kitty I really wouldn't know go on guess a word but what it's not kidding is it kitty I must find enough power-ups to charge my ray gun and then Bertram as first lady of the American stage Helen Hayes once said I'm going to kill you [Music] [Music] Raygun just needs one more part let's check outside let's try not to step in Brian's but chocolate need to get that door unlocked perhaps I shall use this mind control ray to force Luis to do it [Music] damn it appears the microwave is disrupting my mind control I shall need to use an indirect method to head something involving the dog [Music] [Music] ah what's that smell no no wow my mind mr. hoover's come to visit Louis this is not funny I really don't it's not cool I don't like this I must find a way to reach the roof in order to confront third and then perhaps work on a sweet tan I knew your nuages but without targeting our enemies with a lock-on feature it's there for a reason you hold it down you can achieve that later release that's not what I meant by a push cut damn it my tacos ready but I got in the microwave excellent one of my skyhooks pooping my bribes at City Hall paid off hey don't forget to put in these hooks why because some infant gave me a hundred bucks ah it's one of those cutaways like you see on television however this is a video game so they are interactive succeed and I'll get more power-ups for my Raygun [Music] [Music] that's quite a gap time to use my glide operators [Music] [Music] how dare you defy me not so fast Bertram I'd rather the dish be destroy than have it fall into your hands hey keep it down up there if that's Meg or some kind of squirrel I'm gonna get my shotgun fool I tricked you into destroying your own satellite dish now I can proceed unimpeded with my own plan for world domination maybe get those wonderful toys okay some kind of squirrel or Meg stop interrupting my program yeah this looks like an Iraqi trailer park Bertram obviously been planning this attack for some time but what's his master plan I must find out therefore I have no choice but to shrink myself down and infiltrate his layer within the fat man's testicles Liz [Music] you know I have to come out to this hospital so often they should name it after me Oh death is here I'd better get to the fat man the hole he does brown or silence that hardly by the cover that's about jumpin in you will put that baby down for a nap you will and him crying over mom you will give him a timeout of his wife [Music] if I destroy that red junction box these laser walls will disappear so there's that my ray gun class we display off these walls at useful angles [Music] it's not a drill [Music] enemy sighted [Music] hey you just shoot like a girl aren't you guys dead yet kind of schedule the cake no I want to go for a walk oh god sorry I didn't know I'll try to hurry my demise along [Music] water and electricity a wonderful combination when thinking about Lewis but here and now it may be my cooking while nobody I would be overjoyed at all because I have more pressing matters [Music] [Music] [Music] I need a Content sir from in the electron microscope and a coil from an MRI machine and then you know whatever to be repeated last at all in this model the aperture is all the way at the top there's it two reels and there slipshod economics now this is what I'm talking about me on a big screen oh yeah baby how to look good security but there is a man in a red and yellow floral shirt stuck in the north the shower security to the nurses shower please [Music] [Music] here a good pimple dog [Music] like I'm gonna burst why am i bothering nothing interesting has come out of there and how do i lure out that true it's I should find a way to use the figures dr. Hartman to surgery dr. Hartman to surgery my only interns are allowed to do that [Music] [Music] and for explosives and my boyfriend works at the Armory so [Music] [Music] I can lost renée's that's a freaking sweet this Laser grid is more complex I must be wrecked my ray gun blasts more accurately [Music] dr. David to surgery you loved your watching a guy [Music] where does a baby get a raise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my quondam [Music] MRI machine hmm it's in use I should have to find the palace which a stray blast could destroy the equipment I must use mind control pack it in the rear what the deuce is that pervert for next door what is he doing here are you the head nurse hey doctor oh god I'd rather die hey nurse can you examine this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh hidden pornographic scene viewable by pressing up up down down left huh horny gamers believe anything Seabreeze hey well you smell inseminated I can't believe you're pregnant again God didn't you learn anything the last time would you like some water a treat towel to bleed on I knew it arrest this dog he violated my restraining order and impregnated Seabreeze what no I didn't is lying and he's not Caucasian I'm not the father joke unless you can prove that Brian we got to lock you up damn it a speed bump who's the wise guy that put this speed bump err it's not funny Horowitz I'm looking at you yeah oh no whoop it up guys this is in poor taste [Music] okay rule one for fugitives don't let anyone see you shadows like martinis are your friends yeah what is that smell like a fart from one of Cleveland's shoes I drank a gallon of laxatives that's the second most disturbing thing I've ever seen hi I'm Brian and this is the first of my interactive non sequiturs Lavis successfully and I'll turn invisible for a short period of time thanks for listening [Music] Wow I wish I knew what lies ahead stop running you why do we do these things to each other you want the Prowler don't you [Music] haha [Music] after this let's go grab a snack I got you you're it [Music] after this let's go grab a snack I got you your head [Music] [Music] after this let's go get a snack [Music] [Music] so the socio-economic structure of the streets is what is responsible for our situation no no it's all a matter of our genetic makeup make sure over nurture I'm gonna find out who the real father of sea-breezes puppies is I need some clues I'm gonna find out who the real father of sea-breezes puppies is I need some clues [Music] yikes that's why the prisoner canteen shouldn't have a crack section this is part of the police file on Seabreeze jackpot that guy's compass just doesn't point nor know that dart might be a problem maybe I can find something to distract him just switch this one over to the women's shower that ought to keep them busy then if I hid under this desk they couldn't see me at all they're using Peters filing system bunch of crap stuffed on a box [Music] attention all officers please remember to warm your hands before frisking verbs thank you which cabinet is that filed in again [Music] somebody's stealing my water they're crafty I'll target that happens when you least expect what would Danny Glover do another clue nice [Music] mm-hmm which cabinet is that filed in again [Music] whose rules should I play by mm-hmm heck I'll just play by my own rules [Applause] right now my ray gun does more damage soon bird from your efforts shall cut it sir give me some help over here the liposuction machines are leaking fat all over the place and I'm trapped in it I need three machine parts to fix it get them for me and I'll be able to open the door for you oh to be the Limbourg baby right about now [Music] [Music] [Music] this new has been cooking again that's right shoddy workmanship forecast for tomorrow a few sprinkles of genius with a chatter boom [Music] [Music] more antiquated material modern medicine indeed it's part three of a machine surveillance thanks a lot little guy the door should be open now hey Brad how long before you think you end up in here Oh a long time unless I run into a baby with a Raygun but what are the odds of that which I'd studied Shakespeare now so I'd have something to quote before dying [Music] then I'll tell you what's dead vaudeville and this is the box they buried it in take me for instance oh babe come on in son plenty of room [Music] go away Stewie I'm hanging out with my boyfriend [Music] you will see me again Stewie Griffin because I got a few to pick up in the ICU [Music] [Music] dr. Miller dr. Rubin their patients are saddled up in gynecology dr. Miller dr. Rubin to gynecology finally the way up baby punch him in the head [Music] surgery come on you Apes dress those lines interval by Davis step Brown he's mine and lost the fat man now to find a way to dispatch those nurses heat these last-minute addition another one summoned if he get through the dirty work [Music] you know I was going to ask her out later [Music] how ironic angel of mercy meets angel of death if I don't already have enough to do what the hell's wrong with this thing come on die already [Music] well splendid this calls for a sexy party thanks to this pill I shall have no trouble breathing inside the fat man's body all right let's get small [Music] Louis Louis what the hell happened all I remember is mr. Belvedere was there and and I remember something wagging me in the head Belvedere that's it mr. Belvedere has kidnapped my family and for some reason wants me dead well I'll have to destroy you first you evil crafty nanny or Butler or whatever kind of freaking thing you had going on there nice try Belvedere thinks he can just take me out with one of his brainwashed henchmen disguised as a nurse well it's gonna take a lot more than that to keep me from getting back Lois and Brian and Chris and Stewie and and Tim I want to say why say Russ [Music] damn you Belvedere you've corrupted both the young and the old [Music] stupid trash can look at it over [Music] [Music] after one of you what life is it dana plato [Music] [Music] so mr. Belvedere has corrupted the police for Jane call nine-one-one damn these mimes and their invisible walls [Music] hey do you guys know Joe don't move dirtbag yeah it's freaking sweet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] evidence Steve Austin's left leg supposed to hurt bring it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what else you can't see writing it on the wall vaudeville's dead in TVs the box they're gonna bury it in back then everybody had a specialty I for one am a tumbler here what's my round off bamm-bamm [Music] [Music] [Music] are you confused despotism differentiated evil master demands [Music] and then in a styrofoam clam shoot whatever will they think of next [Music] this reminds me of that time I tried to open that can of tuna if I could just win this cut away the game designers promised me extra hot dogs for my snack made it freakin sweet [Music] help I'm at fault right here's another one I can't even think of what crime could be associated with some of this stuff this is part of the police file on Seabreeze this is why I don't vote [Music] vote nice one mr. president no vote it's not happening [Music] another clue nice where's that bag of severed heads why is that a lampshade and I could fool these stupid cops hey you help I'm evident alright here's another one I can't even think of what crime could be associated with some of this stuff man I hate doing inventory some of this stuff right this is part of the police file on Seabreeze this is why I don't vote [Music] vote oh nice one mr. president no vote it's not happening [Music] another clue nice hey is that a lampshade that could fool these stupid cops later babe I'm on duty right now time for the old lampshade disguise hey there Seabreeze just remember even morons no lamps don't move don't move hey open that hey there Seabreeze click click must remember I can go under desks I wish we could hear more music and less talk on the police Channel hey who put that lamp here look mozz Lee we've been over this I'm the bad cop you're the good cop you know only wimps call for backup because i pistol-whip better click hey who put that lamp here damn I handcuffed myself to my desk again listen girl I got to figure out who the real father is so uh present wait I do smell something familiar where have I smelled that before excuse me sir Channel Five's I on the street today we're asking who's a good boy I am who's a good boy I am I'm a good boy Tom Tucker maybe he's the father I've got to get to channel 5 and find some proof good luck with the puppies try not to eat them click attention all officers please remember to warm your hands before frisking burps thank you I wish we could hear more music and less talk on the police Channel hey who put that lamp here click hey who put that lamp here what's that smell either bad meat or good cheese sirens give me a headache all right here's another one reminds me of my coke habit what the crap is that [Music] life is a stage and there is my costume [Music] hey that's cup number three generic Tim Dolan hey look it's a witch burn her me need me I'm on fire put me out I look like one of the Kings of Comedy and that have some nasty stuff myself clean me thank you all right I know you're a good dog just come out and I won't have two days are you cool man control yourself not everything is a toilet I must be careful to avoid touching the makeup acid sort of like when I pretend the driveway is lava [Music] as the fat wanted eating pinecones again [Music] [Music] finally a way out of this meat trap I need to destroy these cholesterol carriers you can see if you like bread or some other whole-wheat goodness boy these annoying Hopkins what to find a way to open that sphincter because there's some kind of control all [Music] Plus this isn't the first time I've been thwarted by my small stature enslave the other race doesn't cost you a dime the fat [ __ ] nope okay loss [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll have to grapple my way through the fat man's lungs smells like bacon in here how did he get bacon in here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like I'm ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like a spitter hit decide before you go splendid child inflated system my charge longer if I can lob grenades Evert a freaking sweet [Music] Louis what is she doing in here perhaps she represents Phoebus folks [Music] Hamid AMEX eminence [Music] [Music] nice I am giving in my father back [Music] the fat man's brain cell seems to be thinking about food if I move these thoughts to the erogenous zone perhaps the plan flow is shift for the testicles but which one to use first you never gonna gag me I think I'm falling in love with you [Music] if y'all get hungry there's some cottage cheese in the fridge I don't always come home they look at me as if I was a football that's actually think about using someone else to run by the school that's nice mentality come on old man move those legs but check our body garlic would thou take a gander underneath my bra this is a shakedown if y'all get hungry there's some cottage cheese in the fridge come now let's follow the flow to the testicles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no freakin way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] about time I did my fatherly duty [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh call for backup oh crap hey stupid [Music] [Music] it's like a parade it's like a parade [Music] [Music] hi dad now make trying to rescue you from mr. Belvedere [Music] [Music] [Music] my cup you burst it that was weirder than that television special on firetrucks a solitary killer the fire truck stops its prey the older Lancers will have to wait their turn [Music] what the hell what the hell [Music] what the looks like a truckload of fire hydrants overturned right by the gate that could buy me some time I'm gonna need a disguise to slip past that security guard I bet I can find something useful in that cheerleading van sometimes I stab myself don't move dirtbag what the looks like a truckload of fire hydrants overturned right by the gate that could buy me some time I'm gonna need a disguise to slip past that security guard I bet I can find something useful in that cheerleading van sometimes I stab myself with my badge pin just to know I'm alive what I said we sure got a mess here oh okay why would you think I say hydrants who delivers hydrants in 2006 uh huh maybe a delivery guy who has feelings hey I'm sorry you think I enjoy this delivering hydrants I think it's a freaking party for me I'm sorry okay so where were you taking these hydrants anyway of your bum what [Music] sprinkler controls well I think we've learned cops love things a little hot and wet last one in has crossing guard duty so much for the wet t-shirt scene everyone was hoping for [Music] [Music] [Music] pardon me I'm here for the auditions come on in and cheer stop yes here we go give me enough give me a you give me a see but wait wait we're going for a team rating here gracious what won't they use sex to sell go on in sugar damn it looks like they just finished that Tom Tucker is already on his way back to his dressing room I've got to get to that door without anyone seeing a videotape maybe one of these has evidence I can use that's it follow the little red light in other news mayor Adam West reports that water theft is down by 13 percent this month a disguise would certainly help I guess it's that time man I'm gonna kill whoever ate the last chocolate long time everybody knows I have eternal dibs on [Music] hello giant banana guy [Music] all right here's another tape [Music] no dog here just giant banana guy it's the set of the popular dance show Channel Five's most popular dance show looks like I'll have to start the party or get them out of my way Oh peanut butter jelly time peanut butter jelly time peanut butter jelly time way yes we go go now - just slip past these dancers and out the door especially those sexy female dancers with their firm legs and aggressively low self-esteem steady Brian steady another for the collection more tapes around here than pimples on Meg's ass ah there you are you were supposed to be here an hour ago I'm assuming you read the script so we're just gonna do this okay places people hahaha zero a dog you're too late to save little wood rope from my evil clutches they think I'm this hero dog character better play along so they don't call some of these plates I can duck under you know this would be a lot easier if I could come it's the worst job I've ever had well except for one [Music] pardon excuse me would you like to try my smoked meat log [Music] haha I finally chased you down mr. Belvedere head head feeling funny black folks leaving in their cat haven't slept in five days oh yeah that's right it's Rufus Griffin the soul brother who keeps things smooth and real and [Music] what better Ron Belvedere Rufus Griffin gonna beat you with his [ __ ] [Music] [Music] stop right there pal [Music] [Music] I'm sending you to that deluxe apartment in the sky baby drop that kids balls and come out with your hands up Hey oh it's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] better run and to turn this job in to cut that out [Music] [Music] more intense in that time I forgot how to sit my ass down [Music] [Music] Nach try belvedere but i don't follow the man's rules [Music] show your face Belvedere cuz I'm gonna mess you up worse than breast augmentation surgery messed up that one formerly hot chicken was in that movie where that Jewish kid stuck his thing in a pie [Music] what man this is one wet deathbed [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Rufus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's time to rock [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank the Lord Oh God it's your birthday no God it's your birthday [Music] sorry you need 14 tickets to live [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 500 tickets to the one who brings me his head Elle is right [Applause] [Music] hey stupid oh it's time to rock the house oh it's and Iraq a house nobody in turn lost his head hey stupid belvedere done lost his head [Music] okay mr. Belvedere you've escaped me so far but I'm onto you again and it looks like now you're over at the Indian casino I will see you there my evil nemesis right after one short game of virtual stuck behind a bus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my stomachache learn I'm beginning to feel like a toboggan and patch of fun has robbed me of my speed who the bladder [Music] would you mind calling me Sean [Music] my information said nothing about stopping outpost of among [Music] how I was beginning to miss the old assistant sphincter routine I just need to find the cyst to get this sphincter open [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] for the race never to be far [Music] and how I will look back on my adventures here I slid through some veins jumped on some cysts and squeezed through some string - good times good times mr. Johnny cakes big tiles [Music] fortunately these kisses theorems making some platforms [Music] [Music] [Music] if that trooper alerts his brethren I'll see more sperm and the leaf cocky video I must eliminate that sperm so before he leaves this fleshy Expressway unless I get each and every speech which I have no chance of success bring that trash in here this ba house that was more pathetic than that game of Marco Polo I played with Helen Keller Marco Marco Marco Marco Marco Marco Marco the testicles had lost and look a reception committee yeah this is a game of I can probably stand safely on any area that has already to know that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your sperms Yuri this must be he's back [Music] [Music] I see security has been beefed up since my last infiltration into the testicular region very well it's very challenging [Music] [Music] but a wait [Music] what a great [Music] [Music] an Eames chair how the hell can you afford an Eames chair chapter one killing stuff Oh miles share is orgasmic I hope these diapers absorb semen ah man jolly farm review little American television stop ripping off the Brits First Men Behaving Badly and now this cut there's nothing better than a full bush I missed the 70s and action room I made of thoughts right another of those tapes what if one of you little brats breathes on me again you can kiss your ears goodbye Tom Tucker is one perverted sob he leaves these things out cut almost there if I can just cross through here and sneak into the dressing rooms [Music] [Music] [Music] I'd really like to do something topical like about the word or stuff something where I could show some sizes I know this great little Thai German fusion place we could get a bite and talk about your potential ghosts who are blocking the door have to find a way to move them time for an old-fashioned crank call [Music] with the petite blonde actress wannabe please call the clinic apparently you got an infection from oblate actor that we cannot reference for legal reasons hey I've got to talk to a guy about not getting herpes I'll call you [Music] I'm Tucker's dressing room is at the end of this hallway but there's too many guards maybe I can slip through these side doors I asked for a bowl of green chocolate candies yes they're here but I asked for forest green not seafoam green [Music] yes I know I can change them to forest green just by touching them but that's not the point when Jesus asks for for ian's he means forest green poppy you know after dying for your sins the least you could do is get me the right color candy that says the plague of locusts is back on mustn't shine me pegs too much too glossy I'm bound to lose me street cred how you say that to me after all we've been through look you made promises promises with your body performs you said you were gonna make me this is the honky McClung oh I don't want to anchor cheese it's gonna be tied to a bunch of other Hegarty well like yes maybe that is kinda funny hey that to me after all we've been through this was converted into my dressing room after my old one was appropriated as a greenhouse by that [ __ ] Diane Simmons [Music] this place is not large enough to hold my various awards for yeah this is more pathetic than that time I taught Peter about Christopher Columbus do many cigarettes [Music] so I'll just part of the toy so officer Swanson tell me I've never had to hog-tie someone with those rippling arms of yours you know you're a good person you don't have to be this overtly sexual oh you're so modest has anyone ever showing you their appreciation for keeping the streets safe I was just wondering if you'd like to give me [Music] smells like Vitalis and self-hatred but it's the wrong scent that must mean Tom Tucker's not the father so who is the dog track Seabreeze races there it's a long shot but maybe I could find something there to clear my name Tom I'm standing here wondering who left a steaming three coiler on my desk I see perhaps I'll respond in kind watch yourself Belvedere I'm coming for you goodbye world you won't have gladys anderson to sodomized with a shoe any more oh my god this is a sign God wants me to continue selling sexual favors for money I hear you lord hey you're looking for a party if you're looking for junk in the trunk I'm a freaking SUV [Music] [Music] [Music] craps and [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] always after the ready you passed it [Music] always after the Redman [Music] [Music] [Music] my milkshake is better than yours [Music] boys got nothing always [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you and eat big trouble oh crap this reminds me at a time I went to the disco watch how I wet my pinata there we go take that mr. pinata [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go down I said go down I tip my hat to you sir you've won this round [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you bested treasure rougher than that Duke lacrosse team [Music] according to Bertram's book is layers should be nearby what the deuce Bertram secret lair I must get past those guards stamp a metal detector I will need a distraction time to use my mind-control device no mind to control you doin okay wanna sail [Music] [Music] [Music] ha ha Bertram secret lair I must get past those guards damn a middle detector I will need a distraction time to use my mind-control device [Music] lure the magnet you should select me for your club due to my encyclopedic knowledge of Star Trek to be the Limbourg baby right about now no mind to control okay wanna sue [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it man game over I'm just gonna kill you all that was almost completely all in here but oh my look at the pretty building is I will need to destroy them from the inside [Music] Tom falsely [Music] with luening pods so that's how he's getting his millions kind of a douche move if you ask me to kill destroy these cleric odds [Music] giant [ __ ] on top of the electricity generation [Music] [Music] the tour lacks the power to open perhaps turning off all these devices will give it the power it needs I'll use a slid to get across this toxic sludge [Music] I'll use a slid to get across this toxic sludge slide who need to be a slalom to activate the security world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] excellent ricochet walls plus reagan equals fun for Stewie [Music] destroy them from the inside excellent ricochet walls plus reagan equals fun for speery [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the armored others toughest I will need to destroy them from the inside [Music] [Music] why did it have to be closed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what this must be the armory a fantastic opportunity to power up my Vega [Music] my ray gun hopes now penetrates multiple enemies I feel like a regular basis for the Jesus power [Music] [Music] now I can charge up for an area if now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] from now on old finger painting will be done in there [Music] [Music] congratulations you're responsible for my 100th reaping of the game here's your prize [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you want this body crap [Music] [Music] you want this party [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry about the genocide so many iodine stains shrimp [Music] bodystyle yo you first you bastard [Music] [Music] [Music] stop I see you are fat so I challenge you to a hot dog eating contest if you can eat more than me you will have to eat more hot dog stand shitty in order to win it the magic doesn't work here fat boy is the of this thing find bigger ones Dinesh I need more than chef [Music] New York boys got nothing on this snack mode [Music] [Music] hey it looks like this one it somebody man we must have blown a budget higher and all those characters we couldn't afford another minigame so how about pressing a button yeah do that yay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you bursted [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] watch my sexy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Solar plexis your turn enough of your detectives my triceps [Music] so bad I was hoping those guys could have told me where mr. Belvedere is hidin Jase you can never find your way out of these casinos I hate a skimps on maintenance and you know the way out of here it's that freaky head again this is not over to the dark [Music] looks like the police had the same thought I did the place is crawling with can have to be careful if I'm gonna get through the crowd here the father has to be here somewhere be here somewhere you can get the scent off of these drop tickets [Music] up next loan sharks cut by face zero their snot on this one nope not this one [Music] [Music] maybe the father of sea-breezes puppies is in the luxury boxes hey there's Carter that son of a dim wish I had a punch buddy nope not this one zero their snot on this one [Music] I'd rather be beating my name [Music] how can these people sleep at night blowing all their money while there's people like me who have to drink sheep zero their snot on this one nope not this one get a move on number four move your bloomin ass did someone misplace a canine how can these people sleep at night blowing all their money while there's people like me who have to drink cheap booze nope not this one [Music] get a move on number four but if you bloom in Oz you know there's snot on this one what are we protecting the mayor from again avocados does that rabbit is a real go-getter he's won every race so far mmm I think I found my new public works director that's the kind of guy that could lock his keys out of the car [Music] [Music] [Music] I love dog races but not as much as I love taffy and I am a man who loves his tapping these talking ostrich eggs are exquisite that rabbit is a real go-getter he's won every race so you might think I've found my new public works director [Music] didn't I just leave this guy [Music] the scent is an honest one [Music] kaya logical rhythms [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it would probably do me well to destroy these barrels of disease [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Schneider doing town so much I feel like a dockside what do it Gilligan Griffin runs from nothing [Music] Stewart Gilligan Griffin runs from nothing [Music] I think it would be a good idea to avoid the boiling liquid don't you [Music] [Music] what do it Gilligan Griffin runs from nothing [Music] it would be a good idea to avoid the boiling liquid don't you Stuart Gilligan Griffin runs from nothing [Music] [Music] it would be a good idea to avoid the boiling liquid don't you [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like I will have to jump the old-fashioned way [Music] [Music] looks like I would have to jump the old-fashioned way [Music] looks like I will have to jump the old-fashioned way [Music] looks like I would have to jump the old-fashioned way [Music] looks like I will have to jump the old-fashioned way [Music] Gertrud thinks he can hide from me at the top of this rockets ha that's so funny I forgot to laugh it's you I think [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] a slow clap really that's more cliched at that time I did that late night talk show monologue is nothing happening your cutaways won't work here Stewart they're much more expensive in a video game and take up far too much disk space yeah that's a shame I had a pretty good bit on a wreck tile dysfunction did you hear about the guy who got a viagra stuck in his throat he woke up with a stiff neck hahaha oh my father's joke enough of this banter let's warm careful where you aim that thing I wouldn't want you to miss and kill your best friend Rupert you see this is what happens when you go gallivanting around in someone else's hat once this satellite is launched no one will be safe from my mind control and Rupert will spend eternity circling the Earth oh not if I have anything to say about it extended that upgrade means I do even more damage [Music] there was a small nose a fireman I got to test am strong [Music] [Music] you know who that is you know I'm doing that's you that's what you sound like this is an over Stuart it's time we duke it out mano a mano let's say the playground in ten minutes let's see yeah I could reschedule that um let's say 30 minutes but know that it could really be more like 45 excellent I'll see you there [Music] here I come Belvedere come out come out wherever you are what the hell I am an otamatone nucular neohuman Android you may call me Anna I am a robot ninja from the planet England sent here to seek and destroy mr. Belvedere and all who stand in my way and I can do both regular chicks and robot chicks yeah [Music] Oh sandwich please it's just few time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] meet with your scurvy insult Peter and you are sorely mistaken you there stop yo-ho-ho and a bottle of whoop ass you bastard and that's smash Jules [Music] Darry sailors are no match for a cyborg ninja in the year you can blow them out of the water fight me sailors be plenty of time to catch simplest from prostitutes afterwards your fasted and his prediction pain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the poop deck deliveries made of the rig and you there stop oh crap the lucky ones shall die first you bastard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] coming down [Music] [Music] wait-wait-wait-wait [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey this unit just got a crazy idea [Music] I'm gonna need a disguise so I can get up in the bleachers to search for that ticket perfect now I just have to get that guy out from the counter will you choke me with your stick did you just ask me to choke you with my stick no cuz that's what it sounded like oh no no no no a little I'm counting on the candy they can throw their stuffs into the trash nope not this one [Music] peanuts like Stewie always says when in doubt set something on fire holy living crap fire these when these fire extinguishers are just painted coffee cans [Music] hey you think we should do something about that Jerry man I'm a fireman now I can infiltrate the stands without being seen this will not end well no beer for me I'm on duty [Music] all right now I all right now I can get down to some serious smoothing hey buddy what crap I better fill these people's orders otherwise my cover will be blown if I talk to someone who didn't order I'll get caught so I better remember who ordered thanks now paint my house yo boots selling guy I require some cotton candy and a large fruit punch hey bender show me your nuts nachos I got nachos [Music] hey peanuts who do I have to sleep with to get served around here I need another hot dogs I ain't the other one already hey over here ooh yummy I'm fat I love five-year-old hot dogs hey I want to stuff my face hey show me the food how about some service yeah that hot dog didn't stand a chance give me another [Music] I just love artificial food products I love month-old nachos man I didn't realize how much [Music] this is the scent the culprit is here but how do I draw him out I've got it if I disguise myself as Seabreeze and win the race maybe he'll come to me but how am I gonna manage to beat those other dogs what a good looking question and I think I might have a sexually compatible answer pills look I don't want to host a right-wing radio talk show and mega dittos to you sir just slip these pills into the dog's food and you can have sex with them while they're unconscious actually I just want to win the race well whatever you're into here we go now I just need to slip a little of this into each dog's dish and I'll win by a long shot gotta be careful not to get spotted though by the dogs or those kennel workers I wish my name was Chet people would be like hey Chet and I'd be like hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these kennels are much nicer than the ones in Bangkok gone now that was a weekend [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm standing that guy's gonna be a problem I need to do something to get him out of the way is that the race trophy I think I thought of a way to get his attention [Music] all these dogs do with bark and crap I hate my job Tricia Takanawa doesn't age a bit probably some ancient Chinese secret or Botox [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah crap they're all out in London Seinfeld followed closely by the British office followed by anything with jobs doing it except death to smoochy back in the packets Becker but now Metra stumbling badly Becker is fading Becker's being fast that reruns of night corner that's not Seabreeze that's Brian arrest that dog I'm not the father of sea-breezes puppies Joe I'm innocent sentimental hogwash but the real father is right here with us and he is none other than Glen quagmire what still less hair than a Greek chick quagmire huh wow I kind of thought it was gonna be that billionaire you know the guy that you still in that cable news station and was married to that 80's worked-out queen she hasn't really worked in a while kind of long in the tooth well she did have that one movie with that actress with a fat ass are you trying to get us sued [Music] bring it on your sand castle is substandard it shall be destroyed [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you cannot confuse my program with your pole beat sex orgy [Music] you cannot confuse my program with your speech by makini a [ __ ] stop with the negativity this is certainly a target-rich environment which I'll tell you what's rich the amusing folksy monologues of young real Rajas but me I like the visual slapstick gang like this comically oversized powder pump fake up ha ha ha ha ha that's rich you dar since you'll be tearing this town limb from limb and since no one seems man enough to make you walk the plank we've flown in one of your largest nemesis ease nem aside if I do remember in my Latin rightly I do believe the proper word would be nemec's yeah [Applause] fine with me so my enemies have employed their own cyborgs against me this unity compression side boy we must come to fight hey stupid [Music] [Music] ah Peter there you are Lois you escaped from mr. Belvedere Peter that is no mr. Belvedere he's just a TV character that we can use because Fox owns the rights to him but aside from that the actor who played him has been dead for years you destroyed half of Quahog looking for something that doesn't exist oh my god I'm a monster all the people whose ass is I can't I know you must feel bad Peter but maybe if you try to make amends with those people you make a lot of sense Lois and not to get all touchy-feely on you but what I hear you saying is that this is the kind of regret that is only cured by serious hardcore drinkin I love you problem solving wipes [Music] this is your last chance Stewart join me and together we can rule the galaxies brother and brother interesting over do you have a dental plan aye aye I haven't really thought about it you expect me to work without benefits I do speak English you know no I think the best thing is for me to kill you [Music] first loans and our Paula Graham's Bertram we get it you're powerful oh you deficient Portland Daniel straight deal [Music] your state field my will how embarrassing how do you expect to rule the world if you're nothing but a big baby yeah well I got your big baby right here oh hey man what the hell we may be brothers but that doesn't mean uncomfortable seeing your bone Tony [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've learned how to reverse your miniaturization effect now I'm bigger than you'll ever be I have a window of opportunity it's the high cloud if I hope to do him anytime [Music] I [Music] I might spare nice a certain window of opportunity [Music] like if I hope usually 10 [Music] [Music] I fight Sperry [Music] [Music] like Honey I Shrunk his package [ __ ] has its bowl tacky [Music] [Music] we've got to fight him over there about the sandbox of course I must destroy the device on his Vega to shrink him back to size to destroy that device on his gun [Music] my spear your anguish sustains me very well Stuart you've defeated me fair and square I have no option but to do this mommy well oh that is such a vagina thing to do maybe so but the fact is I live to fight another day until next time [Music] blast yeah that was time well spent Rupert what a day I just want to get home draw hot bath and spend some quality time with my thoughts no you can't watch I leave the door cracked Wow Horace I can't believe I destroyed the town and hurt all those people and all to find a guy who doesn't even exist what the hell was I thinking holy crap I knew it wait wait I already paid for this well let's do this but don't hit me in the stomach for a while you know cuz of the beer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you bursted [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you bursted [Music] you finished it [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh oh my gosh Tina are you okay yeah I'm fine Louis in fact I learned something today you can't always trust your feelings especially after watching five straight days of mr. Belvedere with no sleep and while constantly getting hit in the head by a very coincidentally large number of objects well I learned that the dog track is horse racing for poor people and I learned that I've got to stop over-scheduling myself I mean look at this book solid through next Thursday you know there's just one thing I don't get I know I was out of my mind in every way but I swear that mr. Belvedere head floating up in the sky was real hey there it is again what the hell is that Butler you're a hoot mr. Belvedere okay now here's my screech [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: XCageGame
Views: 1,709,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Family Guy, Family Guy video game, family guy full game, family guy longplay, family guy full episode, family guy walkthrough, family guy gameplay, xcagegame, griffin, No commentary
Id: 0vbAafXy0cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 44sec (13964 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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